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May 21, 2020 • 59min

How to Build a High Performance Home Trading Environment

In today’s episode, we discuss how your physical environment influences your trading performance, as well as the components that go into building a high-performance trading environment so that you can put together a space that inspires you every time you sit down to trade!  Working from home has its obvious benefits and these include: Avoiding the daily commute Working flexible hours Relaxed, comfortable environment With this freedom comes great responsibility! It becomes increasingly more important to separate your trading environment from where you spend the majority of your day at home when not trading because failing to do so can lead to a lot of distractions that will throw you off of your game..and that's the opposite of what we are after here! So what are the components that make up a high-performance home trading environment? (1) A quiet, dedicated space for YOU. (2) A comfortable desk. (3) A comfortable, ergonomic chair. (4) A computer with solid specs (5) Monitors (2 at a minimum if day trading) Now understand that having a quiet space and the equipment to run your trading business operations is not enough to qualify as a high-performance environment... this is only the first piece of the puzzle! There are some additional tips and hacks that you can implement in order to really optimize your space for high - performance. To start, you will want to ensure that the office space is clutter-free because clean and organized spaces tend to have higher energy to them - which you will need! A cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind,  so make sure that your desk area is clean so that you are not starting the day or the session with clutter on your mind! As we mentioned earlier, the best trading environment is one where there are no distractions! A great way to mitigate them [the distractions] is to put any and all of your electronic devices on airplane mode or silent when you are at your trading desk. Let that sink in! One of the ways many athletes get into the winning mindset is by using visualizations! This is something we would highly recommend you outfit your trading space with so that you can always remember why you are doing this (trading) when you eventually run into challenges and obstacles. If there are any experiences that you want - print them and post them in your space. Material things too? Perfect - print em and post them up. This is something that is unique to YOU - whether its positive messages, quotes, posters, or reinforcement - if it inspires you, you should have the visual readily available in your office. Another little psychological hack is to include memorabilia, trophies and/or success symbols in your office. This can be anything that reminds you of times you won, felt high vibes, or just generally felt at your best and blessed. By doing so, you will be priming your mind with the emotions related to winning and success so that you bring that same winning attitude to your trading desk with you! Stick around until the end and you will have all of the components that you need in order to build the high-performance trading environment that will take your trading to the next level! In This Episode You Will Learn The two types of trading environments for traders  02:24 How long it takes to get into a flow state for high-performance 07:40 Why the TRADEPRO team uses standing desks in the TPA office 13:45 How many monitors you need in your trading office 21:00 Why a clean office space leads to a clear mind 33:00 Visual reminders as a method to attract the results you're looking to achieve 39:04 The finishing touches on comfort and productivity 52:00 Some Things We Also Discuss How work-life balance can blur when working from home 04:00 Why a quite space is crucial for performance 12:15 How a comfortable ergonomic chair can protect your mental capital 17:30 How to choose which computer you should get for the office 29:50 Why our phones have become a dopamine hit for us 37:50 How to replicate the feeling of winning in your trading office 47:00 Resources Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Check out our trading setups here 
May 14, 2020 • 1h 6min

How to Build a Morning Routine for Success

In today’s episode, we are going to be speaking on some of the morning routines and rituals that traders can use to put themselves into the right mindset for high-performance trading!  Routines and rituals are actually an integral part of daily life and every person has their own that they have developed over the years - both consciously and subconsciously - that allow them to get through the day.  Traders are no different, we are creatures of habit and require routines in order to complete our jobs effectively.  So let's unpack this topic in deeper detail and along the way you will learn how to build a powerful morning routine that you can implement right away!  When studying successful individuals (whether athletes or business moguls), a majority of them swear by their morning routines that they use to get into the required state for action which is necessary for achieving high-performance.  Some common traits of the morning routines of these high-performers include the following: They set alarm clocks to wake up early, the same time every day and especially on weekends and days off They start the day with a few minutes of meditation (quiet time) They establish a routine for morning exercise They sit down for breakfast with the family* They start the day with a to-do list When you look at how high-performers start their days, they are effectively priming themselves to win from the get-go! And it makes sense because there are plenty of benefits to implementing morning routines such as: They bring you into a positive mental state  They inspire confidence and clarity  They increase energy levels  They kick start your brain  They encourage self-reflection So now think about your morning today? How did it start? What did you do to prepare yourself for the day? As a trader, it can be beneficial to establish some similar routines in order to be in the best position to perform at a high level when you sit down at your desk for the session. But why a morning routine you might ask? Because at the end of the day, what the market does is out of our control but what we CAN control is how we think, feel, and behave! It's no secret that trading is a high-performance sport and that we as traders exert a lot of energy and resources to win!  If you are constantly depleting these resources without following a routine to replenish and recharge your batteries, you will burn out very quickly and your performance is likely to follow suit. It is a constant balance of depleting and recharging these resources for optimal performance so it should go without saying that you will want to stay away from any negative routines that are not conducive to your goals!  The bottom line is this: Your body and mind need to be on their A-game to synchronize and deliver strong performance, this is why athletes train so much, so often, and why you need to also as a trader.  So now that we’ve got a better understanding of the benefits of morning routines and how successful individuals use them to win, let’s put together a morning routine!  When crafting a morning routine, you will want to replicate what high-performers are doing in order to level up your day. In the Morning Routine by Hal Elrod, he suggests that there are six components that make up a powerful morning routine. These are better known as the SAVERS: Silence (Meditation) Affirmation Visualization Exercise Reading Scribing (Journalling) Stick around until the end because we break down each component and provide trading-related examples so that you walk away with a morning routine to win the day! In This Episode You Will Learn The common traits of morning routines of high-performers  04:45 The one thing we can control in the universe of trading 10:15 The two aspects of performance: the mental and the physical 17:20 Why Mark starts his day by making his bed 28:51 The root of meditation and why it is so recharging 38:05 The 6 components of a powerful morning routine 44:15 How to visualize your way to a successful day 50:57 Why a little exercise in the morning goes a long way 55:56 How journaling in the morning can clear your mind for the day 60:00 Some Things We Also Discuss Why morning routines can be useful for traders 09:30 The fine line between exerting energy and burning out 15:11 The benefits of implementing morning routines 25:57 What George's morning routine looks like 33:01 How to use affirmations to create your state 48:01 Using books for morning inspiration 57:00 Resources Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Check out The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod on Amazon  Check out the Tool of Titans by Tim Ferris on Amazon  Check out Mark's favorite guided meditation on the Insight Timer website
May 7, 2020 • 60min

The Benefits of Being Part of a Trading Community

In today's episode, we are going to be speaking on the benefits of being part of a trading community!  More specifically, we will be looking at some of the challenges that new traders face when learning to trade on their own, and how being part of a trading community can provide them with the resources to address each of these challenges.  We’ve experienced the benefits of being in a community first hand and when speaking with many other successful traders, they often mention that having a community to lean on was one of the key factors that influenced their own paths towards consistent profitability! It's that important for your success!  So what are the challenges that new traders face when they start trading live capital? Well, it's easy to get lost when you first start out because there is a sea of information out there on trading strategies and indicators.  Most of it is useless and irrelevant but there are some hidden gems if you know what to look for!  You can learn how to read candlesticks on YouTube, find free strategies on Google, and put it all together into a plan and then go and trade it with some success on demo. But here's the catch!  When you go live, the results are going to be a lot different because emotions will inevitably start to creep into your trading and sabotage your plans.  Finding a strategy or making a plan is not the hard part of this journey! The difficulty lies in the execution which comes with a whole bunch of psychological challenges that most new traders are not prepared for!  The issue here is that when you are new and don't have any guidance, you are more prone to make some of the common newbie mistakes. And it might not be clear to you where you are going wrong, so that makes it even more difficult to find a solution. This, in turn, leads to even more confusion, frustration and unfortunately, this is the phase at which most new traders remain stuck in before they decide to quit after a streak of losses. Whether it’s with us here at TRADEPRO Academy or somewhere else, there are plenty of benefits of being part of a trading community!  The Impact of Community on Humans  The people we surround ourselves with are the biggest influence on our behavior, attitudes, and results.  Who you are around — what they’ve got you thinking, saying, doing, and becoming — sets the course of your life. In the words of motivational speaker Jim Rohn: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” The people you spend the most time with shape who you are.  They determine what conversations dominate your attention. They affect which attitudes and behaviors you are regularly exposed to. Eventually, you start to think as they think and behave as they behave. Human beings are intrinsically tribal What sports teams are you a fan of?  Which ones do you dislike? Why? What gym or fitness club do you belong to? Why? What associations do you belong to? Think of your friends, what do you all have in common? What unites you? Now think about trading….  What do you want to be part of?  You are a part of a community everywhere else!  In This Episode You Will Learn The challenges that new traders face when learning to trade on their own  04:33 The away motivations that cause people not to want to join a community 10:40 How human beings are tribal by nature 22:25 The benefits of being in a trading community 25:30 How trading communities act an emotional stop loss on drawdown days 37:00 Using trading communities as a feedback mechanism for your trading development  51:02 Some Things We Also Discuss George's experience with learning to trade before the digital age of information 06:30 How an opinion that you accept can shift your entire reality 14:10 How your current environment can be wearing you down 18:45 How everything we learn is from somebody else 28:13 How trading communities can provide you with a much-needed sense of accountability 42:15 How a community can show you what's really possible to achieve 55:10 Resources Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Check out our friend Danny Riley on Twitter Check out our friend Anthony Drager on Twitter
Apr 30, 2020 • 1h 4min

Should You Go Full Time with Trading?

In this episode, we continue our discussion on full-time trading and how to know when its time for you to go full-time with your trading! You will learn some of the common mistakes that many traders make when transitioning to full-time trading, which ironically enough, often sabotages their chances of a successful career from the get-go! By being aware of these mistakes, we aim to help prevent you from making the same ones on your journey. These mistakes include the following: Unrealistic expectations - expecting smooth sailing from the get-go Putting themselves in a situation where they NEED to make a certain amount of money Trading randomly - no plan, no tactics, no results Overlooking the progress - not appreciating how far you have come After breaking down the above mistakes in detail, we also take some time to speak on the two scenarios below: (1) When you should you NOT consider taking your part-time trading hustle full-time If you have been recently laid off and have more time available to daytrade If you've only traded SIM and are doing well When you are bored - especially relevant during the COVID-19 quarantine (2) When it might make sense to take the plunge into full-time trading If you have several months worth of savings in the bank (3-6 months minimum) When you are using trading capital that you DO NOT rely on for survival (to pay for necessities) When you have a record of live trading success (about 6 - 12 months of consistent returns) If you have completed enough personal development to believe that you can succeed - any doubt is dangerous! But that's not all! We've got your back here at TRADEPRO Academy and we want to see each of you succeed so we also put together a set of actionable steps that you can follow to give yourself the best possible chances of success as a full-time trader! You'll walk away from this episode with a lot more clarity on where you stand on your pursuit towards full-time trading as well as some steps that you can implement to get yourself closer to your goal! In This Episode You Will Learn The common mistakes that traders make when going full-time  05:00 Why you have to start at the entry-level in trading regardless of external success 12:30 3 situations where you shouldn't consider full-time trading 19:60 When it would make sense to go full-time with your trading 29:30 How shifting towards living at cause puts you in control of your life 44:50 Why reviewing your trades daily is important for growth as a trader 56:00 How trading is a lifelong journey of constant adaptation and growth 61:00 Some Things We Also Discuss Why tomorrow money is more valuable than today profit 07:30 George's experience with his first month of full-time trading 14:45 How sim trading can bring you a false sense of confidence 26:30 A story about scarcity and relying on the outcome to work  41:30 Why setting up visuals in your trading environment is vital for your success 51:15 Why more time spent working does not lead to more pay in this industry 58:25 Resources Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast
Apr 23, 2020 • 1h 6min

What No One Tells You About Full-Time Trading

In today's episode, we discuss the things that no one tells you about full-time trading! As a bunch of guys that have been trading full-time for the last several years, we are able to share some of our own insights on the benefits and challenges of trading for a living. If you look on Youtube or on social media, the marketing tactics from charlatans are to pinpoint your problems (time or money) and try to solve it with trading. It's a magic pill industry and we have a problem with that at TRADEPRO Academy so we're here to set the record straight We reflected on our own experiences as full-time traders and put together the following  list of thirteen things that no one tells you about full-time trading: You are becoming an entrepreneur You have to embrace uncertainty You have to constantly look at challenges as opportunities You will become more self-aware and reflective You will look at everything as risk versus reward It can be lonely to trade full-time alone You will have a lot of extra time to pursue other hobbies and interests Your traditional nine to five career diminishes over time You will need to focus more on your health You have to focus on personal development Money stops making sense You have to be or become a fighter It really changes your life! You will walk away from this episode with a deeper understanding of the realities of full-time trading so that you are best prepared to determine whether this is a career where the risk versus rewards lies in your favor! In this Episode You Will Learn: How full-time trading is a form of entrepreneurship 04:30 Why uncertainty is our business and you have to embrace it  11:00 How you deal with challenges can affect your chances of success 15:20 Why being self-aware and reflective allows you to give yourself the feedback to continue to progress 21:00 Why trading alone can get really dark fast 28:00 Why you need hobbies and interests to pursue outside of trading 38:00 How your career resume gets stale quick as a trader 42:12 How your mental and physical health impact your trading performance 47:00 Why personal development is important towards your growth as a trader 50:15 How money stops making sense after a while 54:15 Why you've gotta release your inner fighter 59:50 How trading really changes your life 62:00 We Also Discuss: How being in a community of traders helps you embrace uncertainty 13:04 Why full-time trading is not for everyone 16:50 How life is all about filling gaps 24:00 Georges experience trading alone 30:00 Why stagnation is not a good approach to trading 52:00 Resources Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast
Apr 16, 2020 • 35min

Should You Reset Your Stop Loss or Stop Trading for the Day?

Let's face it, nobody takes a trade with the intention of eating a stop..but it happens and sometimes when things don't go your way, you can end up hitting your daily stop limit early on in the session. This can leave you in a very vulnerable position if you do not have a plan of action and that's exactly what today's episode is going to focus on! Whether you should stop trading for the day after hitting your daily drawdown limit or if you should reset and fight back. The truth of the matter is that many traders have difficulty with this decision in real-time and not knowing when to walk away can lead to a downward spiral in performance and trading results. Don't worry though because we've got you covered over here at TRADEPRO Academy! We've put together a two-step process for you to follow in order to ensure that if you are going to be resetting your daily stop, you're in the best position to do so and fight back! You’ll walk away from this episode with a better understanding of how to manage your drawdown days like a professional trader so that you can protect your capital and live to fight another day! In This Episode You Will Learn How proprietary traders manage drawdown days   07:00 The three factors that risk managers consider when resetting daily loss limits 09:30 The two factors to consider when deciding whether to fight back or walk away on the session 16:45 Three mental check-in exercises you can use to objectively identify your mental state  19:20 Which market conditions present the best opportunity for you to bounce back  24:25 Some Things We Discuss Accountability to your trading plan and being both the employee and the boss 13:35 When it makes more sense to walk away for the session with a loss 21:00 The bonus question to ask yourself before the final decision 32:48 Resources Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast    
Apr 9, 2020 • 1h 12min

Money Mindset and Letting Abundance Flow into Your Life with Matt Brown

Matt Brown, experienced in personal development, discusses consciousness and abundance in the podcast. Topics include overcoming limiting beliefs, understanding money mindset, and unlocking limitless potential. Conversations explore personal growth, shifting mindset from saving to investing, and aligning identity with abundance. The importance of internal alignment, energy, and continuous learning for success is highlighted.
Apr 2, 2020 • 1h 5min

Breaking Down the Emotional Cycle of Traders

Exploring the emotional cycle of traders and market sentiment, podcast dives into stages from optimism to fear and desperation. Emotions impact decision-making in trading. Learn to manage emotions and identify your emotional state at any point to improve trading outcomes.
Mar 26, 2020 • 1h 21min

Interview with Veteran Futures Trader Anthony Drager

In this episode, we are excited to bring to you the first guest interview on the Mind over Markets podcast! We recently had the pleasure to sit down and chat with veteran futures trader Anthony Drager, who is also the founder of Edge Trading Group and a great friend to us at TRADEPRO Academy. Anthony is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable traders that we know in the futures industry and we can't wait for you to hear and learn from his trials and tribulations! His trading journey started on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange as a runner in 1991 when Anthony was only seventeen years old. He managed to find his way back into the pits as an arbitrage clerk in 1996 and then became a member of the Chicago Board of Trade in 1999 as a floor trader in the Dow Jones futures pit. As the industry transitioned from the pits to the screens, Anthony was picked up by Chicago based prop firm International Trading Group in April 2000 where he went on to trade European and US futures successfully for the firm. After leaving the prop firm to trade independently, Anthony made it a priority to keep himself around a small network of traders in order to prevent complacency in his trading. It was after spending some time teaching friends of friends about trading that Anthony found his true calling! He wanted to build his own community of traders to trade with! In 2013, Anthony took this concept one step further and created the Edge Trading Group which offers an education program and trading room, which our founder George was actually a part of while on his own journey learning how to apply order flow tools to his day trading strategy several years back. These days a majority of Anthony's time is spent focusing on growing his community of traders while actively trading the markets! He has scaled down his trading to keep a balance as an educator and we can guarantee you that you will pick up on some golden nuggets from today's show! Here is a summary of what we discussed:  How Anthony got interested in the stock market 1:50 How he found his way into the trading pits of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange  03:25 The one thing Anthony's brother told him that changed the trajectory of his life  05:50 The challenges Anthony experienced as a clerk in the pits of the CME and how he overcame them 07:00 How Anthony conquered the fear of putting on a trade after becoming a trader in the DOW pits 08:45 Why Anthony left the trading pits and joined a prop firm as an electronic futures trader 11:30  Why Anthony credits the group dynamic at the prop firm for finding profitability 15:00 Why the trend is not your friend 18:00 Why trading a process reduces the fear of being wrong and taking losses 19:05 The importance of putting yourself around quality people for your trading success 28:00 Why recording his trading sessions helped Anthony identify and learn to keep control of his emotions while trading 35:00 Why you have to learn to anticipate before you participate 39:40 That fearing being wrong will keep you from success in trading  44:20 How Anthony stayed accountable to himself when he went independent 53:00 How to motivate yourself and break out of a plateau 56:00 How traders can best prepare themselves for the mental toughness required in this industry 65:00 Anthony's EDGE Trading Group education program 73:12 How the Verbal Journal can help you with missed trading opportunities 77:12 Resources  Connect with Anthony's community online: EDGE Trading Group Connect with Anthony on YouTube: EDGE Trading Group Connect with Anthony on Twitter: @EdgeTradingGro1 Check out the Verbal Journal Software and claim $50 OFF using the TPA50 coupon. Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Here is the YouTube clip of the trade we mentioned at the 40-minute mark: Authentic Professional Trading 
Mar 19, 2020 • 59min

How to Stop Overtrading

In this podcast, they discuss how to stop overtrading in trading. They highlight the consequences of overtrading on accounts and mindset, emphasize the value of patience in volatile markets, and explore the true financial and psychological costs of overtrading. The speakers also share strategies to avoid impulsive trading, overcome boredom, and master patience in trading to prevent excessive trades.

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