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Mar 15, 2022 • 20min

83: HORMONE THERAPY “MAGIC:" Sex, weight loss, hair, breast cancer rx, cure infertility

Do hormones improve sex? Yes. Testosterone has obvious effects for nearly everyone, and progesterone helps women. Estrogen improves sexuality for both men and women. Some hormone doctors give older men one or two mg a day to raise their levels to the normal youthful numbers of about 50-80 pg/ml. This does not feminize them. When thyroid is dosed to produce blood levels at the top of the “normal” lab range, many men and women report more interest. (I have experienced this.) And HGH produces sexual improvement for many users. Oxytocin is another hormone that is well-known as a female lactation or breast milk stimulant. It is found in both men and women and has effects on sexual arousal, bonding with children, and romantic attachment to partners. Researchers think it reduces fear, facilitates trust, and might treat depression.For women, oxytocin works something like Viagra for men. It is available in an expensive, proprietary nasal spray. The drug is bio-identical, so it cannot be patented, and compounders make an economical 20 mg pill. Compounders invented another stimulant for women that they market as “scream cream.” One preparation contains Viagra 3% and nitroglycerin 0.2% in an ointment. This is applied to the clitoris 30 minutes before sex. I have heard from reliable sources that these concoctions work. Can natural hormones be used to treat hair loss? What works best for hair loss is unclear, but hormone blockers are not the only way to treat it. Balancing and optimizing testosterone may be the best method to thicken women’s hair and prevent thinning. Deficiency can cause hair loss, but using high doses might as well. Some believe that taking testosterone causes balding in both men and women. See for the complete essay. See to learn about my books, Butchered by “Healthcare” andHormone Secrets. My essay with links to COVID treatment and more is HERE. A NOTE FROM ROBERT YOHO: I work nearly full time on this project. If you think this effort is important, share anything I write on your social media platforms. There is no copyright and so you may even repost my work on your own blog. And please ask your friends if they want a free subscription to Robert Click the subscribe button, then type their email. They will get a confirmation email. I have fewer than 2000 subscribers now, but we can triple this in one day with your help. Thanks for this and also for any feedback. “LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: Use this information at your own risk. It is general commentary and not medical advice. Robert Yoho is retired and no longer practices medicine. Make your healthcare decisions with the help of a physician or other licensed provider. Support the show
Mar 15, 2022 • 20min


This phrase originally referred to a hunter shielding himself with a horse in order to sneak up on game animals. Now its meaning is a covert attack made by proxy.This post and the last are from Subscribe to him if you can stand the truth.The Real Purpose of the Plandemic is Exposed Dr. Joseph Mercola·       February 28, 2022·       On February 21, 2022, the Canadian Parliament approved Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s motion to invoke the Emergencies Act in response to the peaceful trucker protest against vaccine mandates.·       Under the Act, Canadian banks may seize the personal bank accounts of anyone suspected of participating in or supporting the protest. These sanctions are intended to ultimately become permanent.·       February 14, 2022, Canadian finance minister Chrystia Freeland said that the government was using the Emergencies Act to cover crowdfunding platforms and their payment service providers, claiming that these were to control money laundering and terrorist financing. This required all digital transactions including cryptocurrencies to be reported to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Canada. ·       What’s happening in Canada should be a wake-up call for the world. Governments intend to control dissent through financial blackmail. ·       They are also pushing for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which are programmable digital cash. The issuer of the money potentially has control over how you spend your own money. The next step might be to punish those with undesirable opinions or behavior by restricting their purchasing ability or even seizing funds.See for the complete essay. See to learn about my books, Butchered by “Healthcare” andHormone Secrets. My essay with links to COVID treatment and more is HERE. A NOTE FROM ROBERT YOHO: I work nearly full time on this project. If you think this effort is important, share anything I write on your social media platforms. There is no copyright and so you may even repost my work on your own blog. And please ask your friends if they want a free subscription to Robert Click the subscribe button, then type their email. They will get a confirmation email. I have fewer than 2000 subscribers now, but we can triple this in one day with your help. Thanks for this and also for any feedback. “LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: Use this information at your own risk. It is general commentary and not medical advice. Robert Yoho is retired and no longer practices medicine. Make your healthcare decisions with the help of a physician or other licensed provider. Support the show
Mar 15, 2022 • 17min

82: OUTSPOKEN WITH DR. NAOMI WOLF: I'm not "Brave"; You're Just a P---y.

This is a re-post of award-winning author Naomi Wolfe’s essay from March 2, 2022. I liked it so much that I read it aloud. I lightly edited and condensed it to facilitate the audio recording. Any mistakes due to my abridgment are my responsibility alone. Read the original, subscribe to her blog, and buy a paid membership if you like her. Her email is and her address is for the complete essay. See to learn about my books, Butchered by “Healthcare” andHormone Secrets. My essay with links to COVID treatment and more is HERE. A NOTE FROM ROBERT YOHO: I work nearly full time on this project. If you think this effort is important, share anything I write on your social media platforms. There is no copyright and so you may even repost my work on your own blog. And please ask your friends if they want a free subscription to Robert Click the subscribe button, then type their email. They will get a confirmation email. I have fewer than 2000 subscribers now, but we can triple this in one day with your help. Thanks for this and also for any feedback. “LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: Use this information at your own risk. It is general commentary and not medical advice. Robert Yoho is retired and no longer practices medicine. Make your healthcare decisions with the help of a physician or other licensed provider. Support the show
Mar 15, 2022 • 19min


Hunters use a horse or horse image to sneak up on their prey. This term now means covert attacks made by proxy.  Pfizer knew from the start that their “vaccine” maimed and killed people. They are being forced to release documents that destroy their liability shield. Stock prices for both Pfizer and Moderna have cratered because Wall Street knows their most recent set of crimes are now exposed.Back to the horses: Today’s evils are far more systemic than stolen “healthcare” money. We are witnessing a three-dimensional chess game—stalking horse behind stalking horse, knives behind lies, and the criminal complicity of corporations and individuals. The next few posts will describe what is happening globally. Although it is complex, little is hidden. Not so long ago we could learn everything we needed to know from YouTube--but no longer. It has become a sewer of censorship. We must now turn to free platforms such as Substack, Bitchute, or Rumble.My readers understand the medical issues. For an update, read Steve Kirsch’s recent post about how medical “science” has turned to s***. What You Need to Know About Vax Passports, Digital IDs, and Central Bank Digital Currencies.Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola·       February 27, 2022STORY AT-A-GLANCE·       If implemented, vaccine passports will strip us of most of our privacy. They are the start of digital identity surveillance.·       Vaccine passports and digital IDs can force compliance with government directives.·       A digital ID and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) can be added to the vaccine passport. Your ability to transact can be “canceled” if you dissent.·       Another global economic crisis is inevitable. Work on improving your resiliency, food security, and self-reliance.See for the complete essay. See to learn about my books, Butchered by “Healthcare” and Hormone Secrets. A NOTE FROM ROBERT YOHO: I work nearly full time on this project. If you think this effort is important, share anything I write on your social media platforms.  And please ask your friends if they want a free subscription to Robert Click the subscribe button, then type their email. They will get a confirmation email. I have fewer than 2000 subscribers now, but we can triple this in one day with your help. Thanks for this and also for any feedback. “LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: Use this information at your own risk. It is general commentary and not medical advice. Robert Yoho is retired and no longer practices medicine. Make your healthcare decisions with the help of a physician or other licensed provider. Support the show
Mar 15, 2022 • 32min

81: Christian Elliot Interview: What's REALLY Keeping Covid Going...And How We Stop It

"LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: Use the information here at your own risk. It is not medical advice. Make your healthcare decisions with the help of a physician or other licensed provider. A follow-up to my 18 Reasons, Covid Wizards, and 17 Reasons articles.By Christian ElliotAbridged by Robert Yoho. The original version is HERE.“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil, to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David ThoreauCovid countermeasures such as social distancing have failed, and the overwhelming harms of the “vaccine” are now well documented. Recent UK studies show vaccine failure as well. The huge VAERS database and the comprehensive military whistleblower information (presented by Senator Johnson) are additional proof that the shot causes tremendous injury and many deaths.Pfizer has been forced by a court order to release documents. The first 2.5% are out and it doesn’t look good for the company’s future: 158K adverse events, 42K case reports, and 1.2K fatalities in the first 3 months after the shot’s release. The vax was a killer from the start, and they knew all about it. Many doctors including the influential Dr. John Campbell are—finally—outraged and going public. Multiple sources now show population-wide increased mortality of approximately 40% (and millennials 84 percent!). This dramatic increase in deaths occurred during the exact time that the vaccine was foisted on us. This data comes from insurance companies (and other) sources that are irrefutable. Support the show
Mar 10, 2022 • 9min

80: GUEST POST, MATT BRIGGS: Cursed Are The Fear Mongers

I’ve been following Matt Briggs at for several years. His writing is superb, but he sometimes addresses religious, statistical, and philosophical issues that are above my pay grade. He is blatantly contemptuous of political correctness, which offends some. If you try a free subscription, he will tutor you.  He is so good that I pay for mine.Cursed are the fearmakers, for they will be called children of Satan.More than two years. A good twenty-six months of idiot fear, panic, rash decisions, saturation propaganda bombing, roiling of the rabble, shrieking hersteria, forced compliance. Lives lost, livelihoods gone, spirits wounded, sanity ruined. The “elites” and ruling class crushing dissent, growing rich, growing richer, the arrival of tyranny.Result? Not one damn lesson learned. We pivoted from the coronadoom moral panic to the Russia moral panic in the twinkling of an eye. No pause for breath. No delay to think things through. In a day, in a trice, the same elite set who sported masked avatars switched to blue and yellow. All to say I AM A GOOD PERSON.Moral panics are not a bug but a feature of democracies. Where all people must have an opinion on all things. And not just an opinion, but the right opinion. This is why people who disagree with the right opinions are called dangers to our democracy.Their minds rotted by popular “entertainment”, our elites and rulers cast the war as a children’s comic book movie. Ukrainian supporters assemble! Propaganda explosions on every source of media. All with the same message: Ukraine is an Innocent Victim, and they are winning, would never lose, could never lose, which is why you and the rest of the world must go to war for them. If you aren’t in favor of war, you are a bad person.Fear, always fear. Be afraid. Ward off the evil using masks, flags. Fear.The lies, then as now, are constant. Jen Psaki said, “The reason why the price of gas is going up is not because of steps the President has taken. They are because President Putin is invading Ukraine”. Some propagandists feel they are fulfilling their duty, doing what they must. But this one. She enjoys lying. She takes pleasure in your pain. Those that rule us are evil.The propagandist supreme, the New York Times, boasted of the benefits of lying to the public: “Viral stories like the Ghost of Kyiv — a Ukrainian pilot who supposedly single-handedly shot down several Russian fighter jets — are of questionable veracity. But they’re a key part of Ukraine’s war plan, experts say, as it tries to keep morale high.”They lie. They say the lie. They say lies are good. Therefore we should know not to listen to or heed them. We do not know. We welcome the lies. Jen Psaki lies regime change is “not the policy of the United States”. We believe.Most propaganda is asinine, as befits a moral panic. The Economist—which switched its banner to a bloody Ukrainian flag—is an enthusiastic source of nonsense. Example: “More Russians are asking Google ‘how to leave Russia’ than have done so in 18 years since such data became public.” Many will believe this.The vice-signaling and wretched attention-seeking nitwittery in our elites are as nauseating as always. Here’s blabbermouth Keith Olbermann weeping he has lived his “entire life with the stain of Russian heritage”. Condemning your own people is about as low as you can sink.Support the show
Feb 28, 2022 • 7min


Parents should beam unconditional positive regard to their kids, but we are past that. I would continue to endure your naïve actions in silence, but you are making mistakes from which you may never recover. You have not read the memo—despite having it sent to you many times. Your intellectual arrogance is a suit of clothes that looks terrible on anyone, so listen to me for once and earn my respect.One of you recently accused me behind my back of being a Republican, but I assure you that I am innocent of that. I am simply pro-life--your life. At 68, what do I have left besides you? I may not live to see the destruction of your health and freedoms, but you will if you don’t wake up. Strain yourself to see through the dark glass--it is time to give up childish things, speak like adults, and act like adults.Our country’s foundation is freedom of speech, but this is fading along with other Constitutional Amendments. This is a principle rather than a narrowly interpreted law. Ever since the censors took over, we have been easily fooled. The mainstream media and the scientific literature are sewers, and their filth has made distinguishing right from wrong difficult. Only a few platforms such as are still free of interference. I hope they last.Covid was financed by US sources, made in a lab, and used as a weapon. We have a decade of proof that includes patents, testimony, and financial records.Simple and effective treatments for similar viral diseases have existed for a decade and were proven effective against Covid in early 2020. These include vitamin D, zinc, ivermectin, hydroxyquinone, steroids, and recently monoclonal antibodies. Concealing them or making them unavailable using lies and propaganda resulted in millions of unnecessary deaths.Over 1000 studies have proven that the “vaccines” are toxic, sometimes fatal, and much worse than doing nothing. To continue the lies, the WHO changed the definition of vaccine. Recently, robust death data from insurance companies and the US military has shown about a 50 percent increase in overall fatalities since the shot was introduced. It has killed—at least--hundreds of thousands of people in the US alone.We cannot predict the longer-term effects of the vax because our experience is brief. But we know that spike proteins found in the jab concentrate in the female reproductive organs, and they kill over half the fetuses if given to pregnant mothers. Many fear that they produce infertility, but although the evidence is suggestive, we do not know yet. Some have developed AIDS-like syndromes, but it is too early to be sure how many will be affected. Who is responsible? Clear, open, and convincing documentary evidence convicts the world bankers, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and many billionaires. China and the rogue Pharma companies are also accessories to the genocide. Some of these groups are financial opportunists, but the primary players want totalitarian control.Events in Australia foreshadow their next moves. Here, Chinese-style social credit scores are being implemented. In a similar move, Trudeau, a WEF puppet, froze the assets of those who donated to the truckers. Vax cards with QR codes are now being offered in more than 30 US states. If implemented, the government’s ability to inject us with whatever they want on the threat of financial penalties could become a hard reality.So awake, arise, look around you, and take your intellect in hand. Get out of the internet box. Ignore wiki, google, and social media sources. Turn away with disdain when you hear “conspiracy theory,” “debunked,” “quackery,” “antivaccine,” or “hesitancy.” Realize that “fact-checking” is faked and controlled. Understand that people like me are now called “domestic terrorists.” Support the show
Feb 28, 2022 • 19min

78: Hospitalized COVID Patients Are Being Over-Treated to Death

·   COVID patients may be denied basic drugs like antibiotics and steroids. They are sometimes not even given nutrition and fluids, which is a crime during wartime. These patients are instead frequently treated with remdesivir, narcotics, and mechanical ventilation, which can be fatal.·   Hospitals are given cash by the federal government for COVID testing, COVID diagnoses, and COVID hospital admissions. They are also rewarded separately for prescribing remdesivir, mechanical ventilation, and even for the fatalities. ·   The Canadian press reports that COVID-19 patients are often given excessive doses of medications such as opioids, benzodiazepines, and anticholinergics. These may be lethal. And in the U.K., nursing homes have been accused of killing COVID patients using midazolam, a powerful sedative.·       The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance's (FLCCC's) prevention and early at-home treatment protocol. They also have an in-hospital protocol and long-term management guidance for long-haul COVID-19 syndrome. You can find a listing of doctors who can prescribe ivermectin and other necessary medicines on the FLCCC website·       The AAPS protocol·       Tess Lawrie's World Council for Health protocol·       America's Frontline Doctors See for the complete essay. See to learn about my books, Butchered by “Healthcare” andHormone Secrets. My essay with links to COVID treatment and more is HERE. A NOTE FROM ROBERT YOHO: I work nearly full time on this project. If you think this effort is important, share anything I write on your social media platforms. And please ask your friends if they want a free subscription to Robert Click the subscribe button, then type their email. They will get a confirmation email. I have fewer than 2000 subscribers now, but we can triple this in one day with your help. Thanks for this and also for any feedback. “LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: Use this information at your own risk. It is general commentary and not medical advice. Robert Yoho is retired and no longer practices medicine. Make your healthcare decisions with the help of a physician or other licensed provider. Support the show
Feb 19, 2022 • 11min

77: The Mystery of the Rubbery Clots that Embalmers are Finding in Veins and Arteries

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  February 19, 2022Abridged for readability and read by Robert Yoho, MD (ret)o   About Dr. Mercolao   Health Articleso   Podcast STORY AT-A-GLANCE·   Richard Hirschman, a board-certified embalmer, has been finding “strange clots” in the bodies of the deceased since the start of COVID-19 shots.·   Hirschman describes and has photographed unnatural, fibrous clots that are filling vessels and veins. These make embalming difficult. His colleagues have had similar experiences.·   Many of those affected were claimed to have died from a heart attack or stroke.·   Since November 2021, Hirschman states that more than 50% of the bodies he embalms have these strange clots·   If you have already had the jab, consider taking fibrinolytic enzymes. These digest the fibrin that leads to blood clots, strokes, and pulmonary embolisms.See for the complete essay. See to learn about my books, Butchered by “Healthcare” andHormone Secrets. My essay with links to COVID treatment and more is HERE. A NOTE FROM ROBERT YOHO: I work nearly full time on this project. If you think this effort is important, share anything I write on your social media platforms. There is no copyright and so you may even repost my work on your own blog. And please ask your friends if they want a free subscription to Robert Click the subscribe button, then type their email. They will get a confirmation email. I have fewer than 2000 subscribers now, but we can triple this in one day with your help. Thanks for this and also for any feedback. “LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: Use this information at your own risk. It is general commentary and not medical advice. Robert Yoho is retired and no longer practices medicine. Make your healthcare decisions with the help of a physician or other licensed provider. Support the show
Feb 18, 2022 • 18min

76: The Great Reset Plan and its Worldwide Criminal Network

STORY AT-A-GLANCE·   The German Club of Clear Words describes the network of individuals and organizations responsible for the COVID scam·   The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation appears to be near the top, or the center, of this COVID plandemic network. Gates is also a major funder of mainstream media, and his network extends into global food and climate change policy·   The Gates Foundation, through its funding of the World Economic Forum (WEF), also plays an important role in The Great Reset, which was officially unveiled during a WEF summit in May 2020·   According to their plan, every aspect of life and society is scheduled to be “reset”. That’s where this criminal COVID enterprise is trying to take us.See for the complete essay. See to learn about my books, Butchered by “Healthcare” andHormone Secrets. My essay with links to COVID treatment and more is HERE. A NOTE FROM ROBERT YOHO: I work nearly full time on this project. If you think this effort is important, share anything I write on your social media platforms. There is no copyright and so you may even repost my work on your own blog. And please ask your friends if they want a free subscription to Robert Click the subscribe button, then type their email. They will get a confirmation email. I have fewer than 2000 subscribers now, but we can triple this in one day with your help. Thanks for this and also for any feedback. “LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: Use this information at your own risk. It is general commentary and not medical advice. Robert Yoho is retired and no longer practices medicine. Make your healthcare decisions with the help of a physician or other licensed provider. Support the show

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