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Ben Greenfield Life

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Dec 31, 2016 • 1h 12min

Elephant-Poop Coffee, Chocolate Ceremonies, Cold H2O Training, Holotropic Breathing, Nootropics, Ketosis, Meditation, Fasting & More: The Kevin Rose Podcast Kevin Rose is a technology investor, podcaster, and self-experimenter. He has been named a "Top 25 Angel Investors", by Bloomberg and to the "Top 25 Most Influential People on the Web" list by Time magazine. You've might have also heard or seen him on Jimmy Fallon, Charlie Rose, or Kevin's own podcast "The Random Show", which he co-hosts with Tim Ferriss. Kevin also serves on the advisory board of Google Ventures and the Tony Hawk Foundation. Previously, Kevin founded Digg, Revision3, and was a General Partner at Google Ventures. Perhaps most interesting for me and you, and not as well known to most folks, is that Kevin considers himself a well-versed body hacker, and he is frequently experimenting with things like cold water training, breathwork, nootropics, ketogenic diets, meditation, and fasting. Kevin even recently released a free app to help individuals track their fasting progress, which we discuss during this episode. During our fascinating discussion, you'll discover: -Why Kevin microdoses with lithium (and the surprising link between lithium and 7-Up soda)...[9:00] -The neuroscientist and mutual connection Kevin and I have that goes way back and is known as the "Summer Tomato"...[15:10] -The surprising boost you get from 100% chocolate and Kevin's new infatuation with "chocolate ceremonies"...[18:25] -Why Kevin gave up on ketosis and instead switched to a Katavan-style diet with purple potatoes...[24:25] -What Kevin does with the dozen giant bags of ice he buys each week...[36:15] -The crazy form of breathwork that made someone pass out in Ben's basement...[46:20] -Why, if you are going to fast, you should only eat as close to sunset as possible...[54:40] -How Kevin's friend sent his stage-4 cancer into remission with a simple dietary change...[63:00] -What Kevin discovered in an old teahouse in the heart of Japan (and what it has to do with elephants pooping coffee)...[68:10] -The #1 ingredient in cologne that makes women go absolutely crazy over a man's scent...[72:45] -An app/headphone combo that drives you straight into a state of deep relaxation within 10 minutes...[75:15] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Should We All Take A Bit Of Lithium -Nutritional Lithium: A Cinderella Story: The Untold Tale of a Mineral That Transforms Lives and Heals the Brain -My article on "The God Pill" -My original webcast with Kevin's wife Darya -Kevin's videos on chocolate ceremonies -Fruition 100% chocolate -The book by Stephan Guyenet The Hungry Brain: Outsmarting the Instincts That Make Us Overeat -The Kitavan diet -Dr. Veech podcast on ketone esters -Rhonda Patrick's Cold Stress .pdf -My podcast with Wim Hof -My experience with holotropic breathwork -How to get a custom Kundalini yoga routine -The Transcendental Meditation podcast Ben recorded -Dr. Rhonda Patrick's fasting interview with Satchin Panda -Kevin's Zero app for fasting -Tripping Over the Truth: The Return of the Metabolic Theory of Cancer Illuminates a New and Hopeful Path to a Cure -Black Ivory Coffee (naturally fermented by elephants) -Young Living Blue Spruce oil Ben diffuses in his office -The Greenfield Anti-Aging Skin Serum -The Wildfulness app -Brain.FM app -Kevin's Journal Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Kevin or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 28, 2016 • 1h 25min

Blue Lips, Meat Packs, Baling Hay & Beyond: The Man Responsible For Sparking A Fitness Revolution In The Hunting Industry. I've raced plenty of triathlons, from Sprint distance to Ironman. I've also done many, many obstacle races, including the toughest Spartan challenges in the world. And adventure races. And brutal workouts that claim to be the "hardest workout in the world". And SEALFit training, Agoge challenges, the World's Toughest Mudder and beyond. But my lungs have never sucked as much, my brain and body have never been simultaneously challenged as much and I've never experience any other form of competition so freaking functional until I started doing Train To Hunt Challenges. My guest today is a repeat guest. His name is Kenton Clairmont and he is the owner and creator of Train To Hunt, a unique mashup of bowhunting and obstacle racing that is taking the nation by storm. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The nasty autoimmune disease that took Kenton out of commission and sidelined him from a career as a professional baseball player...[12:20] -The natural Chinese remedy alternative to common immunosuppressant drugs for issues like rheumatoid arthritis...[20:12] -Why being fit for hunting goes far, far beyond simply needing to be able to "ruck" or hike...[22:25] -What a sample Train To Hunt work out looks like...[38:30] -How a typical Train To Hunt workout looks, and why something called "vagus nerve stimulation" is a huge part of each workout...[42:20] -Why the Train To Hunt national champion's key workout is "baling hay"...[54:30] -Why Kenton introduced the skill orienteering and GPS wayfinding into the Train To Hunt competition...[57:00] -How the Train To Hunt "3D shoot" is far different and far more practical for hunting situations than any other style of a 3D shoot...[58:45] -Why something called a "meat pack" is one of the hardest things Ben has ever done in his life (and why his lips turned blue after doing it)...[65:00] -What the brand new Train To Hunt challenge course now looks like, and why it's now extremely spectator friendly...[70:10] -How the meat pack portion of the challenge is going to change significantly in 2016...[79:00] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Chinese herbal remedy as a replacement for methotrexate -Other hunting episodes: -Are Hunters The Fittest People In The World? -How To Get Into Hunting, Build Hunting Fitness, The Most Challenging Hunts & More! -Backpacking, Wilderness Survival, Combat Conditioning, Hunting Fitness & More With Aron Snyder. -Backpacking, Bowhunting & Shooting Tips From A Natural Born Hunter. -3 Ways Hunting Can Get You Ripped And 10 Ways To Get Fit For Hunting. -How To Build Primal Fitness And Endurance By Hunting: An Interview With A Bowhunting Triathlete -The National Champion & Poster Boy For One Of The Most Extreme Obstacle Races That Exists. -Train To Hunt: Train To Hunt was born out of necessity. All hunters alike want to hunt harder, longer, and farther. Fitness is the only piece of equipment that you can make better or worse. The team at Train To Hunt wants to extend wellness and longevity as well as improve performance for hunters. The workouts are a launching pad for serious outdoor enthusiast who want to learn the best way to be fit for their sport. Athletes hunt, and they have the formula to make you a better mountain athlete. Whether you’re a flatlander, hunt out West, or past your prime, they want to make you a better hunter through fitness. Their online program is designed to be your coach, trainer, and guide as you shape up for your passion. Click here to start into Train To Hunt online program now or to sign up for a challenge.  Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Kenton or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 24, 2016 • 1h 17min

Living Large: The Skinny Guy's Guide to No-Nonsense Muscle Building With Vince Del Monte. Nine years ago, I sat slack-jawed in the crowd at an event called "Fitness Business Summit", listening to a massive, muscle-bound trainer on stage tell his story of creating an e-book that made millions of dollars online and helped hundreds of thousands of skinny guys across the globe sculpt their thin bodies into herculean, Adonis-like physiques. I was actually so inspired by this guy's story that I went on to create my own "e-product" - a training system for Ironman triathletes to cross the finish line of an Ironman triathlon with less than ten hours of training per week, and still have plenty of time left over for friends, family, hobbies and career. I called it "The Triathlon Dominator", and it was my first big training program that I ever sold online. In an odd collision of fitness worlds, I have suddenly reconnected with Mr. X via a brand new book I recently received in the mail: Living Large: The Skinny Guy's Guide to No-Nonsense Muscle Building. Formerly known as "Skinny Vinny", Vinny's real name is Vince Del Monte, and he now goes by the name "The Skinny Guy Savior". Vinny's new book is jam-packed with everything you need to quickly build 30 pounds of rock-solid, shredded muscle without dangerous bodybuilding drugs, expensive supplements, and long hours in the gym, and it's actually not written like most books of this nature are, with pure meat-headedness. Instead, this book is intelligently written, full of practical advice and during our discussion, you'll discover: -How Vince made the transition from skinny endurance athlete and collegiate runner to becoming muscle-building phenomenon...[16:15] -The extremely unconventional training program Vince's first bodybuilding mentor used...[18:40] -Vince and Ben's thoughts on steroids...[24:40] -Why Vince says "get lean to get big" and how fat can diminish your ability to build muscle, especially in response to a high protein meal...[27:25] -The three mechanisms via which muscles actually grow, and how to target each of the three mechanisms...[47:50] -How massage therapy or foam rolling can directly assist with muscle building, and why Vince is such a fan of a muscle activation technique called "MAT"...[55:05] -What science says about how much muscle one can really build in a month...[63:05] -The seven key oils Vince uses and why...[73:00] -And much more... Resources from this episode: -My interview with Vinny's wife Flavia "7 Essential Kitchen Items You’ve Never Heard Of But Need To Have." -Vince's new book: Living Large: The Skinny Guy's Guide to No-Nonsense Muscle Building -Photos of Vince's brother Michael's impressive muscle gain -Study: Anabolic sensitivity of postprandial muscle protein synthesis to the ingestion of a protein-dense food is reduced in overweight and obese young adults. -Podcast: “Dr. Two Fingers” Reveals His Teeth-Gritting, Body-Healing Secrets.“ Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Vince or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 21, 2016 • 1h 23min

Why The Media & Supplement Companies Lie To You About Diets & Supplements (& What You Can Do About It). I'm a voracious consumer of knowledge. On an average week, I read 3-5 books, listen to 15-20 podcasts, and read several dozen research articles. And one of my secrets to this hyperproductive digestion of information is through the use of services, websites, journals, newsletters and, well, "digests" that disseminate information into readily accessible bite-size pieces that allow me to cut through the clutter and quickly get to the main summaries, takeaways and actionable items from all the content. For example, I'm a huge fan of the book reviews produced by gentleman such as Derek Sivers and James Clear. In addition, I stay up to date with health, medical and science news via the Stone Hearth Newsletters, exercise and nutrition research via the website Suppversity, and, for general life knowledge, I'm a recent subscriber to the Farnham Street blog for staying up-to-date with the best recently published books and articles from around the web. And - for one of the most comprehensive exercise, diet, supplement resources I have ever accessed - I am a frequent visitor to the website Examine and their monthly publication The Examine Research Digest, which is produced by today's podcast guest: Kamal Patel. Kamal is the director of, an independent and unbiased encyclopedia on supplementation and nutrition. He is a nutrition researcher with an MPH and MBA from Johns Hopkins University, and is on hiatus from a PhD in nutrition, in which he researched the link between diet and chronic pain. He has published peer-reviewed articles on vitamin D and calcium as well as a variety of clinical research topics, and in today's episode, you'll discover: -How supplement companies and the media manipulate science for their own benefits...[11:38 & 16:30] -Why Kamal thinks the "elimination diet" for nightshades is a hoax...[18:55] -The best way to know if a diet or supplement website is delivering you fake information...[29:35] -The truth about what they really feed lab rats and mice in high-fat diet studies...[31:35] -Why an extremely high percentage of the research released in medical journals is flawed or biased...[35:00] -The best way to quickly review an abstract without reading a full article, and red flags to look out for when reading an abstract...[44:50 & 48:30] -The top three most proven and researched supplements that just about everyone could benefit from...[54:56] -The surprising benefits of daily creatine intake...[61:50] -Why Kamal   doesn't take fish oil, but Ben does, and how genetics should influence supplement intake...[65:35 & 68:35] -The two supplements most people most infatuated with that Kamal thinks have very low credibility...[72:15] -The most beneficial one-two combo stack you can take for daily mental performance...[77:45] -Why you should spread your vegetable intake throughout the day to maximize your nitrate exposure...[80:48] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Supplement Goals Reference Guide -Supplement Stack Guide -The Examine Research Digest -The SuperMemo sleep website Ben mentions -Ben's article about whether or not weed causes heart disease -The CreaPure Creatine that Ben recommends -The SuperEssentials fish oil that Ben recommends -IFOS website for testing fish oils -WellnessFX blood and biomarker testing -A 3 day gut panel for testing your bacterial balance -NaturalStacks "SmartCaffeine" caffeine/theanine blend Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Kamal or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 17, 2016 • 56min

17 Ways I'm Detoxing My Body In 2017: A Special Solo Podcast Episode. t I'm going to detox my entire body and brain, beginning Monday, January 9, 2017 (and you can listen to today's podcast episode to learn what the random, strange photo above has to do with this). Anyways, I'm not going to do just any ol' detox like putting cayenne pepper into a nasty concoction or pushing giant grocery shopping carts full of random herbs through the supermarket. These popular detoxes can actually release toxins from tissues such as fat cells and shove them into the brain, causing even more damage. Oops. That's a bad thing. Instead, I'm partnering up with one of the most brilliant detox minds on the face of the planet: the guy I interviewed in the podcast "The Most Effective Detox You’ve Never Heard Of (And Exactly How To Do It)." His name is Dr. Dan Pompa, and Dr. Dan is going to walk me through the entire brain and body detox program that he's studied and perfected for years. I'm then going to combine his proven detox formula with my own exercise and biohacking protocols so that I can completely clean up my body without losing fitness by doing only, say, hot yoga and trampolining for weeks and weeks. See, I don't want to come out of my detox having lost my muscle or having to huff and puff whenever I climb a flight of stairs, so I'm pulling out all my fitness tricks that allow me to sculpt my body while I detox, without actually causing adrenal fatigue issues or ruining the detox protocol. And I'm inviting YOU to join me. During today's solo podcast episode with yours truly, you'll discover:  -Why most detoxification programs can severely damage your body and brain...[6:55] -What a "true cellular detox" is...[10:56] -How to detox your body using a "Prep Phase", a "Brain Phase" and a "Body Phase"...[17:53] -The 5 strategies I'm personally using to ensure I don't lose fitness or muscle during my detox...[20:52] -How fringe techniques like dry skin brushing, rebounding and infrared therapy can maximize the effectiveness of a detox...[29:00 - 39:45] -The exact workouts I'll be performing during my detox...[30:00] -Whether or not you should use the dietary strategy of ketosis during a detox...[46:00] -The best fasting strategy to use during a detox...[41:25] -How meditation can fit perfectly into a detox program...[41:38] -How oil pulling can assist with detox...[49:00] -Why fermented foods are crucial during a detox...[50:45] -The crazy, unique tea blends I'll be using to accelerate my detox and wean myself off coffee...[53:50] -And much more!  Resources from this episode: -The True Cellular Detox challenge I'll be taking on in 2017 (click here to join me before January 1) -True To Form book -The Clearlight Infrared sauna I use -Kundalini yoga -Body By Science book -JumpSport Rebounder -WholeTones CD's -Dry Skin Brush -Rumble Roller -My article on coffee enemas -Kettle & Fire Bone Broth -Eat Wheat book Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Dr. Dan or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 14, 2016 • 39min

The Mysterious Micro-Workouts, Turning On Your Butt, Overdosing With Melatonin & More With The MindPump Guys Remember the guys from the MindPump Podcast: Sal, Justin and Adam? If not, perhaps you didn't hear my podcast episode entitled "The Mysterious Kuwait Muscle-Building Phenomenon, The Too-Much-Protein Myth, Anabolic Triggering Sessions & More With The MindPump Podcast Crew." It's a definite must listen. As a matter of fact, that episode turned out to be such a must-listen that a few weeks ago, I hopped on a plane and flew to San Jose, California to hang out with and record with these guys once again, and to delve into their extreme knowledge of all things fitness, nutrition, muscle building, fat loss, biomechanics, exercise physiology, psychedelics and beyond. During the discussion that ensued, you'll discover: -Why Justin is creating a special stick that can measure your central nervous system integrity...[16:35] -The crazy form of electrostimulation that can simulate a 600 lb squat...[21:40] -How you can recover with lightning speed by using a strategy called "trigger sessions"...[24:15] -The special phone app that Adam uses to induce an instant "power nap"...[37:05] -The shocking dose of melatonin Ben uses for jet lag, and why Sal think melatonin isn't such a good idea...[42:15] -The best way to block blue light from screens, phones, street lights and oncoming cars...[46:35] -Three proven ways to turn on your butt, deactivate your hip flexors and eliminate low back pain...[51:00] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -The Mindpump trigger sessions and MAPS programs -Ben's brand of blue light blocking glasses -Iristech software for blocking blue light on screens -Dr. Kirk Parsley's Sleep Remedy -My podcast with Jay Schroeder -Hip flexor deactivation MindPump video -Why your butt won't turn on MindPump video -Core Foundation Training: How To Turn On Your Butt, Activate Deep Breathing & Decompress Your Spine (And Why I’ve Completely Changed My Morning Routine). -ELDOA Method -Deskbound by Kelly Starrett -Move Your DNA by Katy Bowman Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Sal, Justin, Adam or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 11, 2016 • 1h 3min

Why My Barber Thinks I'm A Freak (& Crazy Health Discoveries You Can Get From Your Hair, Your Urine & Your Stool). This is a special Premium audio episode. Click here to activate a Premium subscription to the BenGreenfieldFitness show and access this and over 300 additional hidden audios, videos, pdf's and more! The lady who cuts my hair must think I'm a freak. It seems like every time I visit her for a haircut, I'm politely requesting that she save several clumps of my hair clippings for me to place in a small envelope and mail to my friend Wendy Myers. Why am I mailing my hair? Because Wendy is the expert when it comes to something called "hair mineral analysis". And she doesn't stop there: she does urine and stool too, so I sent her that way last month, and she was able to reveal a host of health information we can find from our hair, our urine and our stool - all topics that we address on this podcast. Wendy is a functional diagnostic nutritionist (FDN), a certified holistic health coach (CHHC), and the founder of Liveto110. She attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York and has a degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California. She is certified in Hair Mineral Analysis for the purpose of designing programs for clients to correct their metabolism and body chemistry with customized targeted nutrient therapy. Wendy’s interest in nutrition began with the death of her father from esophageal cancer. Intuitively, she knew his chemo, radiation, and ten medications killed him prematurely. She vowed to find out what made him sick, why he died, what role medications played in his demise, and how she could avoid the same fate. The more Wendy learned, the more she realized that all the answers to health do not lie in our medical system. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why a lot of people say that the hair is really not a reflection of what's going on inside the body...[4:00] -How hair analysis actually works in terms of accuracy and lab testing...[6:25] -Why you need to look at mineral ratios and metal ratios when you do a hair tissue mineral analysis...[8:25] -Why Wendy thinks my "soil" is high in heavy metals...[15:45] -Why cooking in cast iron skillets can actually cause oxidation in the body...[23:02] -The problem with the way that most physicians do a urine test...[36:15] -What Wendy learned from my urine test in the "pre metals" and "post metals" results...[38:55] -What the Fukushima disaster in Japan is doing to people's metal levels of metals like cesium...[40:50] -How a stool metals test is different than a stool test for gut health...[50:15] -What Wendy learned from my stool test...[51:10] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -My hair mineral analysis results -My urine pre-metals results -My urine post-metals results -My stool test results -Get your own testing done -Wendy's special offer for you is that you get $50 off her testing program we talk about in this episode. Just click here use coupon code GREEN50. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Wendy or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 10, 2016 • 58min

How To Defend Yourself Against Cell Phone Radiation (& Keep Your Laptop From Frying Your Body.) My guest on today's podcast is an internationally recognized and influential expert in shielding electronic emissions and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) protection, with particular focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and cell phones. His name is Daniel De Baun, and his concern regarding the health impact of electronic radiation emissions grew from over 30 years of engineering experience in the telecommunications industry where he held a variety of leadership and executive positions at SAIC, Telcordia, AT&T and Bell Labs. Through the course of his career, Daniel has created requirements for large telecommunication systems, led technical divisions responsible for establishing industry standards and formed analysis adherence testing for next-generation digital transmission systems. Daniel also oversaw laboratories which analyzed electromagnetic radiation (EMF) interference, electrical signals and digital formats. He and the teams he led were looked upon as industry authorities. Daniel is the inventor of DefenderShield®, the most effective EMF radiation protection technology for mobile devices ever developed. In addition to his work with DefenderShield®, Daniel is a highly-regarded industry consultant, writer, and speaker as well as frequent guest national radio and television programs discussing EMF heath issues. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why your smartphone actually isn't that much different than a microwave...[8:15] -The four types of radiation your phone produces...[10:00] -Exactly where to find concrete evidence that phones are harmful...[12:50] -The shocking evidence of DNA damage that can affect kids that haven't even been born yet...[22:50 & 46:30] -How you can protect your ears and brain by using a non-Bluetooth headset, and which headsets are best...[31:20] -The best type of phone case for blocking radiation from your phone...[41:50] -Whether things like cell phone chips, diodes, holographic stickers, the bracelets, pendants, the plug in harmonizers, USB resonators, etc. work to actually block radiation...[50:15] -Why tablets, e-readers and computers have similar issues and what you can do about it...[55:12] -And much more... Resources from this episode: -The Environmental Health Trust website -The ethernet to firewire cable Ben uses -Click here and use code BEN to get 15% off any DefenderShield product! Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Daniel or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 7, 2016 • 1h 34min

Tim Ferriss and Ben Greenfield Delve Into Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers. For the last two years, my guest on today's show has interviewed more than 200 world-class performers, ranging from super celebs like Jamie Foxx and Arnold Schwarzenegger to professional athletes and icons of powerlifting, gymnastics, surfing and beyond, to legendary Special Operations commanders and black-market biochemists. For many of his guests, this is the first time they’ve agreed to a two-to-three-hour interview, and this unusual depth has helped him create a massive collection of tools, tactics, and ‘inside baseball’ you won’t find anywhere else.  If you hadn't yet guessed, my guest is Tim Ferriss, and just this week, Tim has taken his notebook of high-leverage tools that he has vetted, explored, and applied to his own life, and published it for the entire world to delve into - all in the form of a nearly 700 page book that could probably double as a self-defense weapon. The name of the book, entitled Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers, delves into the dozens of tactics and philosophies Tim has picked up from his guests and used successfully in high-stakes negotiations, high-risk environments, and large business dealings, saving him millions of dollars and years of wasted effort and frustration. In this episode, I put Tim in the hotseat as we not only discuss his new book Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers, but also go far beyond and delve into difficult, deep questions about Tim's life. During this episode, you'll discover: -How Tim got started in business by creating and selling a smart drug that turned out to be a physical ergogenic performance enhancing aid...[9:55] -The ingredients of Tim's first supplement he created...[12:10] -The biggest "stacks", techniques and biohacks Tim now uses for enhancing cognitive function that he doesn't think he ever would have discovered without having a podcast...[17:50] -The #1 tactic Tim eventually used to heal himself of Lyme disease...[20:55] -What Tim's workstation looks like, and how he manages to write massive books while maintaining fitness in his work environment...[43:15] -The exact contents of Tim's "six-piece gym in a bag"...[50:20] -Why Tim is convinced that training like a gymnast is one of the best way you can sculpt an amazing body...[56:54]   - The major fitness, diet and lifestyle modifications Tim has made since starting the podcast that he doesn't think he would have made had he not had a podcast...[65:30] -The 17 absurd questions Tim asks himself to change his life and solve problems...[66:20] -What Tim has implemented lately to enhance his anti-aging and longevity (and his thoughts on anti-aging supplements)...[75:30] -The dead inventor Tim would want to bring back to life and have on his podcast (and the questions he would ask)...[85:35] -Why Tim hasn't created a "brand"...[88:55] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers -The 4-Hour Body Book Review: Why Tim Ferriss’s Book Could Be A Huge Waste Of Your Time, But Might Change Your Life. -My second podcast with Tim: Behind The Scenes Of The Tim Ferriss Experiment: 15 Pounds Of Muscle, Turmeric Tea, Urban Evasion & More! -My first podcast with Tim: Tim Ferriss Cold Thermogenesis Special Episode -Dr. Daniel Amen NFL study -BrainQuicken -Pruvit Keto / OS -Furniture Sliders -My podcast on NAD therapy -Benjamin Franklin biography Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Tim or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 3, 2016 • 1h 5min

How To Get Faster Fast, The Best Shortcuts To Power, Why Conventional Speed Training Sucks & More With Nick Curson. My guest on today's podcast is Coach Nick Curson, owner of Speed of Sport. He has produced multiple World, National, International, and Collegiate Champions. He is the head strength and conditioning coach for the famous ALA Boxing Gym in Cebu, Philippines and his primary areas of study are Eastern Bloc Strength & Conditioning, Plyometrics, Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology, and Rehabilitative Exercise. Speed of Sport is owned and operated by Nick Curson. With over 18 years of experience in nearly every type of strength training modality, Nick has studied extensively with top scientists, sports trainers, strength coaches, Olympic lifters, physical therapists, bio mechanical engineers, professional boxing trainers, martial artists, and more to develop the unique system of training for speed that we discuss on today's show. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why Nick is so into training the nervous system when it comes to full body performance (vs., say, the cardiovascular or muscular system)...[10:50] -The training components Nick emphasizes that most other coaches and personal trainers don't...[14:40] -Why heavy strength training is something that you shouldn't do very often vs. power and speed training...[24:30] -How to strike a balance between muscle hypertrophy and muscle speed...[34:30] -The best way to measure the speed of your muscles and rate of force development...[38:45] -Why Nick always starts by training an athlete's feet and proprioception...[46:40] -How this type of training can be used by endurance athletes like triathletes, marathoners and obstacle course racers...[54:32] -How new "biohacking" headsets like tDCS can increase rate of force development, power and explosiveness...[58:45] -Nick's top body weight exercises for developing speed...[61:40] -And much more! Resources from this episode: - use coupon BEN -Halo Neuroscience headset for transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) -Shuttle Systems plyometric machines -My interview with Jon Bruney on Neuromass training -The Bjornsen study Ben discusses (from Paul Jaminet's website) -The mPower device for measuring rate of force development Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Nick or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.

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