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Behaviour Change Marketing Bootcamp

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Apr 21, 2023 • 25min

E46 Using Behavioural Science in Marketing with Nancy Harhut

  This episode is an interview Nancy Harut author of Using Behavioral Science in Marketing and co-founder and chief creative officer at marketing agency HBT.  Quote from Nancy “all of us really are our choice architects, when you think about it, there really is no neutral way to present information, you know, how information is presented, influences how people decide about it. And that's, that's essentially the core of choice architecture, how you present, you know, options or choices, determines or influences, see decisions people make about them.”   Three Aha Moments Nancy highlights how behavioural science tells us people use shortcuts top make decisions and they will follow automatic, instinctive reflective responses. As marketers we need to add this understanding into our strategies and creative executions.  To do this (esp if you have no market research) ask why your audience may not want to do what you need them to do. What will they lose of they don’t do it? What is stopping them. Then look to see which of the behavioural science strategies can help you reframe or overcome this barrier. For example if you need to build trust and people don’t know you then the authority bias is a good start. (Nancy includes 25 principles in her book).  We are all choice architects.  Whether you like it or not how you frame and the words you choose influence people so you may as well be sure you are influencing them positively in the right way.    Nancy’s Book Influence by Robert B Cialdini Link to Nancy’s own book – MUST READ   Using Behavioral Science in Marketing by Nancy Harhut   Chapters 4:19 The importance of behavioural science in marketing. The barriers and levers in a creative brief. The best arguments to overcome barriers to do something.   6:25 Three reasons why someone may not want to buy a product.   8:15 The importance of market research and customer testimonials.     11:05 Loss aversion and the endowment effect. The biggest mistake in health.     13:27 Nancy shares one of her favourite client case studies. What is Choice Architecture and how does it work?   15:15 How to get a triple digit increase in meeting attendance. What is choice architecture in messaging, and why it matters.   18:36 One book that changed Nancy's life   Bootcamp News The next Behaviour Change Marketing Bootcamp is on the 7th June 2023. The Early bird ends 1st May.
Apr 13, 2023 • 28min

E45 Case study: Beat the Street reducing health inequalities & having fun!

This episode explores 'Beat the Street' a behaviour change game that gets people up and moving, connecting and has a little bit of competition thrown in to help motivate people to keep playing. Katherine Knight former Head of Communications for women’s football at the FA and now Director of Intelligent Health shares how this behaviour change game is helping reduce health inequalities whilst also encouraging people to have fun. Beat the Street has been run in 150+ towns across England and also internationally. Three Aha Moments 1) Beat the Street works because the focus is on small, everyday changes people can do for themselves. It celebrates and rewards these changes. 2) Beat the Street is a public health consultant’s dream behaviour change intervention because it tackles multiple determinants of health inequalities including moving more and connecting with towns and countryside and it focuses on the most vulnerable and it provides the data! 3) Beat the Street works because it is driven by engagement & behavioural science, the start focuses on bringing people together to plan together to ensure they get it right for their town.   Quote from Katherine “We're not trying to make them play football or stop lacrosse, we're trying to get them to make those small changes in their environment and own them and feel like and be able to celebrate the fact that change they've done rather than it's been done to them.”   The book that changed Katherine's life • Utopia for realists: and how we can get there by Roger Bregman Links • Beat the Street   Chapters 2:26 The importance of understanding the audience.4:28 What is Beat the Street? -.9:02 How do you make people feel safer in their town?13:23 How do you engage with communities to get a project started?16:22 What’s next for Beat the Street?18:48 One book that has changed Catherine’s life.21:30 What’s coming up at the Bootcamp.   🧠The June Behaviour Change Marketing Bootcamp half price early-bird finishes on the 1st May 2023. Click here to grab one of the few spots left.
Mar 30, 2023 • 14min

E44 Tips for firefighting comms pros - Play the 'who am I?' game

Today's episode is for busy communicators and changemakers who have very little time to scope a project and get to know their audience. You may be firefighting incoming requests, or were simply brought in too late to do the level of audience understanding you would like to. But playing this simple game can really help. The Who Am I Game Answer all questions as though you are the person. Have fun with it. Step into their shoes. Who am I - step inside of their skin.  Where am I when I perform the behaviour change When do I do it? Why do I do it?  What must I overcome to get it? Think of a dragon...who or what is your audience's dragon? What barrier stands in their way? Remember this is about understanding where you fit in their life and having a go at understanding their motivator not your product benefits. This episode also includes a quick tip: stop talking about behavioural science with your stakeholders. If you are having trouble getting buy-in use the words decisions. I need to understand the decisions people need to influence. Then explore those decisions in the Who Am I? game.     To delve deep into behaviour change join likeminded souls at the June Bootcamp. This will be last one until October 2023. The early bird is tweeting away - its a whooping 50% saving. Don't miss out!    
Mar 24, 2023 • 29min

E43 How to apply behavioural science to internal comms with Melina Palmer

This episode welcomes Melina Palmer to talk about her new book "What your employees need and can't tell you". She has also published "What your customer wants and can't tell you." Melina is an applied behavioural economist with a passion for helping people use behavioural economics aka behavioural science. In the episode we explore the difference between behavioural economics and behavioural science and Melina explains in a fun, engaging way how change is like riding an elephant and what to do when you smell cookies. Melina runs the global consultancy The Brainy Business, teaches  behavioural economics and hosts the incredible podcast The Brainy Business. Timestamps 6:25 What is the difference between behavioural economics and behavioural science? 10:10 Change doesn't have to be bad 12:05 How to brace for change at work 14:51 Why reducing the cognitive load is so important 19:17 Deadlines deadlines deadlines 21:34 It's not about the cookies 24:00 How to use behavioural economics to get people to buy in to your idea Quote from Melina  "So in your brain, you have that logical conscious writer that has a plan, you know, where you're supposed to go, what you want to do the best way to get there, you're set, however, you are at the mercy of the elephant, which if it wants to, like run in another direction, or just sit down and not do anything, you can't push or pull or logic it to do what you want it to do." Melina Palmer Three aha moments🧠 One: Cognitive load is everything. Why do we keep on pushing out more and more information on people during stress times? Melina explains the importance of cognitive load and the importance of not tipping into it when you are leading change management. Two: It's not the change - it's how you communicate it. Melina shares a fantastic example of cookies to illustrate how the way the change is presented is the as - if not more - important that the change itself. (or cookie!) Three: We are all elephant riders trying to calm our brains! A lovely way to understand system 1 and system 2. Where is your elephant taking you...?   The book that changed Melina's life A more beautiful question.  The power of inquiry to spark breakthrough ideas by Warren Berger   Useful links Free chapter:  ➡️ - use this link to get the first chapter of What your employees need but can't tell you free plus you will find all of Melina's podcast episodes here. They are all worth a listen!   Don't forget the next Behaviour Change Marketing  Bootcamp is on the 7th June 2023 and it's currently half price via the Earlybird!          
Mar 17, 2023 • 11min

E42 Help! I'm not a behavioural scientist get me out of here!

Today's episode is about our yearly survey Help I'm not a behavioural scientist get me out of here! For the third year we are asking what is working for you and what is not. We are pondering whether the term behavioural science is one of the blockers to adopting this work and proposing that maybe you do a lot of this work already but just don't know it. So this years survey is slightly different as we try to chunk down - what exactly is behavioural science - and which part do you actually need to know to get the best results for your project/campaign. Everyone that completes the survey before the end of March 2023 get sweets!  Check it out here:  
Mar 9, 2023 • 30min

E41 How Netflix uses behavioural science (and you can too) with Jen Clinehens

Our guest this week is Jennifer Clinehens, founder of behavioural science based customer experience consultancy Choice Hacking. Choice Hacking is a consultancy, book, podcast and TikTok sensation with millions of views. In this episode Jennifer explains how to use behavioural science to improve  our customer/patient's experience. Jennifer shares how customer journey mapping can be used to think beyond the nudge and elevate conversations around behavioural science in organisations. She also discusses how behavioural science can be used to strategically navigate the psychological biases that exist in customer journeys. Jen uses Netflix to demonstrate what she means and includes the cocktail party effect and peak end rule.   Quote from Jen  “you can't really have a culture where behavioural science is taken seriously without a culture where experimentation is also taken seriously.” Jen Clinehens No every moment punches at the same weight shouldn’t your marketing budget be doubling down on understanding them” How are people creating memories, the experiences they are creating.” Jen Clinehans   Three aha moments The Cocktail party effect is the bias that drives personalisation. It claims that our brains will focus in on the information that is most relevant to them. In other words it will zone in on cues such as your name. Netflix shows us the many opportunities to personalise when you plan across the whole customer experience. Have you ever been lured in to a show using this tactics. (I have!) Top 10 Because you watched Trending (herding bias also) When reviewing or reflecting on an experience people don’t average out the experience they will focus in on the peak and the end. Aka the Peak End rule. Know your peaks and invest accordingly.   The book that changed Jen’s life  Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences, Nancy Duarte   Useful links  Check out Jens episodes on the biases here  -  Check out Jens customer experience and other online courses here -
Mar 2, 2023 • 48min

E40: How to build habits that stick: expert tips from Samuel Salzer

This episode features an interview with Samuel Salzer about building habits. Samuel is a renowned expert on the topic, and he shares his insights on how to effectively change your habits. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to learn more about building habits and how to make lasting change Quotes from Samuel: “The whole idea here is that even if we give people the right information, they might go from knowing something to having the intention to do something. But that's still not enough. People have the best intentions. Doesn't really change the world. What changed the world is what people do.” Samuel Salzer   “Get comfortable with getting uncomfortably specific” Samuel Salzer   Three Aha Moments (There are so many it was really hard to pull out three aha moments. Your Brainfuel newsletter has a greater breakdown so if you are not subscribed you’re missing out!) But if we had to choose our top three insights Habits make up almost 50% of our autopilot behaviour! Which makes changing habits especially difficult. Don’t take for granted your audience is aware of the habit you are asking them to change! Reward matters when you are forming a habit but not so much when it has shifted into your There is no neutral environment. We are always being influenced – intentionally or not. IKEA are a good example of intentional when we know it. Samuel shares a Google work project that increased water consumption 5 x and decreased biscuit consumption by 30%. Extra one for luck Social belonging is the key that can unlock the door to change. There are lots of ways to adopt social proof to increase the desire to belong. FOMO is alive and kicking. The book that changed Samuel’s life Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me) Why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions and hurtful acts by Carol Tavris, Marsha Mercant et a   Useful links  Habit Weekly & Behavior Design Podcast  More on the popcorn study here it’s a blog from Cornell University who ran the study – the claim is that when people have greater portion sizes they overeat. Samuel uses it as an example to explain why – habit of eating popcorn meant people just kept on going – on autopilot despite it being stale. The participants claimed they had eaten a smaller amount. They were unaware. Chapters [00:55] - The King of Habits Samual Salzer [02:52] - Samuel Salzer working at improve [06:48] - Understanding Habits [08:00] - Components of Habit [11:00] - The Role of reward [13:00] - System 1 and System 2 [15:13] - Engaging with Long-Term Behavioral changes [15:26] - Breaking down into steps [19:11] - Duolingo Failing users [20:30] - Easy or Rewarding [26:09] - Understanding Motivation [31:11] - The goal is not to motivate people [32:20] - Autonomy Buy-In [33:36] - Creating Intervention [35:22] - Changing minds with Canvasing [36:59] - Accessible Science [39:26] - Dive into the driving forces of behaviors [42:30] - Habitual Coach Professionals [45:20] - The One Book
Feb 24, 2023 • 13min

Best behavioural science podcasts

In today’s podcast we dive into our top four favourite behavioural science podcasts.  The recommendations are divided into two sections: Behavioural Science and Applying Behavioural Science to Marketing. Discover how to set your content and marketing to new heights, while also learning key insights from the world's top behavioural scientists. Get ready for your AHA moments today! Core behavioural science 🧠 - Behavioral Grooves hosts Kurt Nelson, Ph.D., and Tim Houlihan  -The Behavioral Design Podcast hosted by Aline Holzwarth and Samuel Salzer    Behavioural science applied to marketing & comms 💞  -The Brainy Business Podcast hosted by Melina Palmer  - Choice Hacking hosted by Jen Clinehens    Links Behavioral Grooves  The Behavioral Design Podcast  Habit Weekly The Brainy Business podcast  Choice Hacking    Timestamps [01:10] - Recommending 4 Podcast [01:40] - Our favorite behavioral scientist’s podcast [01:59] - The Behavioural Grooves Podcast [04:35] - Habit Weekly Pro [04:49] - Behavioural Design Podcast [06:46] - Behavioural Science Applying to Marketing [06:56] - Brainy Business [08:39] - Choice Hacking [11:12] - The Recap  
Feb 15, 2023 • 15min

The best behavioural science books

This week's episode is on books.  We tried to use AI to write the show notes. It didn't work. But we did write a blog - or I should say - I -  a human named Ruth - wrote a blog that lists all of the books talked about in today's episodes. Click here to head over to the full blog.  Thanks for listening & reading.  
Feb 8, 2023 • 38min

E37 COM_B in 2023 with Professor Robert West

In this episode we chat with the King of COM_B Professor Robert West as we discuss his popular behavioural science model --- COM_B --- As one of the original authors alongside Susan Michie and Lou Atkins we explore with Professor West how he feels about the success and popularity of the framework. We cover the basics What is COM-B and how did it come about? What are some of the benefits of using behavioural science? We chat about his current work with the new Welsh Behavioural Science Unit and their joint publication Improving health and wellbeing: A guide to using behavioural science in policy and practice: (Co-Author Ashley Gould) with a focus on: What is the egocentric bias and how can it be overcome? The NEAR and AFAR framework. 3 AHA moments The COM_B framework was inspired by Perry Mason. We didn’t know that when we developed the Murder Mystery COM_B training! (We were inspired by Death in Paradise.)  Egocentric bias is where we rely too heavily on our own opinions. We all have it to some degree so when running the COM_B analysis to overcome the egocentric bias always treat your perspective as a hypothesis until and unless you get insight or data from other sources to make you more confident. NEAR and AFAR are frameworks to help you design your intervention once you have completed your COM_B analysis. It works with the Behaviour Change Wheel. Episode Outline [00:01:07] - Thank you for your support [00:02:11] - 2022 By the Data [00:03:07] - 2023 2 Words to live By [00:06:00] - A dosage of Kindness at the core [00:08:15] - Introducing guest Robert West [00:10:06] - Rise of COM-B Model [00:12:56] - COM-B Model value in other markets and vertices [00:14:51] - Wales creating a behavior science guide [00:19:30] - Straight from the principles [00:23:07] - Breaking down Egocentric bias [00:25:57] - Energise: The secrets of motivation [00:28:13] - Treat your Perspective as a Hypothesis [00:29:13] - The NEAR-AFAR framework [00:33:57] - Health and Well-being is a shared responsibility   Quotes “The popularity of COM-B is due to its ability to provide a formal framework for a concept that has long been intuitively understood by many” Professor Robert West Approximately mentioned @ 00:10:06   “The COM-B model provides a starting point for understanding behaviour change, allowing you to use the four elements of normal, easy, attractive, and routine to determine the right behaviour change techniques to use in a given context.” Professor Robert West Approximately mentioned @ 00:29:33   Recommended Book Tools for Thought, by Waddington (1977)   Guest Resources/useful links Improving health and wellbeing: A guide to using behavioural science in policy and practice – Robert West YouTube -  Academic publications here: (2022) Harness your animal brain. Robert West & Jamie West (2021) The Secrets of Motivation. Robert West & Jamie West   Subscribe Our February bootcamp sold out before the end of January. Be the first to hear about the next Bootcamp training by signing up to our weekly podcast email called Brainfuel - it's a mini breakdown of what we covered in the podcast and useful links to events and what's happening in the busy world of behavioural science.  Subscribe by visiting       

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