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Jan 8, 2025 • 0sec

609- Nature-Based Consciousness is the Rule, Not the Exception – A New Era (Free)

Jan 1, 2025 • 0sec

608- Secret Societies, the Sun & Rising Consciousness in the New Era (Free)

We are currently experiencing solar maximum. This relates to a supposed 11-year cycle that focuses on solar magnetism. During solar max, the sun’s activity increases, to include the number and frequency of sunspots and prominences. The sun is very active right now, and more so than I have ever observed. Along with increased activity from our sun, we are experiencing an era shift, which is also directly related to our sun. The sun is always a big deal, but right now, it is like we are experiencing the solar Olympics. But wait, there is more! The sun relates directly to our health and consciousness. I consider the sun as a lens that is constantly focusing energies into our realm that allow for, and support, and make possible…conscious life and its various qualities. These energies ebb and flow, and are constantly changing. The difference between summer and winter is an example of this, but astrology seeks to pay attention to more diverse energies that are undeniable in my view, and it is these energies that are fueling our consciousness shift. You may have noticed that consciousness is rising in many of us. Even animals are experiencing a consciousness shift. As an example, I saw a bulldog use a skateboard in the way it was supposed to be used! If this happened in the 1970s, that dog would be one world famous dog. In my view, the consciousness shift is tied to the era change and the solar cycle. It is also probably why we see every effort being made to block sunlight with a seemingly endless worldwide fleet of secret unmarked planes spraying metals and blocking sunlight, while affecting weather patterns. It seems that those who seek to control this world do not want human consciousness to rise, and know that it is the sun driving the upgrade. Speaking of secretive organizations that are not helping, this episode is about Freemasonry and its interest in the sun. If you have ever wondered why the sun is such a big deal that even secret societies make it central to their existence, I have already told you why. It is the reason we have plants, animals, light, liquid water, seasons, warmth, life, and food, and is directly related to our health and consciousness. There is also another aspect of our sun that is so secret that very few minds will even accept the possibility, even when shown direct evidence. I am referring to the so-called second sun. The second sun is real, though it is not yet well-known. It seems to spend a lot of time behind our sun, and is therefore also directly related to the consciousness shift and lensing energies I have mentioned. There are eastern traditions that claim there is a binary to our sun, and when it gets close, our consciousness expands. The reciprocal is true as it moves away, leaving us with decreasing spiritual and conscious tendencies. It is now commonly known that nearly all the stars we see have binary partners, which should help one consider what I suspect will be well-known before long. I have left evidence in the solar images now available on the website. If you look closely, you will see that there is a glow from another object behind our sun. It is slightly off-set, and moves over time. Join us as we discuss the sun and its use in Masonic literature. Truly, the sun is important beyond description, so it should be no secret why it is endlessly encoded by secret societies. From age changes to seasons to consciousness shifts to hidden knowledge, the sun is central to it all. The new year will provide a front row seat to comprehensive historic changes that will go down in the annals of the ages. And in it, our sun will not be alone.
Dec 25, 2024 • 0sec

607- Cathedrals: Spiritual Paths in Glass & Stone are Vanishing (Free)

It was back in the spring of 2019 when I had been researching the amazing cathedrals of Europe. Specifically, France. To be a bit more specific, I was drilling down into Notre Dame and re-read “The Mystery of the Cathedrals” by Fulcanelli. Next, I proceeded to convert the research into episode #151 for the Crrow777 Radio community. During this episode, I warned that a spiritual path encoded in the glass and stone of the cathedrals was being erased. Exactly 30 days later, Natre Dame burned. (Read more…)
Dec 17, 2024 • 0sec

606- Chemistry Inc. Marries Supermarket Inc – Ingredients of Mass Destruction (Free)

America’s food supply is increasingly dominated by corporations that control every aspect of production, from seed to sale. But what happens when profit takes priority over nutrition and health? There is a growing concern about the quality and safety of U.S. food products. There are skyrocketing food recalls and troubling ingredient lists that too often escape public scrutiny. (Read more…)
Dec 16, 2024 • 0sec

605.5- MasterPeace Responds with Legal Action to Misinformation & Malice (Free)

The modern era has seen a troubling rise in coordinated misinformation, often wielded as a weapon to silence truth and innovation. This episode confronts one such campaign targeting a breakthrough detoxification product. Baseless accusations, unqualified claims, and outright fabrications have flooded the public arena, spreading doubt where none should exist. In response, legal action is being taken—a $200 million lawsuit against those responsible for propagating falsehoods. This episode carefully examines the accusations, dismantling them with evidence and reason. Misinterpretations of science, misuse of microscopy, and deceptive narratives are exposed for what they are: attempts to undermine a product that challenges entrenched systems of control. This is not just about a single product; it is about the broader battle for transparency and the right to access natural health solutions. As rights and freedoms face erosion, the importance of discernment and standing firm in truth has never been more critical. It has been said that when you are over the target you take flack, but what has happened here borders on the absurd, with an added measure of malice aforethought.
Dec 11, 2024 • 56min

605- WEF: The Rise of Corporate Governance Free of Voting and Rights (Free)

In the past, the expectation was that free speech in the public arena was protected. It used to be that laws and rules were created by elected lawmakers and governments. It used to be that freedom and rights were synonymous to “the free world”. These tenets of the western world are now under attack by powerful corporations who have spent decades gaining control of nearly everything that makes modern life possible. These multinational corporations have no intention of letting voting get in the way of their plans. They aim to make all the rules world-wide and then enforce them using technology and digital currency. This method has been proven effective by the phone in your pocket. Your phone holds everything there is to know about you… and yours. It is already being used to merciless effect in China. This is unfortunate, and emerging reality is clearly by design. We know this because we know who gave China the technology in 1997 at a picnic in Silicon Valley, USA. (Read more…)
Dec 3, 2024 • 0sec

604- Dental Chemicals, Your Teeth are OK but Your Gums Gotta’ Go (Free)

One of the biggest problems we face in the modern era is the refusal of mainstream systems (now mostly corporatized) to change or abandon known unhelpful, false, or even harmful practices. We see this in many fields. Among them are science, education, and unfortunately healthcare. As an example, modern medicine in America has become a place where pushing drugs is a dominant part of so-called healthcare. The drugs are not meant to cure anything as they are designed to mask symptoms, and yet prescription drug usage jumped 85% from 1997 to 2016. I could give you percentage estimates on how many Americans are taking prescription drugs, but as you know that number would be 100% if corporatized medicine had its way. Before you protest let me say one word to prove it – vaccines. Do you recall that magical one-size-fits-all pharmaceutical that did not require normal testing, and had the power to strip every American of their rights, free will, and livelihood? That is, if one was brave enough to opt out under withering social pressures heretofore unknown in this country. This episode is about our teeth, and practices we should consider before opening our mouths in a dental chair. Fluoride is used in many dental clinics, and municipal water supplies in America. Fluoride is a neurotoxin. Studies have suggested that fluoride is a human developmental neurotoxicant that reduces intelligence in children, and this is only one of many other concerns. It is placed in the same category as toxic metals, to include lead, methylmercury and arsenic. Speaking of toxic metals, mercury is also used in many dental clinics. Why? Why continue to use known toxins in medical applications? It makes no sense… unless there is an agenda at play. Why do mainstream information sources continue to defend the use of these toxins using words like “in low concentrations” to guard and defend continued usage? There is no system in place to track or measure the dosage of either mercury or the fluoride used in dentistry over a lifetime. This is troubling when one considers that mercury in a tooth is potentially life-long. As is brushing teeth and cleaning teeth with fluoride, on top of drinking and showering in fluoridation all the time. The “low dosage” message rings hollow over a cumulative lifetime. If we simply evaluate what has become of our food supply, water supply and modern medical and pharmaceutical practices, a pattern emerges. The pattern that emerges cannot be written off as negligence because it is systemic, and actively defended by the industries. These topics are also censored online, which is telling in and of itself, due to the silencing of opposing points of view. It has gotten so bad that many of our staple brands and products are banned in other countries due to harmful ingredients not legally permitted in those countries. Has America become ground zero for population reduction via unhealthy and toxic products and services? As hard as it is to write that sentence, it is even harder to ignore the systemic patterns, and evidence of disregard for people, so blatantly on display. Some years ago, America was the envy of the world. But things have changed in this regard. In the US corporations have continually grown in power and profit, while displaying a growing lack of concern for the rights and well-being of the people who make up their market. Contrary to news reports, populations here seem to be falling at an alarming rate under the growing power of a corporatocracy that refuses to value and respect humanity, or be subject to governing. Crrow777 Updates & Links: YouTube Live Stream Dec. 7th 2024: 1st YouTube Live Stream Nov. 23 2024: The 11th Members Only Solar Video: Single Solar Prints are Available: Bundle Solar Prints are Available: 2 Hour Film: “Shoot the Moon”: Spotify Hour 1 Only: X: Instagram: Telegram: Substack: Facebook: YouTube: Bitchute: LINKTREE: BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS: FREE PLAYLISTS:
Nov 26, 2024 • 0sec

603- The Divine Spark of Life, Free of Artificial and Toxic things (Free)

How do artificial things compare to natural things? Consider the most basic qualities you can think of pertaining to nature. Then, consider the most basic qualities you can imagine about artificial things. I am guessing that for most of us, a direct comparison of artificial versus natural is like creating a mental scale that refuses to find equilibrium. But in this consideration, at its most basic, one may realize that natural things can (and do), exist without artificial things. But artificial things do not exist at all without natural things. This is also true for all of us. It is also true for all of the things we require to exist. And yet, in this hyper materialized world, large numbers of us have been convinced that nature is something we must control, exploit and take for granted. Many of us have forgotten that nature is our life support system. Nature has always provided everything we need to exist. And not just exist—but exist at the highest possible level of health and happiness. Modern society no longer comprehends that nature is the setting and arbiter of our lives. It is the only place where truth is found, and proven. After all is said and done, the laws of nature cannot be broken. For well over a century now, most of us have forgotten what a world that values truth provides. It is this loss of truth that is fueling our current untenable reality. And so goes our medical system. Gone are the days when medicines actually cured disease and illness. Gone are the days where the majority of us were not overweight, unhealthy and sickly. Gone are the days where sudden death in all age groups was uncommon. Gone are the days when heart attacks in athletes and young people was unheard of. It is time we remember the importance of truth. It is time to remember where truth comes from. It is time to recall where the truth is proven, and authenticated by unbreakable laws. Until we raise the natural world back to its place of importance, we will continue to bite the hook of an artificial reaper, clothed in black robes, stitched together with 1s and 0s. This reaper presides over a system that dispenses petro-based poisons which are passed off as medicine, among many other unacceptable realities. It is time we remember that the Creator, through Nature, did not forget how to create healthy babies, nor did the man and woman who have been granted the divine spark of life, and maintain freewill. It is time we look around and recognize the cause of sickness, disease, unhappiness, misery and darkness. It is time we realize what the absence of truth has done to our lives. The natural world, and its proofs never left us. It is only the way we think about such things that has changed. The change was imposed through social engineering, by those who hide the truth. In this episode we cover a man and a woman who conveyed the most valuable gift one could ever hope for on their 1st birthday. The gift of Nature, which excludes all artificial and toxic things. This gift is a true head start, and represents hope for our future. **NOTE** The 11th member solar video is available now under the video link on the website. The light of this world is complex beyond description and as critical to our lives as food, water and air. I find much of what we have been told about our Sun to be false, but I do accept that it is intricately tied to the age change and world-wide consciousness shift. I currently accept that the Sun is hollow, a transformer, and linked to counter-space, which may be the energy source. It is high-time we quit accepting what Keppler and Copernicus handed us, because a man name Tycho Brahe actually told us the truth. We have a right to know where it is we exist, and we now know it is on us to discover such truths.
Nov 19, 2024 • 0sec

602- REVOLVER (Film 9/11/05) – Wake Up Mr. Greene! (Free)

The number one question I am regularly asked about the film Revolver is, “Who is Mr. Gold?” Actually, this question is answered in the very beginning of the film. The following quote is attributed to Julius Caesar; “The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look”. In the context of the movie Revolver, the place you would never look is your mind. This is made very clear in the film through the following quote from “The Road to Suicide” (pg1, line 1); “The only real enemy to have ever existed, is an internal one”. To be very clear, the confusing storyline in Revolver gives a name to “the eternal enemy who is hiding the very last place you would ever look” … Mr. Gold. And in this realm, we are all subject, (with very few exceptions), to Mister Black-Magic, Mister “I-run-this-game”, Mister Gold. Alas, Mr. Gold has other names you might know him by. Your Name, The Devil, The Other, The Enemy, Evil, The Ego. There is another key quote offered in the film Revolver which applies to the reality one must face when setting out to take control of the mind. “There is no avoiding war, it can only be postponed to the advantage of your enemy” (Niccolò Machiavelli, 1502). The longer one waits to face and defeat The Enemy at the Gate, the longer delusion and manipulation will be your bedfellow. Truly, Mr. Gold is responsible for all the pain and suffering there ever was in this world. At some point, one who wishes to spiritually advance must gain control by realizing that there is no external enemy. One must realize that the voice in their head, is not their voice at all. “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (KJV Luke 17:21). Yes, you have been told where to search to find spiritual elevation, salvation… God. Unfortunately, most of us were not told by corporate western religion that there is a gatekeeper with bad intent, blocking, and hiding the way to the inner sanctum. This is a force responsible for conveying and cementing the illusion of separation and separateness. In our minds this destroys the interconnectedness of all living beings. The one responsible for all of the pain and suffering in this world is born of self-centered delusion, while remaining veiled by the best disguise one could ever hope to employ against an opponent. The invisible enemy is silent because when you listen for him, you only hear yourself. Do you now resolve the value of the Golden Rule, now that the moving finger has written? How quickly it moves away. Leaving us, as always, with our thoughts. And what do those thoughts intimate? Does the voice/thought tell you this is all nonsense? Does it tell you to ignore the message of a silly, violent movie, and its ridiculous character Mr. Gold? Or, does it tell you something else, and if so, can you tell the difference? There is in fact an enemy at the gate. THE GREATEST CON HE EVER PULLED WAS MAKING YOU BELIEVE THAT HE IS YOU! SOLAR IMAGES NOW ON SALE! Purchase a single image: Single Solar Images Purchase multiple images: Multiple Solar Images Finally, my one-of-a-kind solar images are available for purchase. All images were shot in the hydrogen alpha wavelength and processed by me using a 130mm solar telescope. Images are large hi-res downloads that can be printed in feet or inches. Lunt, the scope manufacturer, told me there are only three scopes of this size sold in North America! The ability to do this work on the Sun… is now years in the making! **NOTE** The 11th member solar video is available now under the video link on the website. The light of this world is complex beyond description. It is as critical to our lives as food, water and air. I find much of what we have been told about our Sun to be false. I do accept that the Sun is intricately tied to the age change and world-wide consciousness shift. I currently accept that the Sun is hollow, better described as a transformer or converter, and linked to counter-space, which may be the energy source. It is high-time we quit accepting what Kepler and Copernicus handed us. A man name Tycho Brahe actually told us the truth. We have a right to know where it is we exist, and we now know it is on us to discover such truths.
Nov 13, 2024 • 0sec

601- A Man of Vision and what Could Be (Free)

In my lifetime, I have met precious few people who I would consider a visionary. Our guest in this episode is one of them, without a doubt. If I was a rich man, I would fund him for every project he could dream up — without hesitation. I have a renewed sense of what is possible following this conversation. I also, once again, wonder about what our past history was actually like in terms of nature-based science and technology (though technology feels like the wrong word). We also talk about our Sun, which remains near and dear to my heart. My views are quite different with regard to the light of this world from most folks I speak to. Having said that, I am in-line with many of the ideas that our guest brought to the table about our Sun. He also has years of first-hand solar observation and study under his belt. In my view, the Sun is critically tied to the era shift we are all experiencing now. In my heart of hearts, I truly miss the analog days, and continually quell a sense of foreboding with regard to the digital world that is here now, and ever expanding. It is at the expense of our rights, humanity, and freedom. I ask our guest point blank: “Which is better, analog or digital?” In short, we share the same view, but his knowledge of older and analog technology underscores what we are losing in the trade-off. I hope you all enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed meeting our guest. There were a number of times during our conversation where I wished I was a lot smarter. In the end, it did not matter due to his laid-back easy-going manner. The end of this year is near. I sense that 2025 will be a turning-point and one to remember. I want to wish you all a happy, healthy and higher-minded new era. May peace, love, and respect prevail in the very near future.   SOLAR IMAGES NOW ON SALE!   Purchase a single image: Single Solar Images   Purchase multiple images: Multiple Solar Images   Finally, my one-of-a-kind solar images are available for purchase. All images were shot in the hydrogen alpha wavelength and processed by me using a 130mm solar telescope. Images are large hi-res downloads that can be printed in feet or inches. Lunt, the scope manufacturer, told me there are only three scopes of this size sold in North America! The ability to do this work on the Sun… is now years in the making! **NOTE** The 11th member solar video is available now under the video link on the website. The light of this world is complex beyond description. It is as critical to our lives as food, water and air. I find much of what we have been told about our Sun to be false. I do accept that the Sun is intricately tied to the age change and world-wide consciousness shift. I currently accept that the Sun is hollow, better described as a transformer or converter, and linked to counter-space, which may be the energy source. It is high-time we quit accepting what Kepler and Copernicus handed us. A man name Tycho Brahe actually told us the truth. We have a right to know where it is we exist, and we now know it is on us to discover such truths.

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