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Elm Town

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Jan 16, 2024 • 54min

Elm Town 72 – 435 million reasons to love Elm + Elixir with Erik Person

Erik Person shares how he joined Corvus Insurance as the first engineer building the system from scratch with Elm and Elixir. We talk about onboarding, culture, and growing the team. He exclaims his excitement for the next phase of acquisition by Travelers.Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com.Music by Jesse Moore.Recording date: 2023.12.05GuestErik PersonShow notes[00:00:22] Sponsored by Logistically[00:00:52] Introducing ErikElm seedsTravelers to Acquire Corvus Insurance[00:01:20] Getting started[00:07:27] The flight to Elm[00:12:43] Elm seeds[00:17:14] Why Elm at Corvus?"The Python Paradox" by Paul Graham"Make Impossible States Impossible" by Richard Feldman[00:21:57] Hiring & onboarding practices[00:24:09] ScalingAaron VonderHaar's elm-format[00:27:49] Static Elm + dynamic ElixirLuke Westby's elm-http-builder[00:34:32] Programming the plane[00:38:58] Corvus engineering cultureForbes' list of "America’s Best Startup Employers"[00:43:59] AcquisitionTravelers to Acquire Corvus InsuranceTravelers Completes Acquisition of Corvus Insurance[00:48:34] PicksErik's picks"Interesting bugs caught by no-constant-binary-expression" by Jordan Eldredge"Training AI to Play Pokemon with Reinforcement Learning" by Peter WhiddenThe Data Warehouse Toolkit by Ralph Kimball and Margy RossJared's pickJeroen Engels' elm-review
Dec 12, 2023 • 1h 6min

Elm Town 71 – Embracing wins with Lindsay Wardell

Lindsay Wardell tells how she persevered to write her own story as a programmer and shares her views on JavaScript frameworks & fatigue.Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com.Music by Jesse Moore.Recording date: 2023.11.06GuestLindsay WardellShow notes[00:00:20] Sponsored by Logistically[00:00:49] Introducing LindsayHuman Side of DevElm and Vite on Elm Radio, hosted by Dillon Kearns & Jeroen EngelsFunctional programming with Elm on PodRocket, hosted by Paul MikulskisFunctional and Object-Oriented Programming on Software Unscripted, hosted by Richard Feldman"Functional Programming in Vite" at ViteConf 2023elm-vue-bridgevite-elm-template.[00:01:54] Getting started in computing and programming[00:06:06] A break in Brazil"How to teach programming (and other things)?" by Felienne Hermans[00:09:27] Getting back into programmingFunctional and Object-Oriented Programming on Software Unscripted, hosted by Richard Feldman...again[00:18:55] Why Elm?JuralenFunctional and Object-Oriented Programming on Software Unscripted, hosted by Richard Feldman...yet again. Seriously, it's good.[00:28:06] The road to NoRedInkWikifunctionsViews on VueS08E014 Modern Web Podcast - Elm with Richard Feldman[00:33:05] JavaScript fatigue[00:38:04] Standardization around Vite[00:41:13] The challenge of legacy code at NoRedInknoredink-uiElm Landelm-pages[00:46:22] Star CommanderStar Commander (GitHub)Elm Town 63 – Opening the doors of functional programming[00:53:47] What are you excited about?Lamdera"The Economics of Programming Languages" by Evan Czaplicki at Strange Loop 2023[00:55:50] PicksLindsay's picksNuxtNaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)Blood on the ClocktowerBabylon 5Jared's picksBattlestar GalacticaS2E2 - "One Moore", PortlandiaFeel It All Around by Washed Out
Nov 28, 2023 • 58min

Elm Town 70 – Getting out of the basement with Jim Carlson

Jim Carlson shares his discoveries in software development through the people he's met in the community and the projects he's building. We also discuss how a history in mathematics shapes his work.Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com.Music by Jesse Moore.Recording date: 2023.10.13GuestJim CarlsonShow notes[00:00:16] Sponsored By Logistically[00:00:45] Introducing Jim"Making a LaTeX-to-Html parser in Elm" at Elm Europe 2018jxxcarlson/meenylatex"Tarring files with Elm" at Oslo Elm Day 2019jxxcarlson/elm-tarjxxcarlson/elm-markdownjxxcarlson/elm-l0-parserRandom Exchange ModelSchelling’s segregation model"Making Elm Talk to Your Personal Supercomputer" at elm-conf 2019Fake Drum Language Apphttps://scripta.ioElm NotebookElm Town 29 - Knode.io with Jim Carlson in 2018 w/Murphy Randle[00:02:10] History in Mathematics[00:04:27] Serious software development[00:06:37] Getting out of the basementMatthew Griffith's elm-uiLamdera[00:09:59] Problem-solving approaches[00:14:43] Scripta.io[00:19:25] Learning Haskell[00:24:40] Elm NotebookBooklib.ioelm-in-elm/compilerMinibill's elm-interpreterElm Land 🌈[00:31:50] SimulationsFutharkDesigning Compilers for Speed with Troels Henriksen on Software Unscripted with Richard Feldman[00:41:05] Fake drum language app[00:45:40] Inspiration for work[00:49:30] PicksJim's picksStructure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie SussmanThe Mythical Man-Month by Fred BrooksJared's picks"The Economics of Programming Languages" by Evan Czaplicki at Strange Loop 2023In Pursuit of the Unknown by Ian StewartThings to make and do in the 4th dimension by Matt ParkerVsauce on YouTube by Michael Stevens
Nov 14, 2023 • 1h 10min

Elm Town 69 – A vision for tooling with Simon Lydell

Simon Lydell tells his origin story from Firefox power user to full-time Elm engineer. Then we talk about his work in the community building tools & contributing to core.Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com.Music by Jesse Moore.Recording date: 2023.10.09GuestSimon LydellShow notes[00:00:25] Sponsored by Logistically[00:00:56] Introducing SimonElm node-test-runnerlydell/elm-app-urlElm Radio 77 – elm-app-url with Simon Lydellelm-toolingElm Radio 22 – elm-tooling with Simon Lydellelm-watchElm Radio 65 – elm-watch with Simon Lydell[00:01:43] Origins in computing"My Contribution to the Left-Pad Incident with Simon Lydell" on the Software Unscripted podcastElm Town 66 – A gateway to scientific research with Chris Martin[00:09:08] From messing around with open-source to headhunted[00:14:37] Discovering Elm[00:17:24] Elm syntax as a CoffeeScript programmer[00:19:17] Contributing to big open-source projects early in career[00:22:02] From Elm meetup to full-time developer[00:25:08] Natural growth at Insurello[00:26:28] Pranking the designer[00:29:35] Vision document for elm-watchParcel[00:34:16] Different catalystselm-liveelm-go[00:40:53] elm-watch hot reloadingelm-watch issue about generating elm-watch.json instead of supporting glob directly[00:50:43] run-ptyrun-pty[00:55:51] Core contributionFree the npm package from third party dependencies[01:05:32] What's up with Simon these days?[01:07:41] PicksSimon's pickStrange PlanetJared's pickrun-pty
Oct 31, 2023 • 1h 11min

Elm Town 68 – Shared joy with Mario Rogic

Mario Rogic shares his journeys, both physically around the world and strategically, as he built & rebuilt Lamdera.Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com.Music by Jesse Moore.Recording date: 2023.09.08GuestMario RogicShow notes[00:00:25] Sponsored by Logistically[00:01:00] Introducing MarioLocomoteLamderaElm OnlineLondon meetupsElmcraftElm CampElm Town 59 – Elm Camp with Katja Mordaunt"The unbearable weight of glue" at Lambda Days 2023 in KrakowElm Town 18 - Spotlight on Mario Rogic[00:02:22] Parallel synchronized travel[00:10:25] Out of the blockchain[00:13:52] How Adventure Presenter led to Lamdera"Elmception: supercharging presentations with Elm" at Elm Europe 2017)[00:18:31] More about the Haskell version with Filip Haglund[00:28:13] Communicating the benefits of LamderaLamdera diagrams clearly explain the benefits[00:42:02] What's up next with Lamdera?Lamdera v1.1.0Lamdera v1.2.0elm-pages lamdera integration[00:54:39] LEGO Loco LamderaElm Town 64 – The network effect with Martin Stewart[00:57:03] Shared joy in things made on Lamdera[00:58:33] Reflections on Elm Camp[01:02:58] Stoked to see all the cool stuff in the communityElmcraft Lore[01:07:34] PicksMario's pickselm-pages scriptsElm Land 🌈Elm Land Lamdera templateJared's pickElm Weekly by Wolfgang Schuster
Oct 17, 2023 • 51min

Elm Town 67 – Breaking things down with Gingko Writer

Adriano Ferrari talks about how Elm allows him to solely support Gingko Writer and make progress on new projects while also homeschooling.Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com.Music by Jesse Moore.Recording date: 2023.09.08GuestAdriano FerrariShow notes[00:00:25] Sponsored by Logistically[00:01:00] Introducing AdrianoGingko Writer, open-source on GitHub at gingko/client.[00:01:19] Getting started in computing[00:03:55] Physics in Canada[00:07:03] Discovering Elm[00:11:30] Perfectionism"Tools & Perfectionism" by Adriano Ferrari[00:15:07] Little leak in your mind"Make Reliable Web Apps Without JS Fatigue" by Jared at Detroit Tech Watch 2019[00:17:25] Overcoming creative blocks"Reset Expectations to Overcome Creative Blocks" by Adriano Ferrari[00:21:38] Breaking things down with Gingko WriterElm Town 61 – Turning the pages with Dillon Kearns[00:25:19] Challenges building Gingko WriterElm Town 64 – The network effecthttps://ascii-collab.apphttps://town-collab.app[00:31:43] Homeschooling & solely supporting Gingko Writer[00:37:52] "Frequent changes of treatment""A 'Gradual Commitment' Productivity System""Exploring elm-spa-example" by Richard Feldman at Oslo Elm Day with a section about dependencies[00:42:13] New, 100% Elm project[00:44:22] PicksAdriano's picksSimon Lydell's elm-watchSimon Lydell's elm-app-urlONYX BOOX Note Air 2 PlusJared's picksStretchlyYoga 🧘Gingko Writer
Oct 3, 2023 • 1h 4min

Elm Town 66 – A gateway to scientific research

Chris Martin shares how he grew Elm wings while building Exosphere, a user-friendly, open-source tool to help scientists do research.Note: Jared's audio quality isn't great.Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com.Music by Jesse Moore.Recording date: 2023.08.02GuestChris Martin (https://cmart.blog)Show notes[00:00:56] Introducing Chris Martinhttps://gitlab.com/cmarthttps://exosphere.app/[00:01:43] Getting started[00:07:08] Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail[00:09:39] Getting into ElmMatthew Griffith's elm-ui[00:14:03] Building Exosphere"IU wins $300K NSF award to build an open-source ecosystem around heavily used cloud tool"[00:18:35] Challenges building open-source tools[00:26:19] Fun coming from DevOps to ElmSimon Lydell's elm-watchElm Town 58 – Unblocking users with quality software with Tessa Kelly[00:33:17] Mentorship at scale[00:36:02] Code CommonsVision for Code Commonshttps://codecommons.net/https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere[00:40:52] Climate change"Building Culture Around Climate Emergency Mode"https://github.com/BrianHicks/elm-csv/tree/3.0.3#climate-actionhttps://github.com/ianmackenzie/elm-units/tree/2.10.0#climate-action[00:43:52] Exciting features coming to Exosphere[00:47:28] Insane chat box"Assume ChatGPT is Lying" by Kevin Yank"Elm Town 61 – Turning the pages with Dillon Kearns"[00:50:04] PicksChris' picksJetstream Cloudhttps://defetter.com/Elm Town 55 – From algorithms & animation to building a decentralized finance app with Dwayne CrooksStretchlyJared's "pick"elmtown at jaredmsmith dot com with climate-related Elm work
Sep 19, 2023 • 1h 34min

Elm Town 65 – Let's roll with it

We review Jeroen Engels' journey with Elm from ESLint to elm-review. Jeroen even gives tips on how to introduce rules to a team.Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com.Music by Jesse Moore.Recording date: 2023.08.01GuestJeroen EngelsShow notes[00:00:21] Sponsored by Logistically[00:00:58] Introducing Jeroen Engelselm-reviewElm RadioElm Town 61 – Turning the pages with Dillon Kearnselm-syntaxjfmengels/elm-review-commonjfmengels/elm-review-documentationjfmengels/elm-review-simplifyjfmengels/elm-review-unused[00:02:37] It all started with a book[00:06:09] Getting a job as a backend developer[00:11:33] Senior: Figuring out what you're passionate about[00:15:24] Using ESLint to solve challenges with JavaScript[00:20:25] The refreshing experience of discovering Elm[00:26:13] A greenfield Elm projectCrowdStrike® Falcon LogScale™[00:33:04] Starting elm-reviewelm-analyze[00:42:06] elm-review v2"Implementing multi-file analysis for linters" on Jeroen Engels' blog[00:43:33] Middle names[00:44:40] Humor, coding, & podcastinghttps://postitontheweb.tumblr.com[00:50:19] Challenges with building elm-reviewElm Radio 84 – Writing Great Docs"Pushing unused exports detection one step further" on Jeroen Engels' blog"A tale of failing to design rule boundaries - Data-last functions" on Jeroen Engels' blog 🎉[01:00:47] Disable comments"Why You Don't Trust Your Linter" by Jeroen Engels at GOTO Copenhagen 2022elm-format[01:07:19] Stopping the bleed"Stop the bleed" on Jeroen Engels' blog[01:10:46] Jared's failure when introducing NoUnused rules"Elm Town 60 – Productivity and the culture of moving a little bit slower" with Wolfgang Schuster[01:13:56] Jeroen's tips on introducing rules"Elm Radio 88 – Avoiding Unused Code" on Jeroen Engels' blog[01:23:24] When to run elm-reviewelm-watch[01:29:30] PicksJeroen's Pickssegakcap by John Pavliklue (lue-bird)'s packagesSiriusStarr's packagesAjin: Demi-HumanJared's PickSoftware Unscripted hosted by Richard Feldman
Sep 5, 2023 • 1h 22min

Elm Town 64 – The network effect

Martin Stewart comes back to share his experience using Elm and Lamdera to make all the things, from games to professional apps.Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com.Music by Jesse Moore.Recording date: 2023.07.10GuestMartin StewartShow notes[00:00:14] Sponsored by Logistically[00:01:01] Introducing Martin Stewarthttps://ascii-collab.appCircuit breakerMeetdownState of Elm survey 2022/2023Under MartinSStewart/:elm-audio packageelm-serialize packagelamdera/program-testInteractive UI source maps for LamderaHobby scale: making web apps with minimal fuss by Martin Stewart[00:02:21] A New Year's gift from Thea & MartinElm Town 48 – Making Little Games Like Presents[00:06:52] Discovering Lamdera"Evergreen Elm" by Mario Rogic at Elm Europe 2018[00:09:54] Lego Loco Remake - Take 2https://town-collab.appPer Martin, turns out the "better presentation" on how the netcode in ascii-collab works was not recorded.[00:17:46] Move fast and not break things[00:23:02] elm-serializeMartin Stewart's elm-serialize packageMiniBill's elm-codec package[00:25:47] Performance challengesElm Optimize, Level 2![00:28:56] Building Lamdera tools and working with Mario RogicAaron VonderHaar's elm-program-test[00:42:21] "The real cost of using Lamdera..."[00:45:05] Making MeetdownElm Online Meetup[00:48:37] Using Lamdera professionallyUsing Lamdera professionally[00:53:17] elm-mapMartin Stewart's elm-mapJakub Hampl's elm-mapbox[00:56:44] WebGLelm-explorations/webglElm 3D Pool Game Collaboration with Andrey KuzminIan Mackenzie's elm-3d-scene[01:01:41] Realiahttps://realia.se/[01:07:03] Elm MarketElm Camp[01:10:52] State of State of ElmIt's ready! https://state-of-elm.com/[01:18:07] PicksMartin's PicksMiniBill's elm-interpreterJim Carlson's Elm NotebookJared's PicksLamdera docsElm Online Meetup
Aug 22, 2023 • 1h 11min

Elm Town 63 – Opening the doors of functional programming

Join Mika Naylor on her journey with functional programming through the doors of Elm to Elm Land and beyond.Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com.Music by Jesse Moore.Recording date: 2023.06.08GuestMika NaylorShow notes[00:00:25] Sponsored by Logistically[00:01:04] Introducing Mika NaylorNix and NixOS"Behind The Lambda",at Python Pizza Hamburg 2021"Leading Beyond Tools, Process & Structure" with Johannes Moser at Worker Conf 2022elm-spaElm Land 🌈[00:02:09] Fan sites and forums[00:04:44] From Emily, "How did you first get excited about Elm?"[00:11:17] Elm as a gateway drug to functional programming[00:18:17] Not disempowering teams[00:22:25] A community of makersr/elmElm Discourse[00:27:55] Experience using Elm LandElm Town 62 – The map to Elm LandWyrhta Ceramics (sourceElm Town 6 - The Founding Story - Evan talks about inspiration for explicit imports ~32:00[00:42:23] DhallDhall[00:44:50] Fearless refactoringMatthew Griffith's elm-ui[00:52:46] Collaboration with machine learning modelsWyrhta Ceramics - Fey Mood - Works made in collaboration with ML models, like GPT@mika@hordburh.autophagy.io - Mika's Mastodon[01:01:48] Stoicism & ElmMeditations by Marcus Aurelius2023 Resolutions"Make Reliable Web Apps Without JS Fatigue" by Jared M. Smith at Detroit Tech Watch 2019[01:05:20] PicksMika's PicksLearn You a Haskell for Great Good! by Miran LipovačaThinking in Systems by Donella H. MeadowsJared's PicksAll things Mouse Reeve"Mapping Imaginary Cities" by Mouse Reeve at Strange Loop 2018"Minimalist Piano Forever" by Mouse Reeve at Strange Loop 2019 (listen at gnossiennes.mousereeve.comBookWyrmPlease contact me elmtown at jaredmsmith.com to recommend/share climate-related work using Elm.

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