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The Psychology of Eating Podcast

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May 10, 2022 • 51min

In Session With Marc David: A 64-Year Old Embraces Eating as A Holy Act

In this episode of The Psychology of Eating Podcast, Marc David speaks to Francesca from Brisbane, Australia. Francesca has had weight challenges since she was a young girl, and would like to lose 50 kilos.   She’s tried Weight Watchers over the last few years, but frequently falls off the program … the  food restriction feels too hard, and her motivation to continue drops. For Francesca, food restriction feels like being told what to do — and she’s at a point where she just doesn’t want any more restraints on her life.    Growing up, her mother died at birth and her father was very disciplinarian, making it hard to know where to go to for comfort. He eventually set up an arranged marriage for Francesca, to a good husband who himself didn’t quite know how to provide the comfort and care her heart yearned for.   Marc identifies that food became a source of safety, security, intimacy, and bonding. It was a strategy that made sense when she was young, but now at 64, she’s being called to invoke the more mature parts of herself that can challenge the idea that having the right body will make her happy. And he points out that the teenage rebel archetype inside her is a beautiful one, it just needs channeling into other parts of her life instead of her relationship with food.   --------------------   Learn more about The Institute for the Psychology of Eating:    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.   Follow us on social:  - Facebook: - Instagram: - Pinterest:   #psychologyofeating #foodpsychology #eatingpsychology #nutritionexpert #weightlossjourney #thinkingaboutfood #feelingheavy #beingpresent #lovefood #sloweating #childhoodtrauma #emotionregulation #bodypositivity #healthyweightloss #bingeeating #foodasfriend
May 3, 2022 • 54min

In Session With Marc David: Harnessing the Artist Archetype to Heal Our Eating Challenges

In this episode of The Psychology of Eating Podcast, we meet 32-year old Sofia from Bulgaria, who would like to stop binge eating. Working with Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, Sofia shares that she uses food as a weapon for self-destruction. And she’s been doing so for quite a while … all the way back to her father’s suicide attempts when she was just 15 years old.    Recently, Sofia moved to a new country where she’s been adjusting to an entirely new life, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, and she had a heartbreaking miscarriage. Through it all, Sofia has struggled with major depression, and often turns to food for comfort.   As Marc explains, it’s exceedingly common to turn to food to help regulate our emotions. And to a limited degree, this can be a useful strategy - until it isn’t.    So what can Sofia do to heal her relationship with food? A key strategy is harnessing the power of the artist archetype.   Tune in now to learn more about this unique approach!   --------------------   Learn more about The Institute for the Psychology of Eating:    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food. Follow us on social:  - Facebook: - Instagram: - Pinterest:   #psychologyofeating #foodpsychology #eatingpsychology #weightlossdiet #weightlossjourney #bingeeating #selfempowerment #overeating #overcomingdepression #junkfood #perfectionist #selfacceptance #selfcompassion #loveyourself #selfimprovement #lifestylechanges
Apr 26, 2022 • 54min

In Session With Marc David: A 27-Year Old Seeks to Put An End to Night-time Cravings

Struck with night-time cravings? Then you’ll want to tune into this episode of The Psychology of Eating Podcast!   Emily, 27, likes to snack after meals. But after dinner, her food cravings become really intense. So intense, in fact, that it seems like she can’t control herself at all. As soon as dinner is finished, Emily’s brain starts wandering to what’s in the pantry, and before she knows it, she’s eating all kinds of foods she promised herself earlier in the day she wouldn’t.    While Emily can’t quite figure out what’s driving her to binge after dinner, she knows that stress has something to do with it.   As their coaching session unfolds, Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, shares some key insights as to what Emily’s night-time binging is all about — and what she can do moving forward.   One of Marc’s distinctions? Our challenges as human beings often express themselves in our relationship with food and in our relationship with our bodies. But that doesn’t mean we have a “problem” with food. We’re simply learning to have a relationship with food that truly works for us, mind, body, heart and soul.   --------------------   Learn more about The Institute for the Psychology of Eating:    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.     Follow us on social:  - Facebook: - Instagram: - Pinterest:   #psychologyofeating #foodpsychology #eatingpsychology #nutrition #mindbodynutrition #nighttimecravings #relationshipwithfood #overcominganorexia #snacking #underweight #EDrecovery #appetite #bodyfat #perfectionism #perfectionist #weighthate #journaling #selflovejourney #instituteforthepsychologyofeating #marcdavid
Apr 19, 2022 • 56min

In Session With Marc David: What's the Connection Between Food, Trauma, and Fibromyalgia?

Living with fibromyalgia? Then you won’t want to miss today’s episode, where Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, coaches 39-year old Hayley from South Africa on how to best work with her fibromyalgia.   Hayley first noticed symptoms of pain and hypermobility after finishing a career as a long distance runner. She was used to being in pain, but expected that it would subside after she quit running. Unfortunately, the pain did not go away. Hayley went for 12 years not understanding why she was in such intense physical pain, only to be diagnosed just a few months ago with fibromyalgia.   Since her diagnosis, Hayley recognizes the key role that her diet plays. If she strays from eating healthy food, her pain increases substantially - as does her anxiety and her sleep challenges.   But is working with food enough? What else can Hayley do to manage her symptoms and live the vibrant, fulfilling life she desires?   --------------------   Learn more about The Institute for the Psychology of Eating:    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.   Follow us on social:  - Facebook: - Instagram: - Pinterest:   #psychologyofeating #foodpsychology #nutritionexpert #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #disorderedeating #fibromyalgia  #chronicpainsyndrome #bingeeating #ptsd #dnrsystem #chemicalsensitivity #healthcoach #marcdavid #mindbodynutrition
Apr 14, 2022 • 59min

Carbohydrates & Cravings with Donna Gates

In this episode of The Psychology of Eating Podcast, Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, speaks with Donna Gates, M.Ed, ABAAHP. Donna is the author of The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity and The Body Ecology Guide to Growing Younger: Anti-Aging Wisdom for Every Generation, and one of the foremost experts in digestive health.  In this interview, Donna gives us a sweeping overview of the many ways we can look at gut health, food preparation and repairing our intestinal flora. She cover topics such as how to best prepare carbohydrate rich foods for optimal digestion, the brilliance of nature’s design of our digestive system, fermentation, raising healthy kids, unexpected remedies for autism, the 4 “Rs” Protocol (Remove, Replace, Re-inoculate, and Repair), probiotic rich food versus probiotic supplements, and more.  Lots of fascinating, fun facts and tips from one of the world’s great experts in gut health. ----------------- For more on Donna Gates and her work, visit To learn more about Donna’s classic book, The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health & Rebuilding Your Immunity, go to  And for more about Marc David and The Institute for the Psychology of Eating, visit us at Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.   Follow us on social:  - Facebook: - Instagram: - Pinterest:   #psychologyofeating #foodpsychology #nutritionexpert #donnagates #carbcravings #digestivehealth #bodyecologydiet #fermentedfoods #paleo #fermentation #systemiccandidiasis #microbiome #probiotics #guthealth
Apr 12, 2022 • 52min

In Session With Marc David: A Doctor’s Journey with Hashimoto’s Disease & Ethical Veganism

Sumi, aged 40, joins eating psychology expert Marc David in this episode of The Psychology of Eating Podcast. Sumi is a functional medicine doctor in Malaysia who is self-treating for Hashimoto’s disease. She has been successfully managing her Hashimoto’s through dietary and lifestyle changes, supplements, and stress reduction. Currently a low-carbohydrate pescatarian, Sumi has a vegan before and would like to return to veganism out of ethical concerns. But her health has improved so much since eating fish and eggs that she’s hesitant to cut those foods out. What’s more, Sumi commonly counsels her patients that eating meat can be helpful in the healing process — but she feels torn between what she believes is best for her patients (and for herself), and her deeply-held spiritual and ethical beliefs.   How does Sumi get herself out of this medical and ethical conundrum?   --------------------   Learn more about The Institute for the Psychology of Eating:    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food. Follow us on social:  - Facebook: - Instagram: - Pinterest:   #psychologyofeating #eatingpsychology #nutritionexpert #autoimmunedisease #thyroid #hashimotos #thyroidfood #thyroidhealth #vegan #veganismandhealth #paleo #mindbodynutrition #marcdavid
Apr 5, 2022 • 57min

In Session With Marc David: Letting Go of Food Rules & Finding a Natural Relationship with Eating

Forty-seven-year-old Maja is originally from Slovakia and now lives in Melbourne, Australia. Maja happily works as a public servant, and is in a wonderful relationship. But there’s one thing that’s really getting to her: her intense rules about what she can and cannot eat. Maja would like to let go of her food rules and the feeling of being out of control when she breaks those rules. Instead, she wants to be able to savor and appreciate what she eats, and eat what her body is hungry for … instead of what her mind thinks is best for her.   In their coaching session, Maja identifies guilt as a prime obstacle getting in the way of her being able to simply enjoy food. As she and Marc dig deeper, Maja recalls being the youngest child in her family, and the horror she felt watching her parent’s marriage quietly disintegrate. So afraid that her life was going to fall apart, she became a perfectionist in many areas of life, including as an eater. If you can relate to feeling stifled by food control and worry, this episode will give you some great takeaways for how you can transform your own relationship with food.   Learn more about The Institute for the Psychology of Eating:    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food. Follow us on social:  - Facebook: - Instagram: - Pinterest:   #psychologyofeating #foodpsychology #eatingpsychology #nutrition #weightloss #disorderedeating #anorexiarecovery #bellyfat #perfectionist #flatstomach #femininemind #masculinemind #embody #nourishment #internalfeminine #relationshipwithfood #bodyimage #trustyourself #mindbodynutrition #marcdavid #healthcoach
Mar 29, 2022 • 49min

In Session With Marc David: A 42-Year Old Works On Letting Go of Food Restriction

Alexandra, 42, from Lisbon, Portgual, speaks with eating psychology expert and founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, Marc David, about how to stop binge eating and overeating. Also on her “food and body wish list” is the desire to lose an extra few kilos. Alexandra has been working to transform her relationship with food for some time, and has amazing awareness of the emotional roots of her eating challenges. Alexandra recognizes that — like so many of us — she turns to food for comfort from loneliness and other challenging life experiences. But she also knows that’s not ultimately the best way to self-soothe. In their coaching session, Marc identifies several powerful paradigm shifts that will help Alexandra better manage her emotional state, and look at her challenges with food from an entirely different perspective. If you’ve ever struggled with weight, binge eating, overeating, or emotional eating, you won’t want to miss this episode!   Learn more about The Institute for the Psychology of Eating:    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food. Follow us on social:  - Facebook: - Instagram: - Pinterest:   #psychologyofeating #foodpsychology #eatingpsychology #nutritionexpert #weight #bingeeating #overeating #emotionaleating #coping #loneliness #relationshipwithfood #healingjourney #relationshipwithbody #selfawareness #gainingconfidence #mentalhealthjourney #mindbodynutrition
Mar 22, 2022 • 45min

In Session With Marc David: A Man in His 60s Reframes His History with Bulimia & Food Restriction

Now in his 60s, Scott has had eating challenges since he was a wrestler in high school when he developed anorexia and bulimia. Scott has since overcome his eating disorders, but is still dealing with emotional eating, food restriction, and worry around eating and exercise. Scott turns to Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, for help as to how he can break free from these unwanted patterns. In their coaching session, Marc explores the roots of eating disorders and why, for some, over-identification with a history of eating disorders can actually hold us back from moving on with our lives. If you or a loved one has recovered from an eating disorder, but is still struggling with food and body image, you won’t want to miss this episode. Tune in now!   Learn more about The Institute for the Psychology of Eating:    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.   Follow us on social:  - Facebook: - Instagram: - Pinterest:   #psychologyofeating #foodpsychology #eatingpsychology #nutritionexpert #eatingchallenge #bulimia #anorexia #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderrecovery #emotionaleating #foodrestriction #foodworry #exercise #relationshipwithfood #freedomwithfood #forgiveyourself #bodylove #mindbodynutrition #nutrition #marcdavid #instituteforthepsychologyofeating
Mar 17, 2022 • 51min

Rewrite Your Food Story with Eating Psychology & Nutrition Expert, Elise Museles

In this special edition of the Psychology of Eating Podcast, Marc David interviews Eating Psychology and Nutrition expert Elise Museles, author of Food Story: Rewrite the Way You Eat, Think, and Live, and podcast host of Once Upon a Food Story. Elise holds four certificates in holistic health and integrative healing, and is a graduate of Marc’s Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, a five-time National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant recipient, and a frequent expert cited in such publications as O: The Oprah Magazine, Forbes, Health, Self, ELLE, Well&Good, mindbodygreen, Yoga Journal, and more.   In their interview, Elise shares with us her fascination with all things food story, and why our food story is so important to transforming our eating challenges such as emotional eating, binge eating, chronic dieting, weight, body image, and more. As Elise explains, our food story is our unique set of thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and past experiences with food and body. So many of us focus on nutrition and lifestyle protocols, but spend little time considering how our mindset affects our eating patterns. In this powerful interview, Elise breaks down why understanding and transforming our food story is key to changing our unwanted food and body challenges.   If you’re intrigued about your own personal food story, and how to cut out the “food noise” (all the external chatter about what and what not to eat, weight, and more), tune in to learn more!    For more on Elise, visit, discover her book at, or follow her on Instagram at    Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.   And to learn more about The Institute for the Psychology of Eating, visit us at   #psychologyofeating #foodpsychology #nutritionexpert #weightloss #weightlossdiet #holistichealth #elisemuseles #oprah #forbes #mindbodygreen #eatingpsychology #nutritionexpert #mindbodynutrition #perfectionism #lovemybody #foodystory #whatisyourfoodstory

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