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May 4, 2021 • 58min

How to push past creative blocks and tap into intuition and inspiration - Michelle Akin

This week's show is with Michelle Akin. Michelle is a Professional Certified Coach working with creatives who are ready to break up with their bullshit excuses and get their art out into the world. As a singer, songwriter, fiction author, and video producer, Michelle has made a name for herself as an authority on what it takes to push past creative blocks and tap into intuition and inspiration. Her online creative community, "Break Up With Your Bullshit," is filled with tons of artists, sharing their work and lovingly calling each other out on their BS. She is a mom of one, and lives in New Jersey with her husband, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and two very handsome dogs. In this show we spoke about creativity... what helps us to create more, what creates flow, how to tell the difference between fear and intuition when it comes to our creative ideas. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: Do what you love - not just in terms of enjoying the creation but also creating what you would enjoy consuming. Our relationship to our creativity is something we can choose to transform and expand, just like anything else. And just like with other transformation, accountability and feedback can be incredibly helpful. Create in a place such as a social media platform that you actually want to spend time in - just like you'd choose to live in a country you actually like! Resources and stuff that we spoke about: "Satisfied" song cover from Hamilton
Apr 22, 2021 • 41min

How you can use temples as a powerful portal to heal and learn - Freddy Silva

This week's show is with Freddy Silva. Freddy is an author, lecturer and travel guide to ancient sites. He writes and shares the wisdom of ancient civilizations and how we can use their wisdom to help us in today's world. Especially, in building our own temples to support our health and wellbeing. In this show we spoke about the ancient power of temples... how they're built and why they're built where they are, how we can connect with the wise, healing energy of temples locally and how you can create your own temple in your house - it can even be invisible! I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: Temples are gifts from other beings and are portals to higher frequencies of energy The change in the energy in temples, especially at dawn, can be actually measured. The veil is thin there - we can more readily receive healing, inspiration and wisdom Look for temples and natural energy spirals in your local environment - go connect with these powerful portals that are there for you! Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Apr 22, 2021 • 50min

How to use altered states of consciousness for ideas, solutions and guidance - David Luke

This week's show is with Dr David Luke. David is Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Greenwich, UK, where he has been teaching an undergraduate course on the Psychology of Exceptional Human Experience since 2009, and he is also Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Psychedelic Research, Imperial College London, and Lecturer on the MSc Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology for Alef Trust and Liverpool John Moores University. His research focuses on transpersonal experiences, anomalous phenomena and altered states of consciousness, especially via psychedelics, having published more than 100 academic papers in this area, including ten books, most recently Otherworlds: Psychedelics and Exceptional Human Experience (2nd ed., 2019). When he is not running clinical drug trials with LSD, conducting DMT field experiments or observing apparent weather control with Mexican shamans he directs the Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness salon at the Institute of Ecotechnics, London, and is a cofounder and director of Breaking Convention: International Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness. He has given over 300 invited public lectures and conference presentations; won teaching, research and writing awards; organised numerous festivals, conferences, symposia, seminars, retreats, expeditions, pagan cabarets and pilgrimages; and has studied techniques of consciousness alteration from South America to India, from the perspective of scientists, shamans and Shivaites. He lives life on the edge, of Sussex, UK. In this show we spoke about how we can use altered states of consciousness to receive ideas, solutions to problems and rich guidance for life, how those states are known and valued across the world and throughout time and it's only in modern culture that we've lost that knowledge, and finally how they're much more accessible than you might think. There's no need to fly across the world to take plant medicine unless that's what you really want to do. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: Your birthright is to be polyphasic and you can reach altered states of consciousness in many ways including hypnotic trance, psychedelics plant medicines, drumming, dreams and dance. These states provide an extremely valuable, and yet much misunderstood in modern culture, as a portal to receiving new ideas, solutions and healing. They have been understood as valuable throughout history and across the world until fairly recently, and also by some of the greatest thinkers and creators in the last century. It really is the secret sauce behind some of the most incredible things humans have done. You can use your dreams as a powerful state of consciousness by setting the intention for revelatory dreams, writing them down every morning, and noticing symbols and patterns that are showing up for you. The longer you do this, the more you'll notice what they're providing for you. Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Original Wisdom by Robert Wolff Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Apr 14, 2021 • 56min

The power of the Feminine in leadership

This week's show is Lian's All The Everything where she jams on an eclectic mix of topics, including questions from listeners. This is where you can get up close and personal with Lian, get inside her head and see what she's up to and thinking about. The making of this show also airs live on YouTube on the first Friday of every month, usually at 11am (UK time). You can check out the replay of the Live making of this episode on Youtube here. In this episode, Lian dived deep into The power of the Feminine in leadership. She covered what she means by the Feminine and how that can be expressed in a leadership role. Lian also highlighted what’s lacking in the majority of leadership today, which is role models expressing sovereignty. The lack of true adults in leadership (regardless of gender) is stifling so much of how we live in modern society, from intimate relationships, parenting, community cohesion, politics, and in the boardroom. Lian ended with some suggestions for next steps you can take if you're called to this path of embodying the Feminine in leadership. Here's Lian wearing her crown! We’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below. Resources and stuff that Lian spoke about: Waking The Wild Feminine The webinar about Waking The Wild Medicine Ways to walk the path of Waking The Wild Our YouTube channel where the show airs live on the first Friday of every month, usually at 11am (UK time). You can check out the replay of the Live making of this episode on Youtube here. Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your device every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Apr 6, 2021 • 49min

How to invoke the power of God as both father and lover - with Dr Stephania Sciamano

This week's show is with Dr Stephania Sciamano. Stephania is an Energy Surgeon devoted to Truth and Embodiment of Your Rich Genius. She spent 9 years in private natural medicine practice before working exclusively with ambitious men and woman to increase Wealth, Vitality, and Energy in all its forms. The successful clients who come into her practice are powerful experienced Healers, Creatives, and Magicians – yet the illusive cap on their success is frustrating the hell out of them. She believes that powerful people experience a specific set of mental and physical symptoms at higher levels of success...which creates an energetic cap on their “Havingness”. …and conventional solutions don’t work because they don’t address Wealth Consciousness, Masculine/Feminine Dynamics, the Dark Side of your Power, or how this relates to Genius. Her protocol assesses, arrests, and then reverses the slide! Her clients calm their nerves, lose their mental slumps, become attractive again to themselves and their partners, and create reliable windfalls of cash –in their specific genius – without the crash. In this show we spoke about Stephania's rather naughty-sounding philosophy on the power of relating to God as both father and lover and the deep gifts that provides. I love this show - such a rich and juicy one! I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: If we see there's pure love Consciousness, within that there is Masculine Love Consciousness (ie God) and Feminine Love Consciousness (ie Goddess) Most women in our culture have an excess of Yang and a depletion of Yin, which means they're unavailable to be fully provided and penetrated by the Masculine in all its forms, including men, money and God. I love Stephania's suggestion of finding ways to enter into relationship with the embodied archetypes of father and lover and the various ways these can be manifested as both Gods (e.g. Zeus) or men (e.g. Jason Momoa!) Allow yourself to have the deep Feminine desire to be provided to and penetrated, it's only from there that it can happen. Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Find me on Instagram Find me on LinkedIn Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Mar 29, 2021 • 1h 20min

How you can allow death to teach you about life - with Phil Goddard interviewing Lian

This week's show is with Phil Goddard... when he interviewed me for a change! Phil had an intuitive nudge to reach out to me and ask if I'd like him to interview me about my father, my childhood, my relationship and the gifts and lessons I received from his life and his death. I said a big, fat YES and the rest is history! A bit about Phil, who has been on the show at least a couple of times before... Phil helps business owners and leaders enjoy their personal relationships as much as they enjoy their work, creating easy, prosperous and loving personal & professional relationships. He is an internationally renowned life & relationship coach, speaker, leadership consultant, and lover of life and humanity.  A published author, he is also the host of both The Coaching Life and Naked Hearts Podcasts.  His work centres around transforming relationships and leadership through developing a deeply grounded understanding of the principles behind our human experience and the nature of how our experience of life is created. In this show, as well as speaking about my father, I asked the members of the Primal Happiness fb group if they had any questions about death that they'd like us to explore in this conversation. Their questions were incredibly varied, including: “What are your insights on our capacity to create space, trust, and connection around death (especially when the individual that’s died was divisive in life)?” “Why if time is not linear do we mainly hear about past lives and not future lives?” “When we feel closer to a loved one that’s passed what is it being felt?” “If messages are received from people that have passed who/what is the message actually from?” “Why might we fear ghosts and is this fear hiding something from us or holding us back in some way?” “What is the egos role in death, if any at all?” “Psychedelics hint to the shedding of ego prior to death. If so, is there a more limited role for the ego while alive? What does that practice look like?” And I think we answered them all!   This was an incredibly rich conversation and I will be forever grateful to Phil for suggesting it and then providing me with such a beautiful, loving space to explore this topic which clearly means a lot to me. What a man he is - truly a gift to the world! We’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below. Resources and stuff that we spoke about Phil can be contacted via and found on Facebook via
Mar 23, 2021 • 50min

How to master the hidden energetic exchange of money - Dave Burns

This week's show is with Dave Burns who is a coach, angel investor, and essayist. With a background in relational work, partnered meditation, mindful business training and classical philosophy, his work today centres around the interplay between ancient wisdom and modern practicality. A very happy husband, he lives in Costa Rica with his wife, in a small town where the jungle meets the sea. In this show we spoke about the hidden energies of financial exchange, Dave dived deep into sooo many money questions such as: why is it so challenging to charge money for a service-based business? Why does it seem so easy to make money after a certain point? Why is it that I have so much trouble saving? Why does it vanish? How do I cultivate consistent habits without being controlling, restrictive, self-abusive? Ultimately, this episode did an incredible job of illuminating the money landscape so we can choose to cultivate a conscious relationship with it. dogs barking x 2: 11.44mins , 13.09 , possibly another! What you'll learn from this episode: Money is a store of human life because life is scarce - taking life force is usually described as consuming or eating therefore taking someone's money is like cannibalism Of course we will have resistance to eating and being eaten by other humans so it's no wonder we can have so much resistance around money! Indigenous cultures have a conscious and sacred relationship of the thing they're consuming -  we can begin to create a similar relationship by giving thanks and praise to the things you're eating and the lives that brought it to you Receiving a lot of money can feel uncomfortable and greedy when we aren't bringing the reverence and consciousness to it I love Dave's suggestion of creating an alternative to the loving kindness meditation: (may I be peaceful, may you be peaceful, may you be well)...  May I be consumed, may you be devoured, may you be received Resources and stuff that we spoke about:
Mar 9, 2021 • 53min

How to invoke devotion as a magical way of life

This week's show is Lian's All The Everything where she jams on an eclectic mix of topics, including questions from listeners. This is where you can get up close and personal with Lian, get inside her head and see what she's up to and thinking about. The making of this show also airs live on facebook on the first Friday of every month at 11am (UK time). In this episode, Lian dived deep into: What she's been consuming What she's been creating How to invoke devotion as a magical way of life We’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below.
Mar 8, 2021 • 1h 1min

How to reclaim the power of the wild and magic that's your birthright - Aidan Wachter

This week's show is with Aidan Wachter. Aidan has been involved in practical magic since the 1980s.  He is an animist and is deeply concerned with the effects of modern Western life-ways on the human animal, on both physical and spiritual levels. Aidan views a living magical practice as a path to heal many of the problems we face today and a way of being that is intrinsic to the creatures we are. He is the author of Six Ways: Approaches & Entries to Practical Magic and Weaving Fate: Hypersigils, Changing the Past & Telling True Lies. ​In this show we explored the intersection of rewilding and magic - or how they're actually two sides of the same coin, or "one stone" as Aidan says. Given the power of both rewilding and magic, bringing the understanding of them together in this way is such an important and helpful conversation for anyone who wants to reclaim their power. I absolutely loved it - I hope you do to. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: Indigenous - ie wild - cultures across the world and throughout history evolved with magic being part of the worldview and way of relating to themselves and everything around them. Aidan actually says that he sees magic as the defining root of human culture. Typically modern magic hasn't included an understanding of the importance of rewilding - therefore unless someone has already been on the rewilding path, any magical practice will be  happening over the top of domesticated ways of thinking and being. If we were raised in wild ways we would have been guided to live in a way that was in alignment with our deepest self (which we could describe as the soul or True Will) but those of us who were raised in this modern culture will need to rewild to release the dreams, visions, ideas and fears that aren't native to us For those of us who are already on the rewilding path, the understanding and practice of magic provides us with the power to create positive change in the world that is in alignment with our deepest self
Feb 26, 2021 • 57min

The scientific truth of real magic (and why it has been hidden) - Dean Radin

This week's show is with Dean Radin PhD, who is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Science (IONS), Distinguished Professor of Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), and a science adviser for several startup companies. His original career track as a concert violinist shifted into science after earning a BSEE degree in electrical engineering (magna cum laude, with honours in physics) from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and then a Masters in electrical engineering and PhD in psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. For a decade he worked on advanced R&D at AT&T Bell Laboratories and GTE Laboratories. For over three decades he has been engaged in research on the nature and capacities of consciousness. Before joining the research staff at IONS in 2001, he held appointments at Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, and SRI International, where he worked on a classified program of psychic espionage, now commonly known as StarGate. ​He is author or co-author of over 300 scientific, technical, and popular articles, four dozen book chapters, two technical books, and four popular books including the Scientific and Medical Network's 1997 book award, The Conscious Universe (HarperOne, 1997), Entangled Minds (Simon & Schuster, 2006), the 2014 Silver Nautilus Book Award, Supernormal (Random House, 2013), and Real Magic (Penguin Random House, 2018). Entangled Minds, Supernormal and Real Magic are available as paperback, e-books, and audio books. These books have been translated into Spanish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, Latvian, Turkish, Czech, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Arabic. ​His 100+ academic articles appear in peer-reviewed scientific journals ranging from Foundations of Physics and Physics Essays to Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Psychological Bulletin, and Psychology of Consciousness. He was featured in a New York Times Magazine feature article; and he has appeared on dozens of television programs around the world. His 500+ interviews and talks have included presentations at Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, Columbia, Cambridge (England), Edinburgh (Scotland), The Sorbonne (Paris), University of Padova (Italy), and University of Allahabad (India) . His invited talks for industries have included Merck, Google, Johnson & Johnson, and Rabobank, and his government talks have included the US Navy and US Army, the Naval Postgraduate School, DARPA, the Indian Council of Philosophical Research (India), the International Center for Leadership and Governance (Malaysia), and the Australian Davos Connection  (Australia).  In 2017 he was named one of the 100 most inspiring people in the world by the German magazine, OOOM, and as of 2018 his filmography on IMDB lists 18 documentaries he's appeared in. Note: Dean is not a therapist, nor a psychic or a paranormal investigator. He is a scientist who studies psychic phenomena. If you are disturbed by psychic experiences, he recommends that you contact a psychologist or psychiatrist knowledgeable about these experiences. Another resource is the Spiritual Emergence Network. ​In this show we explored Dean's incredible life's work on the topic of real magic! We explored the reasons magic has been so put into shadow in our culture, his scientific studies on this topic and lastly why magic is anything but a fantastical, dreamy, made-up topic - it's actually the most important conversation we could be having as a species right now. This is such a treasure trove of a show - I'm delighted to be able to share it with you.

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