
Symphony Sanders

A part of the Welcome to Night Vale live performance cast.

Top 3 podcasts with Symphony Sanders

Ranked by the Snipd community
21 snips
Jun 15, 2014 • 40min

49 - Old Oak Doors Part A

Night Vale begins its revolt against StrexCorp, and old oak doors are opening all over town. Good things are coming through. Terrible things are coming through. Also there's a mayoral election. First of a two-part episode. This episode was recorded live at The Town Hall in NYC on June 4, 2014. Guest Voices (part A): Meg Bashwiner, Lauren Sharpe, Kevin R. Free, Jackson Publick, Mara Wilson, Symphony Sanders, Jasika Nicole, Dylan Marron, Mark Gagliardi, and Maureen Johnson Live Music: Disparition, disparition.info, featuring Jon Bernstein, Deepthi Welaratna, Valerie Evering, and Mari Yamamoto Logo: Rob Wilson, robwilsonwork.com. Produced by Night Vale Presents. Written by Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor. Narrated by Cecil Baldwin. More Info: welcometonightvale.com, and follow @NightValeRadio on Twitter or Facebook.
12 snips
Dec 15, 2016 • 28min

100 - Toast

Welcome to Night Vale's 100th Episode. A toast! The voices featured this episode are: Cecil Baldwin, James Urbaniak, Mara Wilson, Annie Savage, Mark Gagliardi, Emma Frankland, Meg Bashwiner, Jackson Publick, Kate Jones, Maureen Johnson, Erica Livingston, Christopher Loar, Kevin R. Free, Lauren Sharpe, Felicia Day, Marc Evan Jackson, Molly Quinn, Fred (the OS computer voice), Wil Wheaton, Symphony Sanders, Aliee Chan, Jasika Nicole, Desiree Burch, Retta, Hal Lublin, Dylan Marron, Jeffrey Cranor, and Flor De Liz Perez. Weather: "Second Song" by Joseph Fink. josephfink.bandcamp.com Music: Disparition, disparition.info. Logo: Rob Wilson, robwilsonwork.com. Produced by Night Vale Presents. Written by Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor. Narrated by Cecil Baldwin. More Info: welcometonightvale.com, and follow @NightValeRadio on Twitter or Facebook.
10 snips
Jul 1, 2014 • 43min

49 - Old Oak Doors Part B

A revolt against StrexCorp unfolds in Night Vale as old oak doors mysteriously open. The mayoral election brings unexpected twists. Live music by Dessa and a diverse cast including Hal Lublin, Jasika Nicole, and Mara Wilson add depth to the narrative. Themes of love, angels, and conspiracy make for an intriguing episode.