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Nov 5, 2019 • 43min

Ep 109 | Book Review: Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World by Cal Newport

How would your life change if your digital world were clutter free? In today’s episode we explore the philosophy of digital minimalism - the belief that less can be more to our relationship with digital tools. This idea stems for Cal Newport’s book “Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World.” We’re trading in the question “does it spark joy?” for the question “is this the best way to use technology to support my values?” We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show. While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast. Joy Check What's sparking joy for Karin: Vernado fan cool NYC fall breeze, windows open! What's sparking joy for Kristyn: Creative winter months. Collaborating with an artist on a new For the Love of Tidy production In this episode, you’ll enjoy: Spark Joy's previous book review of "The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, " Spark Joy Episode 21 "Deep Work," Cal Newport's previous book that sparked a discussion that led to the release of Digital Minimalism The Pros. What we loved about the book: The way it was organized Insights about the Slot Machine Concept The Three Principles of Digital Minimalism Stories shared from his Digital Declutter Survey Cal's views on personal transformation The Cons. Things that didn't spark joy: The thesis style format and technical writing style A large amount of focus on the value of solitude The Digital Minimalism Plan: Set aside a 30-day period during which you will take a break from optionial technologies in your life. During this 30-day period break, explore and rediscover activities and behaviors that you find satisfying and meaningful. At the end of the break, reintroduce optional technologies into your life, starting from a blank slate. For each technology you reintroduce, determine what value it serves in your life and how specifically you will use it so as to maximize this value. Similarities with a capsule wardeobe - Spark Joy episode 39: Closet Joy Part 2 Practical tips that Cal recommends leaning on as you work through the three steps of your digital minimalism plan FI (Financial Independence) references: Spark Joy Episode 58 Tips on "filling the void" left when you break from your devices How Karin and Kristyn have applied Cal's tips and more to make some big changes when it comes to digital clutter Gems: “Is this the best way to use technology to support my values?” "Because of technology I’m a better human being than I ever was before." "Minimalists believe that the key to thriving in a high-tech world is to spend much less time using technology." "The average user spends 50 minutes per day on Facebook products alone." "In my experience, gradually changing your habits one at a time doesn’t work well." You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Oct 29, 2019 • 23min

Ep 108 | Let’s Talk About Hope + A Year-End Tidying Progress Check

We know the process of getting organized can be discouraging at times and sometimes you may feel like giving up. If this sounds like you, or if you just want to get some additional encouragement and support as you tidy up, this episode is for you. We want to give you hope and leave you with a practical year-end evaluation that will help you assess your progress and take clear action or course correct moving forward. REMINDER Don’t forget you have until November 26 to enter our Spark Joy Giveaway. We’ll announce our winners during our “Best of” show on December 3. Head over to for instructions on how to leave a star rating and written review on iTunes. Then, shoot an email to with your username for a chance to win one of 6 coveted KonMari-themed prizes that spark joy in celebration of our two year anniversary. Thanks again for your support! In this episode, you’ll enjoy: Hearing about KonMari organizers feeling overwhelmed at sometimes! Positive and negative motivators are can work hand in hand. Feelings of guilt and frustration may motivate you to “do something” about your disorganization, but positive motivators are needed for the long term. In KonMari, positive motivation initially comes from your vision statement. Your vision is your hope-filled inspiration for your best life going forward. The success of your tidying as you go through the categories will keep you going. That is one of the reasons why clothing, the initial category, is first. Completing clothing gives us such a visual success; we feel empowered to continue on. Journaling will help you capture your feelings and thoughts as you go through the process of organizing your home. The act of writing on paper is an exercise of respect for what you are experiencing on your tidying journey. Hope is strengthened by the actual successes you will experience in your tidying and, also, it can be fortified by the positive results and successes of others. It can help a great deal to have support from others who are also on this path. We suggest you let go of negative self-talk. Find the one place in your home or life where you actually are organized, disciplined, or reliable. Start to shift your language and attention on the positive. If you are like most of our clients, you have accomplished great things in other areas of your life. Focus on the things you do well and recognize that no one excels in everything! Here are some of the challenging emotions you may encounter during your tidying work. Prepare for them and recognize that they are all part of making systematic and sustainable changes in your life: -Memories of the past: grief, loss and disappointments keep you from wanting to look at things that will remind you of painful things. -Discouragement about having to confront clothes that don’t fit and things you bought that didn't work or that were a waste of money. -Anger that you never lost those 10lbs or that heel that broke on those shoes after wearing it once, or that single earring that reminds you that you were careless. KonMari takes time, but it won’t take forever. We suggest you commit to a steady and consistent time frame, but that you practice good self care along the way Year End Progress Check! Grab a pen, paper or journal and your favorite calendar, it’s time to evaluate your progress! Feel free to pause the podcast at any time or between questions to make sure you leave ample room for reflection. 1- How long has clutter been a burden in my home or life? 2- When did I make my first attempt to tidy up KonMari style? 3- How many false starts or restarts did I make since beginning? 4- How many signature KonMari clutter categories/sub-categories have I addressed thus far? 5- Which categories/sub-categories have found a comfortable click point? 6- Which categories are causing me the most pain or making me feel stuck? 7- When was the last time I made time to joy check a category? 8- How many hours have I spent tidying up? 9- Is completing my tidying event priority this year? 10- How much time can I dedicate moving forward to tidying? Gems: “That conviction and confidence that we will get where we are going and achieve our vision for our best life going forward, is really what hope is all about.” “Change requires hope. Hope that things can be different and that there’s a way forward.” “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” Anais Nin “To remedy this, we offer two contradictory solutions: do it as quickly as possible and take as much time as you need!” “I always tell my clients that if you have 10 sweaters and let go of 5, the saving of space is pretty apparent, but if you have 10 pieces of paper and get rid of 5, it doesn't seem like that much even though it was the same number of decisions! “ “Take breaks, step away, forget about tidying for a few days, celebrate your progress, but remember that you are honoring your higher self and your vision till the very end.” “Know that we’re here for you. There is a way out. There is hope you can live a clutter free life of joy this year and for years to come.” You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Oct 22, 2019 • 32min

Ep 107 | List-Making Your Way to Your KonMari Vision with Paula Rizzo

Paula Rizzo is a best-selling author and Emmy-award winning television producer. She’s produced health, wellness, and lifestyle segments with a range of top experts in the health and wellness field. Paula created the productivity site and she’s the best-selling author of "Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed", which has been translated into 12 languages AND was one on’s list of “Self Help Books That Actually Help.” Her latest book, "Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You", was just published! Paula shares how to create lists that spark joy to move you closer to your vision. REMINDER Don’t forget you have until November 26 to enter our Spark Joy Giveaway. We’ll announce our winners during our “Best of” show on December 3. Head over to for instructions on how to leave a star rating and written review on iTunes. Then, shoot an email to with your username for a chance to win one of 6 coveted KonMari-themed prizes that spark joy in celebration of our two-year anniversary. Thanks again for your support! In this episode, you’ll enjoy: Paula’s interesting career path and how she became interested in list building The health scare that motivated Paula to change her world view Revisit our Episode 39 | Closet Joy: Build Your Capsule Wardrobe with Courtney Carver How Marie Kondo influenced Paula in her work. Turns out that Paula and Karin were at the same talk with Marie! The stress reducing magic of getting things down on paper How your vision will help you set your priorities and learn to say no to things to things that don’t align with your goals The connection between your environment and productivity How to make sure your list is manageable so that you don’t set yourself up for failure Paula’s favorite list making tip: Make your list the night before. What is sparking the most joy for Paula: “Being very purposeful about how I spend my time. Talking about my work has been very rewarding for me” Parting words of wisdom: "Don’t be so hard on yourself. Take time for self-care and put things on your list that are just for you." You can reach Paula on her websites: and She’s on Facebook and Instagram at ListProducer. And you can grab a copy oft her new book on Amazon: Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You As an added bonus, Paula has a List-Making starter kit available on her website. Just go to List-Making Starter Kit and sign up! Gems: “The need for good time management that I learned in TV production, built my appreciation of lists.” “How do you not only put the right things on your list, but that you also make time for things like self care?” The second you write something down and get it out of your head your stress levels will begin to fall. You notice, ‘Oh I didn’t really have that much to do!’ “ “If you know what your priority is then you know instantly what you are going to say yes and no to.” “The things that go on the list need to be very specific. You need to know that you have the resources and the time to accomplish the list.” You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of TidySpecial Guest: Paula Rizzo.
Oct 15, 2019 • 9min

Ep 106 | KonMari Quick Tips: Creating a Great Daily Routine

Today’s Quick Tips episode explores kids, home, work and daily routines! Now that school is well underway, you may be experiencing a lot more daily chaos at home. Kids or no kids, fall usually finds us back in a routine that’s a little more rigid than the lazy days of summer. So today, we share strategies and tips for setting up good daily routines using Konmari principles. We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show. Head over to Apple podcasts to subscribe and review the show, which helps us reach others along their tidying journeys. To extend your tidying experience, you can join the Spark Joy Club! Visit and click “Join the Club” to become a member of the Spark Joy Community or join us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. KonMari Quick Tips: The key to a great morning routine is to start it the night before Wake and start your day with mediation, exercise, or catching up on the news. OR, you may prefer to sleep as long as you can and then jump up and be on your way! Start your day with gratitude. Put each foot on the floor while saying “Thank” and then, as the next foot falls “You.” (Out loud of course!) Reduce the amount of children’s clothing items that aren’t suitable for day-to-day school wear Special occasion, weekend and play clothes should be separate from everyday school wear or uniforms. The same is true of your day to day work wear as well Select clothes the night before or invest in a clothes valet Create a Command Center: This may consist of a bulletin board, calendar, whiteboard or chalkboard on a desk that is central to the home Use your Command Center as a place for you and your family to schedule appointments and to-do’s Consider one “daily item” basket for each family member: keys, chargers, action items, homework, etc. live there If possible, designate a spot by the door for a system to keep things centrally located at all times. One hook, one bin, one backpack or bag for each person is a good way to think of it Keep only the current seasonal things near the front door in the coat closet whenever possible KonMari Lite this area often! It will be much easier if the day-to-day clutter is limited to one area of your home instead of scattered on all available surfaces. For more on how to KonMari Lite, check out Episode 94: Quick Tips KonMari Lite Homework, business, and mail should come out of the bag and be sorted each day: stuff to do, stuff for parents, stuff to put away or relocate, stuff to discard. Avoid delayed decisions! When it comes to paper clutter, encourage your school to communicate via email whenever possible Remember three high level paper categories: an act now pile for urgent decision, “Keep temp” files for things that are time bound and Keep forever items for emergency or legacy. For more on how to address paper clutter, head over to Episode 45: KonMari Paper Category: Cutting Paper Clutter Homework and business work stay in a central place until done, try to establish a set homework schedule and a zone to complete work with a clear, flat surface. As soon as it’s ready, completed work goes in the school bags the night before Consider what you can prepare for tomorrow’s meals the night before. Can the coffee machine be set to a timer? Lunch prep? Items added to the shopping list? This is also a good time to check the inventory. Are things in the fridge old or unused? What about a thoughtful evening conversation with the family members? Maybe you could share three things you want to accomplish the next day as one of many table topics. Questions like “Do you have what you need to make that happen? How can we help each other have a good day tomorrow? We are pleased to introduce the following new members of The Spark Joy Club, joining at the Joy Sparker level: Welcome! Jan Atkinson Heather Arsenault Kate Bunch Louis St-Amour We continue to welcome our listeners who are serious about extending the conversation around taking action, living, and maintaining a tidy lifestyle. Please join the conversation by visiting and selecting Join the Club And don’t forget to enter our Anniversary Giveaway! As announced during Spark Joy episode 100, we have KonMari-themed gifts ready for you to claim by entering into our giveaway, celebrating our two-year anniversary. The prizes include: • Marie Kondo’s tidying sequel, Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by the Queen herself • A Virtual KonMari Tidying Lesson provided on behalf of For the Love of Tidy • An honorary membership to the Spark Joy Club at the coveted Joy Sparker level! • And finally, a copy Marie Kondo’s highly anticipated new children’ s book, Kiki & Jax: The Life-Changing Magic of Friendship, which will be officially released later this year. Head over to for instructions on how to leave a star rating and written review on iTunes. Then, shoot an email to with your username for a chance to win one of six prices we have for our listeners this year. You have until November 26 to enter and we’ll announce our winners during our “Best of” show on December 3. You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Oct 8, 2019 • 32min

Ep 105 | Hope for Kids and Adults with ADHD: Craig Selinger of Themba Tutors

Craig Selinger is a New York State licensed language therapist and founder and CEO of Themba Tutors, providing accessible tutoring and executive functioning coaching for all learners in their home, school and work environments. REMINDER Don’t forget you have until November 26 to enter our Spark Joy Giveaway. We’ll announce our winners during our “Best of” show on December 3. Head over to for instructions on how to leave a star rating and written review on iTunes. Then, shoot an email to with your username for a chance to win one of 6 coveted KonMari-themed prizes that spark joy in celebration of our two-year anniversary. Thanks again for your support! In this episode, you’ll enjoy: Hear about how Craig founded Themba Tutors and how working with kids became his great passion. Learn about the diagnoses of ADHD, which is one of the most common mental disorders, and some of the symptoms: Inattention Hyperactivity Impulsivity Executive Functioning ADHD affects: % 8.4of children % 3.5 of Adults Skills related to executive functioning: Improving information retention Spending more focused time on tasks (and completing them) Decreasing procrastination Organizing schoolwork Managing time more effectively Learning to think carefully before acting Craig’s thoughts about a very controversial topic: screen time! What’s the number one factor for IQ growth between ages 0-36 months? It’s pretty simple for parents to do! How to find the right coach or tutor to help address attention and focus related problems whether for yourself or your child. Favorite tidying tip: Make sure that all the things you need to access often have a designated place to live. What is sparking the most joy for Craig: Simple things: his, kids, the changing seasons and cider donuts! Parting words of wisdom: A Madonna quote! “No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you come from, you can always change. Become a better version of yourself.” To learn more about Themba Tutors, you can find them at On their website you can set up a free call to discuss your concerns and see how they Themba tutors could help you reach your full potential. Exclusively for Spark Joy listeners, Craig has compiled some awesome productivity organizational apps to help you with scheduling and planning for students and adults. Dowload Themba Tutors Helpful eTools here Gems “Once you find that all objects should have a place to live, it creates an organizational system and it creates predictability.” “We get to learn about the family systems and how they live. We get to see dynamics between the parents and the kids. And, we get to see the kids being kids! And that way, we get a real organic raw lens of them and then we can give them strategies for becoming optimal learners.” “If a child or adult is only having problems in school or just at work, and nowhere else, that is not usually diagnosable as ADHD.” “The difficulty is in the execution of the task. And there’s often an emotional piece to the avoidance of the action.” “Poorer countries are doing better academically than we are right now.” You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of TidySpecial Guest: Craig Selinger.
Oct 1, 2019 • 40min

Ep 104 | Raising Kids by Trusting Your Judgement with Meghan Leahy of The Washington Post

Today, we speak with Meghan Leahy; author, parenting coach and Washington Post columnist about raising your kids with confidence, patience and even joy! Meghan Leahy is the mother of three young daughters, a certified parenting coach, and a columnist for The Washington Post, writing about all things parenting! She is the author of the upcoming book, "Parenting Outside the Lines: Forget the Rules, Tap into Your Wisdom, and Connect to Your Child." REMINDER Don’t forget you have until November 26 to enter our Spark Joy Giveaway. We’ll announce our winners during our “Best of” show on December 3. Head over to for instructions on how to leave a star rating and written review on iTunes. Then, shoot an email to with your username for a chance to win one of 6 coveted KonMari-themed prizes that spark joy in celebration of our two-year anniversary. Thanks again for your support! In this episode, you’ll enjoy: Meghan’s path to discovering that parent coaching was her passion just by chance, hard work and perseverance. Learn about Dr. Gordon Neufeld of the The Neufeld Institute and the attachment-based developmental approach. The struggle of setting boundaries for parents and the commonly faced organizational concerns. How the constant influx of stimulation impacts children’s ability to focus, maintain their attention and, ultimately, learn. Hear about Meghan’s new book about how parents can examine their preconceptions and to be empowered to follow their own way. Kids need boundaries and how to determine how to set them. Learn what “Silent Compassion” means. It’s a great technique for expressing understanding and love along with boundaries. Meghan’s favorite tidying tip: Clean the kitchen every evening for a much better start for the next day. (We love this one!) What sparks joy for Meghan: The amazing things on TV these days and relaxing with her kids around great TV shows. And, MAKE UP! On top of everything else she’s juggling, Meghan is training to become a make-up artist! To connect with Meghan, you can kind find her at You can sign up for Meghan’s free ebook, From A to Zzzz: How to Get Your Kids to Sleep on her website. You can also sign up for her online parenting class, "From Conflict to Cooperation: Understanding and Preventing Power Struggles with your Children" here You can more of Meghan’s’ tips via the Washington Post as the Parenting Expert in the “On Parenting” column. Gems “Parenting is not an automatic thing, it’s a learning on the job kind of thing.” “My job was to illuminate why kids were struggling which is the first step to understanding how to get it right.” “So starts an avalanche of ‘Screw it, I’ll do it myself.’ which leads to resentment.” “There’s a lot of books about parenting my view all these these books are true and untrue…I didn’t want to write a book where parents had to ascribe to a theory…instead it’s about paying attention to your actual child and your actual life.” “It can be positive and fun, but when it falls apart, you just pick up and go on.” You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of TidySpecial Guest: Meghan Leahy.
Sep 24, 2019 • 30min

Ep 103 | How Tidying Pays You Back

Co-hosts Kristyn and Karin explore how investing in tidying up pays you back in obvious and unique ways that impact your life and your legacy. We want you to get the most return on your investment of going on this journey with us and point out ways you can lead with gratitude and abundance. REMINDER Don’t forget you have until November 26 to enter our Spark Joy Giveaway. We’ll announce our winners during our “Best of” show on December 3. Head over to for instructions on how to leave a star rating and written review on iTunes. Then, shoot an email to with your username for a chance to win one of 6 coveted KonMari-themed prizes that spark joy in celebration of our two year anniversary. Thanks again for your support! In this episode, you’ll enjoy: Unique ways tidying can pay you back: Sound gratitude practice Awareness of your personal values and consumption patterns Opportunities to give/donate Opportunities to define your family legacy (also discussed on Spark Joy Episode 21) More time (your most valuable asset) Tidying can also pay you back financially in the following ways: CASH Checks Returned items Selling items of value (also discussed on Spark Joy Episode 42-44) Letting go of subscription "boxes" or other monthly commitments Letting go of monthly payments for external storage units Saving on moving or staging expenses (also discussed on Spark Joy Episode 77-78) A short-term tidying event also has a longer-term impact on your financial goals, paying you back in the following ways: Better habits/patterns around consumption/shopping Shifts in your money mindset (see Spark Joy Episode 6 and Episode 58 ) Decision making that stems from a place of abundance, rather than scarcity (redifining what "enough" means to you) Gems: “Tidying is an is a skill and it has a goal." "You're shifting and refining your purpose and legacy, which will have an impact on those around you." "How much money can I find or how big of a return can I get from all of this effort?" "As you tidy, you're becoming more aware and more appreciative of what's around you." "When you tidy up, you are moving towards spending less time looking for things you can't find." "Time is a limited resource and it is finite." "It’s important to honor and respect money in all forms to attract financial abundance." "Make sure that the time that you put towards selling something is reflective of and appropriate for its value." "You become more discerning about what you buy and what you wear." You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Sep 17, 2019 • 37min

Ep 102 | How to Use Music to Boost Your Mood, Memory, and Productivity

Cami Galles, singer-songwriter and performing artist, explores the fact that music is sound organized in time and universally impacts our mood, memory, and productivity in so many different ways. Today’s guest helped us unpack how music impacts our mood, memory and productivity. Cami Galles' alluring voice is matched only by her charismatic personality. The Kansas-raised singer-songwriter spent nearly a decade in new your city cultivating grit and a unique sound before calling Chicago home. Cami’s mesmerizing delivery imbues her music with a bold empowerment, and her singular “Future Blues” style melds Blues, Pop, and Jazz with uptempo dance beats. Her electric, must-see live performances have dazzled iconic Chicago venues, and she will soon embark on a national tour in 2020. We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show. While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoy_podcast. In this episode, you’ll enjoy: How Cami's experience and talents in sales, marketing, real estate and more influenced her unconventional path to becoming a performing artist Cami's easy hack to exploring music all around the world in 30 minutes How music can impact everything from healing muscles and stimulating brain cells The impact of classical music and upbeat music has on your stress level How sad songs actually help you connect and bond and other tips on how you can spark joy with music The ideal frequency to even out and sooth brain activity and reception to information The unique difficulty artist experience when shaping sad songs when conveying their authentic first hand experience The inspiration behind Cami's latest hit: "Liar." Check out the FULL VIDEO here!! Cami's favorite tidying tip: Pick a room in your house, turn on your favorite song and see how much tidying you can get done in that time and then treat yourself. What sparks joy for Cami: Her new vacuum from Simplicity Stay up to date on all things Cami: her shows music & more: at While you’re there, subscribe to Cami’s website & you'll receive a special song that hasn’t been released yet exclusively for Spark Joy listeners. Head over to for that special gift. Gems: "You have to be your own patron." "There are some songs that are written to give people courage." "You have to be able to tell the story and be who you are authentically." "Don't let the barrier of entry to music be high." "Find little ways to introduce music into your life and early in your day to drastically change your mood." You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of TidySpecial Guest: Cami Galles.
Sep 10, 2019 • 32min

Ep 101 | Conscious Parenting 101 with Tia Fagan

Tia Fagan introduces us to Conscious Parenting, a philosophy that encourages parents to wake up so to speak and ask themselves "why are they trying so desperately to control their child’s destiny?" Certified Conscious Parent Coach Tia Fagan helps parents create deeper connections, increase communication, and improve their relationships. We dive into a parenting method Oprah Winfrey called a revolutionary approach, that can change parenting as we know it. We first learned about the philosophy of Conscious Parenting while listening to OWN’s Super Soul Sunday podcast. The approach stems from the ideas of Dr. Shefali and her Bestsellers "The Conscious Parent" and "The Awakened Family." We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show. While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoy_podcast. In this episode, you’ll enjoy: How Tia defines of Conscious Parenting Tia's path to becoming a certified Conscious Parenting Coach, which including civil engineering, motherhood, professional organizing How Conscious Parenting impacted Tia's family, her two daughters from middle school on, including the moment she went from confronting her fear to sitting beside it Three of the most common challenges parents face: disrespect, not listening, and screen time battles Two of major parenting myths that serve as the foundation for Conscious Parenting Practical steps you can implement today to test drive Conscious Parenting How Tia manages clutter associated with toys, artwork, and kids clothings, through a lens of concious parenting TIa's favorite parenting and tidying tip: Connection, connection, CONNECTION!; Sit with each object and honor them and then go through them again latter (time and practice). What sparks joy for TIa: Her daughters entering the next chapter - their first year at college! To contact Tia Fagan visit and follow her on Facebook and Instagram @tiafagancoach Tia is based in Madison, WI. she’s offering $50 off a virtual or local 4-Session Coaching package or $100 off a 10-Session Coaching Package. Mention "Spark Joy" to receive this discount. Gems: "We're able to notice how we as parents influence the relationship we have with the children." "We accept [children] as they are, not how we wish them to be." "Parenting ourselves first is where we need to start." "When we're curious, we're more likely to look at things without judgement." You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of TidySpecial Guest: Tia Fagan.
Sep 3, 2019 • 10min

Ep 100 | The 2nd Annual Spark Joy Podcast Anniversary Give-A-Way!

Spark Joy podcast is two years old! In celebration of our anniversary enter to win one of several prizes to mark this major milestone. Win one of three copies of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy, a membership to The Spark Joy Club at the Joy Sparker Level, or a copy of Marie Kondo’s new children’s book, Kiki & Jax: The Life-Changing Magic of Friendship , which will be released this Fall. Enter before November 26, 2019 for your chance to win! Details on how to enter below. We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show. While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoy_podcast. In this episode, you’ll enjoy: Spark Joy podcast has been downloaded over 1.5 million times! At this point last year, we had just hit a quarter of a million downloads, so this has been quite a year for growing our audience. Not only is Spark Joy two years old, but this is also our 100th episode! Thank you to our listeners for all your support and encouragement. Our goal for the show remains to introduce guests to our audience who have interesting perspectives and inspiring journeys related to organizing and living a life of joy. So far, we have interviewed nearly 70 guests and presented over 30 episodes focusing on KonMari specific topics. With well over 5,000 hours of active tidying with clients between us, this year Karin became the first Master level certified KonMari Consultant and Kristyn achieved Platinum level! This year we also launched The Spark Joy Club on Patreon and the response has been amazing! A special welcome and Thank You to our newest Spark Joy Club members: --Fisher Woodward --Liezl Copham --Elisabeth Blount --Melinda Dejesus The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes! To celebrate the two year anniversary of Spark Joy we’re giving away copies of Marie Kondo’s tidying sequel, Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up to three lucky Spark Joy podcast listeners! These books are very special because they are signed by the Queen of Tidy, Marie Kondo. Additionally, on behalf of For the Love of Tidy, Kristyn will be offering a 2 hour Virtual Tidying Lesson to one lucky Spark Joy listener. This includes an overview of KonMari fundamentals, vision mapping to identify your ideal lifestyle and ideal living environment, and tidying advice to address your most pressing clutter challenges. We’re also giving away one honorary membership to The Spark Joy Club at the coveted Joy Sparker level! And finally, we’re giving away a copy Marie Kondo’s highly anticipated new children’ s book, Kiki & Jax: The Life-Changing Magic of Friendship which will be officially released later this year. To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest. Submit your star rating and review by November 26, 2019. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 3rd. **Contest runs from September 3 to November 26, 2019.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2019 show on December 3, 2019.*** You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy

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