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Good Heavens! The Human Side of Astronomy

Latest episodes

Aug 9, 2021 • 35min

In the Days of Noah - Part 2 Dr. Hugh Ross' View of the Genesis Flood

On this episode, we continue our conversation with astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross from Reasons to Believe, who holds to an "old-earth" view (4.5 billion years). Dr. Ross presents his understanding of the text of Scripture, the science, and how he sees Noah's flood mentioned in Genesis 6-9.   But most importantly, Dr. Ross models charity and grace towards those who hold to a young-earth view (6-10,000 years), recognizing the most important aspect of this discussion is not finally the science, but modeling civility, compassion, and the love of Christ.     We have also featured a "young-earth" view of the flood from Dr. Tim Clarey of the Institute for Creation Research here in Dallas, Texas. That program was called "Modern Geology and the Biblical Flood with Timothy Clarey." We believe as Christians that there is room for civil and charitable disagreement about the scientific details of the flood and we hope that no matter if you are a young or old-earth creationist, or a skeptic or unbeliever, that you can see how Dr. Ross and Dr. Clarey charitably disagree but affirm that the flood described in the Bible really did happen and most importantly, they both affirm the inspiration of Scripture and the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our aim is to present different perspectives and model Christian charity and love in how we address the issues that divide believers.   For more about Dr. Ross and Reasons to Believe: This broadcast and our broadcast with Tim Clarey of the Institute for Creation Research do not constitute an endorsement of young or old-earth creationism and do not  necessarily reflect the views of Watchman Fellowship, Inc. Arlington, TX (  Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.  To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to  This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.  
Aug 2, 2021 • 56min

In the Days of Noah Part 1 - A Conversation with Hugh Ross

The Bible tells us that in the last days, there will be mockers who will scoff at the idea of a biblical flood.  if you've ever talked to a skeptic or an unbeliever, you probably have experienced this mockery first-hand. You've been told there's no evidence for a flood, or that the Bible is just a mythical tale, and that while the story of Noah and the animals on the ark might be a cute Sunday school lesson on a felt board, no thoughtful adult takes it seriously.  On this episode, we talk to astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe. Dr. Ross has explored in great detail the text of Scripture and has participated in discussions and debates with believers and unbelievers alike about the reality of Noah's flood found in the book of Genesis, chapters 6-9.  Dr. Ross takes what is known as an "old-earth" view of the flood. That is, Dr. Ross believes the earth to be billions of years old, rather than six to ten thousand years old. He also does not believe the flood covered the entire globe.  We have also featured a "young-earth" view of the flood from Dr. Tim Clarey of the Institute for Creation Research here in Dallas, Texas. We believe as Christians that there is room for civil and charitable disagreement about the scientific details of the flood and we hope that no matter if you are a young or old-earth creationist, or a skeptic or unbeliever, that you can see how Dr. Ross and Dr. Clarey charitably disagree but affirm that the Flood described in the Bible really did happen and most importantly, they both affirm the inspiration of Scripture and the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.  For more about Dr. Ross and Reasons to Believe: This broadcast and our broadcast with Tim Clarey of the Institute for Creation Research do not constitute an endorsement of young or old-earth creationism and do not  necessarily reflect the views of Watchman Fellowship, Inc. Arlington, TX. Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.  To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to  This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
Jul 24, 2021 • 45min

Myth Made Fact Part 2 with Louis Markos

When the Apostle Paul preached his sermon on Mars Hill to the Greek philosophers, he quoted from two Greek poets writing about Zeus, but he used the poem as a bridge to show the Athenians the truth about the risen Lord Jesus Christ. In speaking of the Gospel in Romans 10, Paul references Psalm 19. The proclamation of God's glory begins with the good news of creation.  And as we learned in part one, Dr. Markos argues Jesus Himself does what Paul did on Mars Hill when speaking to a group of curious Greek seekers, using those things which have come before to proclaim the arrival of the kingdom of the heavens. From the general revelation of creation through the pagan imagination of the Greco-Roman world, Jesus is Lord of all.  But what would this kind of creative bridge-building look like for us today? Dr. Markos argues Christianity isn't just a story, but the best story. In our scientific and post-Enlightenment age people flock to the movies, starving for redemption, meaning and purpose. And though we all know the stories of the silver screen are indeed not true in a literal sense, they are true on a much deeper level. Bravery, sacrifice, standing up for truth and goodness in a world filled with evil. Our culture wants this to be true.  And the good news is that it is true. Dr. Markos argues Christians should seek to find Christian truths in our movies and in the ancient myths. As C.S. Lewis noted in his essay, "Myth Became Fact", "We must not be nervous about 'parallels' and 'pagan Christs': they ought to be there - it would be a stumbling block if they weren't. We must not, in false spirituality, withhold our imaginative welcome." On part two, Dr. Markos gives us more insights into the ways we can use the ancient myths in proclamation of Gospel truth.  Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.  To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to  This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
Jul 19, 2021 • 44min

Myth Made Fact Part1 with Louis Markos

What would you say to someone who says Jesus was a myth?  Is the Bible's message like myths and legends?  What if it is like them?  What are people looking for in myths? Come listen as Dan and Dr. Markos discuss how the gospel is the fulfillment of the best myths.  Dr. Louis Markos says that Christianity is the fulfillment of all the great myths of the past.  Viewed this way, "myth" does not mean "falsehood," but rather a cultural narrative rooted in the truth of who we are as created in the image of God. Louis Markos is a Professor of English at Houston Baptist University and holds the Robert H. Ray Chair in Humanities.  He speaks widely on ancient Greece and Rome, Lewis and Tolkien, and apologetics and classical education.  He has written the book, "The Myth Made Fact: Reading Greek and Roman Mythology through Christian Eyes," published in 2020.  A video of this program is also available on YouTube at  Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.  To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to  This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
Jul 2, 2021 • 1h 23min

Modern Geology and the Biblical Flood with Timothy Clarey

The Bible gives us a record of God's judging the evil and violence of man with a flood. Skeptics say modern geology proves the flood didn't happen. Christians affirm the reality of the flood but often become entangled in debate over whether or not the flood covered the entire world or just a local area in and around the ancient Near East.  Many Christians are also divided on the issue of how old the earth is. We explore this issue by looking at science and young-earth creationism. This episode begins an investigation of the biblical flood from a scientific perspective.  On this episode we feature the research of geologist Dr. Timothy Clarey of the Institute for Creation Research. You can find out more about Tim's work on his ICR website at   Dr. Tim Clarey received a Master of Science in Geology in 1984 from the University of Wyoming and a Master of Science in Hydrogeology in 1993 from Western Michigan University. His Ph.D. in Geology was received in 1996 from Western Michigan University. From 1984 to 1992, Dr. Clarey worked as an exploration geologist at Chevron USA, Inc. He was Full Professor and Geosciences Chair at Delta College in Michigan for 17 years before leaving in 2013 to join the science staff at the Institute for Creation Research.    Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.  To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to  This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.  
Jun 21, 2021 • 55min

What is the Glory of God? Discussion with Thomas Egger, Hebrew Scholar

In Psalm 19 we read that the heavens are telling of the glory of God. But what exactly does that mean? Is the glory of God just pretty lights in the sky or is it something much more than that?  Nations and people throughout human history have built monuments to the sun, moon and stars. Modern science and industry spends billions of dollars annually to uncover the secrets of the cosmos. The late planetary astronomer Carl Sagan said that the cosmos and the stars on a clear and cloudless night sky, far and away removed from the light pollution of urban areas, elicits "unbidden" a sense of awe, wonder, and reverence.  So what is this glory of God?  Rather, as you will see, the glory of God points us not to a what, but to a Person. The second Person of the Trinity, the risen Lord Jesus Christ.  On this episode of Good Heavens! we talk with Hebrew scholar and president of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, Dr. Thomas Egger, and unpack the rich depth and wonder of God's glory in Christ.  For more about Dr. Egger and his work, you may visit his site at   Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.  To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to  This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
Jun 15, 2021 • 31min

Return of the God Hypothesis Part 2 with Stephen C. Meyer

Charles Darwin published his influential book, The Origin of the Species in 1859. Today, evolution and natural selection remain the dominant scientific paradigms of our time regarding the development of biological life. Many atheists and skeptics regard Darwin's ideas as having finally done away with the idea that life is the special creation of the God of the Bible. Our guest this week, Dr. Stephen C. Meyer of the Discovery Institute in Seattle, Washington, and best-selling author of The Return of the God Hypothesis suggests the findings of contemporary biological sciences point in the opposite direction. On this episode, Dr. Meyer unpacks with resplendent clarity how the intricate designs and arrangement of molecules and proteins in living cells serve to affirm the fantastic truths proclaimed in Genesis and the Psalms. Life is indeed the special creation of the living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Our cellular composition reflects exquisite design and purpose. Life is fearfully and wonderfully made. God's invisible attributes; His wisdom, creativity, power, intelligence, beauty, and majesty are reflected in everything He has made from the tiniest zygote to the swiftest Zebra on the Serengeti. You don't want to miss this episode! From Dr. Meyer's website, Stephen C. Meyer received his Ph.D. in the philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge. A former geophysicist and college professor, he now directs Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture in Seattle. He has written well-known books including Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design and Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design. Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.  To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to  This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
Jun 6, 2021 • 40min

Return of the God Hypothesis Part 1 with Stephen C. Meyer

Thanks to Podbean listeners, Good Heavens was recently nominated by Welp Magazine to be in a list of the Top 20 Podcasts in Astronomy for 2021!  To see the article go to "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  Genesis 1:1  "Great are the works of the Lord. They are studied by all who delight in them." Psalm 111:2 Today there exists a confidence in the minds of many skeptics and unbelievers that science has somehow disproved God's existence.  According to our guest, Dr. Stephen C. Meyer of Discovery Institute in Seattle, Washington, nothing could be further from the truth. In his latest book, The Return of the God Hypothesis, Dr. Meyer unpacks and examines the leading scientific theories in both cosmology and biology and demonstrates with lucid, evidentiary detail, how God is indeed the best explanation for the existence of the universe and life within it. On part one, we discuss Dr. Meyer's personal journey and the latest findings in the science of the universe. You'll find your faith encouraged as we discover together that rather than doing away with God, the exquisite discoveries of the last century point directly to divine intelligence, affirming the wondrous truths of Scripture that everything that has come to be has been made and is sustained by the risen Lord Jesus Christ (Genesis 1; Psalm 19; Psalm 111; Isaiah 40:26; Colossians 1; John 1; Hebrews 1:3; 11:3). From Dr. Meyer's website, Stephen C. Meyer received his Ph.D. in the philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge. A former geophysicist and college professor, he now directs Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture in Seattle.   Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.  To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to  This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.  
May 1, 2021 • 46min

Creation & Climate Science Part 2 with Dr. Jake Hebert

There are moral implications and assumptions about climate change. And it is thus vitally important we have a proper understanding not only of the history of Earth, but of current scientific paradigms about the environment that smuggle in a moral imperative about what we ought to do about the environment.  If the heavens and earth are not created, if the Genesis Flood did not occur, and God did not judge the world as Scripture tells us, then how do science or the environment give us any moral commands? Is biological life on earth threatened by human behavior? What does it mean to be human and alive on Earth today? Scripture is clear about these questions. We are created in God's image for the purpose of bringing Him glory. He created the world as very good but it was impacted by human sin. God judged the wickedness of man in a global Flood. Much of modern geological science denies a flood ever took place, and by implication, negating God's judgment. But climate change and the science of the environment have theological and moral implications. Both sides of the debate recognize there is much at stake.  On part two of our discussion with Institute for Creation Research physicist Dr. Jake Hebert, we look more into the nature of Earth's history and environment and discuss how these issues are related to God and His glory in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jake Hebert's page on the ICR website: Jake's book, The Ice Age and Climate Change. Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.  To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to  This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible. Image by LuisValiente from Pixabay
Apr 24, 2021 • 48min

Creation and Climate Science with Dr. Jake Hebert

Climate science is making headlines today. It is one of the hot topics of our time. But what is the science that underlies current scientific assumptions about the environment? Is it sound? Is the planet headed for a catastrophe of our making?   How do we best interpret the history of Earth? Is the past a key to the present? How many ice ages have there been? Come and see climate science as you probably have not seen in the headlines!  On this special two-part episode of Good Heavens! Wayne and I talk with Institute for Creation Research physicist Dr. Jake Hebert III about the current state of climate science and the importance of getting Earth's geological and environmental science right.  Dr. Hebert argues that how we understand the physical universe will profoundly influence how we interpret the current state of our environment.  If God doesn't exist, from where do we derive the moral imperative to care for Earth's climate? Is the Earth a fragile biosphere or is God governing it through His providential wisdom and care? At Good Heavens! we affirm that God is still on the throne and in control of what He has made.  Dr. Jake Hebert earned a Ph.D. in physics in 2011 from the University of Texas at Dallas, where he did cutting-edge research on the connection between cosmic rays, solar activity, and weather and climate. Jake Hebert's page on the ICR website: Jake's book, The Ice Age and Climate Change. Video of largest glacier calving ever filmed: Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.  To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to  This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible. Image by LuisValiente from Pixabay

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