Martine Ellis
Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal  cover image

Cal Newport: Lifestyle Design, Slow Productivity and Contrarian Writing

Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal

The Slow Productivity Movement: Redefining Productivity for the 21st Century

4min Snip

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Slow productivity is a new approach to knowledge work that aims to redefine productivity for the 21st century. It emphasizes three principles: doing fewer things, working at a natural pace, and obsessing over quality. This approach aligns with our human instincts and the way our brains are wired, resulting in meaningful and valuable output that is sustainable and satisfying. Slow productivity draws inspiration from existing cultures of knowledge workers and has a philosophical, psychological, and neurological foundation. It argues for the production of things of value and impact, as well as the importance of craftsmanship, in contrast to the constant busyness and email-driven work culture. By examining deep anthropological research and the history of work for humans, slow productivity finds support for not being overloaded, varying intensity, and spending more time applying hard-earned skills. This alternative approach to productivity focuses on producing meaningful and valuable work while maintaining balance and satisfaction.

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