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Feb 3, 2020 • 1h 11min

227. Dave Hollis | How to Get Out of Your Own Way

Are you the goal setter in your relationship?Over the past few years, we’ve noticed a common challenge at our Couples Goal Setting Retreats: in most relationships, one person is a goal setter and the other is not, one person is open to trying anything and the other is a skeptic.There’s nothing wrong with healthy skepticism, but it’s also important to examine how your natural state can influence your ability — and your partner’s ability — to grow. So, with this natural divide in almost every relationship, how can a couple grow together? Dave Hollis, author of the upcoming Get Out of Your Own Way: A Skeptic's Guide to Growth and Fulfillment and co-host of RISE Together, shares what happened when his partner (past guest Rachel Hollis) started her personal growth journey. While she gained personal momentum, he felt unfulfilled and overcome with fear — and until he confronted the fact that who he was getting further and further away from who he wanted to be, he was stuck. Listen to learn how Dave got out of his own way, and how you can too.To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: recorded this conversation as part of our monthly ONE Thing webinar series. Every month, we feature an incredible author so that you can learn directly from them and ask questions. If you want to watch the second half of this interview or sign up for our next FREE monthly webinar, head over to this episode, you will learn... [07:30] The first step towards getting out of your own way [16:30] Why you have to role model success, not force someone to change [18:15] How to use your fear as leverage [27:00] Does it matter if you’re succeeding or failing? [33:00] How you can your partner can support each other by alternating roles [39:15] Why you should stop avoiding that conversation [50:00] Who you can look to for inspiration and mentorship [55:00] What ‘frontloading’ is and how you can leverage it in your life Links & Tools From This Episode Listen: RISE Together podcast Read: Get Out of Your Own Way: A Skeptic's Guide to Growth and Fulfillment (March 10, 2020) Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Listen "Episode 195: Stop Apologizing for Your ONE Thing | Rachel Hollis" Want to be a founding member? Help us create our next event: Download your 66-day calendar Mentioned in this episode:Factor 75Head to and use code one50 to get 50% off. That’s code one50 at to get 50% off! Factor 75
Jan 27, 2020 • 36min

226. How to Own Your Attention So You Can Build Better Habits | Anthony Ongaro

Who is winning in the fight for your attention?Our attention is incredibly valuable — but the smartest designers in the world are creating applications and technology focused on ONE thing: getting your attention for as long as possible. It’s easy to give our attention to the shiny packaging and notifications that are right in front of us... but what becomes possible when we own our attention?Anthony Ongaro got tired of all the distractions, so he developed a new approach called Break The Twitch, which helps people regain focus and act purposefully in the moment. You can’t form a new habit if you can’t give it attention for weeks on end, so the advice you’ll hear in this episode is critical for anyone who wants to live The ONE Thing.To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: this episode, you will learn... [3:40] When addiction is the new marketing, what can we do? [8:05] What is “The Twitch?” [12:45] How you can break the email twitch [18:00] How to break The Twitch sequentially, not simultaneously [20:50] How you can become more purposeful about habit formation [26:00] Creating a powerful fitness habit [28:00] ONE thing that will make getting into a flow state easier or unnecessary Links & Tools From This Episode Learn more at Break The Twitch Listen to Break The Twitch Podcast Want to be a founding member? Help us create our next event: Download your 66-day calendar Mentioned in this episode:Factor 75Head to and use code one50 to get 50% off. That’s code one50 at to get 50% off! Factor 75
Jan 20, 2020 • 1h 8min

225. Why 66 Days Can Transform Your Year

Do you want to live a life by design?Well, we don’t decide our future — we decide our habits and our habits decide our future. That’s why our ONE thing is providing you with the tools and resources necessary to get clarity on your goals and form habits that stick.To this end, we’ve been working closely with the members of our Living Your ONE Thing Community to support them as they go through a 66-Day Challenge. So, instead of interviewing a bestselling author on our webinar series this month, we decided to share what’s working for them and some of the best practices that will set you up for success when you start your own 66-Day Challenge.If you would like the additional support of a community that is going on a 66-Day Challenge with you, consider checking out Living Your ONE Thing. You can learn more at recorded this conversation as part of our monthly ONE Thing webinar series. Every month, we feature an incredible author so that you can learn directly from them and ask questions. If you want to watch the second half of this interview or sign up for our next FREE monthly webinar, head over to this episode, you will learn...-[5:20] The most powerful habit that Gary Keller has formed over the course of six decades-[9:30] The most common habits that people encounter when they start a 66-Day Challenge-[25:30] How to pick your lead domino-[34:35] The importance of finding your Why-[50:10] Examples of habits for revenue generation-[58:30] How do you know if you need to start over on your 66-Day Challenge?Links & Tools From This Episode-Learn more about Living Your ONE Thing at your 66-day calendarMentioned in this episode:Factor 75Head to and use code one50 to get 50% off. That’s code one50 at to get 50% off! Factor 75
Jan 13, 2020 • 46min

224. Don’t Fall Behind, Front Load Your Priorities | A New Way to View Time & Have a Relationship With Your Goals

Do you consider yourself to be a goal setter?Most people do, and every new year, people set goals in droves, but they struggle to have a relationship with those goals. And as we go back home and go back to our jobs after the holidays, a lot of us fall into the same old routines. But it’s not your fault — the way the majority of people manage their time is outdated.But there is a new way — a better way — to have a relationship with your goals and manage your time, and that’s what you’re going to learn about in this episode.Get started now with the free Start Using Your 411 training course. And if you’re looking for some more robust training, you will want to try the Get Results With Your 411 foundational course, which will also show you how to introduce the 411 to your team.In this episode, you will learn...-[1:30] Why it’s not your fault that you never learned how to properly set goals-[10:30] Why you don’t need to know what your top priority is before you create your first 411-[23:15] What a couple’s goal-setting retreat at home looks like-[26:40] Do you prefer to play with a lead or come from behind?-[33:20] What motivates us to use our time in a way that serves our goals -[35:30] How you can create accountability in your lifeLinks & Tools From This Episode-Download a free 411 template-Learn how to Start Using Your 411-Get Results With Your 411 Foundational Course-Join the Living Your ONE Thing Community-Couples Goal Setting Mastercourse-Download your 66-day calendarMentioned in this episode:Factor 75Head to and use code one50 to get 50% off. That’s code one50 at to get 50% off! Factor 75
Jan 6, 2020 • 40min

223. Habits & Sobriety | with Grace Vroom

If you want to change your life, you have to get honest with yourself.What’s working? What isn’t working? Who’s bringing you forward and who’s bringing you back? Candid self-reflection can reveal things you wish weren’t there, but knowing what you’re dealing with makes big change possible.Our guest, Grace Vroom, knew something had to give; there were countless areas of her life that she wanted to improve, but it was only after getting honest about her addiction to alcohol that she started to make any progress. Sobriety felt like such a daunting must-do on Grace’s self-improvement to-do list that she didn’t know how to start and she didn’t think she could sustain it. As you listen to this episode, we challenge you to pay close attention to what her lead domino was — it was so small that it might surprise you.The Living Your ONE Thing community is kicking off 2020 with a community-wide 66-day challenge. If you want to form a power habit that sticks, you can start for FREE at this episode, you will learn...-[4:30] What the lead domino for change might look like in your life-[9:30] Why your lead domino might not be what you expect it to be-[17:00] How to create a habit of connecting with people-[23:40] How to trust in the domino effect-[31:15] ONE thing you can do to start your journey towards sobrietyLinks & Tools From This Episode-Learn more at the exclusive Living Your ONE Thing 66-Day Challenge at your 66-day calendarMentioned in this episode:Factor 75Head to and use code one50 to get 50% off. That’s code one50 at to get 50% off! Factor 75
8 snips
Dec 30, 2019 • 35min

222. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones | James Clear

If habits decide your future and you decide your habits, what are the habits you can acquire today that will help you create your ideal future?We want to help you form the power habits that will help you achieve extraordinary results, in every area of your life. That’s why we wrote The ONE Thing, that’s why we created the Living Your ONE Thing Community, and that’s why we’re sharing this conversation with someone who has built a career focused on helping others create better habits, make better decisions, and live better lives.James Clear is the author of Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones and he will share how you can become the architect of your habits, rather than continue to be a victim of them.Starting Jan. 1, 2020, we will be kicking off a Living Your ONE Thing 66-Day Challenge exclusively for members. If you want to put James’ advice into action and form a power habit that sticks, we want to offer you support. You can start for FREE at this episode, you will learn...-[4:45] How you can leverage the compound effect of getting just 1% better every day.-[11:05] ONE thing you can do to make forming good habits easier or unnecessary.-[19:10] When you fall off the habit wagon, do you have to start over?-[23:05] How you can utilize habits as an entry point to positive rituals & routines.Links & Tools From This Episode-Join the exclusive Living Your ONE Thing 66-Day Challenge at a discount on multiple The ONE Thing Planners until the end of 2019 at more at with James: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter-Want to hear the rest of this interview? Head over to in this episode:Factor 75Head to and use code one50 to get 50% off. That’s code one50 at to get 50% off! Factor 75
Dec 23, 2019 • 41min

221. Common Myths About Forming Habits

Do you know everything that you need to know about forming a habit?More than 20,000 people have downloaded the 66-Day Calendar from and we’ve shepherded more than 4,000 people through a 66-Day challenge through our Time Blocking Mastery Course — and what we’ve found is that there are some very common myths around forming a habit.And if you aren’t aware of what these myths are, then you simply won’t be as successful. So, in this episode, we sit down with someone who’s embarked on quite a few 66-Day Challenges, Jeff Gray, and we dive into some of the mistakes he made and the lessons he learned along the way — lessons that were absolutely vital to achieving the success he has today.Starting Jan. 1, 2020, we will be kicking off a Living Your ONE Thing 66-Day Challenge exclusively for members. We will be pouring into our community so that everyone can start the new year with a power habit that sticks, and we invite you to join us. You can start for FREE at this episode, you will learn...-[10:45] Why it’s okay if you don’t knock every 66-Day Challenge out of the park-[12:55] What Jeff learned from his first 66-Day Challenge (that a lot of people miss)-[20:25] The importance of focusing on what you can do, and nothing more-[34:35] What you need to know before starting your first 66-Day ChallengeLinks & Tools From This Episode-Join the exclusive Living Your ONE Thing 66-Day Challenge at a discount on multiple The ONE Thing Planners until the end of 2019 at in this episode:Factor 75Head to and use code one50 to get 50% off. That’s code one50 at to get 50% off! Factor 75
Dec 16, 2019 • 44min

220. How to Use The ONE Thing in Sales

What does it look like to see The ONE Thing become part of the culture of an organization?The answer is different depending on what your organization looks like, but there’s one place where it always makes sense — sales! When salespeople are clear on their priorities, form habits around the activities that truly drive results, get clear on what they’re saying yes to, and learn how to say no to all of their distractions, it drives the overall revenue of the business and makes everything else easier or unnecessary. But what does it really look like to live The ONE Thing as a salesperson? To answer that question, we sit down with Jonathan Farber, who was able to use the principles of The ONE Thing to create models and systems that have had a transformative effect on his time and his organization’s revenue.If you want to put some of Jonathan’s lessons into action, check out our free Start Using Your 411 training course. And if you’re looking for some more robust training, you will want to try the Get Results With Your 411 foundational course, which will also show you how to introduce the 411 to your team.To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: this episode, you will learn...-[6:00] What Jonathan’s day-to-day looked like before and after implementing The ONE Thing-[23:35] How you can convert your results into activities-[31:00] How you can introduce The ONE Thing to your team.Links & Tools From This Episode-Start Using Your 411-Join the Living Your ONE Thing Community before Dec 31, 2019, to join over 1,000 like-minded people on an exclusive member's only 66-Day Challenge®. Mentioned in this episode:Factor 75Head to and use code one50 to get 50% off. That’s code one50 at to get 50% off! Factor 75
Dec 9, 2019 • 1h 5min

219. How to Become the Leader you Would Follow | Scott Miller – FranklinCovey

What is the purpose of a goal?Most of us are taught that the purpose of a goal is to achieve a certain result. But Gary Keller says that the purpose of a goal is to be appropriate in the moment; a guiding light that will give you clarity on whether the actions you’re taking today are appropriate for the goals you want to achieve in the long run.That clarity is part of what makes a leader someone who you will want to follow, and every one of us is a leader, whether you have someone who reports to you or not. Because all leadership begins with self-leadership. So, how do you become the type of leader that you would follow? To help you answer that question, we’re sharing this conversation with Scott Miller, the Executive Vice President of Thought Leadership at FranklinCovey and the best-selling author of two books: Management Mess To Leadership Success and Everyone Deserves a Great Manager.We recorded this conversation as part of our monthly ONE Thing webinar series. Every month, we feature an incredible author so that you can learn directly from them and ask questions. If you want to watch the second half of this interview or sign up for our next FREE monthly webinar, head over to this episode, you will learn...-[5:45] The difference between an efficient mindset and an effective mindset-[8:00] ONE leadership competency that every future leader needs-[10:50] The difference between a leader and a manager-[18:00] How to create a results-oriented culture within any organization-[32:25] Raising purposeful children-[39:40] How to become a more empathetic leader, even if empathy isn’t one of your strengths-[54:40] Getting comfortable with discomfortLinks & Tools From This Episode-Learn more at Everyone Deserves a Great Manager-Read: Management Mess To Leadership SuccessMentioned in this episode:Factor 75Head to and use code one50 to get 50% off. That’s code one50 at to get 50% off! Factor 75
Dec 2, 2019 • 37min

218. A Simple Way to Build Your Business ONE Relationship At a Time

Growing up, we all hear that it’s better to give than receive — and this is especially true when it comes to business relationships — but do your goals reflect that?Because we all know that, if you want to build a great business and a great career, it all comes down to the quality of our relationships. But when it comes to setting goals, most of us aren’t intentionally designed to ensure we build deep and meaningful relationships within our business or with the people we serve.But that also means, for most of us, there is a huge opportunity to grow our businesses! Because there are a number of simple things you can do, starting immediately, that will truly transform the depth of the relationships that you have — if you take consistent action over the next year. Patrick Galvin, the author of The Connector’s Way, joins the show to share the simple steps to building a business one relationship at a timeTo learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: this episode, you will learn...-[4:25] The lead domino that will help you drive growth for your business and enrich your life-[6:20] How you can bring value to someone who you perceive to be more accomplished, famous, etc.-[9:00] ONE thing you need to do after you ask someone how you can add value-[17:25] How to identify whether your actions are helping you form meaningful relationships or just taking up time-[18:50] The power of recommending others on social platforms Links & Tools From This Episode-Learn more at The Connector’s Way-Free screen & video recorder: emailing service: bombbomb.comMentioned in this episode:Factor 75Head to and use code one50 to get 50% off. That’s code one50 at to get 50% off! Factor 75

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