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From the Ground Up Athletic Performance Podcast

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Nov 1, 2022 • 1h 14min

Jarod Burton Episode 76 "Long Duration Isos, Compensation, Balancing the body, & High Velocity/High Volume"

On Episode 76 I sat down with Jarod Burton to discuss a variety of intriguing concepts tied to athletic development. The first topic discussed is the benefit of doing long duration isometrics within training. It's important when doing Iso's that we get the most out of the process by examining tone that is prevalent in a given set of musculature. A line of logic that Jarod advances through out the conversation is the importance of training both sides of the body. If you properly leverage position and tone in isometrics practitioners can harvest the power of reciprocal inhibition, which allows for a beneficial relationship between the agonist and antagonist musculature for a given movement.  I was interested to discuss how Jarod advances Isometric practices in training, like all good things it really depends.  Isometrics are a powerful tool, but they can be redundant. Isometrics provide a great opportunity to layer different sensory stimulus. Jarod discusses how he utilizes different eye, vestibular, and proprioceptive activities to derive greater adaptations with  athletes.  Jarod shares his own personal experience of goal setting and crafting a new reality. The isometric provides a perfect stressor that can really force athletes to focus on what they want. Jarod shares that Isometrics drive failure , in our response we often show our personality and in those moments athletes have the opportunity to adjust their reality as well as response. Jarod shares how discovery of athlete preference can be an important driver for effective programming. Are athletes more kinesthetically, visually, or auditory in nature? How can we bias training choices and environments to leverage these preferences?  Buy in is another important element that Jarod shares, how athletes view programming will have a huge impact on  overall implementation as well as results derived. Jarod shares that he allows for athletes to examine themselves for compensatory patterns, this helps build feel within the athletes and also builds self reliance. The last major consideration is on a somewhat controversial topic, I think Jarod has a really well supported rationale behind his take on fatigue. Jarod shares how by balancing out the body and giving it the inputs that are needed, athletes can actually benefit from a well thought out process that he refers to as high velocity high volume. This realization came from Jarod's own experiences within training and calls into questions drop offs and auto regulation. Jarod supports his rationale with one of the early concepts mentioned(reciprocal inhibition). If athletes balance their body, they have a greater capacity to relax and recover faster, meaning more work can be done in a high quality fashion.  Head over to from the Ground Up Athletic Performance. com and check out the write up for this weeks episode featuring more detailed notes on the concepts addressed above. While you're there you can sign up for Ground Level the monthly Podcast newsletter, which features key points from all featured episodes.  In the market for high quality supplements?  Looking to grow muscles or simply maintain? Need greater cognitive abilities? Looking to cover you bases for general health or longevity? Thorne's got you covered! Don't miss out on saving 20% at check out by following the link!  Jarod Insta Linktree 
Oct 25, 2022 • 1h 15min

Luis Mesquita Episode 75 "Extending specialized means of training in regards to Length tension relationship, intermuscular coordination, and transfer to sport, Injury Risk assessment, Small sided game

On Episode 75, I sat down with Luis Mesquita to discuss many different interesting concepts relating to athletic development and performance. We start out by discussing the different zones of strength and how the training of this quality extends well beyond conventional lifts when preparing field or team sport athletes. Luis breaks the quality of strength into three distinct qualities, Max strength, Explosive strength, and strength endurance. Max Strength is what individuals commonly think of when they mention strength and is the maximal amount of force production irrespective of time domains. Many times in the conversation Luis extended the line of logic that athletes at higher levels reach a point of diminishing returns where any increases of these generalized qualities do not potentiate more dynamic expressions of strength. The second zone is explosive strength and this can be defined as the maximal amount of force that can be produced in a limited amount of time. After describing each of the zones Luis shared how he utilizes loads between 70-80% with great success to potentiate and drive neural adaptations in athletes whose sports occur outside  the weight room. Maximal intent helps to mimic motor unit recruitment similar to lifts exceeding 90% while providing a stimulus that is less fatiguing over all.  Many of the concepts from the first portion of the conversation tie nicely to the concepts of intra and intermuscular coordination and this is again another area that displays the role of specialization within training means. This extends the line of rationale for bringing in larger portions of development directly related to skill for higher level athletes, as Luis shared the rationale that it is the effortless display of skill that separates those at the highest level.  The second portion of the conversation veers into the area of Injury and how to properly align elements in training and beyond that allow for athletes to remain healthy while building resilience. Injury is multifactorial but a good place to start the examination of risk for injury is by the usage of the analogy of extending the roof by lowering the floor. Luis shares how we as practitioners can extend the roof through proper training exposure, nutrition, education, and other recovery metrics. At the same time Luis shares how we can lower the floor firstly by following well thought out load management protocols.  This line of logic was extended to our last major talking point where Luis shared how small sided games are very good for skill and decision making abilities directly correlated to the game. Luis shares how small sided games do not provide the context for athletes to gain exposure to high intensity sprints. Luis shares how micro dosing high intensity sprints in the warm up session allows for consistent, high quality exposure to this stimulus can be achieved in a chaotic in season setting.  In the market for quality supplements? Thorne's got you covered, whether you want to build or maintain muscle, increase cognitive capacity, or increase your overall health or longevity. Thorne has things organized in a manner that make finding the supplements you need for your desires easy, Save 20% by clicking on Thorne above.  Head over to From the Ground Up . Com to check out the write up tied to this Episode, and while you're there sign up for Ground Level the monthly Podcast Recap.  Instagram  Twitter 
Oct 18, 2022 • 55min

Steve Haggerty Episode 74 " Optimizing speed work and field sessions, building of strength, elasticity, and technical qualities for speed"

On Episode 74, I sat down with Steve Haggerty of Parkview Sports medicine in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Much of the conversation discusses building field sessions in a manner that allows for athletes to display  the desired skill of the session. Its important to fully understand the different buckets or qualities that you want to fill to help expand on field abilities. One thing that is rationalized within the conversation, is the interplay that exist among multiple skills simultaneously when displaying max velocity, acceleration, change of direction, or other plyometric efforts. Steve shares how the building and interplay of three components really help to inform his programming decisions. The three qualities discussed in regards to on field abilities and speed development are strength, elasticity, and technique.  I can appreciate this line of rationale as it provides the bigger pieces to construct programming considerations around. In order to move we have to have an element of force projection, though the weight room is general  to overall prep in most regards, it can help provide some elements that get force production and projection trending in the right direction. Steve also shares some of the sled based technical drills or exercises that can bring strength work to the field setting. The time domain is extremely important, as we don't have an unlimited amount of time to produce the necessary force to move at high velocities. This is where elasticity comes into play, this second quality shows how it is important to blend different metrics and to keep stimulus varied to build more complete athletes. The third component is the technical element, which serves several different functions within a training session. Steve discusses how he likes to bring in different technical components between  high intensity work, this ensures that  rest time remains productive. This is a great way to keep the overall flow of a session moving in the desired direction. In later portions of the discussion both Steve and I shared how we prefer a constraints based approach to being overly wordy with cues and corrections. I think well thought out technical work is a great way to bring in specific phases of the gait cycle. It gives a great reference point for athletes between high intensity stimulus. I also rationalize that under fatigue it pushes the athlete to learn the most efficient pattern to get the job done under stress. Overall this episode provides a road map that all coaches can follow for setting up field based work for team sport athletes.  In the market for quality, research backed supplements? Look no further, Check out all the offerings over at Thorne. Thorne provides supplements for all your fitness and wellness needs, ranging from muscle building or maintenance, to cognitive health, and overall well being and longevity. Thorne has made it super easy to find supplements that best align with your needs. Thorne collaborates with world class organizations such as the Mayo Clinic, UFC, and others. Save 20% when you use the link above or the one located on my website. Don't miss out on this opportunity to save and get great supplements that can get you on the path to a better, more capable, healthier you!  Check out the extended write up based on this weeks conversation over at from the ground up athletic performance. com. While you're there, sign up for the monthly podcast newsletter Ground level, which includes all the key points for featured episodes.  Instagram  Simplifaster articles 
Oct 11, 2022 • 1h 22min

Jesse Curtis Episode 73 "In season Training Organization: American Football"

On this episode I sat down to discuss my newly published article In Season Training Organization: American Football Available at From the Ground Up Athletic The aim of the original article was to inform individuals on how I program a 15 week cycle in season, by utilizing block programming prescription to keep all qualities at a high level. The episode features talking points about the different zones that I utilize (Strength, Strength-speed, Speed-Strength, Peaking or speed) as well as the methods employed for each zone. I discuss the usage of a variety of workout styles such as French contrast, which is where heavy compound lifts are attached to more explosive jump or plyometric auxiliary pieces. Within the episode there is a 15 week skeleton provided in regards to the implementation of blocks based upon the concept of residual training effects.  Residual training effects help practitioners insure that they don't let qualities decay beyond repair in a pivotal time such as the in season. Within the episode I share the residual training effects for a variety of qualities and also help to provide rationale on when you would want to arrange training to avoid drop offs. It's a good idea to model training for specific populations, I believe there are certain general qualities that need to be developed in all populations. However, if you want to fully serve your athletes you need to do a needs assessment to understand the characteristics of the game. A need's assessment can take into account a variety of factors. Firstly, it can help inform you on the needs of the sport, such as the dominant energy system utilized within competition. A needs assessment can also help you understand the plyometric nature as well as movement characteristics prevalent within the sport. Within a contact sport such as football it's impossible to avoid all injuries, but understanding the major risk that are associated with each sport can help you leverage your training to account for the issues to the best of your ability.  Another important factor shared is the idea of taking into account the effect past training has on future performance. The episode features a flow model based upon the banister model, where individuals can access past training and how it positively or negatively influences a performance test or parameter. With this data in hand we can make better decisions on the needs of future training solutions and predict performance outcomes. All training sessions are going to have some level of positive or negative training effects associated with them the positive training effects tend to stick around longer and are more closely tied to residual effects, where negative effects are shorter and are associated with residual fatigue. It's important that we balance the positive and negative aspects especially in light of future performance. Will residual fatigue  accumulated for sessions work itself out of the system to allow for optimal performance? At this point in the conversation I shared a portion of the high low model of Francis  and I extend the rationale that it's important to provide windows as well as methods for recovery from high intensity prescriptions. Fatigue is an area that I didn't feature as much in the original write up and I wanted to make sure to share the considerations for fatigue and how to avoid unnecessary fatigue at a pivotal time.  Save 20% on your overall purchase price with Thorne Supplements by using this link. I support Thorne supplements because they provide high quality research based supplements at a competitive price. 
Oct 4, 2022 • 1h 5min

Wade Houchin Episode 72 "ATG Philosophy & implementation, Neurological Considerations & SQ1"

On Episode 72 I sat down with Wade Houchin of Kula Sports Performance Plano. Wade is freshly hired at Kula Performance and will be operating their Plano Branch which will open in March. Wade currently provides quality training to clients from his own set up over in the DFW area and I've been following his progression in the fitness world over the last few years. Wade utilizes a variety of techniques chief among them the ATG training system popularized by Ben Patrick. I've only mentioned this system in passing on previous episodes, so I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about different elements of the ATG system and how to blend them into training. We start with a description that I've seen Wade utilize on numerous occasions which is the quote " Over throw the status quo." Wade details how he utilizes this mindset to really guide how he views aspects of day to day life as well as his endeavors within fitness.  In order to fully understand the ATG system we start our discussion by detailing the main training philosophies of the ATG system. Wade describes ATG as a full body training system emphasizing full range of motion movements. ATG addresses a lot of low hanging fruit as it addresses different movement limitations that may exist due to our sedentary lifestyle in western culture. By exposing the body to greater ranges of motion you promote blood flow to areas that are typically neglected within training utilizing more traditional ranges of motion. One thing that I was particularly interested in is how we can progress to these deeper ranges over time by intelligently working towards desired end points. Wade shares the different check points one can utilize for the ATG split squat and discusses the role of other well know ATG variations. Wade discusses the advancement of movements from a load perspective as well as a range perspective and does a good job of informing the audience on how to intelligently develop proficient movement based around the ATG system.  Nordics are another exercise that I could not pass up discussing with Wade as they are often a hot button topic and I've noticed Wade utilized them on a frequent basis. Wade shares how he progresses Nordics intelligently in training. He also shares how he likes to utilize different variations within training such as biasing the eccentric or concentric portion of the movement. I was interested to hear how Wade builds a session around this movement and he shares the layout for a day that features a posterior chain circuit including Nordics. Our last talking points discuss how we can bring the brain into training. Wade highlights how he likes to prime clients by including RPR and spike balls to bring a tactile sensory elements into warm ups. Wade also discusses how he utilizes cross crawl patterning when implementing bilateral movements as an auxiliary to help tune up contralateral elements. Square 1 System is something that I've referenced on multiple occasions and Wade shares how he benefits as well as utilizes the tools provided within square 1 system.  Check out the detailed write up located at From the Ground up athletic performance. While you're there sign up for ground level the monthly podcast recap. the_ATG_Wizard Insta KSP Plano Insta Square 1 Systems 
Sep 27, 2022 • 1h 3min

Holly Middleton Episode 71 "AiM, preferred center position & Posture, Reeducating the body to move optimally, lower body assessment & interventions"

On episode 71 I sat down with Holly Middleton of Flow Movement Therapy, to discuss a variety of topics from the movement philosophy presented by Gary Ward's system AiM. Holly starts by discussing the basic philosophy and rationale presented within Aim and our first talking point centers around the term movement spectrum. Movement like all things exist on a spectrum, Holly shares how we can utilize and analyze the spectrum that a client presents to see where deficiencies or issues may lie. By expanding access to both ends of the spectrum you increase an individuals movement vocabulary and profile. One of the other big tenets of Aim is the idea of finding the center of each joint (preferred center position). If an individual presents too far to one extreme, they limit different aspects of their locomotive capabilities.  The AiM system also examines all joint actions in the process of gait, on numerous podcast I've shared how important gait is in regards to survival. Holly discusses how gait analysis can give practitioners clear insight to the functional capability of the individual. Holly discusses the different mechanics of the foot and shares how a lack of supination, pronation, dorsiflexion, or plantar flexion can have cascading effects throughout the body and kinetic chain. The middle part of the conversation focuses heavily on concepts that would be associated with the term compensation. Holly discusses how we can intelligently reintroduce different actions and movement options intelligently to the human body.  Holly shares her assessment process and how she utilizes both static as well as dynamic assessment processes to get a clearer picture on a clients movement capabilities. We end the discussion by talking about simple daily activities that we can introduce to make ourselves more robust and complete movers. The introduction of novel stimuli is something that I can appreciate as repetitive movements and activities can lead to boredom and the biasing of certain positions. It's good to pursue different shapes, movement patterns, as well as experience to keep a balanced and healthy movement profile. Throughout the conversation I know the audience will enjoy the thoughtful approach that Holly presents on how to actively empower athletes or clients.  Head over to From the Ground Up Athletic to check out the detailed write up featuring key points from this weeks episode.  Flow Movement Therapy Insta  Flow Movement Therapy Youtube Channel  Flow Movement Therapy Webpage Anatomy in Motion Webpage 
Sep 20, 2022 • 56min

Robert Scott Episode 70 "Posture & Sensory Integration, Gait process, Involving the Spine & Ribs to build a dynamic core"

On this episode I sat down with Robert Scott of Robert Scott Fitness to discuss posture, sensory integration, involving the gait process in training, and building a free flowing and powerful torso. We start by talking about shapes and how posture can determine outputs. Posture is the product of the integration of multiple sensory input systems and is much more dynamic than the static model that is normally referenced or comes to mind when the term is mentioned. Robert shares how he brings vision into his training processes and how these practices can be utilized to drive parasympathetic responses as well as drive a more optimal postural position. The middle portion of the show focuses on the gait processes, we start by discussing how gait relates to the respiratory processes. Robert also discusses how to bring different phases of gait into the training processes to make clients more robust and adaptable individuals. The last major consideration for this episode centered around the core and how the rib cage and spinal elements influence the ability to move dynamically through the midsection. I really appreciated how Robert discussed rotational elements and how if we aren't able to disassociate the rib and pelvis region rotational capabilities will be compromised. The more that I have discussed human performance, the more I realize the power of rotational components. I've had several episodes that discuss the coiling or rotational component that is prevalent in locomotive processes. If you want to build dynamic and powerful athletes the core and the ability to move fluidly through the midsection is one of the most important factors.  If you want to see a longer format write up featuring the key points discussed above head over to From the Ground Up Athletic  While you're there sign up for Ground Level the monthly Podcast Newsletter, which features key points from all episodes as well as other useful information.  Robert Scott Fitness Webpage  Robert Scott Instagram  Online Training Packages 
Sep 13, 2022 • 1h 15min

Rob Wilson Episode 69 “ The power of bringing breathwork to athletic populations & applying the concept of resilience to life and development processes”

On episode 69 I sat down with Rob Wilson to discuss how breathing influences athletic performance as well as our overall state of well being. This is a conversation full of explanations for implementing breathwork practices that help to build proper breathing mechanics. We start the discussion by defining the term breathwork and getting a better idea of the aim of a well developed breathwork regiment. Bringing breathing into training realms is definitely something that has trended upwards over the last few years, so I thought that we would be welled suited to understand what a well intentioned breath practice includes. I really enjoyed how Rob expressed that we have to have a goal or aiming point in mind, without this it's hard to validate if practices are having a meaningful impact on our athletes or clients. One of the benefits of breathwork that appeared on more than one occasion is the idea of conscious control, when implementing breathwork, you are consciously taking control of your breathing process.  Rob outlines the positive aspects of implementing nasal breathing in our everyday lives as well as within training parameters.  Rob does a great job of outlining some of the causes behind this phenomena and some of the things that can be done to bring a greater balance to the inhale/exhale cycle. One of my favorite parts of the conversation dealt with the neurology of the breathing process. Rob shares how  breathing is an autonomic process controlled mostly at a subconscious level by the brain stem and lower portions of the brain. However, our ability to practice breathwork displays that at any time we can take conscious control of the breathing process and utilize it to shift or change our physical and mental state. I really wanted to discuss this aspect because of my familiarity of the limbic system and its interconnection to Carbon Dioxide sensitivity. Rob provides great insight to how the body regulates PH and CO2 sensitivity, this is a great area of the conversation, where Rob shares why and  how over breathing can become the norm for an individual. Rob not only shares how over breathing can become a common occurrence, he discusses the power of harnessing nasal breathing to shift CO2 sensitivity as well as a mechanism to make individuals more aerobically efficient in the long run.  Rob shares how we can implement breathing practices in larger settings and avoid all the jargon that can stifle and dampen the power of breathwork practices. Rob shares how giving athletes a sense of feel or awareness in their breathing processes is the beginning. This allows for athletes to examine their limitations, once you label issues you can than actively seek to improve issues with individual breathing processes. The conversation ends by discussing resilience and adaptability, and rob shares how resilience is really a multifaceted trait. Rob also shares how breathing is one of the simplest manners that we can influence our own mindset and physiology and leverage it for change and greater adaptability to any number of circumstances.  Make sure to click the link below to check out the longer write up that references multiple points that were shared in this weeks episode. While there, you can also sign up for Ground Level the monthly Podcast Newsletter covering key points from each episode.  From the ground up athletic  prepare to perform Insta Breathing as a skill (Simplifaster) Nasal Breathing for Athletes (Simplifaster)
Sep 6, 2022 • 1h 1min

Boo Schexnayder Episode 68 "Examining microcycle training progressions for high outputs, Plyometric Considerations, & In Season training considerations and methodologies"

On Episode 68, I sat down with legendary track and field coach Boo Schexnayder. Coach Schexnayder had an amazing career at Louisiana State University, where he coached 19 NCAA champions and over 70 All American's during his tenure. This episode examines arranging training on both a weekly or micro scale and over an extended period of time (meso). We start the conversation by examining how Coach Schexnayder typically arranges a training week, coach Schexnayder shares that he arranges early prep training based upon three themes. Based on a 5 day approach, the neuro day is typically hit twice(Monday/Wednesday). In between these neuro sessions Coach Schexnayder injects General/ restorative days(Tuesday/Thursday), the focus on this day is to provide training that makes athletes more resilient for future stresses as well as provide athletes with a hormonal response that aids recovery from higher stimulus's of prior sessions. The third theme is an extensive day (Friday) which is where Coach Schexnayder typically injects max velocity efforts as well as more high intensity plyometrics into training. One common thread that weaves its way through the conversation is the idea of providing targeted dosage of high stimulus inputs. This is a concept that Coach Schexnayder utilizes throughout all periods of prep, however it seems to become of increasing importance as he moves to more specialized and in season methodologies.  Coach Schexnayder shares how he categorizes and builds plyometrics into programming from early prep to more specialized blocks. Coach Schexnayder also shares how he audits the sport of the athletes that he is training to guide perspective on plyometric needs of sport. The concept of well timed micro dosed high intensity plyometric efforts within in season training is a concept I really enjoyed listening to Coach Schexnayder elaborate on. The last major talking point focuses on the concept of peaking, and how this term may be misunderstood, misconstrued or perhaps misapplied. Coach Schexnayder describes and shares his rationale for providing thoughtful and directed training to athletes through a competitive calendar year. There are many different concepts that are tied to each of these main talking points, if you would like to see them elaborated on further with greater detail check out the weekly write up at From the Ground Up Athletic Performance .com . While you're there you can also sign up for the monthly podcast newsletter Ground Level, sign up at the bottom of the article.  From the Ground Up Athletic  SAC Website  Coach Schexnayder Twitter 
Aug 30, 2022 • 1h 2min

Jordan Terry Episode 67 "Movement, Muscles, & Meridians: Comparing and contrasting Myofascial and Chinese Meridians"

On this weeks episode I sat down with Jordan Terry of adaptable polarity to discuss his amazing new series Movement, Muscles, and Meridians. Jordan describes the series as comparing and contrasting the myofascial meridians with the energetic meridians of Chinese medicine. Jordan takes you on a visual exploration through his dynamic artistic examination of the structure and flow of the human body from the foot to the cranium and all the good stuff in between. Much of what we discuss on this episode features many of these points, what Jordan expresses and explains in his time on this show is an integrated perspective of the body. The discussion really starts by examining how people often stick to their certain silo and only really examine, think, read, and use vocabulary that confirms a certain point of view. By examining the process of flow through these two differing models, one is forced to examine the human bodies integration, function, and flow, through multiple and often competing lines of logic.  Jordan shares the different myofascial meridians that exist within the body and discusses the categorization of the Chinese Meridians based off of them featuring yin or yang characteristics. Flow is examined throughout many of the different talking points and Jordan shares some of the different manners that flow can be disrupted from both a myofascial and energetic perspective. Jordan finishes the show by discussing the DFL and it's ties to different meridians throughout the body and literally takes the audience from foot to cranium on a wild, stunning and satisfying ride through the amazing structure that we call the human body. If you want to see a more detailed write up head over to from the ground and look at the weekly write up link provided below , while there you can sign up for ground level the monthly podcast recap. Check the links below for Jordan's socials, website, and offerings.  From the Ground Up athletic   Adaptable Polarity. com  Movement, Muscles, and Meridians Series  Adaptable Polarity Instagram  Upcoming in person Adaptable Polarity Level 1,2,3

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