
Steven Galbraith

Former Chief Investment Strategist at Morgan Stanley, with a diverse background in the asset management industry.

Best podcasts with Steven Galbraith

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13 snips
Apr 13, 2017 • 1h 12min

Steven Galbraith – Five Tool Player (Capital Allocators, EP.01)

Steven Galbraith, an investment manager and writer, discusses his career in investment management, market inefficiencies, and his experiences with running a local brewery and investing in education. He also shares insights on the importance of process vs outcome in finance and offers advice for managing money as a married couple.
Apr 13, 2017 • 1h 14min

SPECIAL EPISODE: Introducing Capital Allocators Podcast with Host Ted Seides

SPECIAL EPISODE: Introducing Capital Allocators Podcast with Host Ted Seides This is a special episode to premiere a new podcast from my friend, Ted Seides. In this show, Capital Allocators, Ted will feature a broad range of people that control the flow of money through the capital markets.  Ted is in a unique position to this; he knows this world as well as anyone having spent with both allocators and the money managers who invest on their behalf.  Below is the information about this first episode including a link to the homepage of this show, where you can subscribe.   Enjoy the first full episode of Capital Allocators. ———————————————————————— Steven Galbraith is best known as the former Chief Investment Strategist at Morgan Stanley. He also sat in every seat in the asset management industry – credit and equity analyst, portfolio manager, business executive, entrepreneur, and Board member at an endowment and a large family office. We discuss Steve's journey, incorporating his deep insights in the investing world alongside colorful anecdotes of market inefficiencies in European football, college sports gambling, local breweries, and Charter Schools. For more episodes, go to capitalallocatorspodcast.com/podcast Follow Ted on Twitter at @tseides