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Sep 6, 2024 • 52min

Classic Replay: Is AI Replacing Humanity? 🚨 The Future of AI vs. Humanity Unveiled! 🌍🤖 Anil Seth vs Nigel Crook

In this must-watch episode of 🌟The Big Conversation🌟, we tackle the burning questions that will shape our future. Are the rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) leading us towards a future we can't control? 🚀🧠 Can we even stop AI's rise if we wanted to? And what does AI’s evolution reveal about the essence of humanity? 🤔 Could AI one day replace us? Join Nigel Crook, AI & Robotics expert and author of Rise of the Moral Machine, and Anil Seth, award-winning author of Being You: A New Science of Consciousness, as they explore the fascinating worlds of ChatGPT, robotics, and the future of AI. Together, they dive deep into the ethics, data, and the big questions AI presents for the human race. 💭🤯 🌍🤖 🔔 Subscribe for more thought-provoking content and share your insights in the comments 💬👥 #AIvsHumanity #FutureTech #ArtificialIntelligence #TheBigConversation #FaithAndAI #GodAndTechnology #SubscribeNow For exclusive content, updates, and more shows, sign up at: The Big Conversation The Big Conversation is a video series from Premier Unbelievable? featuring world-class thinkers across the religious and non-religious community. Exploring science, faith, philosophy and what it means to be human. The Big Conversation is produced by Premier Unbelievable? in partnership with John Templeton Foundation. • For Nigel Crook: https://ntcrook.com • For Anil Seth: https://www.anilseth.com • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/t... • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelie... • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/d...
Aug 30, 2024 • 1h 7min

Free Will vs. Determinism: Who's Really in Control? Alex O'Connor vs Prof Alex Carter hosted by Ruth Jackson

Free Will Dilemmas: Determinism vs. Compatibilism Are we the masters of our fate or just dancing to the universe's tune? 🤔 This week on Premier Unbelievable, Ruth Jackson moderates a gripping debate on one of philosophy’s oldest questions: Do we truly have free will? Highlights: Freedom or Illusion? What does it really mean to act freely? Can science give us all the answers?Desire vs. Force: Are our choices genuinely our own, or just outcomes of external pressures?Responsibility: If free will is an illusion, how do we justify crime and punishment?Guest Spotlight: Dr. Alex Carter: A Cambridge philosopher who believes free will and determinism can coexist.Alex O'Connor (Cosmic Skeptic): A well-known advocate of determinism, arguing that our decisions are shaped by prior causes.Prepare to have your views challenged on freedom, responsibility, and human choice. 🎧✨ And stay tuned—Dr. Vince Vitale will soon offer a powerful rebuttal to these arguments! 👉 Join the conversation and get exclusive content at www.premierunbelievable.com 🎉📢 SOCIAL LINKS Twitter: https://twitter.com/unbelievablefe Facebook: / https://facebook.com/premierunbelievable Instagram: / https://instagram.com/premierunbelievable Tik Tok: / https://tiktok.com/@premier.unbelievable • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/courses • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Aug 23, 2024 • 1h 4min

Why Doesn't God Stop Suffering? Stephen Woodford vs Sharon Dirckx  Debate Hosted by Ruth Jackson

Get ready for an electrifying round two on Unbelievable? Podcast. ⚡️ We’re thrilled to welcome back two dynamic debaters 🤩 Dr. Sharon Dirckx, a brain imaging scientist and author of several books on suffering, including Why? Looking at God, Evil, and Personal Suffering, and Stephen Woodford, better known as Rationality Rules, a prominent atheist YouTuber with a focus on debunking religious claims. Now, they’re back to challenge our thinking once more in a debate that took place earlier this summer at Aylesbury High School with Aylesbury Youth For Christ. What are your thoughts on the debate? Are there additional questions you want us to tackle? Get in touch at www.premierunbelievable.com For Sharon Dirckx: https://www.dirckx.org/ and her book on natural evil is available https://amzn.to/3T0k06S For Stephen Woodford: http://www.youtube.com/@rationalityrules • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/courses • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Aug 16, 2024 • 1h 16min

What is 'truth' in a post-truth world? Live debate with Kristi Mair vs Dr Shaun Stevenson

Welcome to this week’s Unbelievable? Podcast! 🎙️ Today, we dive into some profound and challenging questions surrounding the concept of truth in our modern, post-truth world 🌍. Recorded live, this episode features an engaging debate between two distinguished scholars: Kristi Mair 📚, Apologist, Author, and Lecturer at Oak Hill Seminary, who is completing her PhD in Philosophical Theology, and Shaun Stevenson 🧠, a Lecturer in Philosophy at MMU with a particular interest in the philosophy of death. Together, Kristi and Shaun explore deep questions such as: 🔍 What is truth in a post-truth society? ⚖️ Is there such a thing as absolute or objective truth? 🧐 Why is the debate about truth so crucial in today’s world? 🗣️ Can "my truth" be trustworthy? ✝️ What unique perspectives does Christianity offer on these tough questions? This episode is divided into two parts. In the first, our debaters tackle these deep and often controversial topics from their unique academic perspectives. The second part features a lively Q&A session with our young audience 🎤, where attendees pose challenging questions, pushing the discussion even further. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation that delves into the essence of truth, its role in our lives, and how we can discern what is 'true' in a world where the concept of truth is increasingly questioned. 🤔 **Got more questions or thoughts? Drop them in the comments below or email us at unbelievable@premier.org.uk. Stay tuned for more insightful discussions and debates in future episodes! 🎧 #Truth #PostTruth #Philosophy #Christianity #Debate #UnbelievablePodcast #KristiMair #ShaunStevenson #QandA • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Aug 13, 2024 • 1h 9min

Unbelievable? What does the science of climate change say? Hugh Ross and Antonia Godber (replay)

On the podcast today we're joined by climate change campaigner Antonia Godber and scientist Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe. They discuss the science of climate change, whether we are heading towards a tipping point, climate ‘alarmism’ and practical solutions. Originally aired: 11 Nov 2021 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Aug 9, 2024 • 46min

Are all religions HISTORICALLY verifiable? 📜 Christian vs. Muslim ⚡️

Welcome to today's Unbelievable Debate, recorded live at St Michael’s Aylesbury, where two distinguished scholars, Robert Scott and Muhammad Yasir Al-Hanafi, engage in a thought-provoking debate on the historical verifiability, truth, and societal contributions of their respective faiths: Christianity and Islam. Join us as we delve into these complex topics with respect and curiosity and discuss the different truth claims of each religion ask whether we can collaboratively embrace our differences toward the common social and human good? Scott and Yasir explore deep and challenging questions, such as: Are the core beliefs of Christianity and Islam historically verifiable? What contributions do these religions make to society? Is belief in God necessary for the world to function? Today's debate also features a lively Q&A session, where students and attendees pose difficult and often misunderstood questions including: "Someone told me that in Islam, if you kill an unbeliever (an ‘infidel’), then 72 virgins are waiting for you in heaven. Is that true?" "How does the chain of transmission work in Islam?" "If everything in the world has a cause and God is the cause of everything, who caused God?" Join us as we delve into these complex topics with respect and curiosity. ***We have another Christian vs Islam dialogue coming up soon so, if you still have questions -- we want to hear from you -- please do drop us your in the comments or email us at unbelievable@premier.org.uk • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Aug 6, 2024 • 1h 11min

How to overcome tribalism in politics and the church - Patrick Miller, Keith Simon and Tim Farron MP (Replay)

‘Truth Over Tribe: Pledging allegiance to the lamb, not the donkey or the elephant’ is the name of the poignant book by Patrick Miller and Keith Simon. They are both church pastors in the USA who started the Truth Over Tribe podcast to combat polarisation in politics, culture and Christianity. They talk to Justin about Trump, abortion, LGBT, Christian nationalism, progressives and conservatives, and how the church can be part of the solution rather than the problem of tribalism in politics and culture. Justin is also joined by Tim Farron MP to talk about his book ‘A Mucky Business: Why Christians should get involved in politics’. Originally Aired: 9 December 2022 Truth Over Tribe shop here: https://amzn.to/3LUJdMf A Mucky Business shop here: https://amzn.to/4c9d3qY • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Aug 2, 2024 • 1h 15min

Gen Z's Faith Crisis: why young Christians are saying goodbye?! with Mary Jo Sharp and Harry Amos hosted by Billy Hallowell

Although the number of nones in the USA has flatlined in recent years, deconstruction is still on the mind of many young people. This week a Christian apologist - raised without any religion, and a Christian who moved to agnostic atheism debate how we can reengage young people. Joining the Unbelievable debate is former atheist Mary Jo Sharp from the Pacific Northwest, A former atheist who came to faith,has experienced two worlds of American culture: growing up in the postmodern Pacific Northwest and then adulthood in the evangelical culture of the Southern Bible Belt. She first encountered apologetics in her own spiritual search while seeking answers, eventually becoming a professor of apologetics. Mary Jo is now the founder and director of Confident Christianity Apologetics Ministry. She has been featured in Christianity Today’s cover story “The Unexpected Defenders” and is an international author and speaker. Mary Jo's most recent written work is, Why I Still Believe: A former atheist's reckoning with the bad reputation Christians give a good God. Harry Amos is a graduate in Philosophy, Politics & Economics from the University of Warwick. During his studies, his passion for investigating Biblical texts, particularly the historicity of key events like the Exodus, Conquest and Easter narratives, led him to reconsider his Christian faith. Having personally found reconciliation between history, science and evangelical Christianity impossible, he now blogs on such topics at The Book of Amos (thebookofamos.wordpress.com). For more of Mary Jo:   Facebook https://www.facebook.com/confidentchristianity Instagram https://www.instagram.com/maryjosharp/ For more of Harry: thebookofamos.wordpress.comhttps://www.facebook.com/BookOfAmos SOCIAL LINKS Twitter: https://twitter.com/unbelievablefe Facebook: / https://facebook.com/premierunbelievable Instagram: / https://instagram.com/premierunbelievable Tik Tok: / https://tiktok.com/@premier.unbelievable • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/courses • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Jul 30, 2024 • 1h 35min

Why is God hidden? Cosmic Skeptic & Lukas Ruegger at Oxford University with Max Baker-Hytch (replay)

Recorded at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University, atheist Alex O’Connor (aka Cosmic Skeptic) and Christian apologist Lukas Ruegger join Justin discuss the hiddeness of God. OCCA tutor Max Baker-Hytch also joins the discussion for a post-script commentary. Episode originally aired Jan 2020 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Jul 26, 2024 • 42min

Does the Bible condone slavery?  #NoQuestionOffLimits Amy Orr-Ewing, Ben Thomas, & Ben Chang hosted by Ruth Jackson

This week’s Unbelievable Podcast is a special #NoQuestionOffLimits episode that you won't want to miss. We’re revisiting one of our live Q&A events, hosted in collaboration with Spring Harvest. Joining us on the panel is the renowned public theologian and author of several books including Why Trust The Bible? Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing, Dr. Ben Thomas, an international speaker and consultant anaesthetist from OCCA the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, and Dr. Ben Chang, an A&E doctor and author of Christ and Culture Wars. Our distinguished guests tackle a range of challenging questions submitted anonymously by a youth audience. Topics include AI, moral dilemmas, is the Bible sexist? What’s the evidence for the Resurrection, and does the Bible condone slavery? Engage with Us If you want to join one of our #noquestionofflimits Q&A events, sign up on our website at premierunbelievable.com and you will also get free resources, updates, and information on upcoming events where you can interact with us and ask your questions! • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate

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