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The Nine Club With Chris Roberts

Latest episodes

Jul 12, 2024 • 2h 16min

Andy Anderson, Jacopo, Down Straight Up | Nine Club Live #60

Vincent Alvarez is in the house for Dubs, Andy Anderson ABD Event, Monster Energy Straight up Vol 1, Jacopo for Nike SB, Filming a video part with an iPhone, Andy Anderson Crazy Wisdom and much more!Timestamps00:00:00 Nine Club Live #6000:01:50 Vincent Alvarez is in the house for Dubs00:08:00 Restock on Orange Yeti Travel Mugs, Ramblers00:14:00 Andy Anderson ABD Event00:24:00 Monster Energy Straight up Vol 1.00:54:00 Jacopo for Nike SB01:06:00 SOTY board update?01:17:00 Filming a video part with an iPhone?01:21:00 Andy Anderson Crazy Wisdom01:47:00 Andy to the top of the SOTY Board?01:53:00 Super Chat Appreciation raffle01:57:00 Thank You’s and Sign offs Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 8, 2024 • 2h 51min

#331 - Andy Anderson Is Back!

Andy Anderson discusses working on his new part "Crazy Wisdom", filming with Nigel Alexander, his Nano Cubic wheel & theory map griptape, darkslides at Tampa Pro, his ABD collectibles project, the Natas spin to Jamie Foy, a massive kinked curved 5050 & how it healed him, how taxing filming a video part is these day and much more!Timestamps00:00:00 Andy Anderson00:00:52 Andy has been working on his new part00:02:36 Filming with Nigel Alexander00:04:37 Our Sponsor: AG100:09:52 His Nano Cubic wheel00:17:23 Andy's griptape, the theory map00:30:29 Dragon flips, Chris Chann00:39:46 His crazy darkslide at Tampa Pro00:41:39 Ricky Glaser vs Andy darkslide00:50:24 The most BS 360 spins he's done00:50:57 ABD collectibles project00:52:15 Our Sponsor: Woodward00:58:34 The Natas spin to Jamie Foy01:04:18 Freestyle on the Venice Pavilion table top01:12:03 The line he did at Tony Hawks ramp01:14:27 Sky Brown's fall at Tony's01:18:56 5050 kink rail to front foot impossible out01:27:15 Smith grind the curved rail in Fresno01:34:40 Filming a video part is taxing01:39:16 Our Sponsor: AG101:42:37 The Natas spin reversed 01:50:32 Crazy darkslide wiggle flatbar02:01:54 Massive kinked curved 5050 rail 02:27:38 How the massive rail healed him02:32:15 Each trick shaped his new board shape Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 1, 2024 • 2h 3min

#330 - Toan Nguyen

Toan Nguyen discusses how he got hooked up with Shorty's at the Huntington Beach park, doing magic tricks at Denny's & spinning things on his fingers, getting photo incentives as an Am, getting sponsored by LRG by meeting the owner Jonas at a rave, why he got kicked off Osiris, Shorty's adding new riders after the "Guilty" video, why he got let go from Shorty's, buying cars from auction and selling them on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace and much more!Timestamps00:00:00 Toan Nguyen00:01:46 The Owner of Shorty's girlfriend edited "Fulfill The Dream"00:03:11 Magic tricks at Denny's00:07:47 Skating with Brian Hoard00:08:40 Kelly and Toan went to same high school00:12:06 How he got hooked up with Shorty's at the Huntington Beach park00:15:37 Our Sponsor: Woodward00:17:23 Never made a sponsor me video00:20:05 San Marcos rail session & riding horses00:26:33 Kickflip backside tailslide the LA high rail00:30:49 Dreaming about Rosa00:35:51 Spinning things on his fingers00:41:02 Skating for Osiris00:42:35 Photo incentives as an Am00:48:51 Got sponsored by LRG by meeting Jonas at a rave00:58:24 Our Sponsor: AG100:59:10 How he got kicked off Osiris01:01:45 Brandon Turner & Aaron Snyder got paid as ams, but had to keep it on the low01:04:20 Kelly changes the subject to thank Toan for introducing him to sushi01:05:21 His first pro board was drawn by the artist from Garbage Pail Kids01:07:06 Adding new riders after Guilty01:09:08 His go-kart bubble gut skit from Guilty01:14:44 Why he got let go from Shorty's01:21:48 Selling cars & working for commission01:23:12 Opening a food truck business01:25:10 Buying cars from auction and sells them on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace01:33:46 Muska the superstar01:38:04 Rode for Zimbabwe Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 28, 2024 • 2h 8min

Tyshawn Jones, Chris Wimer, Tom Karangelov | Nine Club Live #59

Clyde Singleton Facetimes in, New Balance Numeric Enter the museum, Chris Wimer Zero x Skate Supply Part, Budget or Buttery, Tyshawn gets kicked off a bike, Quick Look at the DC Lucien and much more!Timestamps00:00:00 Nine Club Live #5900:02:09 Special Mystery Guest coming later in the show00:08:42 New Balance Numeric Enter the museum00:33:00 Clyde Singleton’s Corner00:41:00 Clyde’s take on contests and the olympics00:55:00 Clyde’s take on Ginwoo01:03:00 Upcoming guests on Clyde’s Podcast WCRP01:12:00 Chris Wimer Zero x Skate Supply Part01:24:00 Budget or Buttery01:40:00 Tyshawn gets kicked off a bike!01:49:00 We take a Quick Look at the DC Lucien01:54:00 Supe Shat appreciation Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 24, 2024 • 2h 33min

#329 - Paul Schmitt

Professor Paul Schmitt discusses downsizing his factory in Tijuana & working through COVID, working on boards for Cordano Russell, should board sizes be like shoe sizes, the most difficult & important thing to do while manufacturing a skateboard, what advances are being made for adhesives & glue to better our planet, hot press or cold pressed boards, will there come a point when brands sell boards that are based on peoples height, his proudest innovation in skateboard manufacturing, how many boards he's made over his lifetime, how many people touched a board in the process of it being manufactured and much more!Timestamps00:00:00 Coming Up00:00:18 Professor Paul Schmitt00:02:55 Perception, Paul wasn't pro00:04:52 How Julio De La Cruz ended up working at PS Stix00:10:15 Downsizing his factory in Tijuana & working through COVID00:15:12 Is he happy with the flood of board brands on the market & what state does he see the industry in the next 10 years00:17:39 Our Sponsor: AG100:20:56 What's up with Cordano Russell's board00:21:22 Should board sizes be like shoe sizes00:29:41 Please explain Nanotubes to us again00:44:15 The most difficult & important thing to do is pressing and drilling00:47:08 What should the price of a skateboard be00:48:09 What advances are being made for adhesives & glue to better our planet00:55:02 What's the best way to dispose of old gear, like wheels, boards and trucks00:56:26 How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood01:00:19 Did Powell Peralta take a big risk manufacturing the Andy Anderson board01:03:58 Hot press or cold press boards?01:10:57 What's the most popular veneer color01:11:57 Our Sponsor: Woodward01:12:23 How to seal the Nanotubes on the edge of your board epoxy & acetone01:14:21 Will there come a point when brands sell boards that are based on peoples height01:21:57 Truck company marketing01:25:29 Board madness01:28:55 Where do my socks go after I put them in the dryer01:29:12 Is there a favorite shape or design he is most proud of making01:30:46 Proudest innovation in skateboard manufacturing01:32:54 How many boards he's made over his lifetime01:38:08 Who's buying skateboards, demographics01:44:53 Concave differences, angles, fingers of flat, how to measure a board02:00:42 VX and Flight Deck construction02:08:09 Professor Schmitt's ad in TWS02:11:00 New Nine Club boards02:15:50 How many people touched a board in the process of it being manufactured02:18:29 Paul brought gifts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 21, 2024 • 2h 9min

Wait, Some Skaters Are Broke? | Nine Club Live #58

Our new FUNCK Boards available now & live stream tomorrow, Yuri Facchini Fakie Hardflip Noseblunt shout out Matt Miller, P-Rod ig killing spree throwbacks, Andrew Verde Buenos Noticias part, Dern Bros courthouse, Skaters are broke? The current state and economics of skateboarding, Budget or Buttery and much more!Timestamps00:00:00 Nine Club Live #5800:02:00 FUNCK Boards available now, live stream tomorrow00:09:00 Yuri Facchini Fakie Hardflip Noseblunt shout out Matt Miller!00:17:00 P-Rod ig killing spree throwbacks00:26:00 Andrew Verde Buenos Noticias part00:35:00 Dern Bros court house00:51:00 Skaters are broke? The current state and economics of skateboarding01:31:00 Budget or Buttery01:50:00 Super Chat Appreciation01:58:00 Thank you’s Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 17, 2024 • 2h 33min

#328 - Aaron Snyder

Aaron Snyder discusses growing up in Wisconsin & started to skate at 8 years old, Meeting Dave Mayhew & Tyrone Olson, getting on H-Street just before it transitioned to Evol skateboards, quitting Evol & riding for Maple Skateboards, hanging with Chad Muska & Tom Penny at the Carson Velodrome & getting on Shorty's, being the original Am on Osiris, why he got kicked off Shorty's after the Fulfill The Dream video came out, Ryan Kenrich getting him on Darkstar, got hired editing for UFO Hunters & MTV True Life TV shows, being a judge for SLS for a bit, working for Pepsi energy / Rockstar as an editor and producer and much more!Timestamps00:00:00 Aaron Snyder00:01:09 Fulfill The Dream00:02:04 Moved to San Diego then up to Huntington00:02:33 Growing up in Wisconsin & started skating at 8 years old00:06:49 Met Dave Mayhew, Tyrone Olson & Pete Lehman00:14:19 Got on H-Street just before it transitioned to Evol skateboards00:18:09 Dave Mayhew told him they were gonna quit Evol & ride for Maple Skateboards00:24:03 Filming for Seven Steps To Heaven part00:29:52 Getting kicked off Maple right after Seven Steps To Heaven video came out00:30:31 Partying with Chad Muska & Tom Penny at the Carson Velodrome00:37:01 Our Sponsor: Woodward00:40:20 Getting on Shortys00:58:47 Shorty's hardware vs Shorty's skateboards01:00:43 Filming Steve Olson drop in off the roof01:05:08 Our Sponsor: AG101:05:59 Aaron was the original Am on Osiris01:10:17 Why Aaron got kicked off Shorty's after the Fulfill The Dream video came out01:23:37 Ryan Kenreich got him on Darkstar01:26:45 Gailea Momolu told Chet Thomas to turn Aaron pro before him cause he was in the game longer01:29:45 Got kicked off Darkstar because Dwindle needed to make cuts01:35:21 Got cast in an Old Spice commercial & put some money in his pocket01:40:02 Aaron's part from Get Tricks Or Die Trying01:46:02 Was skating his best filming for his "Sponsorless" part02:01:00 Edited for UFO Hunters & MTV True Life TV shows02:11:27 Working for Pepsi energy / Rockstar as an editor and producer 02:21:21 was a judge for SLS for a bit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 14, 2024 • 2h 19min

Who's Got The Best Style | Nine Club Live #57

Our new limited FUNCK Boards reveal, AVE Epicly Later’d, Kotora Mitani Evisen part, Who's got the best style and much more!Timestamps00:00:00 Nine Club Live #5700:00:10 Mike Mo in the house00:01:00 Mike Mo was the world’s fastest texter00:05:20 Human Skate00:08:20 Super Chat Appreciation announcement 00:09:20 Nine Club Product00:11:30 FUNCK Boards reveal00:24:30 Kotora Mitani Evisen part00:36:00 AVE Epicly Later’d00:46:00 Heath Kirchart Sight Unseen00:50:00 Which Skater has the best style?00:51:00 Gino Iannuci00:53:00 Keenan Milton00:56:00 Marc Johnson00:59:30 Tom Penny01:03:00 Mike Carroll01:07:00 Rick Howard01:10:00 Kareem Campbell01:11:30 Kenny Anderson01:14:00 Dylan Reeder01:17:00 mark appleyard01:20:00 Jason Lee01:23:00 Heitor Da Silva01:25:00 P-Rod01:27:00 Erik Ellington01:29:00 Antwan Dixon01:32:00 John Cardiel01:34:00 Ishod Wair01:36:00 Josh Kalis01:38:00 Stefan Janoski01:40:00 Gustav Tonneson01:41:00 Brian Lotti01:43:00 Chico Brenes01:44:00 Nate Broussard01:45:00 Nate Jones01:47:00 Rob Welsh01:52:00 Keith Hufnagel01:59:00 We Poll the Chat on Best Style02:03:00 Super Chat Appreciation Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 10, 2024 • 2h 10min

#327 -The Dern Brothers

The Dern Brothers discuss Dalton and Kanaan started to skate at Destins 13 birthday party at the Vans skatepark, Dalton getting sponsored by Bryce Kanights for Lifeblood Skateboards & sleeping on the warehouse floor, Kanaan getting on flow for Zero Skateboards & Jamie Thomas telling him to film as if he were filming for "New Blood", Dalton going from Lifeblood to Heroin Skateboards, Destin stopping skating and got into making short films & went to school, Kanaan & Dalton getting on Fallen Footwear, Kanaan dressing as the Joker for Halloween Hill Bomb event 2019 & going viral, filming a segment for the Berrics in their backyard "worlds greatest quarantine", their first YouTube video skating at Bams house, how being on YouTube is helping their skateboard careers, is it tough to get clips for video parts & film for YouTube videos at the same time and much more!Timestamps00:00:00 Dern Brothers00:02:17 Destin talks about saving up to get a skateboard00:03:19 Dalton and Kanaan started to skate at Destins 13 birthday at vans skatepark00:04:35 Dalton is the first to get sponsored by Bryce Kanights for Lifeblood Skateboards00:06:00 Destin libed at the lifeblood warehouse & slept on the warehouse floor00:06:44 Ceasar Fernandez showed Jaime Thomas Kanaan's part & got flow for Zero00:08:17 Jaime Thomas told Kanaan to film as if he were filming for "New Blood"00:11:39 Dalton going from Lifeblood to Heroin Skateboards00:12:41 Our Sponsor: Woodward00:14:46 Kanaan getting on Fallen flow before Jaime left the company00:15:32 Is there a brother rivalry when it comes to skating?00:16:01 Destin stopped skating for a bit and got into making short films & went to school00:20:29 Kanaan filming for the "Painkillers" video00:26:58 Kanaan dressed as the Joker at the Halloween Hill Bomb event 2019 & went viral00:33:00 Dalton has a part coming out for Heroin Skateboards this year00:36:53 Filming a segment for the Berrics in their backyard "worlds greatest quarantine"00:44:22 Their first YouTube video skating at Bams house00:45:35 Were Dalton & Kanaan into doing the YouTube thing with Destin right away?00:50:58 Destin puts in the a lot of research for the videos01:08:09 Our Sponsor: AG101:10:00 YouTube Shorts helped get their channel out there01:12:13 Does being on YouTube helped their skateboard careers?01:24:25 How long it took for them to start making money on YouTube01:26:08 Fallen Footwear is really supportive of him doing YouTube01:31:36 Other skateboarders stating YouTube channels01:33:15 Is it tough to get clips for video parts & film for YouTube videos at the same time01:38:00 Cringy thumbnails01:39:07 Can they forecast how well a video will do Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 7, 2024 • 3h 9min

Rodrigo TX Back On DGK, Tyshawn II, Vinicius Costa | Nine Club Live #56

Happy 8th Birthday Nine Club, Skateboarding Hall of Fame Induction and Inductees, Adidas Tyshawn II, What is the pathway to pro for Kids these days, SoleTech is sold! What does it mean, Vincius Costa Pocket Part, OSki Red Shark Part, Rodrigo TX Back on DGK, Dumb Data World Skate Study, Jenkem Tracks down Steve Rocco and much more!Timestamps00:02:00 Happy 8th Birthday Nine Club and Thank Yous!00:10:00 Superchat Giveaway Reminder00:11:44 Skateboarding Hall of Fame Induction and Inductees00:20:30 Skateboarding Hall of Fame Inductee Criteria, How you get in?00:23:00 Adidas Tyshawn II00:33:00 What is the pathway to pro for Kids these days?00:37:00 Sole Tech is sold! What does it mean? Kelly's perspective 00:56:50 Vincius Costa Pocket Part01:06:00 New Merch Drop01:11:00 OSki Red Shark Part01:24:33 Rodrigo TX Back on DGK01:38:00 Dumb Data World Skate Study02:13:00 Shoe Companies and impacts?02:22:00 Jenkem Tracks down Steve Rocco02:29:00 New Nine Club Product 202:32:00 Braden Hoban Rewatch02:38:00 SOTY Board02:47:00 Mendocino farms02:53:00 Winding down, Peep Cordano's Thrasher XXXL Skater02:56:00 SuperChat Drawing Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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