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Ben Greenfield Life

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May 18, 2016 • 1h 40min

Why Is My Cortisol High Even Though I'm Doing Everything Right? Hidden Causes Of High Cortisol, The DUTCH Test & More!

Cortisol can be confusing. And frankly, most popular tests for cortisol don't tell you what really need to know... ...things like how fast cortisol gets cleared by your body, what's truly causing high cortisol or low cortisol, how cortisol (and other crucial hormones) are getting created and broken down, and much more... And this is important, because low cortisol leaves you with zero energy, low libido, brain fog, and feeling overtrained and adrenally fatigued, while high cortisol decreases protein synthesis and amino acid uptake, increases proteolysis (protein breakdown) and bone degradation, suppresses parts of the immune system, and increases serum glucose. So you feel pretty crappy when cortisol is low, and while you may feel good when cortisol is high, if cortisol is chronically high, there are some downsides to that too. Enter the DUTCH test - which is a new way to measure cortisol and much more. So what is the DUTCH test? The DUTCH test is a urine steroid hormone profile that measures hormones and hormone metabolites (called conjugates) in a dried urine sample, and is performed from the comfort of your home. It is the most cutting-edge way to truly see what’s going on when it comes to your hormones, because it doesn’t just measure hormones, but also something called “metabolites”, which are a measurement of hormone production and hormone breakdown. Measuring both hormones and their metabolites can give you or your health care practitioner a much better overall picture of hormone production. For example, a DUTCH urine steroid hormone profile on someone with low salivary cortisol could show normal cortisol production, but high levels of metabolites. In other words, this would indicate that you are producing enough cortisol, but it’s just getting broken down into its metabolites very quickly. There are also some metabolites that are important markers for cancer risk that can only be measured in urine. With serum (blood) and saliva hormone spot-testing, it’s possible to track variations in hormone release throughout the day – and this is a great way to measure how your hormones change during a 24-hour period (your circadian rhythm). In contrast, a standard 24-hour urine collection many physicians use reflects your total hormone output in a 24-hour period. But by using the DUTCH urine steroid test, you get the best of all worlds: blood, saliva and urinary results with just a urine collection. The DUTCH test measures the following: -Free cortisol -Free cortisone -Creatinine -Tetrahyrdocortisone -a-tetrahydrocortisol -b-tetrahydrocortisol -DHEAs -Progesterone metabolites (a-pregnanediol, b-pregnanediol) -Androgen metabolites (DHEAS, etiocholanolone, androsterone, testosterone, 5a-DHT, 5a-androstanediol, 5b-androstanediol, epi-testosterone) -Estrogen metabolites (estrone, estradiol, estriol, 2-OH-estrone, 4-OH-estrone, 16-OH-estrone, 2-Methoxy-estrone, 2-OH-estradiol) -6-OH-melatonin-sulfate My guest on today's podcast, Chris Kelly, is an expert when to the DUTCH test. Two years ago Christopher Kelly quit his job at a hedge fund to start Nourish Balance Thrive, a small functional medicine practice for athletes. Chris is a computer scientist and pro mountain biker and he works with two medical doctors, one of whom is also a pro mountain biker, and the other is Dr. Tommy Wood, a biochemist and Ph.D. fellow. He employs a registered nurse, and works with his wife Julia, who is a food scientist. During our discussion, you'll discover: -What the DUTCH test is and why it is far different than an Adrenal Stress Index... -My own shocking results on the DUTCH test...  -The difference between free and total cortisol, and why you may think that your cortisol is normal when it is actually quite low... -Why some women should not use estrogen natural hormone replacement therapy... -How to know if you should be using a multivitamin... -How chronically high cortisol can cause high blood glucose, brain damage, and muscle wasting (even if you feel great short-term!)... -Things that can elevate cortisol if you are already doing everything "right" in terms of stress control, sleep, proper training recovery, etc... -Whether it's true that high ketosis can cause high cortisol... -What type of hidden infections in your gut or blood can cause high cortisol... -Supplements and herbs you may be taking can increase cortisol dramatically... -Whether there is a link between cannabis, CBD, THC and cortisol... -The most potent supplements or foods or essential oils for decreasing cortisol... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Book: Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers -A sleep article that includes the one-two Sleep Cocktail/CBD combo Ben swears by for sleep, along with the essential oils we discuss -Phosphatidylserine for lowering cortisol -The London Biohacker Summit - click here to register and use 10% code “ben”. -The RUNGA "digital detox" Costa Rica retreat Ben is going to in December (mention this show for $75 gift upon registration). -Click here to visit NourishBalanceThrive and use code BEN10 for a 10% discount on the testing and consulting Chris and I discuss in this episode. -The Little Know Test That Tells You Everything You Need To Know About Your Metabolism podcast with Chris Kelly -"7 Signs Your Cortisol & Adrenals Are Broken" podcast with Chris Kelly -The Underground Test That Shows You How To Legally Upgrade Your EPO, Increase Your Oxygen Levels, Boost Your Red Blood Cells & Build Double-Digit Percentages In Power And Endurance podcast with Chris Kelly -Article: "The Ketogenic Diet's Effect On Cortisol" -Caffeine may increase cortisol levels.  -CBD increases cortisol release in healthy volunteers -Safety and pharmacokinetics of oral cannabidiol when administered concomitantly with intravenous fentanyl in humans.  -Essential Oil Inhalation on Blood Pressure and Salivary Cortisol Levels in Prehypertensive and Hypertensive Subjects -Blunting by chronic phosphatidylserine administration of the stress-induced activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in healthy men -Ben Greenfield's DUTCH test results [pdf-embedder url=""] Do you have questions, comments, or feedback for Chris or I about the DUTCH test, cortisol or anything else we discuss in this episode? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply, and click here to visit NourishBalanceThrive and use code BEN10 for a 10% discount on the testing and consulting Chris and I discuss in this episode.See for privacy information.
May 17, 2016 • 42min

Building The Perfect Beast & Tuning Your Body's Electricity With Qi Gong.

I'm infatuated with getting a better body andmindbyusing special breathing techniques. In previous podcasts and articles, I've describedeverythingfromrhythmic breathwork while runningandbicycling,to hyperoxygenation breathing, to fire breathing to hypoxic and apnea training and beyond. Andintoday'spodcast, I'm going to introduce you to anotherspecializedstyle ofbreathwork referred to Chi Kung - or QiGong. My guest is Gary Daniels, a lifelong martialartist,formercompetitive boxer, and former elite amateur bicycleracerwith over100,000 logged miles and over 200 race starts.Garyspecializes intraining methods that have been designed tohonephysical skill andmental focus, and uses specificbreathingtechniques to extend timeto failure, increase overallcorecompetency, and achieve thehighest level of natural balanceforgreater efficiency in anyfield of endeavor. Gary aUSA-Cyclingcertified coach, formerBlack-Belt in Uechi Ryu karate,three timeFlorida AAU GoldenGloves competitor, NORBA expert crosscountrycyclist, Cat-3masters road racer, present coach of severalworldclass athletes,founder of HealthDefense training systems and During our podcast episode, you'll discover: -What exactly Qi Gong is... -How you can "move" electricity throughoutyourbody... -The link between Gary's work as anelectrician,acupunctureand Qi Gong... -How to "breathe" through your handsandfeet... -How your blood, biomarkers and biology respondtoQiGong... -And much more! Do you have questions, comments, or feedback aboutQiGong or anything else that Gary and I discuss? Leaveyourthoughtsat andoneofus will reply.See for privacy information.
May 14, 2016 • 1h 8min

Is This The Most Dense Source Of Nutrition On The Face Of The Planet?

Every morning I put about thirty tiny spirulina algae tablets on top of my morning smoothie. Then, in the evening, I often swallow another handful of tiny chlorella tablets to satiate my appetite. After that, I have to rinse out my mouth with water if I want my wife to kiss me, but it's all worth it because... ...regardless of whether you think that us land-dwelling creatures at some point evolved from ocean-dwelling life (a belief espoused by my previous podcast guest Jack Kruse to encourage people spend time in the cold and to eat more seafood), it can’t be denied that fish, turtles, and millions of other large and small inhabitants of water rely on one extremely dense nutrition source for sustenance of life… …algae – particularly from spirulina and chlorella sources. And (especially for vegans and vegetarians), it is the only way to get absorbable, brain-building DHA from a plant-based source. Chia seeds and flax seeds don't get converted into DHA. Algae has 40 vitamins and minerals, more protein then steak, more iron than liver, more calcium than milk, more chlorophyll than kale, more antioxidants than berries and provides so much steady energy and focus, that your performance improves all without chemicals, caffeine, sugar, gluten, soy, animal products or stomach distress. Algae is also an eco-friendly, sustainable crop that releases oxygen while it is growing, produces 100 times more protein per acre than beef and provides the safest, vegan, source of Omega 3. It is grown in fresh water tanks, not the ocean so it protects the ocean’s ecosystem too. And there's only one calorie in a single tab. My guest on today's podcast is Catharine Arnston, and she puts my own algae consumption to shame, eating 75 pieces of chlorella and 75 pieces of spirulina every day. She holds an MBA from Western’s Ivey School of Business, and a BA in geography and economic development from Queen’s University. She is  a Board Certified Health Counselor from The Institute of Integrative Nutrition and a REIKI Master. She is also an algae expert and the CEO and Chief Scientific Officer of ENERGYbits, a sports nutrition company that sells algae in tablet form to athletes and consumers (click here and use code BEN to save 10% on any of their algae products). Catharine founded ENERGYbits eight years ago after she became aware of the health and athletic benefits of a plant based diet. When she subsequently learned that algae was the most nutrient dense plant in the world and that Asians had been growing it and benefiting from it for fifty years, she made it her life mission to bring algae into the mainstream so others could benefit from this superfood too. During our discussion, you'll discover: -What exactly algae is... -Which specific form of algae works best for pre or during workouts, and the appropriate hourly dosage... -Which form of algae has the identical nutritional profile to mother's milk... -The blue-green pigment in one specific form of algae that has been shown in research to enhance muscle recovery... -Why, based on RNA and DNA content, sardines and algae are two of the most potent anti-aging foods on the face of the planet...  -How chlorophyll allows the body to produce ATP, even in the absence of calories... -Which type of algae acts as a natural source of sun protection and prevention of radiation damage... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -How To Eat Algae (The Ultimate Guide To Fueling With Spirulina And Chlorella). -Mother's Milk and ENERGYbits Spirulina Profile -Mother's Milk Amino Profile from Biological Chemistry -ENERGYbits Label with Amino Acid -Mothers Milk and ENERGYbits® Spirulina, Virtually the Same Nutritional Profile Do you have questions, comments, or thoughts for Catharine or I about algae, spirulina, chlorella, or anything else algae related? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply.  You can also click here and use code BEN to save 10% on any of the algae products I personally use, including spirulina ENERGYbits and chlorella RECOVERYbits.See for privacy information.
May 11, 2016 • 1h 9min

The Mold-Cancer Link, Resetting Your Nervous System, Dry Fasting, Nanonutrients & More With Ian Clark.

I first met today's podcast guest at a health conference four years ago. I happened to be sitting across the dinner table from him, and watched as he pulled out the mysterious leather satchel that I'd seen him carrying all weekend long. He opened the satchel to reveal tiny bottles of black oil, dropper bottles full of dark, green algae-like goo, mineral salts, and all kinds of other strange substances which he proceeded to use to "dress-up" his dinner. Later, I learned his name - Ian Clark - and invited him on my podcast to talk about that green algae goo, which turned out to be marine phytoplankton. I also learned that back in 2004, at the age of 46, when he was hit with a series of life threatening health issues, obesity, and a prediction from physicians that he only had about two years left to live, Ian refused to accept life’s traditional circumstances and decided to pursue more natural methods of restoring perfect health. Ian began traveling all over the world to discover strange, new health products while developing relationships with top labs and researchers in the fields of natural healing. Now operating out of a farm in Canada with his five sons and the support of an entire team of innovators at Activation Products Canada and Activation Germany, his company has become a significant manufacturer of unique products like magnesium spray, black seed oil, marine phytoplankton and much more. In today's podcast with Ian, you'll discover: -The genetic illness that nearly killed Ian back in 2004 and led to his journey of interest in natural healing... -How you can personally "equip" your body to deal with mold and fungus (and the shocking link between mold, fungus and cancer)... -How Ian has created his own micro-universe to heal his body... -One specific pose you can hold for 30 minutes a day for two weeks to "reboot" your autonomic nervous system... -The small exercise machine that Ian swears by and keeps in both his home and his office... -A new form of fasting called "dry fasting"... -What Ian uses as a "smart drug" to stay hyper-awake and alert... -The reason Ian sprays his entire abdomen with magnesium prior to bed at night... -Why Ian travels everywhere with a black leather bag, and what he keeps in it... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -The Ultimate Superfood You've Probably Never Heard Of (previous phytoplankton podcast with Ian) -Activation Products -Dr. Simoncini mold/fungus -Tripping Over The Truth book on the metabolic theory -Fortis Construction -Concrobium mold control spray -Essential oils -Cold air diffuser -Dr. Stitler's website -Xiser Stairmaster -Dr. Filonov Dry Fasting resources Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Ian or I? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply.See for privacy information.
May 7, 2016 • 1h 4min

Kundalini Yoga, Cannabidiol, Psilocybin Mushrooms & More With Dr. Somer Nicole & James Radina.

Last month, I had the pleasure of visiting Kauai, Hawaii and hanging out with a few of the coolest couples on the face of the planet. One such couple was big-wave surfer Laird Hamilton and his wife, volleyball Olympian and fitness celebrity Gabby Reece. You can listen to my podcast interview with them here. Another couple was James Sol Radina and Dr. Somer Nicole, who you get to meet in this podcast episode. Dr. Somer Nicole is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and specializes in CranioSacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release and is a Reiki Master/Teacher. She has teaches alignment-based Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga, has been teaching Yoga since 2002 and travels internationally for workshops and retreats. She also creates personalized Yoga videos for clients, lives in Kauai and has created an online platform for Yoga, Meditation and holistic living you can access at www.YogaDoctors.TV. James Sol Radina, has been a podcast guest before in a special episode on CBD. He is CEO of EAD Labs, a co-founder of “The Science of Weed,” a documentary releasing in late 2016 that features over 40 of the top doctors and scientists on the subject of using cannabis for healing, has built a Hemp CBD product company that is the gold standard in the industry. My time with James and Somer in Hawaii included some groundbreaking personal discoveries into how to use kundalini yoga, experimentation with psilocybin, more insight into the science of CBD and much more. During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Somer and James met... -What Kundalini yoga actually is, and how it works from a scientific standpoint... -The difference between Kundalini breathing and Wim Hof breathing... -Why James does coconut oil pulling... -How to decide what a custom yoga routine should look or feel like... -Why James uses cannabidiol (CBD), and which forms he uses... -The surprising use that Somer has discovered for CBD, specifically for women... -Why James uses psilocybin micro-dosing... -The proposed mechanism of action of psilocybin... -What psilocybin can be "mixed" with to increase potency... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Book "Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy " -The movie "Neurons to Nirvana" -Earthrunner sandals -Ben's SmartDrugSmarts podcast episode on CBD -NatureCBD -Somer's custom yoga routines -My podcast episode with Wim Hof Do you have questions, comments, or feedback about anything that James, Somer and I discuss in this episode? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply. And remember to click here if you want to one of Somer's custom yoga routines at a $65 discount!See for privacy information.
May 4, 2016 • 1h 35min

Sleep, Light, Alarms, Caffeine, Night Shifts, Naps, Sleeping Positions & More With Shawn Stevenson.

Sleep can be super confusing. I get lots of questions about it and have my own too...for example: Are there healthy substitutes for sunlight? What does it exactly mean to be a fast vs. a slow caffeine metabolizer? What's the ideal nap length? How can you limit the damage from a night shift? What's the ideal sleeping position? Should you use an alarm? My guest on today's podcast is Shawn Stevenson just wrote the new book "Sleep Smarter: 21 Proven Tips to Sleep Your Way To a Better Body, Better Health and Bigger Success", and today we dig into plenty of detail on the topics he covers in this book, which I highly recommend as a comprehensive sleep resource. Shawn is a graduate of The University of Missouri - St. Louis, where he studied business, biology and kinesiology, and went on to be the founder of Advanced Integrative Health Alliance, a company that provides wellness services for individuals and organizations worldwide. Shawn has been featured in Entrepreneur magazine, Men's Health magazine, ESPN, FOX News, and many other media outlets. He is also a frequent keynote speaker for numerous organizations, universities, and conferences - all with outstanding reviews. To learn more about Shawn visit During our discussion, you'll discover: -How using natural medicine to rebuild his spine bones made Shawn want to write a book about sleep... -How Shawn and I differ in the ways we quantify and track sleep... -Whether there are sunlight substitutes you can use instead of sunlight... -How to measure your UVA vs. UVB exposure... -The difference between blue-light boxes, in-ear photo therapy and intranasal therapy... -How many sleep cycles you should get each night... -What Shawn thinks about the effect of caffeine on sleep if one is genetically tested and found to be a fast caffeine metabolizer... -Shawn's top tips for people who have to work graveyard or night shifts to avoid the metabolic issues that can arise with circadian rhythm disruptions... -The surprising link between gut bacteria and sleep... -Whether morning vs. evening exercise is best for sleep... -Shawn's thoughts on optimal nap time, and if you really need to limit your naps to less than 60 minutes... -What the ideal sleeping position is... -Why you should use black-out curtains and sleep masks even though your ancestors or "caveman" didn't... -The best type of alarm to use to optimize your sleep cycles... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -What You Need To Know About Stem Cells previous podcast episode with Shawn -The OURA ring and HRV Ben uses for sleep tracking (and other sleep cycle tips) -How to use light to "hack" your sleep cycles -Intranasal light therapy -Apps to measure your UVA/UVB index -My podcast with sleep coach Nick Littlehales -The Sleep Cocktail supplement -Dr J. Sleep Solution pillow Do you have questions, comments, or feedback for Shawn or I about what we discuss in this episode? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply, and be sure to check out Shawn's book Sleep Smarter: 21 Proven Tips to Sleep Your Way To a Better Body, Better Health and Bigger Success.See for privacy information.
Apr 30, 2016 • 56min

Wine Myths, Dark & Dirty Secrets of the Wine Industry, Wine Biohacks & More!

A few months ago, I released the article "Dark & Dirty Secrets Of The Wine Industry, Four Ways To Make Wine Healthier, and What Kind Of Wine Fit People Should Drink."  In it, I detailed the serious issues with arsenic, overpricing, lack of sustainability, high levels of sulfites, amines and ochratoxins, boatloads of sugars, high pH levels (that increase the possibility of contamination by unwanted organisms), a less than stellar taste, plastic polyethylenes and many other problems plaguing the modern wine industry - and causing many people (including my wife) to get headaches or poor sleep from a nightly glass of wine. At the end of that post, I highlight that I now drink a new kind of healthy wine called "FitVineWine", and in today's podcast, I interview Mark Warren, co-founder of FitVineWine, a national level black belt competitor in TaeKwonDo, a Crossfitter and of course, as a wine enthusiast and father of two boys, a man after my own heart. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why there are shocking levels of additives and other fillers in most modern wines... -How most wineries add sugar and grape concentrate to wines to adjust the pH (and why pH is so important)... -Why many wines are filtered through wheat and contain gluten... -Whether you need to be concerned about mold in wine... -How you can concentrate the amount of antioxidants like resveratrol, polyphenols and proanthocyanidins in grapes... -What it means for a wine to be "biodynamic" or "organically" farmed... -Why many wines are over-irrigated and why wineries should use less water, not more... -Why wine grapes should be grown at higher, cooler elevations... -Why people really aren't allergic to sulfites in wine, and why it's something else altogether... -How FitVineWine compares to other popular "healthy" or "Paleo" wines out there... -And much more! Resources from this episode: (use 10% discount code BEN10) “California Winemakers Sued Over High Levels of Arsenic in Wines” “Bad News for Those of You Who, Like Us, Drank Cheap Wine Each and Every Night of Your 20s” Do you have questions, comments or feedback for me or my guest Mark on anything we discuss in this episode? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply...and click here to get a bottle of red or a bottle of white at with 10% discount code BEN10 (assuming you’re 21 years of age or older).See for privacy information.
Apr 27, 2016 • 1h 2min

Nicotine Gum, Alactic Training, Binaural Beats, Small-Scale Farming & More With Robb Wolf.

Former research biochemist, Robb Wolf, discusses a day in his life and shares his nutrition, training, and biohacking tools. Topics covered include transitioning to sustainable farming, blood glucose monitoring, the benefits of the Versa Climber, and exploring the use of binaural beats for relaxation and focus.
Apr 26, 2016 • 58min

How To 20x Yourself: Training & Anti-Aging Secrets Of One Of The Most Bad-Ass Navy SEAL Coaches On The Face Of The Planet.

This is a special bonus podcast episode with the guy you get to meet and hang out with if you come to the July 8, 9 and 10 SEALFit 20x event at my house! Two years ago, I reported on my experience at the brutal SEALFit Kokoro camp, a 60+ hour crucible you can read more about at "26 Mile Night Hikes, Surf Swim Torture, 450 Pound Giant Logs And More: What To Expect at SEALFit Kokoro Camp And 9 Ways To Get More Tough." In that article, I mention a guy named "Lance Cummings". Coach Lance's snarling face struck fear deep into the heart of every Kokoro participant in my class, and he is well known for being the man who dishes out extreme amounts of suffering and hardship for anybody brave enough to step into Kokoro. But there's much more to coach Lance Cummings than simply being a man who could kill you with his pinky finger. Technically, Lance is director of training at SEALFit. Before that, retired from Active Duty Navy Service with 30 years of combined Active and Reserve service. After graduating BUD/s Class 124 he deployed overseas in support of US Foreign Policy with six different SEAL teams on both the east and west coast. He served at the Naval Special Warfare Center as a Basic Underwater/SEAL (BUD/s) instructor where he earned his Master Training Specialist classification. He also worked several State Department Security Team contracts with private employers during his time in the Naval Reserves. He left Active Duty in 1995 to pursue a Doctorate of Chiropractic degree, graduating in 2000 from Life Chiropractic College in Atlanta. While running a Chiropractic practice in Ga. and continuing to serve in the SEAL Reserves, he was recalled to Active Duty in January 2002 to deploy to the Middle East in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. He made 7 subsequent Middle East deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq with three different SEAL Teams as well as contracting with Blackwater Security. As the Training Officer at Naval Special Warfare Group 1, in charge of West Coast SEAL Team operational training and readiness, he helped establish the Human Performance Initiative, a tactical readiness assessment and evaluation testing system utilized by every SEAL team today. Since retiring from the Navy in 2011, Lance has coached at SEALFIT Integrative Training, where he, Mark Divine, and numerous SEALs and selected civilian coaches conduct multi-day Academies, 20X, Kokoro Camps and custom team events, both locally and internationally. His athletic accomplishments include hundreds of triathlons, multi-day adventure races (he once paddled from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean through the Panama Canal in 15 hours), endurance horse racing, and he has been a member of World Championship Teams in Military Pentathlon, Naval Pentathlon, Outrigger Canoe and Dragon Boat racing. He has won several Marksmanship awards in inter-service competition in both handgun and carbine categories, and also competes in Stand Up Paddle Board Racing, archery and mountain biking. He continues his passion for Chiropractic, both with people and animal patients. He is certified in Cold Laser Therapy, Functional Mobility, Thermal Imaging, and is a registered Emergency Medical Technician.   His wife is a practicing Emergency Physician, and he also has nine year old twins. His certifications and experiences include: Honor Graduate, US Army Master Fitness Trainer Academy SEAL Team Training Officer Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician NAUI Scuba Instructor US Navy Master Training Specialist Certified Veterinary Chiropractitioner Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Doctorate in Chiropractic, Life University, Marietta GA BS Education, Southern Illinois University American College of Sports Medicine Fitness Instructor TRX Suspension Training Level 1, 2 and Sports Rehabilitation Trainer Functional Movement Systems (FMS) Level II Certified Structural Functional Movement Assessment Certified US Military Pentathlon Athlete US Navy Pentathlon Athlete USA Mens Dragon Boat Team 2011, 2013, 2015 – Team physician and competitor Outrigger Canoe USA/World Championship Teams So the guy is a wealth of knowledge on not just survival and warfare, but also fitness, taking care of aging and injured bodies, pushing through pain and much more. During our discussion, you’ll discover: -What it feels like for Lance to be "the man" who strikes fear in the heart of all Kokoro participants... -When Lance decided he wanted to be a SEAL... -Whether Lance thinks he is simply "hardwired" differently from a genetics standpoint, or whether something happened during his childhood that made him a high achiever... -Why Lance got into pentathlon (and this crazy Brazilian penthathlon video)... -Lance's story of paddling from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean through the Panama Canal in 15 hours... -As one of the "fittest old dudes" I know, what Lance's fitness program look like... -How Lance pushes through pain... -The top tools Lance uses as a chiropractor - tools people know little about, but should when it comes to enhancing recovery or managing injuries... -What to expect at a SEALFit 20x event, and what can people expect at the Eastern Washington event at my house... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -The SEALFit 20x physical standards -Erchonia laser practitioner directory -"The Mindful Athlete" book by George Mumford -The TRX Suspension trainer that Lance swears by -FMS Functional Movement Systems -My three part series on SEALFit Academy & Kokoro -The SEALFit events page -SEALFit Kokoro -The upcoming SEALFit 20X course at Ben Greenfield's house Do you have questions, comments, or feedback about anything that coach Lance Cummings and I discuss in this episode? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply. And remember to click here if you want to get in on the upcoming SEALFit 20X course at Ben Greenfield's house!See for privacy information.
Apr 23, 2016 • 1h 7min

The Official Formula For A Perfect Day: How To Take Control & Own Your Life.

I get tons of questions about my daily routine. Do I meditate and if so, how? On which days do I do which workouts? How many cups of coffee are "acceptable"? When do I time alcohol intake? Do I have a special journaling routine?  You get the idea. And I've already revealed all this and much more in previous articles... ...including: -My morning routine -My afternoon routine -My evening routine But in today's podcast, I interview Craig Ballantyne, author of the brand new book "The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life". Why did I want to get Craig's perspective? Because Craig is one accomplished dude... Craig is a productivity and success transformation coach from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has been a contributor to Men's Health magazine since 2000, and his articles have also appeared in Women’s Health, Oxygen, GQ, Maxim, National Geographic, Men’s Fitness and Muscle and Fitness Hers, amongst many others. His articles have also been featured on,, and In 2001, Craig created the popular home workout program, Turbulence Training, and in 2013 he created the Home Workout Revolution bodyweight exercise program. Over 100,000 men and women have used his 6 Minutes to Skinny weight loss system since 2014. Craig is also the founder of the Certified Turbulence Training Program, certifying trainers from all corners of the globe. He holds an annual Turbulence Training Summit every year for fitness experts to become better trainers and get more clients so they make more money and live the Perfect Life. Craig’s online success has led him to create books and a coaching program to show other gurus how to take their ideas and help thousands of people. He holds seminars around the world, and he teaches at the annual camp every summer in Lithuania. Craig has had to overcome many obstacles on his journey to success, and his toughest battle was fighting crippling anxiety attacks. He finally discovered how to beat them with his 5 Pillars of Transformation, and today Craig shows men and women how to use the 5 Pillars to lose 10 to 75 pounds, get a raise and make more money, find the love of their life, and overcome any obstacle in the way of success. On his website,, you’ll find his daily essays on success, productivity, time management, fitness, weight loss and self-improvement. During our discussion, you'll discover: -What it means to "control the morning"... -What Craig thinks about the research that shows some people are better in the evening vs. the morning... -How Craig meshes going to bed so early with social life... -How Craig deals with travel potentially throwing him out of his routine... -Why Craig avoids alcohol before bedtime and caffeine after 1pm... -How Craig deals with e-mail, and the technique he uses to avoid e-mail until noon... -Craig's 10-2-3-1-0 formula for a perfect night of sleep... -Why Craig calls the afternoon "chaotic", and what you can do about it... -Why a story of "the fisherman and the crabs" is important for you to know... -The #1 action step you can take today to take control of your time and own your day... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life -Turbulence Training -My article on morning-evening peak productivity times -DeltaSleeper PEMF device -The Oura ring Ben uses (mention this podcast for free shipping) -The Boomerang app for email -idonethis app for managing teams/emails -Sunrise alarm clock -A secret page on Craig's site that shows you how to get 75% less email Do you have questions, comments or feedback for me or Craig about our "perfect day"? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.

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