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Dec 27, 2022 • 40min

How to Thrive as a Multi-Passionate Person in a Specialist-Craving Work World

Got a career or business question for the Brainstrust? Submit here.How do you satisfy an impulse to build a living around multiple passions and be in constant learning and growth mode, in a work world that keeps pushing you to pick a single passion or skill-set, become an expert and just keep doing that one thing for life? Jonathan & Jenny offer: Closing the communication gap with multiple resumes / portfolios Pitching your varied skillset as an asset and differentiator not a detractor Is it about the size of the organization or actually the scope of opportunity for growth / learning? Finding your thriving style instead of trying to ‘fit or pigeon hole’ How to query all the ‘shoulds’ Find your guiding lights, even if you’re not connected with them directly Concept mentioned: Steven Johnson ‘The adjacent possible’ - quick explainerIn today’s episode we’re in conversation with:SPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Jenny Blake | WebsiteJenny is a podcaster, career and business strategist, and an award-winning author of three books: Life After College, the groundbreaking Pivot for navigating what’s next, and her recently published Free Time for optimizing what’s now. LISTENER: Sarah, Sparketype: Maven/PerformerToday's listener Sarah shares that when she works in less purposeful, single-focused, non-growth-oriented roles she becomes drained and uninspired once the initial novelty has worn off. She wants to reclaim ‘play’ and variety, pursue different passions and she’s fine always learning and not being an established expert in any one domain.But, Sarah feels like potential employers want to hire people who are committed to one craft and is feeling pressured to pick a path or profession that feels too limiting. And, she’s not alone. So, how do you handle expressing an impulse for many things when the world of work wants you to be one thing?YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.So what is your Sparketype? Turns out, we all have a unique imprint for work that makes us come alive, this is your Sparketype. When you discover yours, everything, your entire work-life- and even parts of your personal life and relationships - begins to make sense. Until you know yours, you’re kind of fumbling in the dark. How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Dec 20, 2022 • 40min

How to Reimagine Work in a Way that Re-energizes You

Got a career or business question for the Brainstrust? Submit here.Today’s listener Paulina asks, as an Essentialist who thrives and is energized by chaos, problem solving and ‘putting out fires’, when you run your own consultancy and need to wear all the hats, but things settle into a fairly dialed-in mode where that Essentialist impulse isn’t so organically activate any more, how do you keep feeling Sparked? And it is more about finding satisfaction and joy in everyday, non chaotic work or finding ways to get back into Essentialist mode again.Jonathan & Deb offer: How to reframe chaos Could expansion be the next exciting challenge? How Creative destruction can keep you in your purpose Can you break your business and reimagine without giving it away? All customers want to know is did you get the results and can you duplicate it? In today’s episode Jonathan is in conversation with:SPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Deborah Owens | WebsiteAfter a long career in leadership in some of the biggest companies in the world, Deborah founded her own consulting firm, Corporate Alley Cat, where she advises and coaches People of Color in all aspects of career visioning and development. She has this incredible ability to see what’s happening under the surface in any given situation, and ask questions that get to the heart of the matter and reveal possibilities that feel both empowering and expansive.LISTENER: Paulina’s Sparketype - Primary: Essentialist, Shadow: Maven, Anti: PerformerQUESTION: Today’s listener Paulina, describes herself as the kind of person who runs towards fires and loves creating systems and strategies to make things simpler and easier for her clients and has been getting incredible results. But she shares that as time has gone on and things have gotten more predictable, she’s lost that spark that I used to have. So whilst building the business and not quite at the point of delegating or hiring, she asks if it’s possible to find fulfillment in the necessary day to day maintenance of running a business or is there a way to reimagine the experience and feel sparked by her work again?ABOUT YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.So what is your Sparketype? Turns out, we all have a unique imprint for work that makes us come alive, this is your Sparketype. When you discover yours, everything, your entire work-life- and even parts of your personal life and relationships - begins to make sense. Until you know yours, you’re kind of fumbling in the dark. How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Dec 13, 2022 • 38min

How to Overcome Perfectionism and Get the Job Done When You Don’t Feel Confident

How do you balance the desire to try something new whilst also wanting to feel like an expert in your field? And how do you know when you are expert ‘enough’ to guide others on a subject?Jonathan & Cynthia offer: How to gain confidence when our skills are invisible to us How to see our own expertise & talent How to have patience while learning new subject matter How to reframe teaching & releasing needing to know everything before beginning to guide others In today’s episode we’re in conversation with:SPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Cynthia Morris | WebsiteCynthia is the founder of the Original Impulse creative studio and atelier and coaching program for writers, she’s also an author, workshop facilitator, trusted advisor and coach.LISTENER: Lily - Sparketype: Advisor/MavenQUESTION: Today’s listener, Lily, is posing that question. She shares that she is craving something new to sink her teeth into, especially as a Maven, but also wants to feel like enough of an expert to market herself confidently and not feel like a fraud.The real question being how do you build credibility and expertise in a new career field and sell your services with confidence or do we all have to go through the inevitable dip before the new skills settle in? And how do you move through that as a high achiever with high expectations of yourself?YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.So what is your Sparketype? Turns out, we all have a unique imprint for work that makes us come alive, this is your Sparketype. When you discover yours, everything, your entire work-life- and even parts of your personal life and relationships - begins to make sense. Until you know yours, you’re kind of fumbling in the dark. How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Dec 6, 2022 • 32min

How to Move Forward with Self Compassion & Curiosity after Loss

Loss and grief. They’re experiences none of us will escape. But some losses are so deep, they shatter your model of the world and lead to a re-examination of how you want to spend your time on the planet. In work, in relationships, in life. That’s the theme of today’s conversation on the SPARKED Podcast where, following the loss of a child, listener, Scott, finds himself at a sudden crossroads in mid-life. He’s left a long career in financial services in search of something new and more fulfilling. Something that feels more intentional that will quench the quest for knowledge and creative thirst of his Maven/Maker Sparketype combo. We discuss: Why saying no to everything might not be ideal advice Reframing to move with grief not past it  Offering yourself grace in world shattering transitions  In today’s episode we’re in conversation with:SPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Karen Wright | WebsiteKaren is the founder of Parachute Executive Coaching, acclaimed executive coach, advisor to senior leaders for more than two-decades, and the author of two great books, The Accidental Alpha Woman and The Complete Executive.LISTENER: Scott - Sparketype: Maven/MakerQUESTION: Listener Scott, has left a long career in financial services in search of something new and more fulfilling. Something that feels more intentional that will quench the quest for knowledge and creative thirst of his Maven/Maker Sparketype combo. While Scott’s experience was unique and profound and many people’s biggest fear, many of us have endured existential disruptions over the last few years that have led to re-examine all parts of work and life. And, we’ve wondered, how do we best use our time when we’re closing the chapter on something we’ve done for decades? How do we honor and integrate the profound upheaval and change grief and loss can instigate? And how do we open up the next chapter intentionally and without feeling drawn into things that don’t serve our interests, innate impulses and full expression?YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.So what is your Sparketype? Turns out, we all have a unique imprint for work that makes us come alive, this is your Sparketype. When you discover yours, everything, your entire work-life- and even parts of your personal life and relationships - begins to make sense. Until you know yours, you’re kind of fumbling in the dark. How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Nov 29, 2022 • 54min

How I Took a Month Off to Write & Make Art (and what REALLY happened)

Last week on SPARKED we heard from DJ Didonna about the potential life changing experience of taking a sabbatical.And after much pondering and planning, Jonathan did just that, a month stepped away from two companies and almost all work responsibilities to pursue a creative project or two.So this week on SPARKED, Jonathan shares his reflections on the experience.He shares: How he prepared to take the time away from his multiple roles What he aimed to achieve A surprising discovery about his humanness Was it long enough? And would he do it again? Missed last week's ep? Listen here.Find more about DJ Didonnas project here: Website | Learn About Your Sabbatical Style More on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Nov 22, 2022 • 41min

How to take a Life-Changing Sabbatical with DJ Didonna

What if you could take anywhere from a month to a year off work to clear your mind, pursue a creative vision, travel or just create the space to reclaim your energy, focus and inspiration? Safe bet, most people would jump on that opportunity. But then comes the reality check. Sure, it’d be amazing, but I could never make it happen.But, what if you could? What if taking a sabbatical is actually more doable than you ever imagined? What if there were ideas, tools, and strategies that would help you step away and reset your mind, body, and life? My guest today on SPARKED, DJ DiDonna, says, it's not only more doable than most people imagine, it may actually hold the key to your ability to reset and regimagine the way you work for years to come.  DJ is the founder of The Sabbatical Project, a research and advocacy nonprofit that is on a mission to define, explore, and research sabbaticals and their impact on non-academics. His work on sabbaticals has appeared in TIME magazine, Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Quartz, Fortune and at TEDx in Silicon Valley. And today, we dive into some of the ideas and stories that appear in his upcoming book based on hundreds of interviews with sabbatical-takers from across the world. You can find DJ at: Website | Learn About Your Sabbatical Style | LinkedInMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Nov 15, 2022 • 35min

How to Build the Team Habit of Belonging

Jonathan & Charlie discuss: Work ways vs team habits How the pandemic, #MeToo and Black Lives Matter came together to show us that the social order is not working - the system is broken, so what are we going to do about it? The difference between understanding something in theory vs in practice How do you express the language of belonging and inclusion in remote teams vs co-located teams And a powerful question to ask to build belonging in your teams This week we’re bringing you another SPARKED Hot Takes segment, where we tackle hot topics in conversation with expert guides from the SPARKED Braintrust. And, today, we’re hearing from Charlie Gilkey.Charlie is a strategic advisor, executive coach, founder of the Productive Flourishing consultancy, author of the multi-award-winning book, Start Finishing and the creator of the Momentum app.Today we take a deep dive into team habits and look at how the past few years of global disruption and rapid change have forced us to re-examine what it means to belong and feel supported in our workplaces and what habits and rituals might support this. Charlie gives us some interesting insight on how we took for granted the social fabric that just existed in workplaces before we went remote and we ask how do you express the language of belonging and inclusion in remote teams vs co-located teams? And, he offers a powerful question to ask your employees & colleagues to build belonging in your teams.Enjoy this Sparked Hot Take on work ways, team habits and the importance of cultivating belonging and inclusion in all work spaces.Learn more about Charlie Gilkey: WebsiteMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Nov 8, 2022 • 34min

How to Handle the Parts of a Job You Love that Don’t Come Easily

So many people have said yes to the quest to blaze their own paths in business over these last few years, whether founding a company, a private practice or any other endeavor.When building a business from scratch, it can feel like we need to wear all the hats. All the time. So how do we do that when not everything is a natural talent or drive or impulse? Often, we yearn to do just parts we’re good at, and that light us up. And we want to run from all the other necessary, but emptying work. But there’s no one else to do that work.Jonathan & Jadah discuss: How can you reframe what sales means to you What do you actually need to start a business Reimagining ways of getting more support Coaching in a field you once worked in Giving yourself grace as a beginner In today’s episode we’re in conversation with:SPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Jadah Sellner | WebsiteJadah is a multi-time founder and CEO of Jadah Sellner Media, the co-creator of the Simple Green Smoothies social and business phenom, sought-after advisor to entrepreneurs, and bestselling author, including her new book, ‘She Builds: The Anti-Hustle Guide to Grow Your Business and Nourish Your Life’, now available for pre-order.LISTENER: Natalie - Sparketype: Nurturer/AdvisorQUESTION: Listener, Natalie, shares her story of the past year and all the big shifts, including a personal journey into wellness, healing modalities and mindfulness while working as an ICU Registered Nurse and then losing her job due to a medical issue.She reframed that moment as an opportunity to follow her emerging passion and build a business as a wellness coach and a meditation teacher. And she’s wondering how to stand in the work that lights you up when you’re starting something new and, by the very nature of a new business, you have to do so many other things that don’t play nice with what Sparks you?Are there unique ways we can approach structure, process, technology, marketing, sales, systems and more that bring less resistance and more ease to the experience?YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.So what is your Sparketype? Turns out, we all have a unique imprint for work that makes us come alive, this is your Sparketype. When you discover yours, everything, your entire work-life- and even parts of your personal life and relationships - begins to make sense. Until you know yours, you’re kind of fumbling in the dark. How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Nov 1, 2022 • 32min

How to Use Your Shadow Sparketype to Amplify Different Impulses

What do you do when the job you’ve had for years and the organization you work for change in ways that no longer feel compatible with you doing your best work, showing up as your best self and truly coming alive?Today’s listener, Gretchen, shares how major changes to her job as a college professor, after decades in the classroom, and also awakening to the call to let a different part of her take the lead, are inspiring new questions and insights.In a bid to add some variety to her role she began mentoring her college's football team, and much to her surprise, found that she really enjoyed it, potentially even more than teaching, a profession she’d been doing for over 20 years. As she considers her next steps, she wonders whether you adapt an existing role to your evolving interests, and if so, how? And is there a way to put your unique spin on a longstanding, traditional profession to reimagine doing it in a way that Sparks you again?In today’s episode we’re in conversation with:SPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Jenny Blake | WebsiteJenny is a podcaster, career and business strategist, and an award-winning author of three books: Life After College, the groundbreaking Pivot for navigating what’s next, and her recently published Free Time for optimizing what’s now. LISTENER: Gretchen, Sparketype: Advisor/SageYOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.So what is your Sparketype? Turns out, we all have a unique imprint for work that makes us come alive, this is your Sparketype. When you discover yours, everything, your entire work-life- and even parts of your personal life and relationships - begins to make sense. Until you know yours, you’re kind of fumbling in the dark. How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Oct 25, 2022 • 38min

How to convert Creative Inspiration into Action Taking with Cynthia Morris

Jonathan & Cynthia talk about: What is the purpose of inspiration Who are your creative ancestors The dance between consuming vs being inspired by vs deconstructing & learning Tapping into how a creative work makes you feel and how to infuse your creativity The humbling nature of writing and many drafts needed How to listen out for your inner bullsh*t detector We’re super-excited to be introducing some fresh new formats to the mix here on the SPARKED podcast. Our new Hot Takes segments, which we launched a few weeks back, tackle hot topics in conversation with expert guides from the SPARKED Braintrust. And, today, we’re sharing this Hot Take with Cynthia Morris.Cynthia is the founder of the Original Impulse creative studio and atelier and coaching program for writers, she’s also an author, workshop facilitator, trusted advisor and coach. Today we shine the spotlight on creative inspiration and how to turn it into action taking and output. We explore the purpose of inspiration, understanding who our creative ancestors are, and more. And in this time of reimagining, global burnout and upheaval we look at the difference between passively consuming, being simply inspired and the desire to deconstruct and learn from the art we’re enjoying. Cynthia shares a great strategy for journaling to connect with your ‘artist self’ and we both reflect on the many drafts it takes to create great work and the humbling nature of writing.Enjoy this Sparked Hot Take on creativity, inspiration and expression, we hope it ignites some creative action taking of your own.Learn more about Cynthia Morris: WebsiteMore on Sparketypes: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.

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