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Oct 13, 2023 • 34min

Slovakia in the UN and in the world

A conversation with Ambassador Dušan Matulay This episode is part of our ambassadors’ series hosting Permanent Representatives of UN Member States in Geneva for conversations about the role of their countries in the UN and in the world. We invited the Permanent Representative of Slovakia, H.E. Mr. Dušan Matulay, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Slovakia’s membership in the UN. Ambassador Matulay talks with Francesco Pisano, Director of the Library & Archives and tells us more about Slovakia’s long history, its position as a landlocked country at the very heart of Europe, what Slovakia stands for and wants to share with the world, and what it means to be a smaller country at the United Nations. Where to listen to this episode  Apple podcasts: Spotify: YouTube: Content    Speaker: H.E. Ambassador Dušan Matulay Host: Francesco Pisano, Director, UN Library & Archives Producer: Amy Smith Editing & social media: Amy Smith, Nadia Al Droubi, Mengna Chen Recorded & produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva 
Sep 29, 2023 • 54min

Rapid technological change & future-proof policy making

In this episode we continue our explorations in view of the Summit of the Future. The Summit of the Future (in 2024) will be a key moment to reaffirm and recommit to effective multilateralism in the interest of both people and the planet.   But how do we set out to redesign multilateralism and craft the future we all want in our era of ultra-rapid technological change? And how do we factor in our decisions of today the interests of future generations? Can we still rely solely on classical forms of decision making? Can we trust AI and other emerging technologies to remain tools at our service instead of becoming our masters? We talk with Konrad Seifert who is the co-founder of the Simon Institute. He also co-founded and led Effective Altruism Switzerland, developing theories of change and looking at the future beyond the current generation. Resources Simon Institute : Longtermism:   Where to listen to this episode  Apple podcasts: Spotify: YouTube: Content    Speaker: Konrad Seifert Host: Francesco Pisano, Director, UN Library & Archives Producer: Amy Smith Editing & social media: Amy Smith & Nadia Al Droubi Recorded & produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva 
Sep 15, 2023 • 36min

Germany in the UN and in the world - a conversation with Ambassador Dr. Katharina Stasch

Our ambassadors’ series hosts Permanent Representatives of UN Member States for conversations about the role of their countries in the UN and in the world. In this episode we invited the Permanent Representative of Germany, Ambassador Dr. Katharina Stasch, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Germany’s membership in the UN. In 1973 there were two German states. The Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic were both admitted to membership in the United Nations fifty years ago, on 18 September 1973. Ambassador Dr. Stasch tells us more about this historic moment, how it has shaped Germany’s membership in the UN, and what happened once the two countries were reunited in 1990. Where to listen to this episode  Apple podcasts: Spotify: YouTube: Content    Speaker: H.E. Ambassador Dr. Katharina Stasch Host: Francesco Pisano, Director, UN Library & Archives Producer: Amy Smith Editing & social media: Amy Smith & Nadia Al Droubi Photo: Photo: Antoine Tardy.© StäV Recorded & produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva 
Sep 1, 2023 • 50min

The Democracy-Multilateralism Nexus with Corinne Momal-Vanian

Corinne Momal-Vanian is the Executive Director of the Kofi Annan Foundation. Previously, she worked in various senior positions and a variety of countries for the United Nations, most recently as Director of Conference Management at the United Nations Office at Geneva (2015-2020) and Director of Information (2010-2015). We invited Corinne Momal-Vanian back to The Next Page for a conversation with the Director of the Library & Archives, Francesco Pisano to explore an intriguing topic: the nexus between democracy and multilateralism. In an increasingly interconnected world, how do these two fundamental ideas interact and shape the global IR landscape? They discuss how democracy can serve and support multilateralism, the evolution of multilateralism and the rise of non-state actors and civil society organizations, and the role of youth in democratizing multilateralism. Twitter:  Facebook: LinkedIn: YouTube: Instagram:       Resources Website - V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy):   Ruggie, J. (1998) Constructing the World Polity: Essays on International Institutionalization. London and New York: Routledge.   Where to listen to this episode  Apple podcasts: Spotify: YouTube: Content    Speaker: Corinne Momal-Vanian Host: Francesco Pisano, Director, UN Library & Archives Producer: Amy Smith Editing & social media: Amy Smith & Nadia Al Droubi Recorded & produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva 
Aug 11, 2023 • 54min

Marcel Griaule - une conversation avec Yves Pourcher

Marcel Griaule, un ethnographe dans la diplomatie de l’entre-deux-guerres avec Yves Pourcher  Pour cet épisode, nous sommes ravis d’accueillir Yves Pourcher pour parler de Marcel Griaule, un anthropologue, explorateur et écrivain au destin particulier notamment parce qu’il est entré dans la diplomatie lors de la crise d'Abyssinie.  Yves Pourcher, professeur de science politique, a rassemblé plus de 50 textes de Marcel Griaule dans une publication, parue en 2023, intitulée Envahir l’Ethiopie. L’ethnologue en guerre (1935-1936). Il détaille le parcours de vie original de Marcel Griaule et, en particulier, sa fonction de conseiller particulier d’Haïlé Sélassié pendant la guerre italo-éthiopienne qui l’a mené à participer à la rédaction du fameux discours prononcé par l’Empereur d’Ethiopie devant l’Assemblée de la Société des Nations, à Genève, le 30 juin 1936. Un extrait sonore, avec la voix d’Haïlé Sélassié enregistré le jour du discours, est à écouter pendant l’épisode. Yves Pourcher s’exprime également sur l’engagement des ethnologues qui sont confrontés à une guerre sur leur « terrain » d’étude.    Ressources  Livre « Envahir l’Ethiopie. L’ethnologue en guerre (1935-1936) », éditions Anacharsis :   Plus d'informations sur Yves Pourcher :   Différend entre l’Ethiopie et l’Italie. Requête du gouvernement éthiopien (commentaires de M. Marcel Griaule) (14 septembre 1935) :    Texte du discours d’Haïlé Sélassié devant l’Assemblée de la Société des Nations (30 juin 1936) en français et amharique :   Enregistrement sonore du discours d’Haïlé Sélassié devant l’Assemblée de la Société des Nations (30 juin 1936) :   Où écouter cet épisode Apple podcasts: Spotify: YouTube: Contenu    Invitée : Yves Pourcher Animatrice : Hermine Diebolt Réalisation et montage : Amy Smith Conception pour réseaux sociaux : Amy Smith & Nadia Al Droubi Recorded & produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva 
Jul 21, 2023 • 47min

Night on Earth - a bookcast with Davide Rodogno

In this episode, Davide Rodogno introduces his book Night on Earth, an account of international humanitarian programmes in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the Near East in the interwar period from 1918 to 1930. Professor Rodogno explains how concepts of international 'relief' and 'development' were deeply connected long before the existence of the United Nations. Through the conversation, we explore the long history of humanitarians operating in the region devastated by war and famine and in which state sovereignty was deficient and hear about the colonial motivations and ideologies that influenced the activities of the various secular and religious organizations and philanthropic foundations in their attempts to reshape communities and nations through reconstruction and rehabilitation programmes. Davide Rodogno is Professor of International History and Politics, Head of the Interdisciplinary Programmes at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. He specializes in researching international organizations and philanthropic foundations, and transnational networks and movements since the 19th century. Resources Rodogno, D. (2021) Night on Earth. A History of International Humanitarianism in the Near East, 1918–1930. Cambridge University Press Rodogno, D.  (2015) Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the Ottoman Empire (1815-1914), Princeton University Press – Series: Human Rights and Crimes Against Humanity, Princeton, 2011, paperback.   Daughton, J.P. (2012) In the Forest of No Joy: The Congo-Ocean Railroad and the Tragedy of French Colonialism. New York. Norton Foliard, D. (2022). The violence of colonial photography. Manchester University Press. Levi, P. (1988) The Drowned and the Saved. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. New York. Maalouf, A. (2006). Origines. Le Livre de Poche. Pamuk, O. (2022) Nights of Plague. Knopf. Robson, L. (2017). States of Separation: Transfer, Partition, and the Making of the Modern Middle East. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. White, B. T.  (2011). The Emergence of Minorities in the Middle East: The Politics of Community in French Mandate Syria.‎ Edinburgh University Press.     Where to listen to this episode  Apple podcasts: Spotify: YouTube: Content    Speaker: Professor Davide Rodogno Host: Francesco Pisano, Director, UN Library & Archives Producer: Amy Smith Editing & social media: Amy Smith & Nadia Al Droubi Recorded & produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva 
Jul 7, 2023 • 1h 3min

Women who shaped the UN - a conversation with Rebecca Adami

We invited Dr. Rebecca Adami, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at Stockholm University, Award winner of the 2022 Bertha Lutz Prize for highest quality public writing and research on women in diplomacy by the Diplomatic Studies Section (DPLST) of the International Studies Association (ISA), for a conversation around the role non-Western women had in shaping the UN system, from the UN Charter to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In this rich conversation, Dr. Adami shares with us the context of situation post-World War II and tells us the story of how the rights of women were included in the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. She introduces us to several of the prominent non-Western women who were behind the negotiations both at the San Francisco Conference and for the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including Hansa Jivraj Mehta and Lakshmi Menon from India, Minerva Bernardino from the Dominican Republic, and Begum Shaista Ikramullah from Pakistan.   Resources Adami, R and Plesch, D. (2022) Women and the UN: a new history of women's international human rights. London: Routledge Adami, R. (2019). Women and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. New York: Routledge   Where to listen to this episode  Apple podcasts: Spotify: YouTube: Content    Speaker: Dr. Rebecca Adami, Associate Professor, Host: Francesco Pisano, Director, UN Library & Archives Producer: Amy Smith Editing & social media: Amy Smith & Nadia Al Droubi Recorded & produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva 
Jun 23, 2023 • 45min

Géopolitique des féminismes – une conversation avec Marie-Cécile Naves

Nous continuons notre série en lien avec le rapport du Secrétaire-général Notre programme commun, le Sommet pour les ODD, et le Sommet de l’avenir avec un épisode qui souligne l’importance de mettre l’égalité des genres au cœur de l’architecture multilatérale. Pour cet épisode, nous avons invité Marie-Cécile Naves, Directrice de recherche et Directrice de l‘Observatoire « Genre et géopolitique » à l’Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS) afin qu’elle nous parle de son dernier livre « Géopolitique des féminismes » publié aux Éditions Eyrolles. Marie-Cécile Naves aborde la géopolitique par le genre et nous explique l’importance du gender maintreaming dans toutes les thématiques de l’agenda international. Elle nous emmène faire un tour de monde grâce à ses exemples inspirants dans la lutte pour l’égalité.   Ressources Site de Marie-Cécile Naves : IRIS :   Naves, M.C., 2023. Géopolitique des féminismes. Editions Eyrolles. Naves, M.C., 2023. « Calmez-vous madame, ça va bien se passer ». Calmann-Levy.   Où écouter cet épisode Apple podcasts: Spotify: YouTube: Contenu    Invitée : Marie-Cécile Naves Animatrice : Amy Smith Réalisation et montage : Amy Smith Conception pour réseaux sociaux : Amy Smith & Nadia Al Droubi Photo Marie-Cécile Naves : @ Xavier Desplas Recorded & produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva 
Jun 9, 2023 • 44min

Multilateralism & the UN today - a conversation with Richard Gowan

In this episode, we met with Richard Gowan, UN Director at International Crisis Group (ICG) to get his perspective on current issues and trends in multilateralism. He shared his thoughts on reasons for optimism and pessimism about the way multilateralism is functioning, the ways in which it is evolving and the values on which it stands. We also talked about the UN, possibilities of reform, the SDGs, the Secretary-General’s report Our Common Agenda and the Summit for the Future. Richard also explained the importance of the UN entities based in Geneva in the UN system. Richard Gowan can be followed on Twitter @RichardGowan1 Resources International Crisis Group:       Where to listen to this episode  Apple podcasts: Spotify: YouTube: Content    Speaker: Richard Gowan, UN Director, International Crisis Group Host: Amy Smith Producer: Amy Smith Editing & social media: Amy Smith & Nadia Al Droubi Recorded & produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva 
May 26, 2023 • 53min

A time for change and effective multilateralism – a conversation with Adam Day

In this episode we explore a recent report of the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism - A Breakthrough for People and Planet: Effective and Inclusive Global Governance for Today and the Future (United Nations University, 2023) - which offers a pathway to revitalize the multilateral system in view of the Summit of the Future. The Summit of the Future will be a key moment to reaffirm and recommit to effective multilateralism in the interest of both people and the planet. Adam Day is Head of the Geneva Office of United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. He oversees programming on peacebuilding, human rights, peacekeeping, climate-security, sanctions, and global governance, while also acting as co-lead on UNU-CPR’s support to the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism.   Resources United Nations University: HLAB Report:   High Level Advisory Board:   Books mentioned: Slaughter, Anne-Marie. (2018). The Chessboard and the Web: Strategies of Connection in a Networked World. Yale University Press. Carayannis, Tatiana & Weiss, Thomas G. (2021) The “Third” United Nations: How A Knowledge Ecology Helps the UN Think. Oxford University Press.     Where to listen to this episode  ·         Apple podcasts: ·         Spotify: ·         YouTube: Content    Speaker: Dr. Adam Day, Head of Geneva Office, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research Host: Francesco Pisano Producer, editing & social media: Amy Smith Recorded & produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva 

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