
Terryl Givens

Author of the book "Agency", exploring questions about free will and agency within Mormonism. He is a frequent guest and collaborator on the podcast.

Top 5 podcasts with Terryl Givens

Ranked by the Snipd community
71 snips
Feb 8, 2025 • 1h

How Free is your Will? A Conversation with Terryl Givens

Terryl Givens, an author and esteemed voice on agency within Mormonism, returns to delve into the profound concepts of free will and agency from his new book. He challenges the notion of predetermined choices versus true agency, discussing how community influences our personal decisions. The conversation navigates the delicate balance between obedience to divine authority and individual freedom, while also contemplating the dangers of idolatry in faith. Givens shares insights on creating a loving relationship with God that honors both personal conviction and communal ties.
69 snips
Jun 25, 2023 • 1h 11min

172. Exploring Atonement — A Conversation with Terryl Givens

A few weeks ago, we released a conversation with Terryl Givens about the life of Eugene England. England’s work on atonement theology had felt like it necessitated another conversation, but it was too big to fit into the first one. So this week, we brought Terryl back to talk not just about England’s views, but about atonement generally.The conversation starts with the fascinating premise that our faith doesn’t actually have an official theology of Atonement. What is clear, doctrinally, is that Christ brought about something of universal importance: as the Book of Mormon says, "we talk of Christ, rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, (and) we prophesy of Christ." (2nd Nephi 25:26) We accept Christ as both savior and healer — but that doesn’t mean that we’ve achieved a consensus understanding of how Christ’s atonement actually accomplished those goals of “saving” and “healing.”So in this conversation with Terryl, we discussed various atonement theories — what some of the greatest Christian and Latter-day Saint thinkers have posited over the years about how the atonement works; why it’s necessary, and how it can apply in real life. It seemed to us that there was something to value in nearly all of these explorations, and it was fascinating to see how those views have evolved over time.And, as it always does, conversation with Terryl brought us back to what’s really important: how Christ’s atonement can bring less retribution and more healing to society, and how we can participate in that work. Terryl reminded us that Atonement is about reintegration into loving relationship — not just vertically with God, but horizontally with those around us.
34 snips
Jan 29, 2023 • 1h 3min

151. When Faith is Hard — A Conversation with Terryl Givens

For today’s episode, we were honored to bring back the inimitable Terryl Givens. Terryl and his son Nathaniel have recently released a new book, called Into the Headwinds: Why Belief Has Always Been Hard  — And Still Is.This is a remarkable book and addresses some of life’s most profound questions, especially as they pertain to the modern world. Terryl and Nathaniel argue that though many of us see faith as “hard” in our scientific and rational age — but the reality is that for many years faith may have been too easy. People of faith, and Christians in particular, have long benefited from being a part of the in-crowd—since Rome adopted Christianity as its official religion, it’s been quite comfortable to call oneself a Christian. But Terryl and Nathaniel say that that may have produced a more fragile discipleship, and one that focused more on how we believe than on how we live.So in this conversation, we dived into all of this with Terryl — including how he defines faith, the limits of agency, how reckoning with our own biases is key to our own spiritual life, and how we can look well outside our own tradition to find examples of true discipleship.We’re sure that most of you know Terryl, but just in case: Terryl Givens is a Neal L. Maxwell Senior Fellow at Brigham Young University. He formerly held the University of Richmond's Jabez A. Bostwick Chair of English, where he was professor of literature and religion. He is the author and coauthor of numerous books, including All Things New, The God Who Weeps, and The Crucible of Doubt.Nathaniel Givens, Terryl’s co-author on this book, has been published in First Things, the Deseret News, and RealClearReligion on the topics of faith and politics. With graduate degrees in economics and systems engineering, Nathaniel works as a data analyst and entrepreneur.
15 snips
Dec 23, 2023 • 32min

196. Peaceable Things: Three Names of Christ — Terryl Givens at Restore

Terryl Givens, a scholar and advisor, explores the peaceable things of Christ including three names of Christ: Creator, Emmanuel, and Paraclete. He discusses the uncertainty of life and finding security and peace through scripture and personal experiences. Givens also delves into the theology of ascent, the purpose of creation, and the concept of God inhabiting our world. The podcast explores witnessing goodness, redefining justice, and finding comfort and joy in the gospel.
15 snips
Aug 20, 2023 • 43min

180. Renewing Our Religious Language — Terryl Givens at Restore

Terryl Givens, a speaker with a fascinating background, shares personal stories about near-drowning experiences, investigating infant mortality rates, the power of human connection, understanding God's love, and the provisional nature of structures within the Church.