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Equipping You in Grace

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Oct 23, 2023 • 32min

Why Worship Matters: The Importance and Meaning for Today

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave considers the meaning and purpose of biblical worship, why our worship in our local churches is to be regulated by Scripture alone, and what Scripture teaches about worship.What you’ll hear in this episodeThe meaning and purpose of biblical worship.Why our worship in our local churches is to be regulated by Scripture alone.What Scripture teaches about worship.Subscribing, sharing, and your feedbackYou can subscribe to Equipping You in Grace via iTunes, Google Play, or your favorite podcast catcher. If you like what you’ve heard, please consider leaving a rating and share it with your friends (it takes only takes a second and will go a long way to helping other people find the show). You can also connect with me on Twitter at @davejjenkins, on Facebook, or via email to share your feedback.Thank you for listening to this episode of Equipping You in Grace.
Oct 18, 2023 • 56min

 Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age with Rosaria Butterfield

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave talks with Rosaria Butterfield why every Christian needs to stand faithfully on the Word and exercise wisdom, care about modesty, how intersectionality relates to the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism, along with her new book, Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age (Crossway, 2023), and much more on this new episode. What you’ll hear in this episode How to minister to a family member or a friend who has come out as a homosexual. Why Christians need to stand faithfully on the Word and exercise wisdom. Why every Christian needs to be in a faithfully biblically grounded and practicing local church. Why Christian’s should care about modesty. How intersectionality relates to the normalization of homosexuality. The danger and blessing of social media. Why Christians need to be involved at speaking up in the public square. The danger of feminism and how the Church should respond to it. How Christians should respond to transgenderism. The danger of feministic interpretation and what it does to reading the Bible rightly. About Guest Rosaria Butterfield (PhD, Ohio State University) is an author, pastor’s wife, homeschool mom, and former professor of English and women’s studies at Syracuse University. She is the author of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert; Openness Unhindered, and The Gospel Comes with a House Key and Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age. To learn more about Rosaria please visit her website. Subscribing, sharing, and your feedback You can subscribe to Equipping You in Grace via iTunes, Google Play, or your favorite podcast catcher. If you like what you’ve heard, please consider leaving a rating and share it with your friends (it takes only takes a second and will go a long way to helping other people find the show). You can also connect with me on Twitter at @davejjenkins, on Facebook, or via email to share your feedback. Thank you for listening to this episode of Equipping You in Grace.
Oct 16, 2023 • 28min

Practical Tips to Support and Encourage Your Pastor

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave considers how to be intentional in your care, prayers, and love of your pastor, how to encourage your pastor after his sermon, and seven ways to show you appreciate your pastor. What you’ll hear in this episode How to encourage your pastor after his sermon. How to be intentional in your care, prayers, and love of your pastor. Seven ways to appreciate your pastor. Subscribing, sharing, and your feedback You can subscribe to Equipping You in Grace via iTunes, Google Play, or your favorite podcast catcher. If you like what you’ve heard, please consider leaving a rating and share it with your friends (it takes only takes a second and will go a long way to helping other people find the show). You can also connect with me on Twitter at @davejjenkins, on Facebook, or via email to share your feedback. Thank you for listening to this episode of Equipping You in Grace.
Oct 11, 2023 • 41min

Exploring Jonathan Edwards’ Resolutions with Joey Tomlinson

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave talks with Joey Tomlinson about Jonathan Edwards’s resolutions what they are and how they can help Christians today, and how Edwards’ work can help the Church face the challenges of Bethel and an entertainment-based church culture, along with his new book, Serious Joy: Reflections and Devotions on Jonathan Edwards’ Seventy Resolutions (Founders Press, 2023)What you’ll hear in this episodeWhat Edwards resolutions aimed to do.How Edwards resolutions can help Christians today.How Edwards was not only a brilliant theologian, but a great pastor.What Christians can learn from Edwards commitment to Scripture.The relationship between a growing knowledge of Scripture and humility.How our understanding of Scripture should also affect the experience of our lives.How Edwards’ understanding of religious affections can help the Church to face the challenges of Bethel and an entertainment church-based culture.How Edwards can help Christians to deal with their emotions.About the GuestJoey Tomlinson (DMin, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a husband, father, and pastor at a local church in Newport News, Virginia. He blogs regularly on broadoakpiety.org and hosts a weekly podcast called The Broad Oak Piety Podcast with another local pastor in the community.Subscribing, sharing, and your feedbackYou can subscribe to Equipping You in Grace via iTunes, Google Play, or your favorite podcast catcher. If you like what you’ve heard, please consider leaving a rating and share it with your friends (it takes only takes a second and will go a long way to helping other people find the show). You can also connect with me on Twitter at @davejjenkins, on Facebook, or via email to share your feedback.Thank you for listening to this episode of Equipping You in Grace.
Oct 9, 2023 • 36min

The Fear of God and the Fear of Man: Importance and Meaning

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave considers what Scripture teaches about the fear of God and the fear of man and a practical strategy to fight the fear of man. What you’ll hear in this episode A practical strategy to fight the fear of man. What Scripture teaches about the fear of God and the fear of man. Subscribing, sharing, and your feedback You can subscribe to Equipping You in Grace via iTunes, Google Play, or your favorite podcast catcher. If you like what you’ve heard, please consider leaving a rating and share it with your friends (it takes only takes a second and will go a long way to helping other people find the show). You can also connect with me on Twitter at @davejjenkins, on Facebook, or via email to share your feedback. Thank you for listening to this episode of Equipping You in Grace.
Oct 4, 2023 • 24min

Understanding the War on Men: Insights from Owen Strachan

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave talks with Owen Strachan about the dangers of toxic masculinity and why Christians should speak out against it, biblical manhood and growing in godly character, along with his book, The War on Men: Why Society Hates Them and Why We Need Them (Salem Books, 2023), among other topics on this new episode. What you’ll hear in this episode The dangers of toxic masculinity and why should Christians speak out against it. The consequences of weak male leadership in society. How the disappearance of masculinity affects men and women. How men can navigate challenge times and personal hardships and develop resilience and emerge as stronger men. How fathers can play a role in nurturing and shaping healthy masculinity in their sons. About the Guest Owen Strachan is the provost and research professor of theology at Grace Bible Theological Seminary and a senior fellow for the Family Research Council’s Center for Biblical Worldview. Strachan holds a doctorate in theological studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, a master’s degree from Southern Seminary, and a bachelor’s degree from Bowdoin College. The author of numerous books, including Christianity and Wokeness, Reenchanting Humanity, and Always in God’s Hands, he is married and the father of three children. Subscribing, sharing, and your feedback You can subscribe to Equipping You in Grace via iTunes, Google Play, or your favorite podcast catcher. If you like what you’ve heard, please consider leaving a rating and share it with your friends (it takes only takes a second and will go a long way to helping other people find the show). You can also connect with me on Twitter at @davejjenkins, on Facebook, or via email to share your feedback. Thank you for listening to this episode of Equipping You in Grace.
Oct 2, 2023 • 37min

Engaging Biblically with Mormons with Corey and Ross

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave talks with Corey Miller and Ross Anderson about how a growing knowledge of Scripture helps Christians engage Mormons with the gospel, how to share a biblical testimony with a Mormon, along with their book, Responding To The Mormon Missionary Message Confident Conversations with Mormon Missionaries (and Other Latter-day Saints) (Aneko Press, 2023), among other topics on this new episode. What you’ll hear in this episode Why Christians need to gain knowledge and discernment. How a growing knowledge of Scripture helps Christians to engage Mormons with the gospel. How the Mormon culture shapes their identity and values, and why Christians need to understand this as they engage Mormons. The biblical storyline and sharing the gospel with Mormons. The three levels of authority in Mormonism and how Christians can effective engage each with the gospel. How to share a biblical testimony with a Mormon. About the Guests Corey Miller, PhD, was born in Utah as a seventh-generation Mormon. His ancestor was a polygamist and one of Joseph Smith’s bodyguards. Miller is president and CEO of Ratio Christi (ratiochristi.org), a campus apologetics evangelism ministry on 150 campuses. He has four graduate degrees and has taught nearly one hundred college courses in philosophy and religion, including at Indiana and Purdue universities. He is the author of Is Faith in God Reasonable: Debates in Philosophy, Science, and Rhetoric; Leaving Mormonism: Why Four Scholars Changed Their Minds; In Search of the Good Life: Through the Eyes of Aristotle, Maimonides, and Aquinas; and Engaging with Mormons. He and his family reside in Indiana. Ross Anderson, DMin, was born in Utah and was raised LDS. After leaving Mormonism as a young adult, he pursued a Master of Divinity degree and a Doctor of Ministry degree. Anderson has served as a church planter and pastor in Utah for four decades and is currently a teaching pastor at Alpine Church. He is the executive director of Utah Advance Ministries and the founder of the Faith after Mormonism project and the Culture-Wise podcast. Ross has authored various books, including Understanding the Book of Mormon, Understanding Your Mormon Neighbor, and Jesus without Joseph – a study guide for former Mormons. Ross is an avid cyclist and reader. He and his wife, Sally, are parents to five adult children. Subscribing, sharing, and your feedback You can subscribe to Equipping You in Grace via iTunes, Google Play, or your favorite podcast catcher. If you like what you’ve heard, please consider leaving a rating and share it with your friends (it takes only takes a second and will go a long way to helping other people find the show). You can also connect with me on Twitter at @davejjenkins, on Facebook, or via email to share your feedback. Thank you for listening to this episode of Equipping You in Grace.
Sep 27, 2023 • 53min

Interacting With Media as a Christian in the 21st Century

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave is interviewed by Dave Van Bebber for his class at Spurgeon College on public speaking on a game plan when engaging with the media, what it means to be a trustworthy voice in the Church, why the media has a worldview and why Christians must see and engage the worldview through a biblical worldview, and much more on this new episode.What you’ll hear in this episodeDave’s experience in the media and ministry.A game plan no matter one’s vocation for talking to the media with the gospel.Some of the most important elements of preparation when talking with the mediaCommon pitfalls should one avoid when talking to and engaging in the media.Lessons on conducting an effective interview in any setting.How public speaking impact one’s ability to speak to the media and how this enhances one’s interview skills.Some similar and distinct differences between talking with a reporter covering a story verses a long-form interview.Why and how a biblical worldview helps the Christian.Why the media has a worldview and why Christians must see the world through a biblical worldview.Why Christians should refuse to compromise in media and in all of life.What it means to be a trustworthy voice and resource in the Church.How to fight pride and grow in grace in the Christian life.How preparing helps us to deal with fear and anxiety related to public speaking.Subscribing, sharing, and your feedbackYou can subscribe to Equipping You in Grace via iTunes, Google Play, or your favorite podcast catcher. If you like what you’ve heard, please consider leaving a rating and share it with your friends (it takes only takes a second and will go a long way to helping other people find the show). You can also connect with me on Twitter at @davejjenkins, on Facebook, or via email to share your feedback.Thank you for listening to this episode of Equipping You in Grace.
Sep 25, 2023 • 32min

Remade: Embracing Your Complete Identity with Paul Tautges

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave and Paul Tautges discuss our identity in Christ, addressing guilt, shame, and temptation in our live with the gospel, biblical meditation, life in the local church, and his new book, Remade: Embracing Your Complete Identity (P&R, 2023).What you’ll hear in this episodeAlready/yet reality of the Christian life.Why Christians must understand their identity in Christ.Why Christians no longer being under condemnation helps Christians who struggle with guilt and shame.Why the Christian should keep on repenting.What indwelling sin and how it relates to the Christian life.How prayer can help us address temptation in our lives.The importance of discipline in the Christian life.What it looks like to practically meditate on the Word.What it looks like practically to bear one another’s burdens.About the GuestPaul Tautges is a pastor, biblical counselor, and author of many books on topics related to Christian living, pastoral ministry, parenting, and counseling, including Anxiety: Knowing God's Peace. Paul is married to Karen, and together they cherish their ten children and a growing tribe of grandchildren. He blogs at www.counselingoneanother.com. Subscribing, sharing, and your feedbackYou can subscribe to Equipping You in Grace via iTunes, Google Play, or your favorite podcast catcher. If you like what you’ve heard, please consider leaving a rating and share it with your friends (it takes only takes a second and will go a long way to helping other people find the show). You can also connect with me on Twitter at @davejjenkins, on Facebook, or via email to share your feedback.Thank you for listening to this episode of Equipping You in Grace.
Sep 20, 2023 • 24min

Daily Worship from Advent to Epiphany with Jonathan Gibson

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave talks with Jonathan Gibson about why liturgies are beneficial for every Christian and can aid in evangelism, family worship, and how they can help us grow in grace, along with his book, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: A Liturgy for Daily Worship from Advent to Epiphany (Crossway, 2023).What you’ll hear in this episodeThe element of each liturgy in O, Come, O Come, Emmanuel.Whether there is a certain time or setting to read the devotional.Why liturgies are beneficial for every Christian.Why liturgies can be helpful for Christians and aid in evangelism.How this volume can help with family worship.How liturgies can help Christians grow in grace.About the GuestJonathan Gibson (PhD, University of Cambridge) is an ordained minister in the International Presbyterian Church, United Kingdom, and associate professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is a coeditor of and contributor to From Heaven He Came and Sought Her and author of Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship. Jonny and his wife, Jackie, have four children.Subscribing, sharing, and your feedbackYou can subscribe to Equipping You in Grace via iTunes, Google Play, or your favorite podcast catcher. If you like what you’ve heard, please consider leaving a rating and share it with your friends (it takes only takes a second and will go a long way to helping other people find the show). You can also connect with me on Twitter at @davejjenkins, on Facebook, or via email to share your feedback.Thank you for listening to this episode of Equipping You in Grace.

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