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Jul 10, 2023 • 1h 35min

Ep. 230 - The Biggest Powerlifting Comeback of 2023 (feat Pana)?

We are joined by Panagiotis “Pana” Tarinidis, the now two-time 66kg IPF unequipped World Champion fresh off his win at the 2023 world championships in Malta. His story is one of redemption, as despite winning Worlds in 2021, he placed 5th at Worlds last year, and bombed out of the European Championship in November. But more importantly, we learn what fuels Pana, his connection with his father, what this win meant to him and his family, and how important community is for a growing sport like powerlifting. Take notice that France tied the US women’s team and placed second to the men’s team at worlds, something no one predicted just a few years ago. France is definitely on the rise and a key aspect of that growth is the sense of and commitment to community among French powerlifters, that Pana embodies. 00:00 Introducing Pana and his cinematic arc 13:32 Pana’s difficult 2022 31:52 Eric’s analysis on Pana’s potential as a natural bodybuilder 34:45 The growth of Powerlifting in France and the importance of community 1:03:21 The America apology tour and increasing the popularity of Powerlifting 1:11:42 What’s next for Pana 1:17:40 Pana’s weight and water cuts to make the 66kg weight class 1:26:10 One final question for Pana and closing out Where to find Pana: Instagram @thepanash YouTube  The Panash Training App
Jul 3, 2023 • 1h 42min

Ep. 229 - Is Failure More Important Than Volume For Hypertrophy (MASScast 4 ft. Dr. Zourdos & Zac Robinson)

In this MASScast episode, we’re joined not only by MASScast fellow host Dr. Mike Zourdos but also Ph.D. candidate Zac Robinson of Data Driven Strength, both of whom are co-authors on a pre-print that is making a lot of waves in the evidence-based community. Their series of meta-regressions has shown that perhaps the impact of failure is more substantial than previously believed, at least for hypertrophy. But is it that simple? Also, is this paper a “game changer” when it comes to the understanding how volume and effort relate to hypertrophy? Tune in to find out the details that almost everyone talking about this paper, besides the authors themselves, are getting wrong. For more MASS science-based content check out (en español 00:00 A breakdown of what you are going to learn… in exactly one minute (and reintroducing the Dr Mike Zourdos and Zac Robinson) 4:38 Introducing the paper and how the data was analysed Robinson 2023 Exploring the Dose-Response Relationship Between Estimated Resistance Training Proximity to Failure, Strength Gain, and Muscle Hypertrophy Refalo 2023 Influence of Resistance Training Proximity-to-Failure on Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis 19:35 Estimating RIR from alternative set structures (cluster and rest redistribution sets) and velocity-based training Carroll 2019 Skeletal Muscle Fiber Adaptations Following Resistance Training Using Repetition Maximums or Relative Intensity  Lasevicius 2022 Muscle failure promotes greater muscle hypertrophy in low-load but not in high-load resistance training.  30:05 What surprised Mike about the findings?  39:00 Going in-depth on the meta regression models and how resistance training variables interact with each other Schoenfeld 2017 Dose-response relationship between weekly resistance training volume and increases in muscle mass: A systematic review and meta-analysis Baz-Valle 2022 A Systematic Review of The Effects of Different Resistance Training Volumes on Muscle Hypertrophy  1:00:57 The relationship between volume and hypertrophy  1:15:33 The broader issues with resistance training research 1:34:34 Concluding summary of the paper and where to find our guests Zac Robinson Instagram @zac.datadrivenstrength and @datadrivenstrength  Data Driven Strength Podcast ResearchGate Dr Mike Zourdos ResearchGate
Jun 26, 2023 • 1h 17min

Ep. 228 - The State of Powerlifting (IPF Worlds 2023)

With Eric freshly back from coaching and commentating (how dare he) at IPF Classic Worlds 2023 - the largest, most competitive worlds to date - it only makes sense for a recap and discussion regarding the state of powerlifting. How have things changed after the recent Sheffield? Are the champions of today different than the champions of the past? How are things like judging changing with the advent of video replay, and how has the growth of powerlifting impacted the sport? With live-streaming of Worlds on the Olympics YouTube channel while also being televised on Eurosport, are we moving into a new era?
Jun 19, 2023 • 1h 47min

Ep. 227 - Is Formal Education Worth it? (MASScast 3 ft. Lauren Colenso-Semple)

Lauren Colenso-Semple, nearly finished with her PhD, discusses the value of formal education for personal trainers and reviews research on women's rugby coaches' reliance on social media. They debunk misconceptions about female physiology, emphasize the importance of continuous education, staying informed, and challenging beliefs. They also address the flaws in traditional education for personal trainers, the significance of practical skills and understanding psychology, and the importance of gaining work experience before pursuing formal education.
Jun 12, 2023 • 1h 2min

Ep. 226 - How Strong Do You Need To Be, Really? (Feat Dr Pak)

Patroklos Androulakis-Korakakis, AKA “Dr. Pak”, is back! In this episode we caught up with Dr. Pak while he was visiting Omar’s home turf in Toronto! There they trained together, and after a crappy training session where they failed PR attempts, they decided to have a completely unrelated episode on why strength is overrated. No, but seriously folks, this is a great discussion of specificity and transfer of strength. We discuss research that suggests maybe going from a 300lbs to a 400 or 500lbs deadlift won’t actually improve performance in most sports, or certainly activities of daily living. This leads into a discussion of how gaining strength at a novice or intermediate level may require different efforts and strategies, and may also be due to somewhat different adaptations. Tune in, this isn’t one to miss! 00:00 Functional fitness and re-introducing Dr Pak 4:46 Powerlifting, specificity, and low back strength Androulakis-Korakakis 2021 Comparison of Isolated Lumbar Extension Strength in Competitive and Noncompetitive Powerlifters, and Recreationally Trained Men Rossi 2018 Strength, body composition, and functional outcomes in the squat versus leg press exercises  22:53 Exploring adaptations to training, and the relationship between hypertrophy and strength Fisher 2013 A randomized trial to consider the effect of Romanian deadlift exercise on the development of lumbar extension strength  Steele 2020 Does increasing an athletes’ strength improve sports performance? A critical review with suggestions to help answer this, and other, causal questions in sport science  Schoenfeld 2017 Strength and Hypertrophy Adaptations Between Low- vs. High-Load Resistance Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis  37:52 Practical examples of hypertrophy/weight gain and increased strength Latella 2023 Longitudinal growth modelling of strength adaptations in powerlifting athletes across ages in males and females Iron Culture Ep. 196- How Much Training Do Powerlifters Actually Need To Get Stronger (Ft. Dr. Pak)  58:48 Closing out with some links (and where to find Dr Pak) Raskol Apparel MASS Research Review Instagram @dr__pak ResearchGate
Jun 5, 2023 • 1h 43min

Ep. 225 - Be Stronger NOW: Top Sets & Avoiding Stress & Social Media (MASScast 2 ft. Mike Zourdos)

We’re back with MASScast episode 2 and we’re joined by Dr. Mike Zourdos to discuss several things which can impact your strength performance right now. In this episode we discuss the effect of mental stress on lifting performance, the effect of social media use on lifting performance, and post-activation potentiation, which is a tool where you can potentiate your back off sets’ performance with a heavy top set. What constitutes mental stress? How do you minimise the negative effects of mental stress when it can’t be avoided? What type of social media usage might be a bad idea before training? How can you set up your top sets in such a way to improve your volume performance in back off sets the most? Join us as we answer all these questions! For more MASS science-based content check out (en español 00:00 Welcoming back Dr Mike Zourdos to the Iron Culture and reviewing reviews. 08:24 What is mental fatigue, and how is it measured? Iron Culture Ep. 135- Lifting For Endurance Athletes Gantois 2021 Mental Fatigue From Smartphone Use Reduces Volume-Load in Resistance Training: A Randomized, Single-Blinded Cross-Over Study de Queiros 2021 Mental Fatigue Reduces Training Volume in Resistance Exercise: A Cross-Over and Randomized Study  17:51 The Stroop test vs. real world demands 29:40 How much mental fatigue is required to impair performance? Fortes 2022 Effects of social media on smartphone use before and during velocity-based resistance exercise on cognitive interference control and physiological measures in trained adults  Cook 2012 Changes in salivary testosterone concentrations and subsequent voluntary squat performance following the presentation of short video clips  Iron Culture Ep. 4- Periodization & Autoregulation Roundtable Dallaway 2022 How am I doing? Performance feedback mitigates the effects of mental fatigue on endurance exercise performance 50:04 Dissipating mental fatigue and maximal strength performance Smith 2019 Comparing the Effects of Three Cognitive Tasks on Indicators of Mental Fatigue Alix-Fages 2023 Mental Fatigue From Smartphone Use or Stroop Task Does Not Affect Bench Press Force-Velocity Profile, One-Repetition Maximum, or Vertical Jump Performance Russell 2019 The application of mental fatigue research to elite team sport performance: New perspectives  Bartholomew 2008 Strength gains after resistance training: the effect of stressful, negative life events  1:10:20 What is post-activation potentiation (PAP)? And applications for Powerlifting de Freitas 2021 Postactivation Potentiation Improves Acute Resistance Exercise Performance and Muscular Force in Trained Men Alves 2021 Postactivation Potentiation Improves Performance in a Resistance Training Session in Trained Men
May 29, 2023 • 1h 31min

Ep. 224 - The Return of HIT (high intensity training)

Here at Iron Culture we’re overjoyed any time the legends of the game are remembered in the current age, and Mike Mentzer, one of the best-built proponents of HIT (High Intensity Training) - low volume, low frequency training to failure - is making a modern resurgence. Is it because he had a top tier golden age physique? Is it the appeal to hard work and masochism that we bodybuilders are always ready to eat up? Or is it the recent research in pre-print status that indicates going to failure might be better for hypertrophy? As you can expect, it’s probably a combination of these factors and there’s more than meets the eye to each. Join us this week as we go deep into this modern HIT resurgence.
May 22, 2023 • 1h 37min

Ep. 223 - Dietary Fat, Metabolic Rates & Low Carb Diets (MASScast 1 ft. Eric Trexler)

We have an exciting announcement at Iron Culture, we are combining forces with MASS, Monthly Applications in Strength Sport to bring you regular “MASScast” episodes where we will be joined by one or more of the expert MASS reviewers to talk science. In this inaugural MASScast episode we’re joined by Dr. Eric Trexler to discuss surprising recent data that suggests basal metabolic rates have been decreasing at the population level over recent decades. Is this true? And if so, what’s causing it? In addition, we discuss the continuing confusion regarding high versus low-carb diets. Where is the cut-off for being high or low carb, and when is each a good or bad approach? Listen in to learn what the latest data indicates and how to apply it! For more MASS science-based content check out (en español 00:00 Intro: expanding the Iron Culture pyramid Iron Culture Ep. 164- A Scientific Examination of the Carnivore Diet  9:58 Trexler’s background Iron Culture Ep. 30- The Science of Weight Loss (Metabolic Adaptation) 16:11 Why is everyone’s BMR dropping? Speakman 2023 Total daily energy expenditure has declined over the past three decades due to declining basal expenditure, not reduced activity expenditure 31:17 Some compelling theories on the topic 38:25 The conflicting conclusions from this paper 48:51 Where are these puzzling findings coming from? And their potential applications  Raskol Apparel 1:00:14 Where are we at with carbohydrates these days? Ribeiro 2023 The Effects of Carbohydrate Intake on Body Composition and Muscular Strength in Trained Men Undergoing a Progressive Resistance Training 1:18:10 Explaining the conflicting anecdotes and evidence Hokken 2021 Subcellular localization- and fibre type-dependent utilization of muscle glycogen during heavy resistance exercise in elite power and Olympic weightlifters Vargas-Molina 2020 Effects of a ketogenic diet on body composition and strength in trained women Vargas-Molina 2021 Effects of a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet on health parameters in resistance-trained women King 2022 The Ergogenic Effects of Acute Carbohydrate Feeding on Resistance Exercise Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 1:30:14 Shoutout to the Pancreas Duke and one final question on the Ribeiro study 1:35:14 Closing out another MONSTER episode and where to find Trexler Instagram @trexlerfitness Monthly Applications in Strength Sport
May 15, 2023 • 1h 43min

Ep. 222 - Partials for Hypertrophy: A Formerly Fringe Idea

In this episode, we discuss two topics, when and how to address fringe topics in the fitness space and the growing data in support of long muscle length partials for hypertrophy. In the former discussion, we discuss how science communicators are often in a difficult position when addressing such fringe ideas. When these beliefs are believed by small segments of the population - especially if they are potentially harmful - simply addressing them can potentially give them more legitimacy if not done right. Then we dive into “lengthened partials”, which only a couple of years ago would have been lumped in with the more common short muscle length partials you roll your eyes at in the gym all the time (think half squats). While formerly a fringe idea, the data continues to elucidate that this approach may have merit for hypertrophy. 00:00 Reviewing reviews: addressing the carnivore diet. Iron Culture Ep. 164- A Scientific Examination of the Carnivore Diet 40:15 Stretch-mediated hypertrophy and lengthened partials Ep. 189- Stretching & Range of Motion for Strength and Hypertrophy Monthly Applications In Strength Sport  Warneke 2023 Comparison of the effects of long-lasting static stretching and hypertrophy training on maximal strength, muscle thickness and flexibility in the plantar flexors Kassiano 2023 Greater Gastrocnemius Muscle Hypertrophy After Partial Range of Motion Training Performed at Long Muscle Lengths Schoenfeld 2020 Effects of range of motion on muscle development during resistance training interventions: A systematic review Maeo 2021 Greater Hamstrings Muscle Hypertrophy but Similar Damage Protection after Training at Long versus Short Muscle Lengths Goto 2019 Partial Range of Motion Exercise Is Effective for Facilitating Muscle Hypertrophy and Function Through Sustained Intramuscular Hypoxia in Young Trained Men Werkhausen 2021 Adaptations to explosive resistance training with partial range of motion are not inferior to full range of motion  Pedrosa 2022 Partial range of motion training elicits favorable improvements in muscular adaptations when carried out at long muscle lengths Wolf 2023 Partial Vs Full Range of Motion Resistance Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 59:24 Applications of full RoM vs partials 1:16:26 How to standardize RoM in lengthened partials 1:26:58 Applicability to strength Kitai 1989 Specificity of joint angle in isometric training 1:39:32 Eric’s conclusions and closing out
May 8, 2023 • 1h 1min

Ep. 221 - The World’s Strongest Man (feat Mitchell Hooper)

In this episode, we’re joined by Mitchell Hooper fresh off his 2023 World’s Strongest Man (WSM) win. In addition to winning the 2023 WSM, he also won the 2023 Arnold Strongman Classic. He is among only four competitors to have won these two titles in the same year, and he is the youngest ever to do so, now sitting among living legends Brian Shaw, Žydrūnas Savickas, and Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson. In our conversation we discuss how Mitchell seemingly burst onto the scene out of nowhere, what it’s like competing in the WSM, his future, the future of strongman and the WSM in the modern era, and his perspective on being a champion and ambassador. Finally, we discuss how Mitchell’s education - having a master's degree in exercise physiology - influenced his training approach, which is surprisingly simple and seemingly non-traditional. As a relative newcomer to the sport, his approach hasn’t been influenced by typical strongman “dogma” and thus, his entrance onto the scene may have a revolutionary impact on how athletes train for strongman and strongwoman in the modern era.

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