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Apr 29, 2021 • 54min

Tips and Tricks to Grow a Small Trading Account

In today’s episode, we are going to be discussing some tips & tricks to help you grow a small trading account!  The best investment in life is one in yourself and when you are starting out in any new industry, it's best to start small!  The reason for this is that your mistakes are the cheapest at the beginning which is important because you will make mistakes while you are learning. Now just because you have a small trading account, it doesn't mean that you have to think small!  Trading live is not about making money; it’s all about seeing if you can execute a strategy with an edge and follow a process consistently over weeks and months  When you are starting in this industry, regardless of how much capital you have, you should be starting with a couple of thousand dollars (we recommend between $5000-10,000) until you earn the right to trade a larger size. What does it mean to earn the right to trade larger size? It simply means that you are rewarding good behavior and discipline by increasing your trade size using market money and not your own risk capital. The goal to start is to aim for small profits, even $25/day is a great goal to shoot for! While this amount isn't anything to write home about, if you can consistently make $25/day, then scaling to $250/day or even $2500/day is the same process, just with more contracts. Slow and consistent growth is the aim here - we're not going for wild outsized returns off the bat! So how can you put yourself in the best position to grow your small trading account? See the list of tips below: Set your expectations; the goal is not money it's perfecting the process.  Risk management is always important but even more so with a small account; the margin for error is smaller. Avoid setting daily profit targets; instead, focus on how much you are willing to risk a day and stay disciplined. Look for singles and doubles instead of home runs; get used to getting paid consistently before looking to run profits.  Progressively scale up your position size as you build up the account - in our futures course we offer an account scaling grid, like the ones you get at a prop firm. Don’t quit your day job; have other sources of income while you learn. Avoid comparing yourself to others (social media is full of traders posting massive profits or losses - the thing is that you never know the full story of what it took to get there).  Resources Enjoying this podcast? We'd appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here  Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading chat here
Apr 22, 2021 • 56min

Dealing Effectively with Trading Mistakes

In today’s episode, we are going to be discussing how traders can deal effectively with execution mistakes!  Mistakes happen to everyone and they can be extremely frustrating especially because, in this industry, they can and often do, end up costing us money. What defines you as a trader is not whether you make mistakes or not, but how you deal with these mistakes when they end up occurring!  So what are some of the most common trading mistakes traders make?  Fat fingering trades (putting on more size than you want or fumbling your order executions)  Hotkey execution error (Having trading hotkeys enabled that are the same as other hotkeys for other applications) Taking trades in live account while thinking you are in SIM (or vice versa)  If you've been trading for any amount of time, you will likely have experienced one or two of these mistakes in your career. Reflect back on that error and ask yourself what lessons you learned to avoid making the same mistake again? For me (Mark), the mistake that comes to mind was having trading shortcut keys enabled on my platform that were the same as the ones I used for zooming in and out of my charts. One morning when I was completing my pre-market analysis, I was trying to zoom out of a chart and while the chart was not moving, I noticed that my DOM was filling trades at market. Just before the opening bell, I was short 5 NQ contracts and managed to close them out for a manageable loss...but the damage had been done and an important lesson was learned! Since then I have personally avoided using hotkeys on my platforms and have disabled this feature so as to avoid this mistake in the future. What is important for new traders to understand is that trying to be perfect and avoiding mistakes will not get you anywhere in this business; you need to embrace that mistakes are part of the learning process. On that note, some of the most common things that lead to these sloppy execution errors include: Being mentally fatigued or tired when trading  Lacking concentration due to distractions  Not being prepared for the session (Fail to plan, plan to fail)  Lack of execution skills on the trading platform  Now that you are familiar with the common mistakes traders make and the catalysts that lead to these mistakes, let's take a moment to touch on how most traders actually react when they make a mistake! Most traders take losses personally and point the finger outwards, effectively adopting the victim mentality - "The market is rigged" or " My broker is hunting my stops"  are common statements- and then they proceed to try to make the money back by trading emotionally.... digging themselves into an even deeper hole.  Professional traders, on the other hand, adopt a different approach to dealing with mistakes which can be broken down into two main categories:  Preventative strategies   Recovery strategies Preventative strategies are rules or guides the trader creates in order to avoid making these common mistakes. Some of the strategies traders use include: Building execution skills by practicing and mastering the execution tools in your trading platform through the simulated trading environment Maintain energy levels throughout the session (starts before the trading day and include proper sleep/hydration & nutrition) Monitor mental capital levels before trading and stop trading once mental capital drops below the required criteria Set up a trading environment that minimizes the potential for distractions during the trading day Even if you have preventative measures in place, mistakes can and will still happen because, at the end of the day,  we are human. In the event that a mistake is made, you can use the following strategies to effectively recover and deal with it: Accept what has happened and take full accountability for it - only when you live at cause do you have the POWER to enact CHANGE Do some breathing exercises { 4-7-8 breathing} if you feel stressed or angry and also repeat to yourself “I am in control” - You can do this exercise either sitting or lying down. The next step is to extract the learning lesson from the mistake and then to "release" the mistake and let it go (some people prefer to physically gesture themselves “throwing” it away). The final step is to rehearse successful execution by imagining what you would do should the same situation happen in the future and affirm that this is WHAT you will do! Resources Enjoying this podcast? We'd appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here  Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading chat here
Apr 15, 2021 • 45min

What to Expect on Your Journey to Profitable Trading

In this episode, we provide you with a layout of what the journey to consistent profitability actually looks like so that you can set your expectations for what lies ahead!   A trading journey is never the first thing a trader really considers..in fact, it’s the end result you crave. The money, the cars, the freedom - that’s what you REALLY want.  But if you don’t know a realistic route to get to your destination, you’ll never make it there.  A large part of performing is about setting realistic expectations, because when they are sky-high, even if you are doing well and making progress as a beginner, you will inevitably be disappointed in comparison to what you expect. So start by releasing all expectations! That’s not to say you shouldn’t be committed and have goals, you absolutely should. But your only expectations right now should be to learn. Think about this, there is a good chance you are looking at trading as a career change opportunity. Now ask yourself, what job are you currently doing it? How long have you been doing it for? What did you sacrifice to get here? As you answer these questions, you’ll begin to realize that trading is no different than any other job. It takes patience and hard work to make meaningful changes and to become amazing at it. The Reality of Trading Forget about the marketing promising overnight riches, it doesn’t work. The reality is that it will take you longer to become consistently profitable than you might think.  However, when you do become profitable, you will be able to make way more money than you ever thought possible. The 3 different paths of a trading career: How it’s sold by marketers: instant overnight success – which has worked for 0 successful traders we know Retail reality: how most new traders exit the industry because of mismanaged expectations The TRADEPRO Path: how the journey should look  What Might Your Journey Look Like? We've seen a lot of different reality paths, and they are all unique.  The timing might be slightly different, but almost certain that your path will follow a similar trajectory. It’s all about the work, effort, and commitment you put in – which can supercharge the results and learning curve. But typically, from our experience and that of our profitable community members, here is how reality plays out: Month 1: You will be creating a schedule to go through trading education & content, organizing yourself and preparing to embark on this journey.  This month is all about making the decision to commit and put together an action plan. Months 2 to 6: You will be learning, watching trading videos, applying concepts to charts, and gaining experience through screentime. The expectation for profit at this stage should be $0. Months 6 to 12: During this period,  you will be applying your trading strategy and risk management plan with live capital, and you’ll find out it’s more challenging when real money is on the line.  At this point, if you are breaking even or down some money, it’s a normal part of the learning curve.  You are right on track, even if you are losing capital!  That’s the reality of this stage, which is where most traders begin looking for a magic fix.  The truth is, there is no magic fix, it’s about accepting and embracing the fact you are close and you just need to put in more time. Months 12 to 19: You will finally decide to treat this like a business, and put all your learning and experience together to form a bulletproof trading plan that you will follow with diligence, discipline, and patience. Months 19+: You will start making consistent income, and constantly be learning, adjusting, and improving your process.  This phase will last a lifetime, the only thing that will change from this point forward is that you will gain more experience and comfort, which will ultimately lead to more confidence.  You will make more because your confidence will mean you trust yourself to start trading larger position sizes. So that’s what your next 1.5 years could look like. As we said earlier, it’ll take longer than you expect but it can make you way more than you ever imagined! Resources Enjoying this podcast? We'd appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here  Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading chat here       
Apr 8, 2021 • 37min

Don’t Confuse Brains with a Bull Market

In today's episode, we discuss how bull markets, much like the one we are currently in, can let new traders get away with some bad habits that will eventually lead to blowing out unless they get corrected as soon as possible.  A False Sense Of Confidence Beginner traders often get overconfident when they find a strategy that works -  which may lead to some early success, and then come the plans for how they'll spend those millions. But at some point, when market conditions change,  the golden ticket strategy will stop working.  The resulting losses burn out several months worth of hard-earned gains in just a few days, along with your confidence and will to trade.  Anybody that has started trading in the latter half of 2020 and through 2021 has experienced nothing but a strong bullish stock market. Bad habits such as chasing the markets and FOMOing into trades may have even been rewarded in recent months but where new traders tend to get into trouble is that they can engrain these habits in their subconscious, and these programs will run on autopilot even when market conditions change. How you start influences the rest of the career and sets your expectations so it's important to get started off on the right foot. Traders need to have an arsenal of tools to adapt to changing market conditions  How can traders adapt? Trade less size and be quick to take profits when trades go in your direction  Aim to take your risk off the table and leave a small runner, Remove all profit expectations and be grateful for the opportunities the market gives you! Do some research on how great times end (Ray Dalio - The Big Debt Crisis) Join a community and be a sponge Set some hedging points in your portfolio - there’s no need to get smoked and watch it happen Resources Enjoying this podcast? We'd appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here  Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading chat here 
Apr 1, 2021 • 1h 25min

Student Interview with TRADEPRO Member Zalman Sulmayanov

In this episode, we're excited to bring to you another student interview with TRADEPRO member Zalman Sulmayanov! We recently sat down with Zalman for a great discussion on his trading journey since finding TRADEPRO Academy, what he has learned along the way to profitability and how he continues to develop and grow as a trader. Zalman originally hit our radars in our morning trading room one day when he commented to the panelists that he had his best day of the month and followed it up with a screenshot of his trading platform showing a live profit of over several hundred points on the ES futures - a five-figure gain on the session - not too shabby! Zalman was willing to jump on the mic that day to share some of his processes with the community and the rest, as they say, is history! Zalman's journey truly shows what is possible if you remain committed to the process regardless of the obstacles you face along the way and today you'll get some great insight into the reality of what the journey to achieving consistent profitability in trading actually looks like from somebody that has done it within 2 years. Here is a summary of what we discussed:  Life as an entrepreneur before finding trading 02:45 The series of unfortunate events that led Zalman to pursue a career in trading  05:30 How Zalman's mother and grandparents influenced his entrepreneurial mindset 08:03 The inherent risks of starting any new business venture  11:30 The transition from a traditional business model to trading 14:00 Why the low barrier to entry in trading might actually be a disadvantage for some traders 18:08 Why Zalman prefers to trade the futures market instead of stocks or options 22:00 Bouncing around from one trading group to another until finding TRADEPRO  26:33 Getting burnt early on in the journey by looking for shortcuts  31:00 Why just sitting and watching the markets without trading is critical for a new trader's development 35:00 Being unique as a trader and not following the herd 42:01 Modifying your trading style to work with your personality 47:00 Why traders need to have an arsenal of strategies to capitalize on different market conditions 50:00 The more screentime you get, the more obvious some things start to become 55:34 Trading has to be treated like a business  because it's not some game 59:49 Why you should expect to commit one-year minimum before making any money trading 64:00 Resources Enjoying this podcast? We'd appreciate if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here  Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast
Mar 25, 2021 • 46min

Why Boring is Good When It Comes To Trading

In today’s episode, we discuss why boring is actually good when it comes to trading!  This statement might be a bit off-putting - especially for traders just beginning their journey because how can trading not be exciting when you can be making life-changing money? While you certainly can make great money in this industry, the reality is that if you are in this business for excitement, you will eventually blow out your account.  Real trading is all about earning risk-adjusted returns which is dull and unexciting - the real fun part is getting to spend the gains and your time however you like!  You have to be willing to take the boring, systematic approach to your trading goals. and we’ll explain exactly how to do that today! To put it simply - a trader's job is to make risk-adjusted returns.  For those unfamiliar with what this means, let’s break it down for you:  The risk-adjusted return measures the profit your investment has made relative to the amount of risk the investment has represented throughout a given period of time.  This is an important concept to understand because many new traders believe that the final P/L is the only important measurement of their “success” and they strive to achieve outsized returns without focusing on risk management.  Profitable trading is both effortless and boring - if you find yourself stressing, feeling excited, and/or frustrated, your mental capital will get drained a lot faster and your performance is likely to suffer.  In order to achieve risk-adjusted returns, a trader must find low-risk, high probability trades that offer favorable risk v reward profiles and execute only on those setups - if you are doing things right, you should be doing nothing MOST of the time. Money is attracted to traders that can control themselves and remain disciplined regardless of market conditions.  Sounds pretty straightforward right? So why do so many fail at reaching consistency then? Because good trading requires a lot of sitting on your hands and we, as human beings, are not the most patient especially when money is involved. How to Make Trading Boring?  The simple answer: Follow a consistent routine! Find a trading strategy that resonates with you and take the same trades over and over again Know exactly what you are looking for and what you consider to be a low-risk, high-probability trading setups Map out your levels and identify your if-then scenarios before the market opens Once the session starts, you are only looking for the market to come into your level and meet your setup criteria Only take a trade when all of your criteria are met  Think like a hedge fund manager trading millions of dollars; would you still want to take that trade? If not, you should pass on it.  Control Your Risk Instead of Looking For Huge Gains A profitable traders main job is to make risk-adjusted returns  In order to do this, you must know exactly how much you will be risking on any given trade  Understand that one single trade does not mean much over the course of a large set of trades  Post Trade Review  Once the session is over, review your trades and grade how well or poorly you followed your process Write down 1-3 learnings lessons and takeaways from the session Continue to build confidence in your process and your profits will Resources Enjoying this podcast? We'd appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here  Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast
Mar 18, 2021 • 1h 5min

How to Run Your Profits Like a Professional Trader

In today’s episode, we are going to be focusing our discussion on some strategies that traders can use to overcome the psychological barrier of letting profits run.  After all, one of the golden rules in trading is to cut your losses quickly and to run your profits but the reality is that it’s easier said than done!  This concept itself makes intellectual and financial sense, however, when it comes time to actually execute this, most traders fumble and actually do the opposite - they cut winners too soon and let their losers run. Take a moment now to reflect on your own trading experience to see if this rings true. How often do you get out of winners too early and watch the markets run without you?  How about your losses? How often do you give your trades more “room to breath” and end up running your losers?  If you find that this is a common occurrence in your trading, then today’s episode is for you! What's interesting to note is that our natural instincts are the opposite of what is required in order to become successful in trading:  For example, as humans, we do not like to lose because we are conditioned to be right through our societal upbringing.  This manifests itself in our attachment to the ego - taking a loss in trading can be "seen" as being wrong and therefore being wrong can be a hit to the ego so we try to avoid losses while taking profit early to confirm we are right and stoke the ego. So how can you go about reconditioning these instincts to serve you? Try some of these strategies:  1 Accept on a deep level that losses are a part of trading  Before you can apply any of the other strategies to your trading, you truly have to be comfortable and accept the fact that you will take losses in your career. Losses are a reality of trading and to believe that you are the exception to the rule is a fast track to disappointment and frustration. The benefits of being comfortable with losses to mean that you can maintain your focus on executing your trading process instead of focusing on the result of that last trade. 2 Battle test your strategy One of the recommendations from Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas is to trade a specific strategy for 100 trades before risking any money and to journal each trade. Doing this, and keeping track of your results, will give you the information you need to quantify your edge which is important because it’s going to be difficult for you to let your winners run if you have limited experience with that specific set-up!  It’s a lot easier on you mentally to hold a winner when you know from your journal that on average your setup hits target say 70% of the time.  3 Have predefined stops and targets for each trade When you enter a new trade and you have money on the line with an uncertain outcome, your mind becomes your worst enemy. It's easy to wind up letting your losses run and cutting your winners early when emotions creep into your trading but when you predefine your stops and targets for your trade, you keep it objective and much easier to execute and manage in real-time.  4 Take partials and leave a runner  One of the best ways to learn to run your profits is to get paid on 75% of the initial portion of the position at your predefined targets and to the last 25% to potentially run for extended targets This method allows you to get paid on the initial trade idea and removes the internal dialogue you have that's screaming at you to get paid while you have profits. We're going for singles and doubles, here but on occasion, that runner might just become your next grand slam trade! Resources Enjoying this podcast? We'd appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here  Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast
Mar 8, 2021 • 1h 31min

The Rise of the Female Trader with Sarah Glass

As we celebrate International Women's Day today, the team at TRADEPRO sends our appreciation and gratitude to all of the female traders out there!  If you look at the trading industry these days, the unfortunate reality is that it still remains a "boys club", however, we are happy to see that there are a growing number of female traders out there silently killing the markets. One of those traders, Sarah Glass, happens to be the new face on our TRADEPRO trading desk and in today's episode, Sarah joins us to discuss her trading journey and some great insights for other women looking to get started on their own trading journeys.  Since joining our team at TRADEPRO, Sarah has become a community favorite in the Options room because she is an amazing options trader with an impeccable understanding of order flow and her ability to decipher institutional orders into actionable trades is unparalleled. Learn about how Sarah got started in this industry and how she is quickly becoming a role model for the women in our TRADEPRO community! Some of the topics we discussed in today's episode include:  How Sarah got started in the trading industry What it takes to become a successful, full-time trader The benefits of being trained by an institutional trader off the get-go The importance of meditation in a trader's routine How women can get more involved with trading The lack of female role models in the industry How Sarah's psychology has developed with trading experience Advice to beginners if she had to start over from scratch Resources Enjoying this podcast? We'd appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here  Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast
Mar 4, 2021 • 1h

Using Your Subconscious Mind to Trade without Fear

In today’s episode, we are going to be discussing how traders can tap into the subconscious mind to remove their fears about trading It’s no secret that we are our own biggest obstacles - and our minds - more specifically our thoughts - play a huge role in the actions that we take and the realities that we manifest.  If we can only get out of our own heads and get out of our own way- what kind of effect would that have on your trading performance?  If you feel like fear is holding you back from becoming the trader that you can be, stay tuned, because this episode is for you!  Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real  A person’s greatest enemy is fear  What most don’t realize is that fear is simply a negative thought in your mind  In simple terms, you are afraid of your thoughts   When you combine the thoughts you have with emotion, these are realized in the subconscious mind The reality is that the best way to tackle your fears is head on  But before you can do this, you must first make the conscious decision to master your fears In doing so, you will release the power of the subconscious mind which will manifest that which you think and truly believe. Suggestions control your subconscious mind and when the mind is calm and present, your conscious thoughts can sink into the subconscious. The more positive thoughts you provide to your subconscious, the more these will grow into your reality The Two Types of Fears  Normal Fears  There are two basic fears we are all born with as humans A fear of falling and fear of sudden loud noises  These fears serve as a method of self-preservation and are not the issue  All other fears are abnormal and were caused by  Abnormal Fears  Abnormal fears are caused by experiences from your past and/or passed along to you from others during your imprint years (0-7 years old)  These fears occur when we let our minds run wild and are the destructive ones that lead to fears and self-sabotage Examples of abnormal fears include fear of bankruptcy, fear of heights, fear of the dark, etc.  Fearing something persistently causes panic and terror - the things we fear do not exist but we manifest them into reality by constantly fearing, believing, and expecting the worse. A Technique to Overcome Fear  Whenever thoughts of fear start to appear, find a quiet place without any distractions and put yourself into a deep state of relaxation  Sit still and shift your focus to the opposite of what you fear Visualize yourself tackling your fears head-on and make these images as detailed as possible  The goal is to put emotion into it, really feel these visualize as if you were actually realizing them in that very moment What you are doing is actually feeding your subconscious mind with the visuals and emotions from your imagination. You are shifting your attention from what you fear to what you desire and by doing so you are no longer giving emotion or energy to that which you fear. Expect the good, mentally concentrate on it, and just know that your subconscious has your back Resources Enjoying this podcast? We'd appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here  Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast
Feb 25, 2021 • 1h 1min

How To Program Your Mind for Success Using Daily Affirmations

In today’s episode, we are going to be speaking on affirmations and how traders can benefit from adding this daily practice into their routines so as to help build a mental edge for optimal trading performance.  You will walk away from this episode with a better understanding of what affirmations are, how they work, as well as how to craft your own powerful affirmations. Stay tuned.  What are affirmations? Affirmations are a powerful tool that many successful people in business, professional sports, and many other professions use on a daily basis.  They are short statements that help you become the trader and more importantly, the person that you want to be - said differently, they are an assertion that something exists or is true.  Now you might be wondering how speaking a bunch of statements out loud might help you make better trading decisions and I don’t blame you.  It goes back to that old saying from Napoleon Hill  “What you think, so you will become” and nowadays, science confirms this to be true. The Science  Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s potential to create new neural pathways and to reorganize itself  Science has proven that the brain is a dynamic organ that constantly changes as we develop new knowledge and go through new experiences.  The more that we use a certain area of the brain, the bigger and stronger that area becomes while the opposite holds true for less frequently used areas of the brain; they become weaker and less effective  Neurons that wire together, fire together! What does this mean for you? Many of us constantly engage in negative self-talk and we don’t even realize it consciously because these thoughts are programmed at a subconscious level.  So when you engage in negative self-talk, you are effectively manifesting these negative thoughts into your reality. Some examples of such self-talk for traders would include the following : "I can't buy myself a winning trade"  "The market is out for my stops"  "I am a horrible trader"  "I can’t do this" When we deeply believe in something, our behavior is often aligned with that belief, so every time you tell yourself you can’t do something, you are creating a feedback loop for your limiting beliefs and strengthening that neural pathway.  If you keep telling yourself these negative things, then you will start to believe them and ultimately, you will manifest them into your reality - but on the flip side of that coin, if you start to tell yourself “I can” then your behavior will follow in line with that statement, and you will create a new feedback loop that will be reinforced and strengthened the more actively you practice these statements.  The reality is this... if you aren’t getting what you want in life then that is the major clue that you might have a negative program running your life on autopilot.  It's never too late to start utilizing positive affirmations to neutralize and replace your limiting thoughts and beliefs with empowering and serving ones so that you can reframe your focus from negativity and scarcity to positivity and abundance. This will take some time before you start to get noticeable results - after all, some of these beliefs and values have been running since you were a child. Repeating affirmations over weeks, months and years will retrain your subconscious mind to think a different way.  At the end of the day, we use affirmations in our daily lives without even knowing that we do, so why not put them to good use and train your brain to a better way of thinking? Now that you know what they are and the benefits of affirmations, let’s discuss how to write powerful affirmations for trading!  There are 3 steps to this process:  Step 1: State your affirmations in the present tense as if it has already happened  Your subconscious mind cannot tell difference between vivid imagery and something that’s actually happened. If you keep telling yourself that you are a successful, profitable trader, then you will start to feel this way after some time even if your current reality does not represent the end goal. You will take on the identity of that which you are affirming and your subconscious will find ways to align your internal feelings with your external reality. You might feel like this is lying to yourself at first - but you already have the ability to become a successful trader inside of you - it's up to you to choose whether you embrace it or reject it. Step 2: Be positive, keep it short and keep it specific  Your subconscious does not hear “not”; so you have to frame the affirmation in a positive light. If you tell yourself “I will not let my winners turn into losers”, your subconscious mind registers this as “I will let my winners turn into losers”. Keeping affirmations short helps you memorize them more easily so they are more likely to stick!  Being extremely specific with your affirmations will help you bring up more vivid imagery in your mind - this is important because the more vivid the visual, the more it feels real and the more likely you are to manifest this into reality.  Step 3: Always include action and emotion in your affirmations Emotions are the key to making affirmations work; you have to believe in the affirmations so much that you put all of your passion and desire behind them  Including actions and emotional words by starting your affirmations with “I am” Stick around until the end of the episode for some great examples of powerfully crated affirmations for traders using the 3-step process discussed above. Resources Enjoying this podcast? We'd appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here  Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast

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