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Apr 7, 2023 • 31min

How the 7 Habits Changed Your Business with Austin Clark

“Where you sit today is the accumulation of all the decisions you’ve made in life. People are responsible for how they want to respond to stimulus.” - Austin Clark Austin joins me today to outline the core concepts from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that greatly impacted his life and business. He explains how the Moxie Pest Control company has incorporated concepts from the book into its leadership training as it relates to its salespeople, sales program, and operations. Austin also highlights the value of perspective, the difference between great and good pieces of work, and the importance of seeing and widening the space between stimulus and response. This week on The Mindset Zone: The first time Austin read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and how it impacted him Evolving as a person and how Austin still learns new things from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People even by reading it annually Taking responsibility and becoming more proactive than reactive to life’s stimuli The How of Happiness and the limits of genetic circumstances The power of interdependence, synergy, and group collaboration Sharpening the saw and the importance of self-care The Mindset Zone’s PIE method Learning to press pause Increasing your self-awareness Embracing a mindset for experimentation and exploration The Guest Austin Clark is the owner of Moxie Pest Control, an Arizona-based company honored among the Inc. 5000 Companies in 2022. Since its founding in 2001, Moxie Pest Control has been raising the standard of service in the pest control industry with its mission to improve the quality of life for its customers, team, and community. As the owner of Moxie Pest Control, Austin manages and oversees every aspect of the company and is focused on building relationships and growing his team. He co-authored the book, The E-Myth Pest Control Business,with Michael E. Gerber and holds a degree in Business Administration & Management from Arizona State University. Connect with Austin Clark: Moxie Pest Control Book: The E-Myth Pest Control Business: Why Most Pest Control Businesses Don't Work and What To Do About It Moxie Pest Control on LinkedIn Austin Clark on LinkedIn Email: AClark@MoxiePestControl.com Resources Mentioned: Book: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey Book: The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want by Sonja Lyubomirsky Expand What’s Possible
Mar 31, 2023 • 29min

Entrepreneurship, B-Corps & Impact with Lindsay LaShell

“When women, queer, people of color, and entrepreneurs do well, the whole world becomes a better place because of justice and power.” - Lindsay LaShell Lindsay LaShell is a marketing activist dedicated to helping purpose-driven organizations direct their marketing toward sustainability and impact. She is the founder of Open Lines Marketing and the creator of the Open Lines Marketing Framework, a one-of-a-kind strategic framework made to advance equity, justice, and sustainability through exceptional marketing. Lindsay joins me today to discuss B Corporations, entrepreneurship, and creating an impact. She shares her background and why she became an entrepreneur despite her initial reluctance to be one. She explains why it was important for her to become part of the B Corporation movement and describes the mindset that bolstered her to create a supportive and inclusive company geared toward growth. Lindsay also highlights what her teaching experience taught her about the roles of respect and collaboration in entrepreneurship and underscores why empathy is a key trait of an effective leader and marketer. This week on The Mindset Zone: Living in survival mode, getting through life’s toughest moments, and Lindsay’s journey to founding her own advertising agency Why it was important for Lindsay to become a B Corporation The “triple bottom line” maxim and how Ana initially found B Corporations Learning about privilege and racial wealth inequality What Lindsay’s teaching experience taught her about leadership, relationships, and collaboration Caring for employees’ mental well-being and how empathy can make better leaders and marketers Lindsay’s transition from running an ad agency to being a solopreneur The Open Lines Marketing Framework Why Lindsay calls herself a “marketing activist” The Guest Lindsay Dayton LaShell is a Marketing Activist and the creator of the Open Lines Marketing Framework. Her work is to advance justice, equity, and sustainability through access to excellent marketing strategies for women, indigenous, queer, or POC founders, B Corps, and nonprofits. Through workshops, speaking gigs, and consulting, she’s helped thousands of organizations reevaluate and realign their marketing strategies to be more empathetic, efficient, and effective.  Connect with Lindsay LaShell: Open Lines Marketing Open Lines Marketing on LinkedIn Open Lines Marketing on Instagram Lindsay LaShell on LinkedIn Resources Mentioned: Book: Literally Unbelievable: Stories from an East Oakland Classroom by Bronwyn Harris Expand What’s Possible
Mar 24, 2023 • 49min

Human Potential. Unlocked. Tammy Gooler Loeb interviews Ana Melikian

“Within us, we have this amazing potential wanting to be unlocked.” - Ana Melikian In this episode, I join Tammy at the Work from the Inside Out podcast to discuss unlocking human potential. We explore my academic journey and how I became fascinated with personal development at a young age. We discuss the several pivots I’ve made in my career and how I became a life coach. We describe the systemic and cultural disruptions of the past few years and how organizations and leaders can respond effectively to change. We also highlight the relationship between business and personal problems and underscore the importance of doing inner work and having strong core values. This episode was rebroadcast here at the Mindset Zone with explicit consent from Tammy Gooler Loeb,the host of Work from the Inside Out. This week on The Mindset Zone: Ana's life growing up in a small village in Portugal and her early interest in human development How an individual’s external system impacts their internal world What Ana learned about perception and her own culture after traveling overseas for college Studying psychology in college and how Ana's interest in technology served her Ana's time pursuing a Master’s in Psychotherapy at Salamanca, Spain How systemic psychotherapy can complement traditional psychology How organizations and their leaders can adapt to a fast-changing culture The growth mindset and why Ana decided to pursue a Master’s degree in Spain despite her early challenges in speaking foreign languages The messiness of change and the twists and turns of Ana's career How Ana stumbled into life coaching and why she decided to become a life coach How the “Book Yourself Solid” system by Michael Port helped Ana launch my coaching practice Her advice to people making transitions and changes in their career. The Interviewer Tammy Gooler Loeb is a career and executive coach, speaker, and facilitator who has been helping her clients clarify their goals, develop personalized plans, and achieve fulfilling results since 1991. She is also a core guide and executive coach at Chief, a private member network for women executives. Before establishing her coaching practice—Tammy Gooler Loeb Coaching & Consulting—Tammy held various roles in mental health services, higher education, public policy, and fundraising. She formerly served as the Master Coach for the United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley for over nine years and worked as an executive and leadership coach for the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Tammy graduated from Hampshire College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Boston University. She hosts the Work from the Inside Out podcast and is the author of Work from the Inside Out: Break Through Nine Common Obstacles and Design a Career That Fulfills You. Connect with Tammy Gooler Loeb: Tammy Gooler Loeb Website Book: Work from the Inside Out: Break Through Nine Common Obstacles and Design a Career That Fulfills You Podcast: Work from the Inside Out on Apple Podcasts Podcast: Work from the Inside Out on Google Podcasts Podcast: Work from the Inside Out on Spotify Tammy Gooler Loeb on LinkedIn Tammy Gooler Loeb on Instagram Tammy Gooler Loeb on Facebook Resources Mentioned: Original Episode: Work from the Inside Out Episode 201 - Human Potential. Unlocked. Book: Book Yourself Solid: The Fastest, Easiest, and Most Reliable System for Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle Even if You Hate Marketing and Selling by Michael Port Expand What’s Possible
Mar 17, 2023 • 31min

B Corps as a Force for Good with Carolina Miranda

“Everyday people are stepping up and wanting to know that the work they do in their company—whether they’re the CEO or employee—does something good in the world.” - Carolina Miranda Carolina joins me today to discuss B Corporations and B Labs and how an organization can be certified as a B Corp. She explains why B Corporations have an advantage over recruiting and retaining the best talent in the workforce. She outlines the beginning of the B Corp movement in the early 2000s and describes how we can use our purchasing power as consumers to support B Corporations worldwide. Carolina also highlights what makes the B Corp community different from other business groups and underscores how the B Corp movement can be a force for social good. This week on The Mindset Zone: What B Corps and B Labs are, and why awareness about them needs to be raised The process of becoming a certified B Corporation How B Corporations generate profit while having a positive impact on the world The advantage of B Corporations on workforce recruitment The history and timeline of the B Corp movement Supporting B Corporations and the B Corp movement as consumers Misconceptions about the B Corporation movement The WeTheChange group and the power of the B Corp community The best time to be certified as a B Corporation Guest Carolina Miranda is the founder and CEO of Cultivating Capital, a Certified B Corporation that works with small businesses to implement sustainable business practices. As a B Corp consultant, Carolina has helped businesses achieve B Corp certification, increase impact and score with recertification, and develop action plans for team engagement. In addition to her work at Cultivating Capital, Carolina serves on the Leadership Circle of WeTheChange, a community of women CEOs of B Corporations. Before founding Cultivating Capital, Carolina served as a Green Business Consultant for the Alameda County Green Business Program for over 10 years. She is also the former Chairperson of the advisory board of the Sustainable Business Alliance of the East Bay and served as a sustainability coach for REV Sustainability. She holds a Master of Business Administration degree in Sustainable Enterprise from the Dominican University of California and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and History from the College of Wooster. Resources Mentioned: B Lab Global Site WeTheChange Related Content: The Art of Supportive Confrontation with Flip Brown Antidote for Quiet Quitting with Anne-Claire Broughton Connect with Carolina Miranda: Cultivating Capital B Impact Collective Cultivating Capital on LinkedIn Carolina Miranda on LinkedIn Expand What’s Possible
Mar 10, 2023 • 30min

The Death of a Workaholic with Jenny Lynne

“The difference between hard work and being a workaholic is consciously choosing what gets your energy, and when it’s done, putting it down and getting to rest.” - Jenny Lynne Erickson Jenny joins me today to share how she became aware of her workaholism and consciously made steps to move away from it. She explains how workaholism can be a blindspot and how to recognize the cues and red flags of being a workaholic. She describes why workaholics can’t seem to hire the right employees and struggle with delegating tasks and working with coaches. Jenny also outlines the steps everyone can take to address their workaholism and underscores how having a clear life purpose can help alleviate the symptoms of being a workaholic. This week on The Mindset Zone: Jenny’s self-discovery journey Workaholism and its symptoms The internalization of workaholism The progression of workaholism’s symptoms The cultural impact of workaholism on teams The difference between work ethic and workaholism The importance of having a life purpose Focusing on your strengths and delegating your weaknesses Why workaholics struggle with delegation and working with coaches Finding a kill switch, creating boundaries between work and self-care, and working smarter Guest Jenny Lynne is a keynote speaker on work-life integration, hustle culture, and leadership. Jenny is on a mission to guide entrepreneurs and leaders beyond workaholism and reorganize their businesses. In addition to her work as a speaker, Jenny serves as the Idea Activator behind ACThoughtful Consulting LLC, an organization that changes the odds for micro-businesses and helps them start and sustain their impact. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational Management and Communications from Concordia University, St. Paul. Connect with Jenny Lynne: Jenny Lynne Website ACThoughtful Podcast: Death of a Workaholic Jenny Lynne on LinkedIn Jenny Lynne on Facebook Jenny Lynne on Twitter Expand What’s Possible
Mar 3, 2023 • 34min

Inner Game of Success with Joanne McCall

“The inner game of success is where it all begins. Anything you want to put, do, accomplish, or make happen out there will all start with the inner game.” - Joanne McCall Joanne joins me today to discuss why success starts with the inner game. She explains why people repeatedly set goals that they fail to reach. She describes how limiting beliefs stop people from reaching their goals and aspirations and outlines the three steps to take when your inner game is off and you can't achieve your goals. Joanne also highlights the three buckets of media and underscores the value of embracing the beginner’s mindset. This week on The Mindset Zone: The inner game of success What it looks like when your inner game is off Rewiring your neurology and addressing your limiting beliefs The “expert-beginner” infinite loop and the value of always learning something new Why goals don’t work for many people Identifying and confronting your mindset blind spots and limitations “You” media and its importance in building your visibility The need to prove your expertise in earned media Using social media to amplify the other media buckets How to overcome impostor syndrome when writing a book Embracing the beginner’s mind when promoting a book The three kinds of mindset and their relationship to mastery Guest: Joanne McCall is an author, speaker, media trainer, and visibility strategist. She is also a publicist and PR coach dedicated to helping authors and influencers gain media attention and become “media darlings.” Her clients include business consultants Brian Tracy and Ken Blanchard, radio host Dave Ramsey, and NLP founder Dr. Richard Bandler among others. In addition to working with entrepreneurs, consultants, and coaches to get top-tier, national media attention, Joanne serves as an adjunct faculty member at Marylhurst University, where she teaches social media. Connect with Joanne McCall: Joanne McCall Website Book: Media Darling: Shine Through Every Interview Joanne McCall on LinkedIn Joanne McCall on Instagram Joanne McCall on Facebook Joanne McCall on YouTube Joanne McCall on Twitter Expand What’s Possible
Feb 24, 2023 • 33min

Overcoming Brain Fog with Monica Tarr

“[Cognitive decline] is possible to reverse—and it’s preventable. The reversal works best when you catch it early, and there’s not really too soon a time to start.” - Monica Tarr Monica joins me today to discuss the pillars of overcoming and preventing brain fog and cognitive decline. She shares her experience with brain fog and describes her initial tendency to push through it despite her body’s fatigue. She outlines her journey toward enhancing her brain health and describes how long it took before she started seeing results on her cognitive sharpness, mood, and weight. Monica also recounts how she became inspired to help others navigate brain fog through health coaching and highlights the role of food in maintaining cognitive health. This week on The Mindset Zone: Monica’s experience with debilitating brain fog and the changes she made in her professional life The “chemo brain” and our tendency to push through tiredness Ignoring health symptoms glaring at our faces Dr. Dale Bredesen’s protocol to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s The power of food in reducing brain fog and cognitive decline The seven pillars of enhancing cognition and reversing cognitive decline How Monica’s work on her brain and cognitive health also improved her emotional state Why rest and breaks are essential to health How working on their brain health gave Monica’s clients courage How the keto diet helped me recover faster during cancer treatments The Guest: Monica Tarr is a national board-certified functional medicine and health coach. She is the founder and Chief Health Advocate of Restore and Renew, where she helps high-performing professionals preserve and improve their brain health. Monica also served as a consultant to Fortune 500 companies looking to grow their customer base and develop high-performing teams. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from California State University, Fullerton. Resources Mentioned: Book: The End of Alzheimer's: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline by Dale Bredesen Book: The End of Alzheimer's Program: The First Protocol to Enhance Cognition and Reverse Decline at Any Age by Dale Bredesen Connect with Monica Tarr: Restore and Renew Restore and Renew on Facebook Restore and Renew on YouTube Monica Tarr on LinkedIn Expand What’s Possible
Feb 17, 2023 • 31min

Antidote for Quiet Quitting with Anne-Claire Broughton

“Keep your purpose, vision, and values front and center, and they shouldn’t be just words on a wall. Build a culture and get buy-in.” - Anne-Claire Broughton Anne-Claire joins us today to discuss quiet quitting, its factors, and its antidote. She explains how a changing workforce demographic, corporate culture, and the pandemic impacted quiet quitting. She discusses the power of employee engagement and highlights why companies need to intentionally cultivate organizational culture. She also explains how companies impact communities and the world and underscores why leaders need to maintain transparency amid uncertain times. This week on The Mindset Zone: Why quiet quitting is prevalent today The dimensions and causes of quiet quitting Why companies need to intentionally cultivate culture The importance of focusing on purpose, vision, and values as a company grows Open Book Management for transparency and engagement Maintaining a culture of collaboration and engagement in the face of crisis Believing in the good of human nature What B Corporations are and why they’re important to Anne-Claire’s work in employee engagement Expanding human possibilities through leadership The Guest: Anne-Claire Broughton is the Principal of Broughton Consulting, LLC, a certified B-Corp that helps organizations engage employees at all levels for business success. Broughton Consulting supports companies in building thriving workplace cultures of engagement, accountability, and results through open-book management, employee ownership, and healthy organizational cultures. In addition to her work at Broughton Consulting, LLC, Anne-Claire is the founder and Board Vice Chair of the North Carolina Employee Ownership Center, which serves as the central hub for employee-owned businesses in North Carolina. Resources Mentioned: Book: Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Connect with Anne-Claire Broughton: Broughton Consulting, LLC The Great Game of Business Broughton Consulting, LLC on LinkedIn Anne-Claire Broughton on LinkedIn Expand What’s Possible
Feb 10, 2023 • 33min

The Innovation Mindset with Natalie Turner

“If we think about human history, we’ll see that innovation is and has always been our survival skill.“ Natalie Turner Natalie joins us today to outline “The Six ‘I’s of Innovation.” She describes what it takes to infuse, motivate, and drive innovation in organizational life. She explains how organizational culture can increase or stifle innovation in a company and discusses the role of creativity in innovation. Natalie also highlights the need for different skill sets and mindsets to cultivate innovation as a holistic journey and emphasizes how everyone has something to contribute. This week on The Mindset Zone: Defining innovation and its different aspects The value of human-centered innovation Purpose-driven, people-driven, and planet-driven innovation The Six ‘I’s of Innovation and its background Applying the Six ‘I’s of Innovation to our everyday, personal lives The multi-layered nature of purpose The Guest: Natalie Turner is the founder and CEO of The Entheo Network, an innovation and lifestyle company. Natalie has been serving as a corporate innovation director, business consultant, and entrepreneur for the past 25 years. She has helped the world’s leading organizations grow their teams, businesses, and capabilities and build innovation systems, culture, and capabilities. She has collaborated and consulted with organizations such as Cisco Systems, GSK, and Leo Pharma Asia. She is the author of Yes, You Can Innovate and the inventor of The Six ‘I’s of Innovation—a model that helps people evaluate their innovation strengths to harness diversity and create greater impact. Connect with Natalie Turner: Natalie Turner Website Book: Yes, You Can Innovate: Discover Your Innovation Strengths and Develop Your Creative Potential Yes You Can Innovate Six ‘I’s of Innovation Natalie Turner on LinkedIn Natalie Turner on Facebook Natalie Turner on YouTube Expand What’s Possible
Feb 3, 2023 • 34min

Fear of Speaking with Linda Ugelow

“When you look at fear as a pointer to past experiences asking to be resolved or healed, the fear of speaking becomes an opportunity through which we can clear up what holds us back in unseen ways.” Linda Ugelow Linda joins me today to discuss speaking with confidence and delight. She explains how society and the modern educational system program us to fear speaking. She describes the relationship between feelings of belonging and confidence in public speaking. Linda also highlights why it’s essential to heal and resolve past experiences to overcome speaking fears and underscores the importance of finding our places of flow and connection. This week on The Mindset Zone: Linda’s background in public speaking Our basic need to belong and why the fear of public speaking is common Why Periscope was a scary experience for Linda in the beginning Tools to manage the fear in public speaking Storytelling and human potential in communities Creating safe spaces to speak and tell stories Why public speaking fear is not the villain How having a guide or coach can accelerate working through public speaking fears Inner freedom and transforming the inner critic Cultivating the ability to understand yourself and be your own best friend Watching yourself on video without cringing Learning to balance positive and negative emotions Finding and highlighting flow and connection The Guest: Linda Ugelow is a speaking empowerment coach, keynote speaker, and the author of Delight in the Limelight. Linda has over four decades of experience as a performing artist and has spent years helping people get comfortable in their own skin. Using groundbreaking approaches, she helps entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, teams, authors, and overcome their dread of the limelight. She graduated from Tufts University with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology/Psychology and holds a Master’s in Movement, Mind-Body, and Expressive Therapies from Lesley University. Resources Mentioned: Book: Boiling Energy: Community Healing among the Kalahari Kung by Richard Katz Connect with Linda Ugelow: Linda Ugelow Website The Speaker Preparation Checklist Book: Delight in the Limelight: Overcome Your Fear of Being Seen and Realize Your Dreams Podcast: Women Inspired Linda Ugelow on LinkedIn Linda Ugelow on Instagram Linda Ugelow on Twitter Expand What’s Possible

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