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The B2B Revenue Executive Experience

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Nov 1, 2022 • 34min

Episode 259: Work the System Method with Josh Fonger

Now that you know the importance of events for your marketing game... learn how to apply other tactics and tools for a disruptive B2B marketing strategy. Check out the full list of episodes here: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience and instructions on how to rate and review the show are here.Guest: Josh Fonger, CEO of WTS EnterprisesSubscribe to the Podcast or Write a Review :Stitcher Google PodcastsTuneInApple PodcastsThe B2B Revenue Executive Experience is handcrafted by our friends over at: fame.soPrevious guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at SalesfareCheck out our three most downloaded episodes:Episode 189: 5 Things CRM Software Should Help You Do w/ Jeroen CorthoutEpisode 299: How to Break the Used Car Salesperson Stereotype with Harry SpaightEpisode 301: From Tech Sales to Business Conversation with Eric ShaverIf you are interested in joining The B2B Revenue Executive Experience as a guest, please complete this form:
Oct 18, 2022 • 27min

Episode 258: How B2B Companies Can Drive and Measure Growth Through an Event Strategy with Jonathan Kazarian

Now that you know the importance of events for your marketing game... learn how to apply other tactics and tools for a disruptive B2B marketing strategy. Check out the full list of episodes here: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience and instructions on how to rate and review the show are here.Guest: Jonathan Kazarian, Founder, and CEO of AcceleventsSubscribe to the Podcast or Write a Review :Stitcher Google PodcastsTuneInApple PodcastsThe B2B Revenue Executive Experience is handcrafted by our friends over at: fame.soPrevious guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at SalesfareCheck out our three most downloaded episodes:Episode 189: 5 Things CRM Software Should Help You Do w/ Jeroen CorthoutEpisode 299: How to Break the Used Car Salesperson Stereotype with Harry SpaightEpisode 301: From Tech Sales to Business Conversation with Eric ShaverIf you are interested in joining The B2B Revenue Executive Experience as a guest, please complete this form:
Oct 4, 2022 • 36min

Episode 257: The Fundamental Shift From the Art to the Science of Sales with Todd Abbott

Now that you know the importance of data-driven sales strategies… it’s time to learn how to change the way your team, company, or organization uses systems. Check out the full list of episodes here: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience.Guest: Todd Abbott,  EVP Corporate Development at MediaflySubscribe to the Podcast or Write a Review :Stitcher Google PodcastsTuneInApple PodcastsThe B2B Revenue Executive Experience is handcrafted by our friends over at: fame.soPrevious guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at SalesfareCheck out our three most downloaded episodes:Episode 189: 5 Things CRM Software Should Help You Do w/ Jeroen CorthoutEpisode 299: How to Break the Used Car Salesperson Stereotype with Harry SpaightEpisode 301: From Tech Sales to Business Conversation with Eric ShaverIf you are interested in joining The B2B Revenue Executive Experience as a guest, please complete this form:
Sep 20, 2022 • 55min

Episode 256: Transparent Sales Leadership with Todd Caponi

“What do you sell?” “To who do you sell?” “Why do your clients buy?” Many organizations train their individual contributors, but few invest in their most critical asset to success; sales leaders. As a sales leader, it is your responsibility to get the best out of your team, clear the field, create an environment where you are inspired, and predict the future. Every sales leader needs a clear structure, process, and method to know in which direction to go. But what are the actual responsibilities of a revenue-generating sales leader? To share more about the importance of effective sales leadership and how you can use it to increase the intrinsic inspiration of your workforce, Todd Caponi, speaker, trainer, sales historian, and author of The Transparent Sales Leader, the best-seller book that teaches you how the power of sincerity, science, and structure can transform your sales team’s results, joins us in this episode. Todd covers the five Fs of sales leadership that are required to develop the focus of your team. Join us as we discuss: The five Fs and their importance in sales leadership How you should apply the 5 Fs It is difficult to attract and hold on to top talent nowadays  Now that you know the importance of effective sales leadership… It's time to learn how to lead your team, company, or organization to success. Check out the full list of episodes here: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience.The B2B Revenue Executive Experience is handcrafted by our friends over at: fame.soPrevious guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at SalesfareCheck out our three most downloaded episodes:Episode 189: 5 Things CRM Software Should Help You Do w/ Jeroen CorthoutEpisode 299: How to Break the Used Car Salesperson Stereotype with Harry SpaightEpisode 301: From Tech Sales to Business Conversation with Eric ShaverIf you are interested in joining The B2B Revenue Executive Experience as a guest, please complete this form:
Sep 6, 2022 • 31min

Episode 255: The 3 Pillars of Effective Leadership with Vanessa Judelman

“Knowing yourself” “Managing your team” “Leading your business” These are the three pillars of effective leadership to successfully coach, develop, and provide optimal feedback to your workforce. The moment you’re into management, your role within a company changes. Your tasks will revolve around time and people management, and you must ensure everything is executed strategically. A true leader should be able to answer this question easily: What am I getting paid to do? To share more about the importance of effective leadership and how you can use it to prioritize, educate, and motivate your workforce, Vanessa Judelman, author, leadership coach, and president of Mosaic People Development, a leadership coaching company that develops leaders who inspire great results, will join us. Vanessa covers the three pillars of effective leadership required to successfully motivate and delegate the workforce. Join us as we discuss: Why is effective leadership so important? The 3 pillars of effective leadership What is a leader paid for to do? Now that you know the importance of effective leadership… it’s time to learn how to lead your team or company to success. Check out the full list of episodes here: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience. Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for B2B Revenue Executive Experience in your favorite podcast player.The B2B Revenue Executive Experience is handcrafted by our friends over at: fame.soPrevious guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at SalesfareCheck out our three most downloaded episodes:Episode 189: 5 Things CRM Software Should Help You Do w/ Jeroen CorthoutEpisode 299: How to Break the Used Car Salesperson Stereotype with Harry SpaightEpisode 301: From Tech Sales to Business Conversation with Eric ShaverIf you are interested in joining The B2B Revenue Executive Experience as a guest, please complete this form:
Aug 23, 2022 • 41min

Episode 254: The Role of the Chief Customer Officer with Michael Hubbard

Customer obsessed” “Customer-centric” “Customer focussed” These are the buzzwords companies use to show off how much they focus on their customers. But only a few are doing this consistently with measurable success. The true measure of customer centricity can only be found by asking this question: What percentage of your new business comes from existing customers? To share more about how a Chief Customer Officer should be driving this in your business, we’re joined by Michael Hubbard, Senior Vice President of Customer Success, Services, and Support at Smartsheet, an NYSE-listed SaaS company that has built a workflow management platform that empowers business of all sizes to scale and deliver value. Michael covers the role of the Chief Customer Officer in maximizing customer lifetime value. Join us as we discuss: Why is the lifetime value of a customer so important? The role of the Chief Customer Officer The Power Of Feedback    Now that you know the importance of customer success and being customer-focused… it’s time to learn how to discover some sales methodology secrets and prepare a winning GTM strategy. Check out the full list of episodes here: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience. Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for B2B Revenue Executive Experience in your favorite podcast player.The B2B Revenue Executive Experience is handcrafted by our friends over at: fame.soPrevious guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at SalesfareCheck out our three most downloaded episodes:Episode 189: 5 Things CRM Software Should Help You Do w/ Jeroen CorthoutEpisode 299: How to Break the Used Car Salesperson Stereotype with Harry SpaightEpisode 301: From Tech Sales to Business Conversation with Eric ShaverIf you are interested in joining The B2B Revenue Executive Experience as a guest, please complete this form:
Aug 9, 2022 • 48min

Episode 253: How to Build Trust through Buyer-Obsession with Moeed Amin

Offering Amazon vouchers? Trying to book in the follow-up call before the first call has even ended? Booking a demo for a company that you just want to sell to? Forget about gimmicks, techniques, or maneuvers. Effective selling is actually much simpler… and the secret lies in neuroscience. To share more, we’re joined by Moeed Amin, Director & Founder of Proverbial Door, a consultancy that helps B2B companies and sales professionals improve their performance by a minimum of 50% in six month. We cover the role of trust, obsession and neuroscience in sales. Join us as we discuss: What makes trust so impactful in the sale process Why you need to be buyer-obsessed The 7 characteristics of a trustworthy person    Now that you know the power of trust and how to build it… it’s time to learn how to build authenticity and maximise the return on your content marketing, check out the full list of episodes here: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience. Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for B2B Revenue Executive Experience in your favorite podcast player.The B2B Revenue Executive Experience is handcrafted by our friends over at: fame.soPrevious guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at SalesfareCheck out our three most downloaded episodes:Episode 189: 5 Things CRM Software Should Help You Do w/ Jeroen CorthoutEpisode 299: How to Break the Used Car Salesperson Stereotype with Harry SpaightEpisode 301: From Tech Sales to Business Conversation with Eric ShaverIf you are interested in joining The B2B Revenue Executive Experience as a guest, please complete this form:
Jul 19, 2022 • 33min

Episode 252: Creating a Brand Story with Bobby Gillespie

Brands aren’t created out of thin air. They already exist.  It’s all about finding Michelangelo’s David in the stone; chipping away at what a client thinks a brand is to find out the true story without focusing on the gimmicky hacks.  Today’s guest, Bobby Gillespie, Founder & Principal at Propr Design, talked about how Propr helps their clients get the reputation they deserve, not necessarily the reputation they want through strategic brand building and storytelling. Join us as we discuss: Why having a brand strategy focused on future customers is essential What to avoid when building a brand story How to measure a brand for an accurate return on investment Now that you know how to conduct killer marketing tests, are you ready to learn how to hone your business’s competitive edge or use data to prevent revenue leaks in your business? Check out the full list of episodes: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience. Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for B2B Revenue Executive Experience in your favorite podcast player.The B2B Revenue Executive Experience is handcrafted by our friends over at: fame.soPrevious guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at SalesfareCheck out our three most downloaded episodes:Episode 189: 5 Things CRM Software Should Help You Do w/ Jeroen CorthoutEpisode 299: How to Break the Used Car Salesperson Stereotype with Harry SpaightEpisode 301: From Tech Sales to Business Conversation with Eric ShaverIf you are interested in joining The B2B Revenue Executive Experience as a guest, please complete this form:
Jul 5, 2022 • 29min

Episode 251: Building Authenticity For Purposeful ROI w/ Jeff Risley

The Old Way: The client comes to the marketing and PR agency looking for promotional opportunities. The agency sprays content, prays that it works and doesn’t do much else. The New Way: The client comes to the marketing and PR agency looking for promotional opportunities. The agency dives deep, learns all they can, creates strategic roadmaps for success not only for their client but for the agency and becomes a powerhouse of success. This is the way.  The customer journey is the most important aspect of putting together a successful campaign.  From the first “hello” to every interaction after, how do you ensure that your customer’s brand has relevance, authenticity and purpose? Today’s guest, Jeff Risley, Chief Growth Officer for Saxum, talked about investing in marketing and PR in order to get a maximum return on investment through sales.  Join us as we discuss: How to build credibility with your customers  How customer success and service builds into revenue optimization Why creating a lockstep approach to sales and marketing is essential Now that you know how to conduct killer marketing tests, are you ready to learn how to hone your business’s competitive edge or use data to prevent revenue leaks in your business? Check out the full list of episodes: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience. Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for B2B Revenue Executive Experience in your favorite podcast player.The B2B Revenue Executive Experience is handcrafted by our friends over at: fame.soPrevious guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at SalesfareCheck out our three most downloaded episodes:Episode 189: 5 Things CRM Software Should Help You Do w/ Jeroen CorthoutEpisode 299: How to Break the Used Car Salesperson Stereotype with Harry SpaightEpisode 301: From Tech Sales to Business Conversation with Eric ShaverIf you are interested in joining The B2B Revenue Executive Experience as a guest, please complete this form:
Jun 21, 2022 • 25min

Episode 250: How to Maximize Your Content Marketing Returns

You have what seems like a really mundane decision to make: You're in charge of upgrading outdated software for your organization and, for some reason, figuring out what to purchase has you jitterier than Big Bird at a Cats showing. Whatever you get, it has to be the best. In a blind panic, you sign up for every free trial known to man. Luckily, you find a pristine masterpiece of software that is sure to solve every conceivable problem in the multiverse. It worked out for one simple reason: It’s l because, sometimes, quantity is the fastest path to quality. And that’s especially true for content marketing.  That’s one of the many insights today’s guest, content-marketing wizard James Scherer has picked up throughout his career to VP of Growth at Codeless — insights he brings into the show to help us demystify content marketing. Join us as we discuss: The “pillar and post” content methodology  AI in content marketing Content analytics  Quality vs. quantity  Building a solid marketing function in the real world Now that you know how to, are you ready to learn how to conduct killer marketing tests or use data to prevent revenue leaks in your business? Check out the full list of episodes: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience. Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for B2B Revenue Executive Experience in your favorite podcast player.The B2B Revenue Executive Experience is handcrafted by our friends over at: fame.soPrevious guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at SalesfareCheck out our three most downloaded episodes:Episode 189: 5 Things CRM Software Should Help You Do w/ Jeroen CorthoutEpisode 299: How to Break the Used Car Salesperson Stereotype with Harry SpaightEpisode 301: From Tech Sales to Business Conversation with Eric ShaverIf you are interested in joining The B2B Revenue Executive Experience as a guest, please complete this form:

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