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Ben Greenfield Life

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Nov 24, 2015 • 53min

A Tree-Climbing Modern-Caveman's Secrets To Living Ancestrally In A Modern World.

This is a protected Premium podcast episode! Click here to get this - and over 300 additional hidden episodes, .pdf's, videos - for just $9.99/year inside the BenGreenfieldFitness Premium channel. That guy in the photo above climbing the tree like an ancient ape is Tony Federico. Tony is one of the leaders of the Paleo movement, and a guy I met several years ago at the PaleoFx conference. He is the host of the Paleo Magazine Radio podcast, editor of Paleo Fitness Magazine, and the author of "Paleo Grilling: A Modern Caveman's Guide to Cooking with Fire". In addition to his work in the Paleo community, Tony is a full-time personal trainer with 10 years of experience in the fitness industry... ...and he's quite knowledgeable on living ancestrally in a modern world, even if you don't have any desire to be a coconut-collecting caveman. During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Tony has biohacked his office to make it more ancestral... -Why sitting isn't necessarily evil... -How you can figure out what's ancestral and what's not... -How you can sleep ancestrally, yet still live a modern life with streetlights, car headlights, night work, etc... -How you can tweak your electronic environment at work to be more ancestral... -Whether Crossfit, Spartan, triathlons, etc. are ancestral forms of movement... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Daylamp Light -Stand Steady -Melatonin Patch -NASA Clean Air Study -The Paleo Manifesto book by John Durant -MovNat by Erwin Le Corre Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Tony or me about marrying modern living with ancestral fitness? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply.See for privacy information.
Nov 21, 2015 • 59min

Can Weed Really Shrink Your Brain?

A few weeks ago, I talked on this podcast episode about whether THC can cause damage to the grey matter in your brain. But, frankly, I spent very little time addressing the matter on that particular show, so in today's episode, I'm revisiting the topic of THC, brain damage, liver damage, myths about marijuana, CBD, smart drugs, nootropics and more with Dr. Andrew Hill, Lead Neuroscientist at truBrain, and one smart cookie. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why left-handed people are more sensitive to chemical stimulants... -The truth behind the evidence that THC can shrink the brain... -The important differences between THC and CBD... -How Dr. Hill can "reset" tolerance to marijuana using neurofeedback in his clinic... -If there is a deleterious effect of THC on the liver or other organs... -How to map your brain and change your brain using neurofeedback... -Little known smart drug ingredients such as oxiracetam and centrophenoxine... -And much more, including a killer giveaway at the end of the show!   Resources & studies cited in this episode: Decreased grey matter but increased connectivity (not controlled for SES):   More recent and much larger study that failed to find grey matter volume changes:   And a summary of another study that found decreased volume, and the two studies that refute this: -Alternatives Brain Institute -Pocket Neurobics -Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Training -TruBrain drinks and capsules (use code BEN to save 50%) -Previous episode with Dr. Andrew Hill on smart drugs vs. nootropics -Water soluble CBD Do you have questions, comments or feedback for myself or Dr. Andrew Hill? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply.See for privacy information.
Nov 18, 2015 • 1h 12min

Unlocking The Superpowers Of Speed Reading, Memory Enhancement, Learning Skills Faster & More With Jim Kwik.

Jim Kwik, memory enhancement expert and speed reading advocate, shares his journey from a childhood brain injury to becoming one of the smartest guys with one of the fastest brains on the planet. He discusses the power of reading, pushing through discomfort for personal growth, and provides tips for improving reading speed and comprehension.
Nov 17, 2015 • 22min

Ben Greenfield's World's Toughest Mudder Race Report (And Big News For 2016)

Whew! World's Toughest Mudder is finally over, and although I was only able to complete 50 miles due to a nearly torn Achilles tendon, I just published all the nitty-gritty details, and big news about my 2016 racing plans, in the full audio race report which you can access at the BenGreenfieldFitness Premium channel (along with 300+ other videos, audios, .pdfs and other protected insider content). Want to see all my clothing, gear, nutrition and more? Simply watch the video below, and feel free to use the handy-dandy checklist under the video if you plan on doing the World's Toughest Mudder yourself. Fuel: FuelBelt Crush ( Insulated Hammer Nutrition Water Bottles (get from with 15% discount code 80244) Natural Force “Natty Stack” (get from with 10% discount code BEN10) Onnit Oatmega Bars (get from for instant 10% discount) OralIV (get from with 20% discount code BEN20) NatureAminos (get from   Clothing: BlueSeventy Helix Wetsuit ( UnderArmour Long Sleeve Compression Top (( Skins A400 Compression Tights (( Brooks Running Shorts (( Brooks Running Short Sleeve Top (( Castelli Windbreaker (( Castelli Thermal Vest ((   Shoes/Foot Care: Brooks Ghost Shoes ( Reebok All-Terrain Shoes ( Polypropylene Liners ( Nike Wool Socks ( GaiterWraps (( DonJoy Calf Compression (use 25% discount code BENG25 at RunGoo ( 110% Knee Sleeves (use 10% discount and free shipping code GREENFIELD at   Lighting/First Aid: Global Vision Goggles ( Hand/Foot Warmers (( Princeton Tec Apex 275 Lumen Headlamp ( Spare AA Batteries ( Nathan Sports Strobe Light ( Silver Thermal Blankets ( ActionWipes (use 10% discount code bgfit at Badger Natural Sunscreen ( Silver Antibacterial Lotion ( Voltage Portable Solar Charger Pack (   Do you have questions, comments or feedback about the checklist above or the race report over on my Premium podcast channel? Leave your thoughts at and I promise to reply!See for privacy information.
Nov 16, 2015 • 42min

How To Use Space-Age Technology To Banish Heavy Legs Forever, Run Faster, Increase Nitric Oxide Production, Enhance Flexibility & More.

Nearly six years ago, in a tiny hotel room lobby in Kona, Hawaii, I met a guy named Gilad Jacobs. Gilad was holding a black box about the size of a shoebox, and had two big, space-agey looking boots with him, which attached to the box via two air tubes. I fumbled my way into the slightly awkward, hip-high boots, then sat in a chair as the black box pumped air in and out of the boots. I'll admit: six years ago it was a little hokey, and I wasn't quite sure whether the things actually worked to make my legs "more fresh". But since then, Gilad and that tiny black box have come a long way. His company NormaTec is now one of the world's leader in rapid recovery, and give a competitive edge to a host of the world’s elite athletes, coaches, and trainers, including... Pro triathletes like: -Craig Alexander -Helle Frederiksen -Chrissie Wellington -Jordan Rapp -Terenzo Bozzone -Mirinda Carfrae -TJ Tollakson -Jesse Thomas -Gwen Jorgensen -Jan Frodeno -Sarah Haskins -Linsey Corbin -Heather Wurtele -Trevor Wurtele -Marino Vanhoenacker -Kim Schwabenbauer Pro cyclists like: -Taylor Phinney -Clara Hughes -David Zabriskie -George Hincapie -Levi Leipheimer Pro runners like: -Deena Kastor -Meb Keflezighi -Ryan Hall -Dan Huling -Kristen Fryburg-Zaitz -Tyler McCandless -Alan Webb Crossfit athletes like: -Noah Olsen -Annie Tunnicliffe -Jason Khalipa -Michele Letendre -Crossfit Invictus -Crossfit NorCal NBA basketball players like: -Roy Hibbert -Steve Nash -Ray Allen -DJ Augustin -Jason Terry -Kevin Garnett -Shaquille O’Neal -Al Harrington -Amare Stoudemire -Chris Wilcox -Dorell Wright -Ekpe Udoh -Monta Ellis -Kara Lawson NFL football players like: -Larry Fitzgerald -Matt Shaughnessy -Patrick Willis -Vernon Davis -Adrian Wilson -Deion Branch -Jerod Mayo -Kevin Faulk -Tyson Jackson -Earl Bennett -Richard Seymour -Darrius Heyward-Bey -Kevin Faulk -Devin McCourty -Jason McCourty Those old-school boots I tried on many years ago have now evolved into something called the NormaTec PULSE Recovery Systems, a dynamic compression device designed for recovery and rehab, and something I personally use nearly every day now. The NormaTec systems include a control unit and attachments which go on the legs, arms, or hips. They use compressed air to massage your limbs, mobilize fluid, and speed recovery with a pulsed massage pattern. When you use a Normatec system, you will first experience a pre-inflate cycle, during which the connected attachments are molded to your exact body shape. The session will then begin by compressing your feet, hands, or upper quad (depending on which attachment you are using). Similar to the kneading and stroking done during a massage, each segment of the attachment will first compress in a pulsing manner and then release. This will repeat for each segment of the attachment as the compression pattern works its way up your limb. Today, I interview Gilad, who serves as Vice President of Sports Medicine at NormaTec Industries, LP. He leads NormaTec's Sports Medicine division, which he established in 2007, and is responsible for sales to pro teams, top college and Olympic programs, and elite and amateur athletes.  During our discussion, you'll discover: -How these space-age boots took the leap from being a pure medical device to being an underground method for athletes to recover faster... -The main differences between pulsed compression in the compression boots and regular compression from something like compression socks and compression tights... -What happens biomechanically when you wear the boots, particularly for flexibility, arterial function, pumping of blood and lymph... -Two chemicals that get released in response to pulsed compression that massively dilate the arteries... -How the Normatec system can compress your hips and your arms... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Click here to save $100 on  pair of Normatec boots. -Study: DYNAMIC COMPRESSION ENHANCES PRESSURE-TO-PAIN THRESHOLD IN ELITE ATHLETE RECOVERY: EXPLORATORY STUDY -Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2015 May; 29(5):1263-72 "The purpose of this study was to assess peristaltic pulse dynamic compression (PPDC) in reducing short-term pressure-to-pain threshold (PPT) among Olympic Training Center athletes after morning training. [...] We conclude that PPDC is a promising means of accelerating and enhancing recovery after the normal aggressive training that occurs in Olympic and aspiring Olympic athletes." —view article on pubmed. -Study: PERISTALTIC PULSE COMPRESSION UPREGULATES PGC-1Α AND ENOS IN HUMAN MUSCLE TISSUE - Experimental Physiology 2015 May 15 "We investigated whether a single 60 min bout of whole-leg, lower pressure external pneumatic compression (EPC) altered select vascular, metabolic, antioxidant and inflammation-related mRNAs. [...] An acute bout of EPC transiently upregulates PGC-1α mRNA, while also upregulating eNOS protein and NOx concentrations in vastus lateralis biopsy samples" —view article on pubmed. -Study: PERISTALTIC PULSE COMPRESSION OF THE LOWER EXTREMITY ENHANCES FLEXIBILITY - Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2014 Apr; 28(4):1058-64 "This study investigated the effects of peristaltic pulse dynamic compression (PPDC) on range-of-motion (ROM) changes in forward splits. [...] PPDC provides a means of rapidly enhancing acute ROM requiring less discomfort and time." —view article on pubmed. -Study: PERIPHERAL CONDUIT AND RESISTANCE ARTERY FUNCTION ARE IMPROVED FOLLOWING PERISTALTIC PULSE COMPRESSION - European Journal of Applied Physiology 2015 May 16 "The purpose of this study was to determine the acute effects of a single bout of peristaltic pulse EPC on peripheral conduit and resistance artery function. [...] Acutely, whole limb, lower pressure EPC improves conduit artery endothelial function systemically, but only improves RH blood flow locally (i.e., compressed limbs)." —view article on pubmed. Do you have questions, comments or feedback about how to use recovery boots, or anything else Gilad and I discuss? Leave your comments at, and click here to save $100 on your pair of Normatec boots.See for privacy information.
Nov 14, 2015 • 1h 7min

Lightning Speed Healing Hack or Overpriced Fad? What You Need To Know About Stem Cells.

From Regenokine treatments to edible phytoplankton drops to NFL players traveling to Europe for stem cell injections that would be illegal in the USA, it seems that stem cells are the hot new arrival on the recovery and anti-aging scene. I distinctly recall my first experience with injecting cells into the human body. I was a young, bright-eyed hip and knee surgical salesman, and the company I worked for at the time (Biomet) had just developed a post-surgical procedure called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). This PRP process involved collecting and then centrifuging a patient's blood to separate the platelet-poor plasma and red blood cells.The platelets are concentrated about five-fold, and then re-injected into the wound site to speed up healing. I later thought this was such a cool process for other issues, like knee and elbow pain, that I partnered with a physician to purchase a PRP machine for treating the athletes and clients who I worked with, many of whom had uncanny and "miraculous" injury and inflammation reversals. But compared to PRP, stem cells are a whole new animal, and in this podcast with my guest Shawn Stevenson, we dive into the legality, the conflicts, the long-term health the potential for doping, the alternatives, the costs and much more. Shawn (pictured right) is a bestselling author and creator of The Model Health Show, which is often featured as the #1 Health podcast in the country on iTunes. A graduate of The University of Missouri - St. Louis, Shawn studied biology and kinesiology, and went on to be the founder of Advanced Integrative Health Alliance, a company that provides wellness services for individuals and organizations worldwide. Shawn has been featured in Men's Health magazine, Entrepreneur magazine, ESPN, FOX News, and many other media outlets. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The crazy story of how Shawn's hip broke while he was running, and the broken medical system that nearly destroyed his entire gut while fixing his hip... -How Shawn regenerated his spine, which doctor's told him was "the spine of an 80 year old man"... -The four different types of stem cells, and which ones work best for killing pain, healing injuries and decreasing inflammation... -The two surprising ways you can find and harvest stem cells without using embryos... -How new human body parts can literally be regrown after being injured... -How Shawn skipped any blood centrifuging, bone marrow injections or stem cell therapies and instead used specific foods to increase stem cell growth in his own joints... -The exact ingredients of Shawn's most potent medicinal tea recipe... -Why both Ben and Shawn stuff mushrooms into vodka bottles... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Man's Finger Grows Back After Treatment With Pig's Bladder Powder -Platelet Rich Plasma injections -Orthokine/Regenokine -Phytoplankton  -Aloe Vera Gel (and research on medical aloe) -Colostrum -Chlorella -Transdermal Magnesium -Curcumin Do you have questions, comments or feedback about stem cells, stem cell therapy, alternatives to stem cells and how stem cells work? Leave your thoughts, comments and feedback at for privacy information.
Nov 11, 2015 • 1h 13min

How To Lower High Cortisol, The Groundbreaking High-Fat Endurance Study, What Causes Low HRV & More! November 11, 2015 Podcast: How To Lower High Cortisol, The Groundbreaking High-Fat Endurance Study, What Causes Low HRV & More! Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, or use the “Ask Ben” form at the bottom of this page. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: This is OFFICIALLY it - the groundbreaking high-fat endurance study I was in has been published. Buyer beware: most probiotics are dead before you even open the package. The latest on cardio before weights vs. weights before cardio. You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on,, and Google+. ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: The Fat Loss Summit just began and goes November 15-29. This is a FREE online event you can attend from home or on any mobile device, and includes talks like: How to lose more fat with intermittent fasting and carb cycling strategies, secret Russian and mixed martial art training principles that speed fat loss, how to gamify your workouts to burn more fat in less time, a gut healing plan to go from sugar burner to fat burner, how to tweak your nervous system to lose weight faster...and much more (including a cold thermogenesis episode from yours truly). Sign up NOW here: Did you miss the weekend podcast episode with Chris Kelly and Dr Tommy Wood? It was a must-listen - titled " The Underground Test That Shows You How To Legally Upgrade Your EPO, Increase Your Oxygen Levels, Boost Your Red Blood Cells & Build Double Digit Percentages In Power And Endurance." Click here to listen now or download for later! This podcast is brought to you by Texas Superfood, which has 55 fruits and vegetables in one serving (a capsule, powder or stick-pak). It is the only product on the planet with 55 fresh, raw, vine-ripened fruits and vegetables, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. Beat food cravings, get better sleep, and get convenient mega-dosing of nutrients without having to eat pounds and pounds of food. Go to and use promo code "BEN" at checkout to get 10% off your first order. This podcast is brought to you by Harrys Shaving. Visit and use $5 discount code BEN to get the exact shaving kit that Ben Greenfield uses: the Truman Kit (or anything else!) Now Available - Ben Greenfield’s “REV Yourself Conference” – 25 Packaged Interviews With The World’s Leading Experts In Physical & Mental Performance Enhancement Strategies. In this package, you’ll get to watch and listen as Ben Greenfield sits down with the world’s leading experts in biohacking, physical performance, mental performance, cognitive enhancement, personal productivity, muscle gain, fat loss and more. In a frank, easy-to-understand, fireside chat format, these experts reveal all their most cutting-edge secrets, and your access to the videos and audios also includes helpful notes, summaries and more. From Dr. Mercola to Mark Sisson to Nora Gedgaudas, you can check out the lineup and get access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, forever (no expiration!) once you click here to get lifetime access for $47. Dec 4-6, 2015: Ben is speaking at the Unbeatable Mind Retreat in Carlsbad, California. This is where SEALFit and Navy SEAL Commander Mark Divine will be assembling the best of the best in everything from performance to cutting-edge mental training to advanced sleep tactics and more. Includes amazing ancestral meals, morning WOD's at SEALFit HQ (the site of the world famous Kokoro camp), Warrior Yoga instruction and workouts, and speakers such as Robb Wolf, Dr. Kirk Parsley, Dominic D'Agostino, and more. Click here to get in now. Nov 14, 2015: Ben will be competing at the World's Toughest Mudder. If you live near Las Vegas or Henderson, Nevada, be sure to come watch the action! Ben will be using the "NattyStack" from NaturalForce products to fuel this event “BEN10” will get you 10% off all supplements from NaturalForce and “BEN5” will get you 5% off all protein. Nov 17-18, 2016: Ben is speaking at the Biohacker's Summit in Helsinki, Finland. Discover the latest in wearables, internet of things, digital health, and mobile apps to increase performance, be healthier, stay fit, and get more done. Learn about taking food, preparation, cooking, and eating to the next level with the latest science and kitchen chemistry. Even delve into implanted chips, gene therapy, bionic arms, biometric shirts, robotic assistants, and virtual reality. Two days with an amazing crowd and a closing party with upgraded DJs to talk about. Click here to get in now at a 40% discount. Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - click here to leave your review for a chance to win some! ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Rachel Browne, the NEW Podcast Sidekick. How To Lower High Cortisol Dean says: He's a masters athlete - a road cyclist. He also has a high stress job and a 'wound up' personality. He's been in a cycle of everything going great with training, then he gets sick, has to reset, goes great with training and the cycle starts all over again. He had a conversation with his physio about elevated cortisol levels and the impact a stressful lifestyle can have on cortisol. He's interested to hear your opinion on how elevated cortisol can make you sick, even if you're very fit and what can be done naturally to work around it, and particularly the role that caffeine may have on elevated cortisol. In my response, I recommend: -The Cortisol Connection book -Seven best ways to stop stress -Supplements: -Chinese adaptogenic herbs such as TianChi or InnerPeace, which can fine-tune your adrenals and help you to begin producing cortisol and adrenaline. -High electrolyte intake, preferably with liquid trace minerals or quality salt, both of which can restore precious minerals that your body tends to lose when you're low on cortisol. -High dose vitamin D/K complex 35IU/Vitamin D per pound of body weight and huge amounts of morning sun exposure to ensure that you produce the necessary building blocks to restore hormones. -2,000 to 5,000 milligrams of a whole foods Vitamin C source each day (or basically, as much vitamin C as you can take until you get lose bowels). Your adrenal glands are one of the #1 storage sources of Vitamin C in your body, and to become severely depleted in Vitamin C in a case of adrenal fatigue. -4-6g per day of a good fish oil that contains vitamin E with mixed tocopherols (I recommend SuperEssentials) to reduce inflammation and restore the health of the nervous system. -A B-complex supplement that is high in B6 and pantothenic acid, both of which tend to be severely depleted during adrenal fatigue (I recommend Lifeshotz for this). -Red ginseng at approximately 6g/day, which stimulates the body to begin producing cortisol again. -Licorice root extract at 200-400 mg, which reduces the half-life of cortisol and allows it to be broken down at a slower rate by the body. Natural Ways To Avoid Getting Schizophrenia Ryan says: His grandmother was a paranoid schizophrenic. He's worried about becoming schizophrenic himself. He's 24 and has not displayed any symptoms yet. He was hoping that you could give him a list of lifestyle factors like stress and food to avoid any epigenetic expression of schizophrenia. What do you suggest? In my response, I recommend: -Multivitamin with methyltetrahydrofolate/antioxidants/zinc -Fish oil Can You Use Protein Powder When Breastfeeding? Danella says: She has been using the MHP Paleo protein which is beef and egg white protein. She noticed when she went to reorder that it wasn't suitable for nursing mums.  She's currently nursing an 8 month old and she couldn't find any information online about why it's not suitable. Can you shed some light on what the issue is, and what protein is OK to use while nursing? In my response, I recommend: -LivingProtein What Causes A Low HRV? Shane says: He's been testing his HRV with Sweetbeat for a couple of months and he's consistently low - between 17-35. He pegs the stress meter even when he turns the sensitivity to the lowest. What does it mean when HRV is that low? When can he find something specific? In my response, I recommend: -NatureBeat  See for privacy information.
Nov 7, 2015 • 54min

The Underground Test That Shows You How To Legally Upgrade Your EPO, Increase Your Oxygen Levels, Boost Your Red Blood Cells & Build Double-Digit Percentages In Power And Endurance.

You may remember Christopher Kelly from the podcast episode "The Little Known Test That Tells You Everything You Need To Know About Your Metabolism" and "7 Signs Your Cortisol & Adrenals Are Broken". In today's episode, Chris is back, along with special guest Dr. Tommy Wood. The reason I've invited Chris back on the podcast is because he recently wrote me about new methods he's been using to identify how to increase EPO, increase oxygen consumption, beat anemia, boost red blood cells, and get double-digit percentage increases in power and endurance. I'm always looking for insider tips on how to maximize my own athletic performance, so figured it would be a good idea to have Chris on to talk about these new, little-known testing and treatment methods. Christopher Kelly is a computer scientist, pro mountain biker, certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and graduate of the Kalish Institute. Chris is British but lives in California where he runs the functional medicine practice Nourish Balance Thrive. Chris has been on the podcast twice before, once to talk about salivary hormone testing for adrenal fatigue, and once to talk about organic acid testing. My other guest, Dr. Tommy Wood is a qualified medical doctor, graduating from Oxford University in 2011. He has a previous Bachelor's degree in Natural Sciences and Biochemistry from Cambridge University. After working as a junior doctor in the UK for two years, Dr Wood is now working towards a Ph.D. in neonatal brain metabolism at the University of Oslo, Norway. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why oxygen deliverability is so extremely crucial if you plan to compete at elevation or altitude, or you want to maximize your physical performance... -The exact blood-building protocol Chris used to get a a 32-watt (9%) improvement in his cycling power at threshold... -Specific conditions you probably get exposed to that directly shut down your ability to produce red blood cells and EPO and what you can do about it... -How to know if you're deficient in any of the nutrients required to produce red blood cells... -The common nutrient deficiencies (which Chris had) that severely hamper your oxygen delivery capabilities, and how to fix them... -The best way to track and monitor whether excessive red blood cell destruction is occurring... -Little known ways that you can actually lose red blood cells, and how to test to see if that is happening... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Dr. Michael Puchowicz website on doping and hematocrit -The Oxygen Boosting Webinar downloadable .pdf (where you can use code BEN10 for a 10% discount on the testing and consulting services we discuss in this episode) -the Paleo Autoimmune protocol that Chris followed -Fecal occult blood test Do you have question, comments or feedback about how to build EPO, how to test your blood and biomarkers for precursors to oxygen production or anything else Christopher Kelly, Dr. Tommy Wood or I discuss in this episode? Leave your thoughts at and we'll reply!See for privacy information.
Nov 4, 2015 • 1h 10min

Does Marijuana Shrink Your Brain, Building Muscle With Vitamin D, Best Ways To Track Fat Loss & More! November 4, 2015 Podcast: Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, or use the “Ask Ben” form at the bottom of this page. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on,, and Google+. Winter is coming. If you live in a Northern climate and don’t want to lose muscle, read this. Yes, marijuana can shrink your brain if you A) are young; B) use it a lot. This is why I recommend CBD instead. Interesting that the US government is now jumping on CBD bandwagon. Meditation literally rebuilds the brain’s gray matter in 8 weeks. ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: The Fat Loss Summit just began and goes November 15-29. This is a FREE online event you can attend from home or on any mobile device, and includes talks like: How to lose more fat with intermittent fasting and carb cycling strategies, secret Russian and mixed martial art training principles that speed fat loss, how to gamify your workouts to burn more fat in less time, a gut healing plan to go from sugar burner to fat burner, how to tweak your nervous system to lose weight  faster...and much more (including a cold thermogenesis episode from yours truly). Sign up NOW here: Did you miss the weekend podcast episode with Kim Anami? It was a must-listen - titled "A Vaginal Weightlifting Coach Reveals Her Secrets On How To Train Your Body For Soul-Stretching, Bed-Shaking, Neighbor Complaining Sex." Click here to listen now or download for later! This podcast is brought to you by Audible. Ben Greenfield's New York Times Bestselling book Beyond Training is now available on Audible! After spending over 43 hours in front of a microphone, Ben has finished recording a 100% (fully updated) audio recording of this quintessential guide to performance, recovery, fat loss, digestion, brain, sleep, hormones and more. If you're new to Audible, you can get it now for free by clicking here. This podcast is brought to you by Texas Superfood, which has 55 fruits and vegetables in one serving (a capsule, powder or stick-pak). It is the only product on the planet with 55 fresh, raw, vine-ripened fruits and vegetables, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. Beat food cravings, get better sleep, and get convenient mega-dosing of nutrients without having to eat pounds and pounds of food. Go to and use promo code "BEN" at checkout to get 10% off your first order. This podcast is brought to you by Onnit. Visit to instantly save 10% on any of their tasty superfoods like nut butter or their Warrior bar, made with real prairie-fed buffalo, cranberries, and a spicy pepper blend. You can also awaken your primal nature and produce a savage workout. Made from high-quality, extremely rust and chip-resistant coated iron, the Primal Bells have been 3D scanned to ensure perfect balance for a professional quality workout. Now Available - Ben Greenfield’s “REV Yourself Conference” – 25 Packaged Interviews With The World’s Leading Experts In Physical & Mental Performance Enhancement Strategies. In this package, you’ll get to watch and listen as Ben Greenfield sits down with the world’s leading experts in biohacking, physical performance, mental performance, cognitive enhancement, personal productivity, muscle gain, fat loss and more. In a frank, easy-to-understand, fireside chat format, these experts reveal all their most cutting-edge secrets, and your access to the videos and audios also includes helpful notes, summaries and more. From Dr. Mercola to Mark Sisson to Nora Gedgaudas, you can check out the lineup and get access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, forever (no expiration!) once you click here to get lifetime access for $47. Dec 4-6, 2015: Ben is speaking at the Unbeatable Mind Retreat in Carlsbad, California. This is where SEALFit and Navy SEAL Commander Mark Divine will be assembling the best of the best in everything from performance to cutting-edge mental training to advanced sleep tactics and more. Includes amazing ancestral meals, morning WOD's at SEALFit HQ (the site of the world famous Kokoro camp), Warrior Yoga instruction and workouts, and speakers such as Robb Wolf, Dr. Kirk Parsley, Dominic D'Agostino, and more. Click here to get in now. Nov 14, 2015: Ben will be competing at the World's Toughest Mudder. If you live near Las Vegas or Henderson, Nevada, be sure to come watch the action! Ben will be using the "NattyStack" from NaturalForce products to fuel this event “BEN10” will get you 10% off all supplements from NaturalForce and “BEN5” will get you 5% off all protein. Nov 17-18, 2016: Ben is speaking at the Biohacker's Summit in Helsinki, Finland. Discover the latest in wearables, internet of things, digital health, and mobile apps to increase performance, be healthier, stay fit, and get more done. Learn about taking food, preparation, cooking, and eating to the next level with the latest science and kitchen chemistry. Even delve into implanted chips, gene therapy, bionic arms, biometric shirts, robotic assistants, and virtual reality. Two days with an amazing crowd and a closing party with upgraded DJs to talk about. Click here to get in now at a 40% discount. Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - click here to leave your review for a chance to win some! ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Rachel Browne, the NEW Podcast Sidekick. Why Surgery Isn't The Only Option For Gallstones Seth says: He just got diagnosed with Gall Stones and it seems the natural remedies don't work. What's your opinion on them and is surgery his only option? In my response, I recommend: -Curcumin -Vitamin C -Enzyme with bile acids Why You Should Cry More Matthew says: He feels really good after crying and is wondering if there's any physiological benefits to it? In my response, I recommend: - Curcumin vs. Turmeric Zach says: He's wants a definite low down on turmeric and curcumin. He's an ultra endurance runner who wants to recover faster and upregulate his fat conversion. Should he buy bulk turmeric powder, or turmeric extract supplements or curcumin extract supplements and of those, with or without piperine or black pepper? Is the 95% curcuminoid label play a factor in that decision? What should the dosage be  as a hard-charging athlete and when should it be taken? In my response, I recommend: -EXOS curcumin (curcumin phytosome) -NatureFlex (turmeric) -Bioperine The Best Way To Track Fat Loss Jamal says: He owns his own group personal training facility focused on fat loss and he wants to incorporate a tracking measurement. What do you recommend? What's the best way to track fat loss performance? In my response, I recommend: -Withings Smart Body Analyzer -BodyMetrix Ultrasound Body Fat Analyzer What You Need To Know About NRF2 Billy says: What do you think of the new area of research on NRF2? Most of the research is looking at preventative health approaches but what do you think of it as a strategy for recovery? In my response, I recommend: - -DNAFitSee for privacy information.
Oct 31, 2015 • 48min

A Vaginal Weightlifting Coach Reveals Her Secrets On How To Train Your Body For Soul-Stretching, Bed-Shaking, Neighbour-Complaining Sex

Kim Anami, pictured above (yep, she's the one with the weight plate between her legs) travels around the world lifting things with her vagina. Possibly more than you can lift with your biceps. Anami is an intimacy coach who teaches, among other things, what she calls "vaginal kung fu," along with pelvic floor muscle strengthening, how to have better sex, stronger orgasms, and a host of other sexual health topics. Throughout the year, she runs a series of online courses, which she calls “salons”, on topics with titled such as "Vaginal Kung Fu", "How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman", "Coming Together for Couples" and "Sexual Mastery for Men". So obviously, as you have probably guessed, this is a bit of an explicit episode, but in it, we cover very practical material for enhancing your sexual pleasure, your sexual endurance and your sexual health, including: -Exactly how to do vaginal weight lifting... -What it feel like to lift 10 pounds with your vagina, and what kind of weight do you use? -Why Kegels don't work for urinary incontinence or sexual strengthening... -The core and glute strengthening exercises that are crucial to include if you're doing vaginal weight lifting... -How women can train their bodies to have 20 orgasms in a row... -How do you strike a balance between tantric sex and optimizing your sleep? -Kim's #1 tip for how men can go longer and have multi-hour "sexercise" sessions... -The technique Kim uses to "make love to her partner while he is on the other side of the planet"... -Why Kim uses colostrum and glutamine... -Kim's feelings about whether men need to restrict ejaculation or orgasms... -How to have "sex dates" with your partner... -The form of meditation Kim uses to enhance her sexual energy... -What Kim thinks about porn, and how porn affects your sex life... -The single, most natural lubricant you can use to enhance sex... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Kim's "Sexual Mastery For Men" and "Vaginal Kung Fu" courses -Jade eggs for vaginal weightlifting -Book: The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity: A Modern Practical Guide to the Ancient Way Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Kim Anami or me about increasing sexual endurance and sexual strength, or anything else we discuss in this episode? Leave your thoughts at!See for privacy information.

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