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Coffee Conversations With Adele Tevlin

Latest episodes

Nov 29, 2023 • 10min

God Is Good: Finding the Good in Every Situation

On today's episode of Coffee Conversations, Adele is back with a solo episode!Follow Adele on Instagram Adele talks about: Adele delves into seeing the good in every situation. And why her first response has been programmed now to say, God is good all the time, which then has her look, what's the good in this?Why most people are programmed to talk about how bad it is.How the faster you can program your mind to see the good, the more you'll be able to actually call in the good that you desire.The teachings and lessons in The Fly and The Open Door. And the breakthrough possibilities that success is easy....Why trying harder isn’t always the solution, although many have been programmed to believe this is true. If you stake your hopes for a breakthrough on trying harder than ever, you may kill your chances for success.And so much more. Welcome to Coffee Conversations with Adele Tevlin. The purpose of this podcast is for you to deeply connect with me and the people in my life that I care deeply about. For you to get to know something about me that you don't already know, and for you to gain a new perspective. Every podcast guest will push the boundaries and bring in a new perspective, which allows you to tap into a new point of view.
Nov 24, 2023 • 11min

The Power of Belief: Creating Your Reality

On today's episode of Coffee Conversations, Adele is back with a solo episode!Follow Adele on Instagram Adele talks about: Adele dives into harnessing the power of belief, explaining how it fundamentally intersects with the universal law of cause and effect. How opposite events push us towards our real wants. She re-emphasizes the concept of Law of Polarity, how like and unlike exists side by side.Delving further into understanding the law of belief and into the workings of mind and belief conditioning.How beliefs directly shape your life experiences.The process of crafting reality through beliefs and how this opens the gates to new possibilities. Understanding the difference between academic intelligence and subconscious rewiring. And so much more. Welcome to Coffee Conversations with Adele Tevlin. The purpose of this podcast is for you to deeply connect with me and the people in my life that I care deeply about. For you to get to know something about me that you don't already know, and for you to gain a new perspective. Every podcast guest will push the boundaries and bring in a new perspective, which allows you to tap into a new point of view.
Nov 22, 2023 • 38min

Confronting Conventional Wellness: The Polarizing Truth about Personal Truth, Societal Pressures, & Body Positivity With Kiki Athanas, Intuitive Eating Coach

On today's episode of Coffee Conversations, Adele is join by guest Kiki Athanas, Intuitive Eating Coach.Kiki Athanas, an intuitive eating coach who helps people live their best lives.Kiki is laser focused on helping women conquer emotional eating and practice healthy, balanced eating with consistency and ease. She helps women connect with their own version of the “skinny b*tch” and has designed a unique program called 10/10 without the annoying food restrictions or ridiculous gym requirements. All of this stems from Kiki’s own journey healing from various disordered eating. As she openly shared her own story, it struck a chord with numerous women who had undergone their unique struggles with disordered eating and the relentless pursuit of perfection, a pursuit often intertwined with their relationship with food. This transformative journey ignited Kiki's fascination with food and ultimately propelled her toward helping women understand and unravel the complexities of orthorexia and the relentless quest for an ideal diet. Instead of fixating on perfection, Kiki has directed her focus towards fostering an understanding of intuitive eating, and liberating women from the confines of dieting's vicious cycle.Follow Kiki On InstagramFollow Kiki on TikTokKiki and Adele talk about: Kiki's journey into intuitive eating and Adele’s shift from the weight loss industry to her current business today. How the current societal atmosphere, including the effects of the pandemic, can lead to issues such as eating disorders or addictions as a coping mechanism for a lack of external safety and certainty.The distinction between the actual meaning of body positivity and how it is currently perceived. They emphasize that it should mean acceptance of diverse body types and choices, rather than a one-size-fits-all narrative.The widespread discomfort around expressing personal truth in our current societal climate. Why we need open discussions, healthy debates, and critical thinking.Why body image issues are often manifestations of living out of alignment with one's true self.Their insight on how being successful and maintaining a certain lifestyle or body type often requires an 'extreme' or highly intentional lifestyle, thus challenging the social fear around the term 'extreme'.And so much more.Follow Adele on Instagram Welcome to Coffee Conversations with Adele Tevlin. The purpose of this podcast is for you to deeply connect with me and the people in my life that I care deeply about. For you to get to know something about me that you don't already know, and for you to gain a new perspective. Every podcast guest will push the boundaries and bring in a new perspective, which allows you to tap into a new point of view.
Nov 17, 2023 • 14min

The Universe Doesn't Hold It Against You...

On today's episode of Coffee Conversations, Adele is back with a solo episode!Follow Adele on Instagram Adele talks about: Reflection of the day; The universe doesn’t hold it against you.Why thinking that the universe is holding your past against you  is putting you in a prison of your own making.The idea that we were given vision… To see both the future in the past, but we were never meant to live in either of those places.Once you increase your awareness, you'll never go below the awareness level that you're at today.Why every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to burn his ships and cut all sources of retreat.So what are you willing to cut out? Habits, patterns, people who give you “safety” but it’s just an illusion? Instead of holding back because you don't have hard proof that you can make a quantum leap. Just make the leap. And the journal prompt, where are you leaping? Welcome to Coffee Conversations with Adele Tevlin. The purpose of this podcast is for you to deeply connect with me and the people in my life that I care deeply about. For you to get to know something about me that you don't already know, and for you to gain a new perspective. Every podcast guest will push the boundaries and bring in a new perspective, which allows you to tap into a new point of view.
Nov 15, 2023 • 24min

Boundaries: What You Allow Into Your Consciousness Part Two With Kim Long (R. Psych)

On today's episode of Coffee Conversations, Adele is join by guest Kim Long (R. Psych)Meet Kim Long, she loves to be a resource for vets, adolescents, and regular people just like you so you can feel safer in an unpredictable world by rebuilding trust in yourself again. She's lived with not trusting myself, and believe me; the other side is a lot more fun.After a lifetime as a base brat, an undergrad in psychology, an after degree in education (and ten years teaching elementary and junior high students), she took her Masters of Counselling degree and, finally, registered as a psychologist in Alberta (whew!). Along the way, she realized she has always been driven to help others find their voice and feel accepted in this crazy world.She can relate to the fears, insecurities, frustrations, and confusion of starting and staying in therapy because she's been through it. And she still chooses to go, even today.Follow Kim on Instagram Vist her website www.dochaspsych.comKin and Adele talk about: Join Kim and Adele as they tap into a conversation surrounding boundaries.Both share the notion that what you allow in your consciousness is a boundary. Why when setting boundaries it’s about self-awareness, setting intentions, and communication.They dive into the stimulation of oversharing, cancel movement online, and why we need to have intention behind with what we share into the world.This starts with online, we can’t share with the intention for a like… Because what is that doing?And the aha moment of, we wouldn’t ingest toxic food… So why are we ingesting toxic situations for our boundaries?And so much more. Follow Adele on Instagram Welcome to Coffee Conversations with Adele Tevlin. The purpose of this podcast is for you to deeply connect with me and the people in my life that I care deeply about. For you to get to know something about me that you don't already know, and for you to gain a new perspective. Every podcast guest will push the boundaries and bring in a new perspective, which allows you to tap into a new point of view.
Nov 10, 2023 • 27min

Boundaries: What You Allow Into Your Consciousness Part One With Kim Long (R. Psych)

On today's episode of Coffee Conversations, Adele is join by guest Kim Long (R. Psych)Meet Kim Long, she loves to be a resource for vets, adolescents, and regular people just like you so you can feel safer in an unpredictable world by rebuilding trust in yourself again. She's lived with not trusting myself, and believe me; the other side is a lot more fun.After a lifetime as a base brat, an undergrad in psychology, an after degree in education (and ten years teaching elementary and junior high students), she took her Masters of Counselling degree and, finally, registered as a psychologist in Alberta (whew!). Along the way, she realized she has always been driven to help others find their voice and feel accepted in this crazy world.She can relate to the fears, insecurities, frustrations, and confusion of starting and staying in therapy because she's been through it. And she still chooses to go, even today.Follow Kim on Instagram Vist her website www.dochaspsych.comKim and Adele talk about: Join Kim and Adele as they tap into a conversation surrounding boundaries.Both share the notion that what you allow in your consciousness is a boundary. Why when setting boundaries it’s about self-awareness, setting intentions, and communication.They dive into the stimulation of oversharing, cancel movement online, and why we need to have intention behind with what we share into the world.This starts with online, we can’t share with the intention for a like… Because what is that doing?And the aha moment of, we wouldn’t ingest toxic food… So why are we ingesting toxic situations for our boundaries?And so much more. Follow Adele on Instagram Welcome to Coffee Conversations with Adele Tevlin. The purpose of this podcast is for you to deeply connect with me and the people in my life that I care deeply about. For you to get to know something about me that you don't already know, and for you to gain a new perspective. Every podcast guest will push the boundaries and bring in a new perspective, which allows you to tap into a new point of view.
Nov 8, 2023 • 9min

The Goal Is To Grow & Increasing Your Vibration

On today's episode of Coffee Conversations, Adele is back with a solo episode!Follow Adele on Instagram Adele talks about: Adele shares her thought of the day, say yes to possibility.Why you already hold what you desire, you just have to grow into receiving it. When you make the decision, the door opens. Every single time. She shares a powerful exercise on money consciousness and why until we grow… We will find ways to lose it. And she shares a very powerful journal prompt to complete! And so much more!Welcome to Coffee Conversations with Adele Tevlin. The purpose of this podcast is for you to deeply connect with me and the people in my life that I care deeply about. For you to get to know something about me that you don't already know, and for you to gain a new perspective. Every podcast guest will push the boundaries and bring in a new perspective, which allows you to tap into a new point of view.
Nov 3, 2023 • 12min

Massive Breakthroughs & Meeting Resistance

On today's episode of Coffee Conversations, Adele is back with a solo episode!Follow Adele on Instagram Adele talks about: Adele shares an old school episode, where she has no guest on and is sharing major updates. Including an update on her life-changing trip to Greece, the takeaways from  that trip, and how she almost cancelled it. The law and truth, that when we're about to have a massive breakthrough, we are going to be met with serious resistance.What happens when we can truly be present in our own body and self.Why it’s time to start noticing our relationship with our phones, with being present, etc.  And so much more!Welcome to Coffee Conversations with Adele Tevlin. The purpose of this podcast is for you to deeply connect with me and the people in my life that I care deeply about. For you to get to know something about me that you don't already know, and for you to gain a new perspective. Every podcast guest will push the boundaries and bring in a new perspective, which allows you to tap into a new point of view.
Nov 1, 2023 • 33min

How To Live A Beautiful Life, The Importance Of Beauty As A Spiritual Practice, and More With Tara Marino Part Two

On today's episode of Coffee Conversations, Adele is join by guest Tara Marino for part two of their two part series!Tara is soulful femme with a Frenchie natural essence.Founder & CEO of Elegant Femme, a French clothing designer, and a  mentor for women returning to the truth of their souls worldwide. Mentor, mama, & creator of the FemmeTypes that guide women to their most sacred & heartfelt desires. The Elegant Femme story and Tara’s personal story are deeply and intrinsically linked. Years before she created the FemmeTypes, EF programs, or ran a multi-million dollar business,  she was a young woman in need of healing power. After tragically losing her newborn son, she searched for answers. Through turning inward, she uncovered the beauty and abundance around her, and slowly but surely returned to wholeness.Miraculously, that journey revealed her life’s purpose–– to support women as they awaken the truth of their feminine souls.Countless experiences before, during, and after her healing journey, from obtaining degrees in International Business, French, and Psychology, to years of intensive IVF, to living in France with her family, to designing a clothing line featured in Paris Fashion Week–– each moment delivered her spiritual growth and feminine power. She now supports thousands Elegant Femmes around the globe as they do the same through online programs and private mentorship.Her work is sacred, truth-filled, and transformative. It starts when you allow yourself to awaken desire and receive the eternal flow of beauty you’re called to. Tara’s work is ethereal, it’s transcendent, it’s transformative. And you, too, can let go of unworthiness and guilt to reveal beauty and truth. Trust yourself, femme. You were created to experience the pleasure-filled life you desire.Follow Tara on Instagram Visit her websiteTara and Adele talk about: Adele sits down with Tara Marino and both share how they gravitated to each other quickly in their mastermind together. They both share how to live a beautiful life and what they have learned throughout their journey. Tara dives into the importance of beauty as a spiritual practiceHow desires are the impetus to our spiritual evolution and what that truly means.Tara also shares the FemmeTypes and how she birthed Elegant Femme into the world.And so much more!Follow Adele on Instagram Welcome to Coffee Conversations with Adele Tevlin. The purpose of this podcast is for you to deeply connect with me and the people in my life that I care deeply about. For you to get to know something about me that you don't already know, and for you to gain a new perspective. Every podcast guest will push the boundaries and bring in a new perspective, which allows you to tap into a new point of view.
Oct 27, 2023 • 11min

Raising Our Frequency & Becoming A Vibrational Match

On today's episode of Coffee Conversations, Adele is back with a solo episode!Follow Adele on Instagram Adele talks about: Adele dives deep into the frequency of love (and not just in a romantic way).She shares how love resonates at the highest frequency in the universe. And when we are vibrating with a certain frequency that is what we attract… Why when we are harmonized to fear you're literally just harmonized to anything at that frequency.And we can’t solve problems from a place of fear…So what frequencies are you vibrating to? Because you're never going to harmonize to what you desire, if you don’t elevate your frequency.Welcome to Coffee Conversations with Adele Tevlin. The purpose of this podcast is for you to deeply connect with me and the people in my life that I care deeply about. For you to get to know something about me that you don't already know, and for you to gain a new perspective. Every podcast guest will push the boundaries and bring in a new perspective, which allows you to tap into a new point of view.

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