Parents should beam unconditional positive regard to their kids, but we are past that. I would continue to endure your naïve actions in silence, but you are making mistakes from which you may never recover. You have not read the memo—despite having it sent to you many times. Your intellectual arrogance is a suit of clothes that looks terrible on anyone, so listen to me for once and earn my respect.One of you recently accused me behind my back of being a Republican, but I assure you that I am innocent of that. I am simply pro-life--your life. At 68, what do I have left besides you? I may not live to see the destruction of your health and freedoms, but you will if you don’t wake up. Strain yourself to see through the dark glass--it is time to give up childish things, speak like adults, and act like adults.Our country’s foundation is freedom of speech, but this is fading along with other Constitutional Amendments. This is a principle rather than a narrowly interpreted law. Ever since the censors took over, we have been easily fooled. The mainstream media and the scientific literature are sewers, and their filth has made distinguishing right from wrong difficult. Only a few platforms such as are still free of interference. I hope they last.Covid was financed by US sources, made in a lab, and used as a weapon. We have a decade of proof that includes patents, testimony, and financial records.Simple and effective treatments for similar viral diseases have existed for a decade and were proven effective against Covid in early 2020. These include vitamin D, zinc, ivermectin, hydroxyquinone, steroids, and recently monoclonal antibodies. Concealing them or making them unavailable using lies and propaganda resulted in millions of unnecessary deaths.Over 1000 studies have proven that the “vaccines” are toxic, sometimes fatal, and much worse than doing nothing. To continue the lies, the WHO changed the definition of vaccine. Recently, robust death data from insurance companies and the US military has shown about a 50 percent increase in overall fatalities since the shot was introduced. It has killed—at least--hundreds of thousands of people in the US alone.We cannot predict the longer-term effects of the vax because our experience is brief. But we know that spike proteins found in the jab concentrate in the female reproductive organs, and they kill over half the fetuses if given to pregnant mothers. Many fear that they produce infertility, but although the evidence is suggestive, we do not know yet. Some have developed AIDS-like syndromes, but it is too early to be sure how many will be affected. Who is responsible? Clear, open, and convincing documentary evidence convicts the world bankers, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and many billionaires. China and the rogue Pharma companies are also accessories to the genocide. Some of these groups are financial opportunists, but the primary players want totalitarian control.Events in Australia foreshadow their next moves. Here, Chinese-style social credit scores are being implemented. In a similar move, Trudeau, a WEF puppet, froze the assets of those who donated to the truckers. Vax cards with QR codes are now being offered in more than 30 US states. If implemented, the government’s ability to inject us with whatever they want on the threat of financial penalties could become a hard reality.So awake, arise, look around you, and take your intellect in hand. Get out of the internet box. Ignore wiki, google, and social media sources. Turn away with disdain when you hear “conspiracy theory,” “debunked,” “quackery,” “antivaccine,” or “hesitancy.” Realize that “fact-checking” is faked and controlled. Understand that people like me are now called “domestic terrorists.” Support the show