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Kubernetes Bytes

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Nov 23, 2022 • 57min

Kubernetes Alternatives - when NOT to use Kubernetes!

In this episode, Ryan and Bhavin interview Alexander Mattoni - Co-founder and Head of Engineering at Cycle.io about When to use and When to not use Kubernetes. The discussion focuses on the challenges associated with Kubernetes adoption - On Day 0 and Day 2, and what are other alternatives available to organizations that are just looking to run their applications easily. We talk about how Cycle.io can help organizations build a simplified infrastructure stack to run their applications. Have a listen and let us know what you think about Kubernetes.  Also, send us your 3-4 mins clips about your experience with Kubernetes - to be shared on future episodes  Show Notes:  Alexander Mattoni - https://twitter.com/alexmattoni Cycle.io - https://cycle.io/ News:  AWS Controllers for Kubernetes - ACK for Amazon EC2 https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2022/11/aws-controllers-kubernetes-ack-elastic-compute-cloud-ec2-generally-available/ Removal of GlusterFS in 1.26 - https://kubernetes.io/blog/2022/11/18/upcoming-changes-in-kubernetes-1-26/ Two possible data inconsistency issues in etcd v3.4.[20-21] and v3.5 - https://groups.google.com/a/kubernetes.io/g/dev/c/sEVopPxKPDo?pli=1 Kubecon NA 2022 recordings - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj6h78yzYM2O5aNpRM71NQyx3WUe1xpTn Kubernetes Bytes season 1 on youtube - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCOmEAve4xr2lbCd6sPXMRf6XcZeWuaJ5 Kubernetes Bytes at Data On Kubernetes Day - Kubecon NA - https://youtu.be/q_K8Ma9LxWA Cloud Native Security Con NA - Feb1-2 https://events.linuxfoundation.org/cloudnativesecuritycon-north-america/ TiKV is an open-source, distributed, and transactional key-value database - evolutions of TiKV https://community.cncf.io/events/details/cncf-cncf-online-programs-presents-cncf-on-demand-webinar-the-evolution-of-tikv Backup and Restore using alpha k8s checkpointing feature - https://martinheinz.dev/blog/85 | https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/node/kubelet-checkpoint-api/
Nov 11, 2022 • 55min

Understanding the cost of Kubernetes w/ Kubecost

In this episode of Kubernetes Bytes, Jonathan Phillips & Sean Pomeroy from Kubecost join us to talk about understanding the cost of Kubernetes clusters. Kubernetes and the pods that run within the cluster are a large part of the cost story but it doesn't end there, networking, object storage, egress and more are part of the pull optimization story when it comes to cost. Hear what Jonathon and Sean have to say about cost, Kubernetes and what Kubecost can help you achieve. News Articles https://bit.ly/kubecost-showlinks  Kubecost Links https://www.kubecost.com/ https://www.kubecost.com/install https://github.com/kubecost https://github.com/opencost/opencost https://blog.kubecost.com/tags/#case-study
Nov 1, 2022 • 41min

Part 2 - Live from Kubecon North America 2022 - Interviews with Redis, Teleport, Instruqt, and Pulumi

In this part - 2 episode of Kubernetes Bytes - live from Detroit during the Kubecon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022, Ryan Wallner and Bhavin Shah talk to guests on the show floor and learn more about what's new at Kubecon, what are their thoughts on Day 0 events, Keynotes, etc, and also share some things to do in Detroit. They talk to Brad Ascar - Principal Product Manager at Redis, Ben A - Developer Relations at Teleport, Sean Carolan - Director of Sales Engineering at Instruqt, Scott Lowe - Developer Relations at Pulumi.  Show Notes: Redis Active - Active Databases on Kubernetes What's new with Pulumi + Kubernetes Oct 2022 Teleport at Kubecon 2022 Buddy's Pizza - Detroit Happy's Pizza - Detroit Instruqt
Nov 1, 2022 • 41min

Part 1 - Live from Kubecon North America 2022 - Interviews with Percona, EDB, Dell, and Akamai

In this part - 1 episode of Kubernetes Bytes - live from Detroit during the Kubecon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022, Ryan Wallner and Bhavin Shah talk to guests on the show floor and learn more about what's new at Kubecon, what are their thoughts on Day 0 events, Keynotes, etc, and also share some things to do in Detroit. They talk to Peter Zaitsev - Founder of Percona, Gabriele Bartolini - VP of Cloud Native at EDB, Tim Banks - Lead Developer Advocate at Dell Technologies and Stephen Rust - Principal Software Engineer at Akamai.  Show Notes:  Percona Kubernetes Operators PostgreSQL 15 CloudNativePG Linode Kubernetes Engine  Linode Careers
Oct 13, 2022 • 58min

Powering Decentralized Cloud with Kubernetes

In this episode of Kubernetes Bytes, Bhavin and Ryan talk with Vishnu Korde, CEO and Chief Architect of StackOS. The hosts explore the topic of "DeCloud" or decentralized cloud which aims to create anonymity through the use of cross-chain open protocols allowing individuals and organizations to create a decentralized computing layer for the internet allowing teams to bypass traditional infrastructure management and cloud compute silos. Learn how Vishnu's company StackOS is tackling this problem and how they are using Kubernetes as a orchestration layer to provide application deployment into this DeCloud. Cloud Native Data News of the Week Security Slam CNCF :https://community.cncf.io/events/details/cncf-cloud-native-security-slam-presents-security-slam-presented-by-cncf-sonatype-maintainer-sign-up IBM Doubles down   5 Years of Postgres on K8s Lucidity Introduces Autonomous Storage Orchestration Solution The Global Cloud Native Storage Market size is expected to reach $41.9 billion by 2028, rising at a market growth of 22.3% CAGR during the forecast period : CAGR - https://www.gartner.com/en/information-technology/glossary/cagr-compound-annual-growth-rate Kafka 3.3 : https://blogs.apache.org/kafka/entry/what-rsquo-s-new-in  Hosted Control Plane - https://thenewstack.io/hosted-control-planes-bring-extra-power-and-more-cost-control/  InfluxDB Cloud and Telegraf with K3s - https://thenewstack.io/how-to-monitor-kubernetes-k3s-using-telegraf-and-influxdb-cloud/  StackOS Links https://docs.stackos.io/stackos-docs https://www.stackos.io/ litepaper:  https://docsend.com/view/wq7qxzjk7zsd3wph docs:  https://docs.stackos.io/stackos-docs/ Youtube channel:  https://www.youtube.com/c/StackOS/videos discord link:  https://discord.gg/g2uxZdkNH8 telegram link:  https://t.me/StackOS app:  https://app.stackos.io/
Oct 1, 2022 • 60min

Kubernetes Security 101 - 4C's of Cloud Native Security

In this Episode of Kubernetes Bytes, Ryan and Bhavin talk about upcoming conferences and dig into the world of Kuberentes Security. Bhavin and Ryan talk about  and dig into the various aspects of the 4C's of Cloud Native Security (Code, Container, Cluster and Cloud). Bhavin and Ryan dig in a foot deep from everything from encryption at rest, network policies, linux seccomp, software SBOM and ransomeware. This episode had so many good resources in the show notes, we decided to create a community resource for everyone. Please see the below public google doc with all show notes, links and more. Feel free to comment and engage! Cloud Native Security 101 Resource Community Document
Sep 14, 2022 • 49min

Kafka on Kubernetes

In this episode, Ryan and Bhavin interview Justin Lee, Principal Solutions Engineer at Confluent, about all things Kafka on Kubernetes. The discussion focuses on what Kafka is, how it helps developers build applications, and then dives into how developers or operators can deploy and run Kafka on Kubernetes using either Confluent for Kubernetes (CFK) operator from Confluent, or using Strimzi, an open source alternative. The hosts and Justin talk about the different custom resources needed for running Kafka on Kubernetes and then discuss best practices and case studies around the same. Have a listen and leave us a review for the podcast series! Show Links: Isovalent raises $40M Series B round - https://member.fintech.global/2022/09/09/open-source-technologies-dev-isovalent-nets-40m/ EKS Anywhere Curated Packages - https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2022/08/amazon-eks-anywhere-curated-packages-generally-available/ AWS Karpenter Cluster Consolidation - https://karpenter.sh/preview/tasks/deprovisioning/ VMware Explore - VMware Tanzu updates - https://www.storagereview.com/news/vmware-tanzu-gets-aria-mission-control-kubernetes-grid-updates Kubecon EU Call For Papers now Open - https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe/program/cfp/ CloudCasa and ONDAT partnership - https://www.catalogicsoftware.com/press-releases/cloudcasa-by-catalogic-and-ondat-announce-partnership-to-protect-kubernetes/ Google adds Hyperdisk support - https://containerjournal.com/features/google-adds-additional-storage-service-for-gke/ Kubernetes Complexity - https://driftingin.space/posts/complexity-kubernetes Confluent for Kubernetes - https://docs.confluent.io/operator/current/overview.html Strimzi - Kafka on Kubernetes - https://strimzi.io/ Upcoming Current (Data Streaming Summit hosted by Confluent): https://2022.currentevent.io/website/39543/welcome Confluent for Kubernetes Quick Start: https://docs.confluent.io/operator/current/co-quickstart.html Confluent Home Page: https://www.confluent.io/ Confluent Developer Podcast: https://developer.confluent.io/podcast/
Sep 1, 2022 • 53min

What is GitOps?

In this Episode of Kubernetes Bytes, Bhavin Shah and Ryan Wallner dive into GitOps. You will learn about how GitOps came to be, what GitOps is, what tools are used to accomplish GitOps and what the benefits of adopting GitOps on your team will be. Where to get started https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/getting_started/ https://docs.gitops.weave.works/docs/getting-started/ https://github.com/weaveworks/awesome-gitops Links / Background: https://about.gitlab.com/topics/gitops/ https://www.weave.works/technologies/gitops/ https://developers.redhat.com/topics/gitops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2W3dJUxpR0 https://www.youtube.com/c/DevOpsToolkit/videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5EpcWp0THw https://github.com/weaveworks/awesome-gitops https://www.gitops.tech/ https://www.weave.works/technologies/gitops/ https://about.gitlab.com/topics/gitops/ News SBOM 101 - https://sysdig.com/blog/sbom-101-software-bill-of-materials/  CSI inline volumes - https://kubernetes.io/blog/2022/08/29/csi-inline-volumes-ga/  The ultimate list of open source cloud native tools - https://containerjournal.com/features/the-ultimate-list-of-open-source-cloud-native-tools/ K8s 1.25 is out - https://kubernetes.io/blog/2022/08/23/kubernetes-v1-25-release Registry.k8s.io https://github.com/kubernetes/k8s.io/wiki/New-Registry-url-for-Kubernetes-(registry.k8s.io) Registry.k8s.io https://groups.google.com/a/kubernetes.io/g/dev/c/DYZYNQ_A6_c/m/oD9_Q8Q9AAAJ?pli=1 SIG Storage Spotlight - https://www.kubernetes.dev/blog/2022/08/22/sig-storage-spotlight-2022/ GitLab Release 15.3 - GitOps features free - https://about.gitlab.com/releases/2022/08/22/gitlab-15-3-released
Aug 22, 2022 • 55min

Community, Opensource and Kubernetes with Brendan Burns and Ganesh Ashokavardhanan

Ryan (@wallywalls22) and Bhavin (@bhavin04890) talk to Brendan Burns (@brendandburns), co-founder of the Kubernetes open source project and corporate vice president for Azure cloud-native open source, and Ganeshkumar Ashokavardhanan (@ganeshkumar_av), Software Engineer in the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) team about community, Kubernetes and open-source at Microsoft. They also discuss how Ganesh was able to start as an intern and work his way into a fun full-time position with Azure Kubernetes Service. Come listen and learn about all of this and more! Show Links: KEDA https://keda.sh/ Virtual Kubelet https://github.com/virtual-kubelet/virtual-kubelet AKS enhancements - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/apps-on-azure-blog/azure-kubernetes-service-aks-updates-for-seamless-developer-and/ba-p/3407089 Container Apps GA https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/apps-on-azure-blog/azure-container-apps-general-availability/ba-p/3416885 MS Build Sessions  https://mybuild.microsoft.com/en-US/sessions/cf62806e-b0a6-48ca-9664-92298b049abf https://mybuild.microsoft.com/en-US/sessions/b8cb89fa-f065-4711-8ec2-91b41bb39acf
Aug 20, 2022 • 57min

Kubernetes COSI 101 with Sid Mani

In this episode of Kubernetes Bytes, Ryan and Bhavin talk to the SIG Storage COSI Co-Lead Sid Mani about the Container Object Storage Interface (COSI) project, as it enters the Alpha phase of the maturity cycle. The discussion dives into the need for a different Object Storage standard, how it works with Kubernetes, the vision of the community, and how people/vendors can contribute to the ecosystem. Show links Acorn Labs - https://venturebeat.com/programming-development/open-source-acorn-takes-a-new-approach-to-deploy-cloud-native-application-on-kubernetes/ Ghost Security Emerges from Stealth, Announces Initial $15M in Funding at $50M validation - https://ghost.security/blog/ghost-security-emerges-from-stealth-announces-initial-15m-in-funding?hsLang=en Granulate launches a new free tool for optimizing K8s costs called gMaestro - https://sdtimes.com/kubernetes/granulate-launches-new-free-tool-for-optimizing-kubernetes-costs/ What's new with Kubernetes 1.25 - https://sysdig.com/blog/kubernetes-1-25-whats-new/ Kubernetes volumes for beginners - https://dev.to/iarchitsharma/kubernetes-volume-explained-for-beginners-3doj Intro to eBPF - https://chrisshort.net/intro-to-ebpf XKCD link - https://xkcd.com/927/ Kubernetes CSI 101 episode - https://anchor.fm/kubernetesbytes/episodes/Container-and-Kubernetes-Storage-101-e1647o1/a-a6cgu6a

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