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Sep 26, 2022 • 2h 10min

Ep. 190 - The Dave Tate Interview

For more than two decades Elite FTS has been a household name for powerlifting information, equipment, and a sense of community. The progenitor behind Elite FTS, Dave Tate, honoured us at Iron Culture by joining us to share his story, wisdom and experience. Tune in to learn about the history of Dave as an athlete, thinker, and entrepreneur. Also you’ll learn the history of Elite FTS, it’s future, and what paths weren’t traveled and why. Finally, we hear what lessons Dave’s learned from decades under the bar, not only for lifting itself but also how he’s applied it to business and life.   00:00 Introducing Dave 05:08 Demographics and the changing of the guard in the fitness industry 11:25 Dave’s journey 23:05 Joining Westside Barbell   34:49 EliteFTS as a content creator in the social media era 50:01 “Evidence-based”, being open-minded and continuing to learn 1:01:25 Dave’s powerlifting experience and the double-edged sword of the going all in mentality 1:19:19 EliteFTS in the business world 1:32:55 Playing the long game: using numbers to learn and grow 1:42:33 Providing a service for your consumer 1:53:55 The future of EliteFTS Where to find Dave and EliteFTS Dave Tate  Instagram: Podcast: Dave Tate’s Table Talk EliteFTS Website: Instagram:
Sep 19, 2022 • 1h 37min

Ep. 189 - Stretching & Range of Motion for Strength and Hypertrophy

Full ROM is king, right? Well, more or less. But why? And are there any types of partials that are worthwhile? What if your goal is strength? What if your goal is hypertrophy? In this episode we’re joined by two academics who helped answer these questions: Dr. Alyssa Joy Spence, an international grade powerlifter, powerlifting coach with TSA and lecturer at AUT who did her PhD thesis on the effects of stretching on powerlifting performance, as well as Milo Wolf, a strength and physique athlete and coach with stronger by science and PhD candidate at Solent University studying the effects of different ranges of motion on hypertrophy.  00:00 The banter podcast and introducing Milo and Alyssa 9:45 Discussing “Range of Motion” in the context of hypertrophy  Milo’s new Meta will be linked here when it’s out! 21:00 What we know about stretching for hypertrophy and strength Warneke 2022 Influence of Long-Lasting Static Stretching on Maximal Strength, Muscle Thickness and Flexibility 30:32 When and how to implement stretching to improve performance 45:45 Strength-specific ROM: partials for sticking points, injuries, and psychology? 1:00:14 Resistance and strength curves 1:07:51 Is there such a thing as being too stretched? 1:15:48 Training at long muscle lengths: biarticular and monoarticular muscles  Maeo 2021 Greater Hamstrings Muscle Hypertrophy but Similar Damage Protection after Training at Long versus Short Muscle Lengths Maeo 2022 Triceps brachii hypertrophy is substantially greater after elbow extension training performed in the overhead versus neutral arm position Stasinaki 2018 Triceps Brachii Muscle Strength and Architectural Adaptations with Resistance Training Exercises at Short or Long Fascicle Length      Pedrosa 2022 Partial range of motion training elicits favorable improvements in muscular adaptations when carried out at long muscle lengths McMahon 2014 Muscular adaptations and insulin-like growth factor-1 responses to resistance training are stretch-mediated Sato 2021 Elbow Joint Angles in Elbow Flexor Unilateral Resistance Exercise Training Determine Its Effects on Muscle Strength and Thickness of Trained and Non-trained Arms 1:27:30 Touching on regional hypertrophy 1:31:39: How does stretching work and do we actually know? 1:33:51 Closing out and where to find Milo and Alyssa Milo : Instagram @wolfcoach_ Muscle & Feels Podcast Coaching Research Output\ Alyssa: Instagram @alyssajoyable  
Sep 12, 2022 • 1h 50min

Ep. 188 - Steroids, Aesthetics & Irresponsible Influencers

What does it mean to be “aesthetic”, and is it possible to have an objective or universal definition of it? Obviously, there are attempts to do so in physique sport, but in society, as they say, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. In fact, even in physique sports aesthetic standards change constantly and new competitive divisions regularly pop up, judging standards change, and people frequently disagree. Moving beyond the possibility of an agreed-upon definition or standard, would having them even be a good thing? How do external beauty standards and pressure impact us as humans who crave social acceptance in the social media age? How can you pursue aesthetic goals and get positive outcomes? There are no easy answers, but we welcome you to join us as we discuss!   00:00 Intro: reviewing reviews 11:10 In the pursuit of aesthetics Can you Stay Shredded? MASS Research Review 17:55 Defining the concept of aesthetics 24:27 Discussing anabolic steroids in the fitness industry 40:35 Societal influences on aesthetic standards and the impact of your personal experiences 51:40 TRT and the pressures of obtaining and maintaining a certain aesthetic Zhou 2020 Trends and Patterns of Testosterone Therapy among U.S. Male Medicare Beneficiaries, 1999 to 2014 57:29 Social media algorithms and other influences on decision making Bhasin 2018 Testosterone Therapy in Men With Hypogonadism: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline 1:03:05 The importance of your definition of success and underlying motivations in the pursuit of your aesthetic goals Helms 2019 Towards a Sustainable Nutrition Paradigm in Physique Sport: A Narrative Review 1:17:07 The impacts of improving health and performance on aesthetics Iron Culture Episode 95: Old School Bodybuilding 1:21:44 Different physique sport divisions and desired aesthetics 1:33:20 Beyond surface-level motivations for lifting  1:46:20 Closing out
Sep 5, 2022 • 1h 58min

Ep. 187 - Killing It For Over A Decade: The Sigma Nutrition Story

Sigma nutrition radio has been a staple for evidence-based nutrition podcasting for the better part of a decade. But truly, even among other similar podcasts, it’s in a league of its own. The guest list is essentially the who’s who of nutrition academia, with interviews digging into the nuance of research coming directly from the sources, covering an incredibly broad span of nutrition topics. Danny Lennon started this endeavor on his own, but in more recent years, it’s expanded to include Dr. Alan Flanagan and Dr. Niamh Aspell. As Alan, Danny and Eric were recently at a conference together, Iron Culture took the opportunity to sit down with them and learn about what they’ve learned as one of the longest-running science-based nutrition podcasts.  00:00 Intro Danny’s Peachboi Shorts Sigma Nutrition Radio Ep. 442: Are Vegetables Detrimental to Health? 10:22 The inception of Sigma Nutrition Radio and hosting podcasts 26:10: Staying up to date with the latest evidence in your guest’s area of expertise (both academics and practitioners) Iron Culture Ep. 182: How to call out B.S. and Pseudoscience 31:50 Appraising and presenting evidence 44:10 Maintaining listenership while covering a broad range of topics and reaching a large audience 51:32 Areas of misinformation that require further inspection and scrutiny 59:12 Expanding and advancing Sigma Nutrition: holding epistemic humility and speaking within your area of expertise 1:21:35 Limits of domain-specific expertise 1:40:55 Challenging ill-informed perceptions and beliefs 1:50:29 The future of Sigma Nutrition and where to find them Sigma Nutrition: Alinea Nutrition: Instagram: @dannylennon_sigma & @thenutritional_advocate
Aug 29, 2022 • 1h 24min

Ep. 186 - The Resurrection of a Professional Toner

What happens when your passion becomes your career? From the outside, lifting as an occupation would be an enviable position for any lifting enthusiast. There are hidden drawbacks however as things such as financial incentives shroud over a once pure pursuit.  How do you keep the fire lit after over a decade of lifting when seemingly all stones have been overturned? If you're a member of the Cult, perhaps one of the two Hunks atop the Pyramid, you turn on your penlight and you begin navigating the encroaching darkness.
Aug 22, 2022 • 1h 12min

Ep. 185 - Bodybuilding Peaking Controversy: Is Water Wet?

“Evidence-based” bodybuilding peaking is somewhat of a misnomer, at least for all aspects of peaking at this stage of the game. Being able to construct a hypothesis based on physiology, is not the same as testing it. While we have empirical support that carb loading likely does enhance muscle size and appearance, the so-called “drying out” process that many bodybuilders partake in hasn’t been studied, until recently. Join us in this episode as we discuss recent studies that assess the relationship between body water and bodybuilding success, and actually draw into question some traditional narratives.” 00:00 Intro MASS Research Review Iron Culture Episode 184: Breaking A World Record After A Catastrophic Injury with Joe Sullivan 9:31 Bodybuilding Peak Week in Science Barakat 2022 Can Bodybuilding Peak Week Manipulations Favorably Affect Muscle Size, Subcutaneous Thickness, and Related Body Composition Variables? A Case Study 16:26 Opposing “Evidence-based” Peak Week Hypotheses Iron Culture Episode 109: Empiricism vs Rationalism: What Do We Really Know When It Comes To Fitness? 22:21 Carbohydrate-loading Research Iron Culture Episode 36: How To Look Your Absolute Best: Peaking with Cliff Wilson de Moraes 2019 Carbohydrate Loading Practice in Bodybuilders: Effects on Muscle Thickness, Photo Silhouette Scores, Mood States and Gastrointestinal Symptoms Nunes 2022 Changes in Intra-to-Extra-Cellular Water Ratio and Bioelectrical Parameters from Day-Before to Day-Of Competition in Bodybuilders: A Pilot Study Bamman 1993 Changes in body composition, diet, and strength of bodybuilders during the 12 weeks prior to competition Chappell 2018 Nutritional Peak Week and Competition Day Strategies of Competitive Natural Bodybuilders 27:01 Natural vs Enhanced Peaking Johansson 2005 Independent and combined effects of testosterone and growth hormone on extracellular water in hypopituitary men McVeigh 2016 2,4-Dinitrophenol, the inferno drug: a netnographic study of user experiences in the quest for leanness 37:35: Reviewing the Nunes and Barakat Studies 46:51 Intracellular & Extracellular ≠ Intramuscular & Subcutaneous 53:10 Breaking down Chris’ Peaking Strategy and the 3DMJ Strategy Barakat 2022 Kendall’s Tau Figure 58:25 The Relationship Between Muscle Glycogen and Water
Aug 15, 2022 • 1h 31min

Ep. 184 - Breaking A World Record After A Catastrophic Injury (ft. Joe Sullivan)

Joe Sullivan has been powerlifting for more than half his life. Starting as a young teen, Joe has been in and amongst the culture, starting with the USAPL, and eventually migrating to the untested side of the sport where he’s made his mark for the better part of the last decade. Most recently he set the all-time world record squat in the 100kg class at an astonishing 380kg, but it was a long road to get here. He’s overcome catastrophic injury, mental hurdles, and adversity that tie him deeply to powerlifting, and we were honored to have him on Iron Culture to share his candid perspective. He came from an era where raw powerlifting wasn’t the default, and when raw lifters identified with one another first and foremost, rather than with their federation. So sit back and enjoy this conversation where you get an insider’s viewpoint on the rapidly changing sport we know and love.  0:00 Introducing Joe Jeremey Hamilton record-breaking meet @220lb/100kg Iron Culture Episode 180: Cultural Shifts in Lifting 13:10 The rapid turnover and rise in raw/tested powerlifting 24:05 Joe’s perspectives on changes in competition judging standards 33:32 Powerlifter stereotypes from a decade ago and Joe’s shift to untested competition 39:53 Joe’s journey and lifting career 1:01:08 Joe’s comeback from injury and breaking squat records – “Adapt and Overcome” Joe’s bar bending squat 1:24:42 Reframing your mindset through your journey and separating yourself from where you once were 1:27:55 Where can you find Joe?
Aug 8, 2022 • 1h 49min

Ep. 183 - Overcoming Adversity & Building Resilience

What is the difference between a lifter who takes a hit, and keeps on lifting and the lifter who “used to bench 315 in high school?” Is it always that the former is harder working, more resilient, more committed lifter? How plastic are these traits? And are all “hits” the same? For some, when it rains it pours, and for others, they are lucky enough to get dolled out life’s curveballs at a pace they can handle. Ultimately in this episode, we acknowledge that when viewing advanced lifters who’ve been at it for a long time, we are to some degree seeing survivorship bias. Further, we discuss how self-efficacy can be best built, and how to deal with what is, and what isn’t in your locus or control. No matter what though, Iron Culture will continue to persist, demonstrating ultimate resilience, never missing a Monday release (and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise). 0:00 - Intro  10:55 - Instagram reacts: revisiting misinformation/disinformation Marton 2020 Science, advocacy, and quackery in nutritional books Iron Culture episode 132: Where does Bro Science come from? Vigotsky 2020 Improbable data patterns in the work of Barbalho et al. 35:30 - Question: “Why do some people get derailed when their routines get thrown while other people show resilience to unexpected challenges?” Transtheoretical model of behavior change 41:45 - Adversity builds self-efficacy. Dealing with what is and isn’t in your locus of control 48:30 - Just-world fallacy and extreme ownership. “Maximise given the constraints” Iron Culture episode 27: Natural Bodybuilding 58:20 - Practical applications for building self-efficacy and Eric’s experiences Iron Culture episode 83: You Are NOT An Advanced Lifter 1:15:15 - Responses to fight or flight signals and tips for coaches 1:28:24 - Framing and calibration of adversity and resilience in your journey 1:34:49 - Delayed gratification of lifting and the power of your environment Iron Culture episode 173: What is the Best Training Environment? 1:46:02 - Wrapping it up
Aug 1, 2022 • 1h 60min

Ep. 182 - How to call out B.S. and Pseudoscience

Myth busting is a favorite past time of the “evidence based fitness community”, and pwning noobs with copious “um actually”s is just part of the job, right? Well, yes and no. While it’s more important than ever to combat mis and disinformation, it’s arguably just as, if not more important, to do so in the right way…which, spoiler alert doesn’t involve pwning said noobs. In fact, while those who use science to “dunk on the bros” do get more follows, props, and recognition, it likely comes from people already within the evidence based community, rather than without. So how does one make a true impact and change hearts and minds, rather than just preach to the choir? Join us to find out!
Jul 25, 2022 • 1h 34min

Ep. 181- Is Natural Bodybuilding Dead? (Q&A)

What started out as a Q&A episode quickly evolved into an in-depth conversation surrounding the future of natural bodybuilding. To some inside the space, there are alarming signs of stagnation within the sport and in this episode, the hunks set out to examine if this really is the case. Drawing upon personal experience, a healthy dose of history and broad observations of general socioeconomic trends, the picture painted might not be so grim. There will always be an appetite for hunks being hunky. Oh and they also discuss carbohydrates before training.

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