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Sep 21, 2022 • 52min

How women can reclaim meaningful elderhood to create a wiser, more authentic world - Dr. Sharon Blackie

This week's show is with Dr. Sharon Blackie. Award-winning mythologist, psychologist, and writer Dr. Sharon Blackie is widely known and regarded for her publications, classes, seminars, and workshops  which centers on the growth of the mythic imagination and the applicability of myth, fairy tales, and folklore to the social, political, and environmental issues of today. She has written five works of fiction and nonfiction, including the best-selling If Women Rose Rooted, and her work has also been published in collections, anthologies, and other international media sites, including the Guardian, the Irish Times, and the Scotsman. Her novels have been translated into other languages, and she has given interviews on her subject matter to the BBC, US public radio, and other media. Sharon has given lectures and classes at several universities, Jungian organizations, retreat centers, and cultural events all around the world. In this show, Sharon and Lian explored the topic of female elderhood and her work to support women to reclaim their Inner Hag, mature into their own unique expression of hagitude and pass down their deep feminine wisdom for the benefit of their community. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: We can reclaim menopause as a time of stripping away, letting go of the roles and expectations of our life and culture, allowing us to open to the deeper knowing of who we are and are to become The archetypes Sharon described, such as the fairy godmother and the truth teller, are ones that it's clear are deeply needed in our culture The vision Sharon spoke of, that of a wiser, more authentic world is one that many of us see is needed and are looking for solutions for... the Hag seems to be an important part of the answer Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Sharon Blackie's Official Website: Sharon Blackie Sharon Blackie's book and a year-long membership program: Hagitude: Reclaiming the Second Half of Life Sharon Blackie's Books and Writings: Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life Foxfire, Wolfskin and other stories of shapeshifting women If Women Rose Rooted, Nautilus Book Award Winner 2016 The Enchanted Life: Reclaiming the magic and wisdom of the natural world The Long Delirious Burning Blue The Art of Enchantment – her publication on Substack Susan Guner's social media accounts you might want to follow: Instagram Facebook Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Sep 15, 2022 • 1h 29min

A practical guide to a day in the life of the Feminine - Lian Brook-Tyler

This week’s show is Lian’s All The Everything where she jams on an eclectic mix of topics, including questions from listeners. The LIVE making of the show is recorded in our Facebook group and for the first 30mins before Lian hits the record button you are invited to a pre-show party to get up close and personal with Lian and have your questions on the month’s topic answered. To receive a reminder of when the pre-show party and LIVE making of All The Everything is happening, make sure you’re subscribed to our email list and are a member of the Facebook group. In this episode, Sara from Team Waking The Wild interviewed me and we dived deep into the topic: A practical guide to a day in the life of the Feminine. We explored: What is the Feminine and what does the definition suggest about there being an inner Masculine? How I was called into devotion to the Feminine How we can hear the Feminine Examples of how I begin my day   Resources and stuff that I spoke about: Here are links to a few podcast episodes on shadow: How women can help men grow and heal How to navigate the shadow of the Masculine & Feminine polarity world What it means to embody the Feminine. And why it’s so powerful. Men & Women, Black & White, Spirit & Science… Why the future is Union The power of the Feminine in leadership Depiction of Elen of the Ways, called Sovereignty by Peter Yankowski, and Soul of the rose by John William Waterhouse. The Primal Happiness fb group Subscribe to the Moonly News Go deeper Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Thursday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Sep 6, 2022 • 1h 6min

How to invoke the power and blessings of the King archetype - John Patrick Morgan

This week's show is with John Patrick Morgan. John Patrick is a Philosopher and Champion for Being whose life purpose is to serve the one person in front of him, right here and right now. To see them fully, to create who they are and to make a meaningful difference for them honestly and completely. He leads a team of Creating Champions who teach, coach, and guide thousands of entrepreneurs and artists in being more free, loving, and powerful. By learning and embodying the Creating perspective, their clients achieve a union of outcomes in spiritual growth, material success, and social impact. The foundation of John Patrick Morgan’s role as a philosopher, teacher, and guide, is his being a real-world practitioner. He walks his talk, lives what he teaches, and has a genuine and powerful commitment to creating everybody. Post his formal studies in Physics and Mathematics, John Patrick built multiple small businesses (including one from a laptop and a backpack before the term ‘digital nomad’ existed), developed real estate, traveled the world for years on end, coached human rights leaders, recorded albums & toured with his band, created a kids library in Cambodia, learned to scuba dive & pilot gliders, published writing and photography, competed as a black belt & triathlete, trained with Buddhist monks in India, cycled toured for months and many other adventures. In recent years, his adventures have turned inward as his family came to be. He and his wife now reside with their two young boys in the countryside at 4000′ on a mountain in Maui. Beyond his daily work with clients, he has been invited to share his ideas and spirit on numerous stages. (TEDx, Global Citizens Forum, BBC & SkyTV, YES Group, Interesting Talks London, InsideOut Movement, METal International, educational institutions, etc.) At a private event, attended by many of the world’s billionaires, JP was invited to speak on creating a world world without borders. At the University of Cambridge, he was the subject of a covert study between the psychology and business departments where researchers sought to understand the impact of his state of being. In this conversation, John Patrick and I explored the archetype of the King - what he means to each of us, how and why JP has been working with him and what doing so has created so far in his life. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: As JP shared, we can often have wounds around powerful archetypes like the King and the Queen, bringing those wounds and the truth of the archetypes into awareness can be deeply healing and ultimately, create a portal to expansion into deeper aspects of ourselves The King provides a level of elevation, where a man embodying him can see the impersonal truth of things and the vast array of possibilities available to him, and I loved how JP described moving between that elevation and then back into the reality of his physical body, where some things are not possible or aligned but other things are Lastly, I loved hearing JP speak of the new level of power, depth and decisiveness that's become embodied in him as he's been working with the King, he said "I feel like my spine is taller and straighter. Maybe I've grown an inch. I don't know. My voice has deepened and continues to deepen. I am shocked at how simple things can be and how much quicker things can move when the King is expressed, how he's been taking action." whilst the call to an archetype goes way beyond material results, it still is beautiful to know how our lives can be enriched in doing so. Resources and stuff that we spoke about Thank you for listening! There's fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you'll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Thursday (that way you'll never miss an episode): Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Aug 18, 2022 • 59min

How to guide children into connection with nature, spirit and magic - Huw Mackin

This week's show is with Huw Mackin. Huw Mackin is a British Shamanic practitioner, residential child practitioner, a highly qualified outdoor professional, international mountain leader, natural horse handler, bushcraft and survival expert, and above all else, a father. Huw came from a long profession working with emotionally traumatised children and young people for local authorities and other institutions. Inspired by the shortcomings of these institutions, Huw created long term immersive wilderness based programs for local authorities focused on rehabilitating children deemed ‘unreachable’, with great success. The progression of Huw’s professional career, along with his own personal healing journey, and the realisation that the problems facing humanity today stem from a lost connection with the natural world, inspired Huw to launch his company: Primal Healing, which offers a range of healings, expeditions, courses and programs designed to support people back into relationship with the natural world, one of which being ‘Wildlings school of Woodcraft & Wiccary’, the UK’s first animistic nature based school for children. Taking inspiration from present day indigenous tribal cultures, folklore, mythology, this land’s history and our ancestral spiritual heritage, Huw created Wildlings School, offering children a greater understanding of how to maintain a direct and boundless relationship with this truly magical world through exploration and play. Wildlings School of Woodcraft and Wiccary - where folklore is law, magic is real and everything is possible. In this show, we spoke about... children and animism. We explored Huw's own challenges in childhood, including spending time in care, and the way his connection with nature was so important to him; his journey to this point of working with children and introducing them to Spirit via nature; and finally, Huw shared some practical ways, care givers can introduce children to this path. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: I loved what Huw said about how children are naturally immersed in a magical world and then as adults, we feel a deep yearning for it - guiding our children to create a relationship to nature as the tangible face of Spirit allows them to never grow out of magic. Whilst nature connection via rewilding can be beneficial, what are we connecting to? Communing with nature as an intentional opening to Spirit is what allows all of us to reclaim the deeply connected way of living that is our heritage and birthright. Be led by the child. Adopt a spot - in the garden or somewhere on local land, build a relationship with it, making offerings, and share stories about the myths of the land. Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Wildlings School of Woodcraft & Wiccary Official Website Wildlings School of Woodcraft & Wiccary Instagram: @wildlings_school Follow Huw in Social Media: Instagram: @huwmackin Facebook: Huw Mackin Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Aug 3, 2022 • 56min

What near death experiences teach us about living more beautiful lives - Dr. Bruce Greyson

This week's show is with Dr. Bruce Greyson. Dr. Bruce Greyson is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. He was a co-founder and President of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, and Editor of the Journal of Near-Death Studies. Dr. Greyson has published more than a hundred scholarly articles about near-death experiences in peer-reviewed medical journals and three academic books. He has addressed more than a hundred national and international professional conferences. His research for the past four decades has focused on near-death experiences and particularly their after-effects and implications. His book, After: A Doctor Explores What Near- Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond, is his first trade book bringing his scientific research to a popular audience. In this conversation, Dr. Greyson and I explored what NDEs teach us about life. We talked about experiences people have, the research that shows what might be creating these experiences, and what happens to people afterwards. We explore why understanding NDE could benefit us all. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: The evidence on NDE shows that what takes place can't solely be explained by a shutting down of the brain - as Bruce said, it's really a combination of that and something else that shows that consciousness isn't created in the brain Bruce said that the thing he hears over and over from people who have had NDE is that they say they now understand why there's The Golden Rule in all religions: "Do unto others and you would have done unto you", it's because whatever we do to others, we do to ourselves because we're ultimately all one We don't have to have a NDE personally in order to benefit from them, simply learning about NDE and what they suggest about our universe, can in itself bring a deeper sense of peace and security Resources and stuff that we spoke about Dr. Bruce Greyson Official Website Dr. Bruce Greyson Book: After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal About Life and Beyond Links to published resources: Dr. Greyson’s published articles on NDEs The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation The Journal of Near-Death Studies   Thank you for listening! There's fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you'll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Thursday (that way you'll never miss an episode): Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Jul 28, 2022 • 58min

How women can help men grow and heal - Debbie Beauchamp and Gina Holland

This week's show is with Debbie Beauchamp and Gina Holland. Debbie Beauchamp and Gina Holland are both Co-directors of Celebration of Being Limited. Debbie has been involved with Celebration of Being since 2003 and facilitates the workshops with Gina. She holds the vision and management of COB and is passionate about sharing this work with others. She is an accredited counsellor and family constellation facilitator working with individuals, couples and children. She is mother to three beautiful daughters and has a wealth of training and life experience to draw on in her work. Debbie specializes in working with Trauma and its impact on people’s way of being in the world. She support’s people to reclaim and integrate aspects of themselves and remember their essence and access their magnificence so they can create a life that expresses all of who they are. This allows them to shine and radiate their love to make a difference in the world and inspire others to do the same. Gina, on the other hand has been involved with Celebration of Being since 1999. She facilitates the workshops with Debbie. She is a qualified counsellor and has been practicing for over 20 years; her methods and skills are deeply rooted in her own life experience and ongoing personal development. As a lover of truth and a devotee of reality, she loves to support others in living an authentic and passionate existence, embracing the divine with-in the ordinary and integrating this into everyday life. Her life’s purpose, along with being a conscious mother and grandmother, is reminding others of their true nature by continuously pointing towards what is ever present and already free. Her love of presence and passion for community continues to inspire and motivate her life’s work with individuals, groups and with-in the beautiful, loving and expanding Celebration of Being community in the UK. In this conversation, we spoke about the power of women holding space for and supporting men to heal, which was inspired by a line on their website: "A loving compassionate woman can reconnect a man to his greatness faster than any other force in the world.", we spoke about the power of circle, rites of passage and creating spaces of love and acceptance within which men can heal. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: Debbi and Gina provide the womb-like space of acceptance, warmth and compassion that provides the safety that allows men to drop their coping mechanisms and do the healing work they need So much of trauma is pre-verbal and in order to get access to the place it's held often requires the help of The Mystery, of Spirit, to work through us, even if we can't fully understand how it works There's a lot in the media now about how women have been wounded by men, and yet Debbi and Gina have seen so many examples of where men have been wounded by women and the impact that's had on them. Because of the cultural narrative, it can be challenging for men to find spaces to share their experiences but it's so healing when they can I loved what Debbie said about how when men experience women being devotional, honouring and respectful, it activates something in them that allows them to have a different experience of the Masculine and themselves as men Resources and stuff that we spoke about Celebration of Being Official Website Thank you for listening! There's a fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you'll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Thursday (that way you'll never miss an episode): Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
22 snips
Jul 24, 2022 • 1h 19min

How to use human design to create more loving relationships - Damien Bohler

In this lively discussion, Damien Bohler, founder of Evolutionary Relating, dives into the transformative power of human design in relationships. He shares how understanding our unique traits can foster deeper intimacy and empathy. The conversation highlights the importance of self-acceptance and celebrating differences rather than conforming to societal norms. Damien also explores the dynamics of various human design types and the unique roles they play in building harmonious connections. Get ready to rethink how you relate to yourself and others!
Jul 7, 2022 • 53min

How to recognise the tests of expansion and not go into contraction - Lian Brook-Tyler

This week’s show is Lian’s All The Everything where she jams on an eclectic mix of topics, including questions from listeners. The LIVE making of the show is recorded in our Facebook group and for the first 30mins before Lian hits the record button you are invited to a pre-show party to get up close and personal with Lian and have your questions on the month’s topic answered. To receive a reminder of when the pre-show party and LIVE making of All The Everything is happening, make sure you’re subscribed to our email list and are a member of the Facebook group. In this episode, I dived deep into the topic: How to recognise the tests of expansion and not go into contraction     Resources and stuff that I spoke about: Here are links to a few podcast episodes on shadow: The Shadow Pole: Do you know when your actions are still coming from fear? How to work with your Shadow Needs to illuminate soul and spirit How to navigate the shadow of the Masculine & Feminine polarity world How to create your life through magic, shadow work and personal story What gold is buried deep in your shadow How to go into your shadow to find the gold Sovereignty as a way to stop playing small: You’re not helpless, you’re powerful! The Primal Happiness fb group Subscribe to the Moonly News Go deeper Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Jul 4, 2022 • 55min

How to raise children with a magical perspective on life - John Patrick Morgan

This week's show is with John Patrick Morgan. John Patrick is a Philosopher and Champion for Being whose life purpose is to serve the one person in front of him, right here and right now. To see them fully, to create who they are and to make a meaningful difference for them honestly and completely. He leads a team of Creating Champions who teach, coach, and guide thousands of entrepreneurs and artists in being more free, loving, and powerful. By learning and embodying the Creating perspective, their clients achieve a union of outcomes in spiritual growth, material success, and social impact. The foundation of John Patrick Morgan’s role as a philosopher, teacher, and guide, is his being a real-world practitioner. He walks his talk, lives what he teaches, and has a genuine and powerful commitment to creating everybody. Post his formal studies in Physics and Mathematics, John Patrick built multiple small businesses (including one from a laptop and a backpack before the term ‘digital nomad’ existed), developed real estate, traveled the world for years on end, coached human rights leaders, recorded albums & toured with his band, created a kids library in Cambodia, learned to scuba dive & pilot gliders, published writing and photography, competed as a black belt & triathlete, trained with Buddhist monks in India, cycled toured for months and many other adventures. In recent years, his adventures have turned inward as his family came to be. He and his wife now reside with their two young boys in the countryside at 4000′ on a mountain in Maui. Beyond his the daily work with clients, he has been invited to share his ideas and spirit on numerous stages. (TEDx, Global Citizens Forum, BBC & SkyTV, YES Group, Interesting Talks London, InsideOut Movement, METal International, educational institutions, etc.) At a private event, attended by many of the world’s billionaires, JP was invited to speak on creating a world world without borders. At the University of Cambridge, he was the subject of a covert study between the psychology and business departments where researchers sought to understand the impact of his state of being. In this conversation, a part two to our last episode about magic, John Patrick and I explored the topic of magic when it comes to children - how we can parent in a way that both allows children to retain their natural sense of magic and possibility, and at the same time, gives them an understanding of what we might call our cultural "agreed upon reality", holding both lightly as we do. We spoke about all kinds of examples, including personal stories from our own families. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: I loved the example of dragons and dinosaurs that JP gave - this is such a great metaphor for how we can hold and teach so many things to our children. Whether we're talking about a rational reality or a magical one - there's benefit in holding both lightly with the openness to possibility, knowing that we don't know what we don't know. Children are naturally very open to magic and archetypes, in the form of role-playing super heroes, our role is to help them to continue to stay open to magic so that one day they can create with it as adults Resources and stuff that we spoke about Thank you for listening! There's fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you'll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Thursday (that way you'll never miss an episode): Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Jun 25, 2022 • 1h 17min

What shamanic wisdom has to teach us about healing mental illness - Jez Hughes

This week's show is with Jez Hughes. Jez Hughes is a British shaman, having studied intensively the path of shamanism for 30 years. His healing journey began when, as a teenager, he experienced a fit that propelled him into an altered state of consciousness. It took a long time to integrate that experience and find healing for the physical and mental disturbances it initiated. This journey that he now understands as a shamanic one lasted for around 17 years and took him through healing and spiritual traditions across the earth until he finally came home to shamanism and found practical methods to cure himself. He has studied with various teachers and indigenous elders across the world. Jez's work has featured in the national press, as well as TV and radio and magazines including Sacred Hoop, Natural Health, Kindred Spirit and Soul & Spirit. His first book, The Heart of Life – Shamanic Initiation and Healing in the Modern World, was published in 2015 and his new book The Wisdom of Mental Illness – Shamanism, Mental Health and the Renewal of the World was published by Watkins. Jez’s passion is empowering people to reawaken their ancestors, the land where they reside and their spiritual heritages to heal the relationship between the human and natural world. In this conversation, Jez and I explored shamanic wisdom when it comes to mental illness. We spoke about how out of balance with the natural world we are as a culture and how that manifests as mental illness, amongst other things, that although we tend to see mental illness as a personal issue, its really a cultural issue being expressed though individuals, and lastly, how some form of more extreme mental illness may actually be shamanic sickness - seen as an important and necessary part of the initiation of indigenous shamans. And we ended the show with Jez giving some practical suggestions for moving towards balance and healing. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: Our modern culture doesn't really understand that there's a balance that's out of balance, so its no wonder we are where we are when it comes to so many things, and especially mental health. For us to understand there's a natural balance between humans and the unseen powers behind nature, allows us to begin the work of returning to balance. As you heard, Jez was not saying that all forms of mental health issues are shamanic sickness - and yet, it's important to understand that some may well be, that gives context and meaning that can be healing in and of itself, both for the person and ultimately the community they'll serve to bring back into balance. Jez suggested going into nature and making offerings and also building and sitting with a fire... these are ways to bring us back to our bodies and begin to create balance, however small, with the natural world. Resources and stuff that we spoke about Jez's Official Website: Second Sight Healing Jez's Book Follow Jez's in Social Media Facebook Account Facebook Page Twitter Youtube Channel Thank you for listening! There's fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you'll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Thursday (that way you'll never miss an episode): Thank you! Lian & Jonathan

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