
Travis View

Another host of the QAA Podcast, known for his insights into online communities and internet culture.

Top 3 podcasts with Travis View

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4 snips
Mar 9, 2024 • 1h 17min

Episode 270: Let There Be Satanic Panic

An Irish boyband accuses musicians of satanic rituals, Utah proposes ritual abuse laws, Tim Ballard faces coercion accusations. Topics include Shane Lynch's claims, satanic influences in music, and controversial allegations of exploitation. Humorous discussions on skiing mishaps, cat cafes, and imaginary roles in a satanic regime. Supernatural experiences and updates also covered.
Aug 10, 2023 • 1h 28min

166: QAnonAnonymous Goes to Hollywood (w/Travis View and Jake Rockatansky)

Travis View and Jake Rockatansky, hosts of QAnonAnonymous Podcast, discuss their experiences covering QAnon conspiracy theories, attending protests, interviewing the QAnon shaman, and getting infected with COVID multiple times. They also talk about the documentary 'Sound of Freedom' and its rising popularity within the QAnon mythos. The podcast explores leaderlessness in the QAnon community, the engagement of audiences during film screenings, blowback, mental health, and pursuing positive outlets amidst conspiracy theories.
Mar 25, 2023 • 1h 49min

Interview with Travis View: QANon & Modern Conspiracies

If you have managed to avoid the phenomenon of QAnon up until now, then congratulations! Your life is likely better for not knowing. Sadly many of us have been forced not only to learn about the 'enigmatic'(/idiotic) Q and his merry band of followers but also to witness the consequences of the movement during events like January 6th.Travis View (the pen name of Logan Strain) is part of the motley crew of the hugely popular QAnon Anonymous podcast that attempts to document the phenomenon of QAnon. From undercover investigations to creative writing, the QAnon Anonymous team (including previous guest Annie Kelly) have approached the topic with a creative and anthropological approach.We sit down with Travis and ask him to provide us with the 101 on QAnon before we delve into some of the more arcane topics, including cultish splinter groups, the psychology of QAnon adherents, just how much of a threat he thinks the movement poses, and how does he stay sane while looking at depressing craziness week in and week out.Travis is a wealth of information and a groovy guy to boot. The kind of person you would want to have your back in a Zombie apocalypse. So kick back and enjoy hearing about the crumbling of contemporary society.LinksTravis's Instagram account: Great nature photos!QAnon Anonymous PodcastWisdom Signalling & the Wisdom of Criticism w/ John Veraveke, Chris M, Chris Kavanagh, & Matt Browne