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Jan 11, 2018 • 1h 15min

The Case Against Sugar: Is Gary Taubes Full Of Sweet Lies & Deception, Or Is Sugar Really Making Us Fat? My guest on today's podcast - Gary Taubes - just wrote a groundbreaking, eye-opening exposé entitled "The Case Against Sugar" that makes the convincing case that sugar is the tobacco of the new millennium: backed by powerful lobbies, entrenched in our lives, and making us very sick. Among Americans, diabetes is more prevalent today than ever; obesity is at epidemic proportions; nearly 10% of children are thought to have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. And Gary believes sugar is at the root of these, and other, critical society-wide, health-related problems. In the book, he delves into Americans' history with sugar: its uses as a preservative, as an additive in cigarettes, the contemporary overuse of high-fructose corn syrup. He explains what research has shown about our addiction to sweets. He clarifies the arguments against sugar, corrects misconceptions about the relationship between sugar and weight loss; and provides the perspective necessary to make informed decisions about sugar as individuals and as a society. The ever prolific Gary Taubes is cofounder and senior scientific advisor of the Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI). He's an award-winning science and health journalist, the author of The Case Against Sugar, Why We Get Fat and Good Calories, Bad Calories, and a former staff writer for Discover and correspondent for the journal Science. His writing has also appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic, and Esquire, and has been included in numerous Best of anthologies, including The Best of the Best American Science Writing (2010). He has received three Science in Society Journalism Awards from the National Association of Science Writers. He is also the recipient of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Award in Health Policy Research. He lives in Oakland, California. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The difference between glucose and fructose, and how is that related to sucrose...[7:35] -Why the fructose we eat now is different than the fructose we find in nature...[14:20] -How German researchers discovered sugar to be just as as effective as "crack cocaine"...[21:10] -The fascinating marriage of tobacco and sugar, and why sugar is in cigarettes...[27:50] -How "metabolic imprinting" causes a baby's pancreatic cells to become dysfunctional...[33:35] -Why salt may not be the cause for hypertension, but sugar may...[44:00] -The relationship between sugar, gout and uric acid, and why gout and uric acid may not just be protein related...[47:10 & 57:00] -Why different people have different blood sugar responses to sugar...[49:20] -What Gary thinks of the fact that he's been called out on the fact that the NuSci metabolic ward research found no insulin-obesity link, and whether it's calories, not macronutrients, that are most important...[65:00] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -The Amazon page for all Gary's books -NuSI Hall Study: No Ketogenic Advantage (ICO 2016) Show Sponsors: -Wild Mountain Paleo - Visit and use code BenPili10 for 10% off your order. -Purathrive - Go to to automatically get 15% off on Curcumin Gold or Radiant C (a liposomal vitamin C that actually tastes GOOD), or anything else that tickles your fancy. -Oak - Meditation & Breathing -  go to now to download the app, completely FREE. -ZipRecruiter - Post jobs on ZipRecruiter for FREE by visiting Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Gary or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Jan 7, 2018 • 9min

The Effects Of Exercise, Carbohydrates, Saturated Fat, Protein, Fiber & Micronutrients On Sleep!

This is a special Premium audio episode. Click here to activate a Premium subscription to the BenGreenfieldFitness show and access this and over 300 additional hidden audios, videos, pdf's and more! I recently read one of the best three-part series on sleep that I've ever seen, entitled "The effects of nutrition and exercise on sleep" and covering, in order of appearance in Alan Aragon's Research Review, "Part 1: Macros, energy restriction, meal timing and composition", "Part 2: Micronutrients and sleep" and "Part 3: Exercise and sleep". The series included several very interesting bullet points, including, from Part 1: -Consider consuming high-glycemic carbs 4h before bed if the aim is to fall asleep faster. -Do not consume an excessively large meal right before bed. -Higher protein (>1.5g/kg) may help sleep in the case of energy deficits. -A high-carbohydrate diet may shorten wake times. -Consume adequate fiber. -Keep saturated fat intake low to moderate. -Keep total fat intake relatively low at dinner and later in the evening. -Consume adequate omega 3. -Regularly consume fatty fish (> 5% fat). -If you’re overweight, weight loss increases sleep duration and improves sleep quality. ...from Part 2: -Vitamin D deficiency (25-hydroxyvitamin D < 20 ng/mL) is common among patients complaining of nonspecific musculoskeletal pain, and chronic pain. -Clinical risk factors for chronically low vitamin D include dark skin tone, obesity, limited natural sunlight exposure, pregnancy, chronic anticonvulsant use, chronic steroid use, and intestinal malabsorption syndromes. -Chronically low vitamin D is related to symptoms of sleepiness and other symptoms of wake impairment. -Chronically low vitamin D may be a cofactor for the development of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and OSA- associated cardiovascular disease. -Melatonin production can be increased by a high protein diet that contains more tryptophan than LNAA; ingestion of carbohydrate, which may increase the ratio of free Trp to branched-chain amino acids and facilitate the release of insulin, ingestion of a high-fat meal, which may increase free fatty acids and result in increased free Trp; exercise, which can influence both free fatty acids and insulin. -Valerian, nitric oxide and magnesium may all be useful micronutrients for sleep aid. and from Part 3: -Acute and chronic exercise promote sleep; -Exercise has the ability to induce circadian phase-shifting effects perhaps as potent as bright light; -Training in the early morning can be detrimental, so employ strategic napping during the day, correct sleep hygiene practices at night, and consider aiming for at least 10 hours in bed per night; -It is crucial not to schedule early morning training sessions after evening training to avoid sleep restriction; -30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise at 65% of heart rate attained at VO2 peak performed in the early morning seems to be beneficial; -Afternoon exercise between 14:00-18:00h at 50-80% VO2max for 80-150 min can improve sleep; -The most positive effects occur with exercise taking place 4 to 8 hours before bedtime; -Evening exercise is not associated with worse sleep; -30 min of high-intensity exercise at 85–90% of max HR to exhaustion, 3–4h prior to bedtime resulted in better sleep; -Vigorous late-night exercise does not disturb sleep quality and can increase sleep efficiency and REM sleep latency; -Brief periods of high-intensity exercise administered in the late evening (22:40-23:00 h) result in an immediate blunting of the nocturnal rise of melatonin; -Long-duration exercise can partially alleviate sleepiness during the period of exposure; -The effects of exercise on sleepiness is most pronounced when exercise is performed in the middle of the night; -Short bouts (10 min) of exercise every 2 hours over a sleep deprived day can increased alertness but for less than an hour; -Exercise in well-lit conditions may improve sleep for shift workers.   In this quick and dirty Premium podcast episode, I fill you in on a few of these highlights. And stay tuned, as I'll be getting the paper author on a podcast soon to take a dive into the nitty-gritty details.  See for privacy information.
Jan 6, 2018 • 1h 12min

The Keto Reset Diet: Reboot Your Metabolism in 21 Days and Burn Fat Forever. A few months ago, I interviewed today's podcast guest - a former professional triathlete and now one of the most respected icons in health and fitness - in one of our most popular episodes of the year, entitled "Primal Endurance: How To Escape Chronic Cardio & Carbohydrate Dependency & Become A Fat Burning Beast." His name is Mark Sisson, and Mark just released a brand new, excellent book entitled: "The Keto Reset Diet: Reboot Your Metabolism in 21 Days and Burn Fat Forever". In today's podcast episode, we take a deep, deep dive into principles, practices and concepts you've probably never before heard when it comes to ketosis. Mark is also the bestselling author of The Primal Blueprint and several other Primal Blueprint-branded books. His blog,, has paved the way for Primal enthusiasts to challenge conventional wisdom's diet and exercise principles and take personal responsibility for their health and well-being. Mark, has a BA in biology from Williams College and is a former world-class endurance athlete, with a 2:18 marathon and a fourth-place finish in the Hawaii Ironman World Triathlon Championships to his credit. Today, Mark directs his competitive energies into high-stakes Ultimate Frisbee tournaments against competitors decades younger. Besides blogging daily, Mark conducts seminars on the Primal Blueprint way of life and hosted 9 multi-day total immersion retreats called PrimalCon at locations across America and in Mexico from 2010-2014. He operates Primal Blueprint Publishing in Malibu, CA, publishing his own titles as well as work from other authors promoting ancestral health principles. Mark is married to Carrie and they have two children. Before jumping into this podcast, please realize that I already have several articles and podcasts I recorded in the past about the basics of ketosis. You can find all those in the resources section below.   During our discussion, you'll discover:   -How Mark took the the ketogenic diet, which has a reputation for being relatively restrictive, and instead presents a unique two-step, scientifically validated approach for going keto the right way...[7:40]   -Why Mark highly recommends you spend 21 days low-carb before switching to 6 weeks of ketosis...[11:30]   -How long does takes to get back into ketosis after a "carb binge"...[31:00]   -How something called "myogens" actually allow you gain lean muscle mass while on a ketogenic diet...[32:30]   -What Mark thinks about some people saying that ketosis might diminish metabolic flexibility in some people by promoting physiological insulin resistance...[40:30]    -Whether a cup of coffee is technically "breaking" a fast...[48:50]   -How ketosis can reprogram your genes and increase longevity...[54:55]   -Mark's favorite keto breakfast, favorite keto lunch and favorite keto dinner...[63:10]   -What Mark eats before ultimate frisbee...[67:40]   -Mark's take on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and why he personally uses it...[69:40]   -And much more...   Resources from this episode:   My previous articles and podcasts on ketosis: 374: How To Maximize Ketosis, Should You Have Sex Before Competition, Do Power Poses Really Work & More How To Use Ketones For Longevity, How I Personally Use Ketone Salts & A New Chemical-Free, Clean Way To Get Into Ketosis Ketogenic Pizza, Ketogenic Toast, Ketogenic Cornflakes, High Fat Coffee & More: The Ketogenic Kitchen Cookbook 368: Building Muscle & Testosterone On A Ketogenic Diet, Food Combining, Psychedelic Experimentation, Natural Depression Remedies & More Cyclic Ketosis, “Thinkitating”, Bad-Ass Meditation, Morning Routines & More With Quest Nutrition Founder Tom Bilyeu Fast-Tracking Your Body To Ketosis, Biohacking Hypoxic Performance, Marijuana Legalization, Constipation & More With JP Sears A $17,000 Whole Body Healing Machine, Fish Oil Overdoses From Giant Steelhead, Eating Bones, Killing Tumors With Ketosis & More Six-Egg Breakfasts, Ketosis For Bodybuilders, Resetting Weed Tolerance, Kratom Experimentation & Much More With The Mindpump Guys Which Ketone Supplement Works Best: Ketone Salts vs. Ketone Esters With Dr. Dominic D’Agostino Elephant-Poop Coffee, Chocolate Ceremonies, Cold H2O Training, Holotropic Breathing, Nootropics, Ketosis, Meditation, Fasting & More: The Kevin Rose Podcast 362: Donald Trump’s Exercise Routine, Altitude Vs. Heat Training, Can Kids Take Smart Drugs, Can Ketosis Cause Muscle Damage & More Could This Ketosis-Based Elixir Hold The Key To Weight Loss, World Record Performances, Brain Healing and More Everything You Need To Know About How To Use Amino Acids For Muscle Gain, Appetite Control, Injury Repair, Ketosis And More Four New, Cutting-Edge Ways To Easily Shift Your Body Into Fat-Burning Mode & Ketosis Amino Acids, BCAA’s, EAA’s, Ketosis, Bonking & More With 41 Time Ironman Triathlete Dr. David Minkoff How Breath-Holding, Blood-Doping, Shark-Chasing, Free-Diving & Ketosis Can Activate Your Body’s Most Primal Reflex 10 Things Your Pee Can Tell You About Your Body: Taking A Deep Dive Into Urinalysis, Dehydration, Ketosis, pH & More 322: The Truth About “Starvation Mode”, Does Ketosis Work For Crossfit, Measuring HRV During Exercise & More Everything You’ve Always Wanted To Know About Ketosis But Were Afraid To Ask Ketosis Dangers: How To Maximize the Nutrient Density of a Low Carb Diet A Deep Dive Into Ketosis: How Navy Seals, Extreme Athletes & Busy Executives Can Enhance Physical and Mental Performance With The Secret Weapon of Ketone Fuel Combining Low Carb And Extreme Exercise – The Official Results Of The Great Ketogenic Ironman Experiment The Official “Ask Me Anything About Ketosis & Ironman” Premium Podcast with Ben Greenfield 245: What Are The Best Fat Loss Supplements, Controlling Blood Sugar During Ketosis, Natural Asthma Remedies and More The Great Ketogenic Ironman Experiment – Can You Go Low-Carb And Be A Fast Endurance Athlete Without Destroying Your Body  -All Mark's ketogenic friendly food products at Primal Kitchen (use code: GREENFIELD for to get an extra 10% OFF any products)   -The Keto Reset Diet: Reboot Your Metabolism in 21 Days and Burn Fat Forever   -My article on longevity and ketosis/exogenous ketones   -Miracle Noodles Ben uses for lunch   -Dr. Thomas Cowan's vegetable powders   -Aminos Ben mentions Show Sponsors:  -ZipRecruiter - Post jobs on ZipRecruiter for FREE by visiting -Human Charger - Go to and use the code BEN20 for 20% off. -Human Charger - Go to purchase Kion Lean - the best supplement for longevity and fat loss! -Oak - Meditation & Breathing -  Go to now to download the app, completely FREE. Do you have questions, comments or feedback for me or Mark about today’s episode? Leave your thoughts at and be sure to check out Mark’s new book "The Keto Reset Diet".See for privacy information.
Jan 4, 2018 • 1h 15min

The Big Vitamin D Mistake, How Ben Reads A Book A Day, Cold Therapy vs. Cryotherapy vs. Cold Thermogenesis & Much More! Jan 4, 2017 Podcast: 377 - Cold Therapy vs. Cryotherapy vs. Cold Thermogenesis, What To Do About Liver Issues & High GGT, How To Deal With Self-Healing Overwhelm, and Fit Teens On A Budget. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, or use the “Ask Ben” form at the bottom of this page. News Flashes: [4:20] I read one book every day. Here’s how I remember what I've read. WOW: The big vitamin D mistake... I smear rosemary on steaks and diffuse rosemary essential oil for COGNITION, but here’s a new use for rosemary. Does alcohol make you live longer? Here’s what NOT to consume with your alcohol. You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on,,,, and Google+. Special Announcements: [25:30] This podcast is brought to you by: -Oak - Meditation & Breathing -  go to now to download the app, completely FREE. -Harry's Shave Club -  To get your Free Trial set go to right now! -GainsWave -  During this holiday season, give yourself a gift with GAINSWave. To get more info on GAINSWave and to save $150 off your first treatment, text the word Greenfield to 313131. -Eharmony -  Enter my code GREEN at checkout to get a FREE month with every 3-month subscription. - Weightless is a program run by Brock and Monica Reinagel (the Nutrition Diva) that helps you develop the mindset, habits, and lifestyle that leads to a healthy body weight. Use code BEN60 for $60 off enrollment before Jan 12, 2018. -Click here to follow Ben on Snapchat, and get ready for some epic stories on his morning, daily and evening routine! What did you miss this week? A clay mask, a park workout, a morning routine change-up, an epic post-race salad and more. Ben's Adventures: [35:45] -NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar. -January 26 to 28, 2018: California Jam combines a TED talk format with chiropractic education and a rock n’ roll show! Over two dozen speakers, who are experts and innovators in their field, take the stage throughout the weekend as two live bands play in between. The driving objective of the event is to get attendees up to date on chiropractic research, scientific studies, and useful practice management strategy. The hope is that attendees bring all they learn at Cal Jam back to their communities to implement real, rippling change. Get your ticket now! -March 2, 2018: Academy of Regenerative Practices Winter Conference & Scientific Seminar @ Weston, FL, USA. Sign up today! Giveaways & Goodies: -Click here to get your own gift pack, handpicked by Ben and chock full of $300 worth of biohacks, supplements, books and more. All at 50% discount! -Grab your Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. -And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - click here to leave your review for a chance to win some! ------------------------------------------ Listener Q&A: [36:55] As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick. Cold Therapy vs. Cryotherapy vs. Cold Thermogenesis Ashleigh says: Can I get some (or most) of the benefits of real cold therapy by just going outside on my balcony in -20 degrees celsius, in slippers and not much else... or will I just get cold? I have done cold water immersion (at an XPT event in Montach) and am convinced of the benefits but am looking for a more practical way of doing that in my condo. In my response, I recommend: -Recovery following a marathon: a comparison of cold water immersion, whole body cryotherapy and a placebo control. -The Effectiveness of Whole Body Cryotherapy Compared to Cold Water Immersion: Implications for Sport and Exercise Recovery -Recovery From Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage: Cold-Water Immersion Versus Whole-Body Cryotherapy. -Tapping The Power of Cold to Lose Weight -Cold Temps For A Hot Body -CoolFatBurner and CoolGutBuster What To Do About Liver Issues & High GGT Beau says: I have had lab tests done over the past three years and my GGT is consistently elevated (around 110-111). Besides glutathione supplementation, what are some other supplements that lower GGT? What else can I do aside from cutting out alcohol and increasing antioxidants? I am concerned about this since GGT has been linked to more than just liver disease. (Another caller asked what you, Ben, are doing about your liver issues that were found when you visited the Human Garage?) In my response, I recommend: -Pharmanac -Liposomal Glutathione -Intranasal Glutathione -Whey Protein -Liver -NatureCleanse -This video on black seed oil How To Deal With Self-Healing Overwhelm Kathy says: I need some help with mindset and overwhelm. I was diagnosed with Lyme and am feeling overwhelmed with all the things that are out of whack with me and all the things that need addressing. How can I handle this feeling of overwhelm? In my response, I recommend: -Podcast: How To Quit Obsessing About Health, Eating & Exercise: Dodging The Silver Bullet Of Orthorexia and Body Dysmorphic Disorder. -Book: Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fit Teens On A Budget Kyle says: If you and a partner had 40 minutes a day, for 30 weeks, to improve the nutrition and exercise habits of low socioeconomic teens (11-18 years old) what would your curriculum look like? Especially if your budget was $500-$1000 or less. In my response, I recommend: -Book: The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest -Growing/Finding/Eating/Foraging Whole Foods -Reading Nutrition Labels -Importance Of Environment -Fasting -Exercise As Play/Habit, Not "Gym" -Breathwork -Nature Immersion -Family/Love/Relationships Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right-hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness! Ask Your Question [gravityform id="2" name="Ask Ben" title="false" description="false"] ----------------------------------------------------- See for privacy information.
Dec 30, 2017 • 1h 12min

How To Fix Dirty Genes, Interpret Your Genetic Testing Results, Go Beyond 23AndMe Genetic Testing & More With Dr. Ben Lynch. If you've ever tested your genes (or wanted to) and had a completely head-scratching experience when it comes to interpreting your results or translating your genetic testing results into actionable information, then today's podcast is right up your alley, as I interview Dr. Ben Lynch, one of the world's leading authorities in interpreting and "fixing" your genes. Dr. Lynch, ND received his Cell and Molecular Biology, BS from the University of Washington and his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine (ND) from Bastyr University. His passion for identifying the cause of disease directed him towards nutrigenomics and methylation dysfunction. Currently, he researches, writes and presents worldwide on the topic of MTHFR, methylation defects and genetic control. Dr. Lynch is the President of, a supplement company oriented towards disease prevention and health promotion. He also founded and directs, an educational institute providing specialized training for both health professionals and consumers. He lives in Seattle, WA with his wife, Nadia, and three boys, Tasman, Mathew and Theodor. He first discovered the power of epigenetics in 2008. At the time, he was a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, graduate of Bastyr University, with a special interest in environmental medicine—helping people recover from the assaults of industrial chemicals, heavy metals, and other environmental toxins. When he discovered what a big role genes played in this whole process, he began eagerly reading every scientific paper he could get is hands on. Dr. Lynch quickly realized that there was a huge gap between what the geneticists published in their research papers and what the medical providers practiced in their offices. The scientists were ridiculously far ahead of doctors and nurses, who often had no idea how to help their patients respond to genetic abnormalities or even to follow the basics of good gene health. Nor did practitioners have any idea how to create a targeted program geared to specific genetic issues. So he made it his mission to bring that cutting-edge science right into the doctor’s office. He threw himself into genetic research, chasing down any article or paper that could shed any light on what we regular folks could do to improve health. He began working with individuals whose health-care providers just weren’t giving them the help they needed. And he started to give seminars, webinars, workshops, and talks so that practitioners could learn how to help their patients. In a remarkably short time, he had established himself as the go-to guy on treating genetic abnormalities through diet, supplements, and lifestyle. In 2011, he founded Seeking Health, a research-based company producing high-quality supplements targeted to particular health issues. In 2015, he was named Number 37 in Inc.’s list of 500 Entrepreneur Superstars from America’s fastest-growing private companies and Number 1 in Washington state. In 2016, he made the list again. He also established Seeking Health Educational Institute (SHEI), a website for both health professionals and lay people who want to learn more about nutrigenomics and methylation. SHEI quickly became one of the most trusted resources on genetics for health professionals and laypersons worldwide. In 2015, he developed StrateGene, a unique approach to helping people develop natural strategies for overcoming genetic abnormalities. People who were getting their genetic challenges from websites like 23andMe or Genos Research were receiving massively confusing documents with wildly contradictory information. His system zeroes in on the genetic abnormalities that pose the greatest challenges in people’s health and then provides comprehensive plans for overcoming those challenges through diet, environment and lifestyle. During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Dr. Lynch first become interested in genetic and genes, despite this being uncommon in naturopathic medicine...[8:30] -Why most genetic analysis programs give you a ton of clinically irrelevant info, when most of it is not what you actually need...[11:30 & 26:00] -How to upload your raw 23andme data into a website like Stratagene to get very relevant information about your genes...[29:30 & 31:20] -How the "warrior" vs. "worrier" gene works, and what you can do if you are a worrier...[34:50] -Examples of very common SNP "issues", and what the impact of those is, along with potential associated symptoms and conditions and what you can do about it...[44:15] -Why you should consume bifidobacter probiotics, SAM-e and molybdenum, when you drink wine or other alcohol...[60:55] -How to know what your own "dirty genes" are...[65:30] -And much more... Resources from this episode:-Ben Lynch's website, and Stratagene -My own personal Stratagene results -23andMe genetic testing -The Show Sponsors: -eHarmony -  Come see how eHarmony can change your life. Go to and get started. Enter my code GREEN at checkout to get a FREE month with every 3-month subscription. -Organifi - Go to and use discount code BEN for 20% your order. -Human Charger - Go to and use the code BEN20 for 20% off. -Bob's Red Mill - Head to to get 25% off with promo code GREENFIELD. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Dr. Lynch or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 28, 2017 • 1h 11min

Should Christians Do Yoga? How To Combine Energy Medicine & Religion, Flat Earth Christianity, Transcendental Meditation, Anti-Aging & More With Pastor Toby Sumpter. It's absolutely no secret that I, of late, have taken a deep dive into what many would consider to be "woo-woo" forms of healing and enhancing the human body and brain, including the use of modalities such as acupuncture, biofeedback, yoga, homeopathic medicine, chiropractic medicine, energy medicine, acupuncture, ayurvedic "energy points" and traditional Chinese medicine... ...along with a developed growing interest in the concept of chi, Prana, chakra and life force. Before the 1960s, most of these practices such as sound healing, yoga, chiropractic, acupuncture, Reiki, therapeutic touch, meditation, martial arts, homeopathy, alternative anticancer diets, etc. were dismissed as medically and religiously questionable. But now that these once-suspect health practices have gained approval and been re-categorized as somewhat non-religious and instead falling under the auspices of healthcare, fitness, or scientific modalities, they seem to have gained a great deal of cultural legitimacy because people interpret them as science instead of religion. Therapies such as acupuncture, biofeedback, and “Therapeutic Touch” (the laying on of hands to channel “Universal Life Energy” to the patient) are increasingly accepted and utilized by physicians, hospitals, and clinics across the country. The use of meditation and visualization are commonly prescribed to reduce stress. Chiropractic, long considered anathema by orthodox medicine, has recently acquired a new respectability, and spinal adjustments are not infrequently combined with more exotic forms of “energy balancing.” And yet I've certainly been called out many times about the fact that I am a professing Christian who - despite having a strong belief in the power of prayer and the ability of God to spontaneously work miracles and heal - also embraces many of these so-called unconventional therapies that stem from non-Christian traditions.  Recently, I was listening to a sermon by pastor Toby Sumpter, in which Toby describes the link between spiritual health and physical ailments. It was a really great message, especially considering that while listening, I was attending a medical conference where there was a lot of chat among some of the world's top physicians about energy medicine and it's growing relevance and efficacy. So in an attempt to frame for myself (and you) how energy medicine and alternative healing modalities can best be presented from a Christian standpoint, I invited Toby onto the podcast. Toby is the Pastor of Preaching at Trin ormed Church in Moscow, Idaho. He has an M.A. in Theological Studies from Erskine Theological Seminary and a B.A. in Liberal Arts and Culture from New St. Andrews College. He's the author of Job: A Son for Glory and Blood-Bought World and the host of the "CrossPolitic" show. He and his wife Jenny have four kids. During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Christians have been appropriating other religious traditions for centuries (such as Easter, which used to be a fertility ritual; you have bunny rabbits and eggs so that you'll get more babies) and the difference between yoga and Christmas...[11:45] -What Scripture has to say about things like aromatherapy and essential oils...[29:05] -If denial of energy medicine is a form of  "flat earth" Christianity...[35:30] -The two most important questions you must ask yourself about any alternative health practice before you dive into them...[42:40] -Whether transcendental meditation (and other forms of meditation) is a form of idol worship or a practice Christians shouldn't do...[44:05] -Whether Jesus and the apostles were using some form of energy healing...[52:10] -The amazing effects that prayer and positive emotions can have upon molecules and matter...[55:50] -Why we need a case-by-case analysis of each therapy, rather than a blanket rejection, before accepting or rejecting them...[58:50] -The idea that these forms of energy involved the breath of life that God breathed into man, and whether this vital energy needs to be manipulated in our bodies to promote health as the basis of energetic medicine is essentially a pantheistic view and cannot be conformed to biblical theology...[66:00] -Whether invisible energy forces are the common denominator of creation is not scripturally heretical and it’s only offensive to our traditionally accepted world view...[67:20] -If Christians these days spend an unhealthy amount of time focusing on health and engaging in "health idolatry"...[68:40] -And much more... Resources from this episode: -Toby Sumpter's blog -Toby Sumpter's books on Amazon -Trinity Reformed Church podcast -Toby's new "CrossPolitic" podcast -The specific podcast episode on healing/energy medicine that Toby and Ben discuss -Podcast: Healing Your Body From The Inside-Out, Repairing Relationships, Eliminating Digital Addictions & More: Key Highlights From The 4 Most Life-Transforming Books I Recently Read. -Podcast: What Is The Bible? How an Ancient Library of Poems, Letters, and Stories Can Transform the Way You Think and Feel About Everything. -Books by Monte Kline about how to combine energy medicine, health and Christianity -The Marma Points book Ben mentions about Ayurvedic Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine -Joel Salatin's book the Pigness of Pigs Show Sponsors: -TradeStation - Active military and veterans, as well as First Responders get to trade commission free. TradeStation is dedicated to helping everyone who has invested so much into this country. Learn more and sign up today at -Organifi - Go to and use discount code REDBEN for 20% off your Red Juice order. -Molekule - Go to and enter promo code BEN for $75 off your order! -Quip - Go to to get your first refill pack FREE with purchasing a Quip electric toothbrush. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Toby or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 24, 2017 • 45min

Exogenous Ketones, Deuterium-Depleted Water, Near Vs. Far Infrared, Scorpion Stings & More! A Special Episode Recorded Live In Panama

In this special episode recorded live from RUNGA retreat in the Panamanian jungles with co-host Aaron Alexander of Align Therapy, you'll discover: -Ben's perspective on EMF's, recovery and the BEMER mat...[6:30] -When to use and when not to use exogenous ketones...[10:30] -The difference between near and far infrared and UVA and UVB rays...[15:55] -How to deal with stings and bites from mosquitoes, scorpions and more when traveling internationally...[31:45] -What the deal is about the new "deuterium-depleted water" craze...[34:50] -Why Ben wears his pink banana boxer underpants when he records a podcast... -And much more... Resources from this episode: -The Biomat -The EarthPulse -The BEMER mat -The JOOVV light -Exogenous Ketones -Digital Detoxing, Travel-Proofing Your Immune System, Underground Body Weight Workouts & More With Joe DiStefano -Kettlebell Yoga, The Best 5 Cardio Machines You Can Use, How To “Reset” Your Body With An Adventure & Much More - RUNGA 2018: RUNGA is a once a year retreat, currently hosted in December. RUNGA is designed to facilitate a dramatic shift in attendee’s current outlook, lifestyle choices, self-efficacy, motivation, love, even spirituality. The retreat spans 8-days and centers around fostering heightened awareness, presence, and connection with others through a mandatory “Digital Detox” – or no cell phones, computers, and other technology. Yoga is offered twice per day, every day. There is also an off-site adventure ranging from hiking volcanoes to white water rafting or zip lining. World-class spa treatments are available and 100% of the food is suitable for vegetarian, vegan, paleo, gluten-free, or ketogenic dieters. It is also delicious. Click here to sign up for 2018. Use code BEN (or let them know I sent you) to get VIP treatment and a free gift valued at $100! Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Aaron or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 23, 2017 • 1h 7min

Is Chiropractic Really Bullsh*t Part 2, Throwing Out Your Cell Phone, Juicing Cannabis & More With Billy DeMoss! Dr. Billy DeMoss is an energetic and passionate speaker who has been a chiropractor and powerhouse within his community for over three decades. His passion for chiropractic care, community wellness, and global sustainability is far-reaching and his influence is international. Along with heading an innovative practice that educates and strengthens his community, Dr. Billy is the founder the Dead Chiropractic Society (DCS), which is a coalition of Southern California chiropractors who meet monthly to discuss chiropractic philosophy and advancements. In 2008, he decided to expand DCS by founding California Jam. Cal Jam allows him to invite world-renowned experts in public health and global sustainability to educate and empower people, not just chiropractors, from around the world who find natural solutions more attractive than harmful man-made ones and share a desire to ensure the well-being of future generations. His mission for Cal Jam is simple: awaken, empower, action. During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Billy keeps himself in top shape (and why he doesn't own a cell phone)...[7:50] -The whole list of exercises on Billy's website that you probably haven't heard of, like "Wobble Chair", "Denner Roll" and the "Pettibon"...[12:00] -Why you shouldn't encourage a baby to walk too early in life...[16:05] -Why Billy is a huge proponent of Diagnostic Thermography for accompanying spinal adjustments...[27:44] -Why Billy calls CBD a superfood and how he juices it...[41:45] -What Billy does to protect himself against GMO's...[55:00] -Billy's thoughts on The Joe Rogan Experience Episode 984 with Yvette d’Entremont during which he got called out for being a quack...[57:00] -Billy's thoughts on chemtrails...[61:40] -And much more! Resource from this episode: -Previous podcast: Is Chiropractic Really Bull? -CalJam conference - Use code Greenfield for a special rate! -Wobble Chair -Portable Wobble Chair -Pettibon cervical neck traction system -The Joe Rogan Experience Episode 984 with Yvette d’Entremont -CBD Thrive Vape Pen -Zach Bush's "Restore" program for glyphosate Show Sponsors: -Four Sigmatic - Go to and use code BENGREENFIELD for 15% off. -Bob's Red Mill - Head to to get 25% off with promo code "GREENFIELD." -Organifi - Go to and use discount code REDBEN for 20% off your Red Juice order. -Onnit - To save 10% off your order, visit Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Billy or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!  See for privacy information.
Dec 21, 2017 • 51min

How A Guy Named Gunnar Made An Online Whole Foods For People Who Aren't Rich. Let's face it: grocery shopping to get high quality organic food at a reasonable price isn't easy. And sure - while getting fresh, local fruits, vegetables and meats - which should always be at the core of a healthy diet - you can use farmer's markets, CSAs and local grocers. But when it comes to packaged healthy goods, from nori wraps to coconut milk to gluten-free baking powders and beyond -there's a host of options out there: Amazon, Vitacost, Walmart, Safeway...the list goes on and on. However, when it comes to buying online organic food, you'd be surprised at what you're about to discover on today's podcast with Gunnar Lovelace. Gunnar is a serial entrepreneur focused on business and health as vehicles for social change. He is the founder of Thrive Market, which is making healthy living accessible to Americans by providing the most popular organic and non-GMO groceries at what he claims is 25-50% off normal retail prices. He is also the co-founder and co-owner of Love Heals - a jewelry business in more than 200 high-end retail stores and with over 75 employees. To date, LoveHeals has funded the planting of over 1,500,000 trees and sponsored over 50,000 malnourished children. Prior to Love Heals, Gunnar started two technology companies in Los Angeles in software education and natural language processing. In addition to his for-profit companies, Gunnar has started two non-profits in education and environmental sustainability. During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Gunnar grew up poor, yet still eating foods like kale and sprouts and kombucha...[7:25] -Gunnar's secret to never getting sick, and his top three supplements...[12:55] -What goes on "behind the scenes" that allows Gunnar to provide organic groceries delivered to people with free shipping at a 25-50% discount...[17:25] -Whether shopping for groceries online leaves a big carbon footprint and disrupt community small businesses...[24:30] -How to make "cardboard" packaging out of compostable mushrooms or dirt...[28:00] -Gunnar's favorite superfoods, including sprouted chia, coconut wraps, coconut manna, sprouted granola and more...[32:45 & 49:40] -If Amazon Prime is so convenient, since you can buy a friggin' alarm clock and book at the same time I'm buying my canned coconut milk, why Thrive is any better than Amazon...[39:30] -What Gunnar thinks of the Amazon acquisition of Whole Foods...[42:20] -What is Love Heals? [45:45] Resources from this episode: -What I Eat: 19 Of My Go-To Foods For Stocking A Healthy Pantry. All the products discussed in this episode can be found on my Thrive Market Favourites Page. -Dr. Ohira's Probiotic -Host Defense mushroom products -Vitamin C by Health Force -Coconut wraps -Coconut flake cereal -Nutiva Organic Coconut Manna -Lets Do Organic Unsweetened Coconut Flakes -Go Raw Spirulina Chips -Hawaiian Orchards Macadamia Nuts -Go Raw Pumpkin Seeds -Thrive Market Are you ok to say $60 of FREE organic groceries + free shipping and 30 day trial!  Keep in mind that prices on Thrive Market are already up to 50% off and now they're giving an EXTRA $60 of free groceries!  Go to  (no code is necessary, all they need is the link)   How it works:  Users will get $20 off their first 3 orders of $49 or more + free shipping - up to Ben on whether he wants to explain this part. -The LoveTuner Ben wears Show Sponsors:  -Human Charger - Go to and use the code BEN20 for 20% off. -Organifi - Go to and use discount BEN for 20% your order. -Blue Apron -  Check out this week’s menu and get your first meals FREE—with free shipping by going to -Quarterly -  Get your carefully curated box of goodies at Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Gunnar or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 16, 2017 • 1h 1min

Deer Placenta Smoothies, Smearing Colostrum On Your Face, How To Use A Clay Mask & Much More. It has been quite a ride for me. I woke up in an ICU hospital bed on the night of March 20th, 2011 and realized I had been struck by a series of large vehicles while crossing a busy street. I had a collapsed lung, seven broken ribs and a severe compound fracture of my jaw, which was broken in five places… ...thus begins the story of Andy Hnilo - a man who came knocking on my front door several weeks ago with this amazing story and a box full of exactly what he used to attack his injuries from the inside and outside, and the most critical tool he used to heal his broke and bloodied face and skin: a hand-crafted blend of unique, specialized ingredients from around the world, which he formulated himself.               In today's podcast, you'll discover Andy's story, and also learn: -How Andy repaired his entire face after being hit by a car...[7:15] -Why Andy began to drink smoothies made out of deer placenta...[14:30] -What clay does for your face, and why Andy chose the clays that he chose...[31:50] -Why you should use something called a "derma-roller" on your face (and Ben's special biohack he uses for collagen production)...[41:20] -A deep dive into the ingredients Andy includes in his products, including Freshwater Pearl Powder, L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), First 6 Hours Grass-Fed Colostrum, American Ginseng, Green Desert Clay and Organic Kelp Powder...[43:30 & 47:35] -Andy's go-to supplements and foods, including egg yolks, fermented vegetables and grass-fed butter...[53:05] -And much more... Watch Ben learn all about an Alitura Skin Care Regime: Resources from this episode: -Alitura - use code "Greenfield" for 20% off -Andy Hnilo's podcast with Dave Asprey on "Engineering Resilience" -The JOOVV light Ben uses for increased production of collagen -The colostrum Ben describes -How to make your own methylene blue Show Sponsors: -Kion Serum - Rejuvenate your skin and invigorate your complexion with twelve potent, all-natural and organic ingredients that have been expertly blended to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, improve skin firmness and elasticity, and even skin tone. Get yours now at -HealthGains - Text the word "GAIN" to 313131 to receive a $150 voucher towards your HealthGAINS treatment. -Casper - You can be sure of your purchase with Casper’s 100 night risk-free, sleep-on-it trial. Go to AND use promo code BEN to save $50 off your purchase. -Red Mill - Head to to get 25% off with promo code "GREENFIELD." Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Andy or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.

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