
Scott Williamson

Former Chief Product Officer at GitLab and VP of Product at SendGrid, expert in product management and team building.

Best podcasts with Scott Williamson

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80 snips
Feb 21, 2024 • 56min

20Product: The Five Step Process to Hiring the Best Product People, The Four Core Skills the Best PMs Need to Have, The Two Product Documents that Drive World Class Product Teams & Why the Best PMs are Writers with Scott Williamson, Former CPO @ Gitlab

Scott Williamson, former Chief Product Officer at GitLab, shares golden insights from his extensive career in product management. He emphasizes that a background in sales can be a solid foundation for product leaders and discusses the four core skills every PM should master: validation, building, business acumen, and communication. Scott reveals his rigorous hiring process and stresses that the best product teams are often made up of excellent writers. He also touches on balancing innovation with execution, making clear communication key to successful team dynamics.
Aug 2, 2023 • 41min

Scott Williamson On Nickel Opportunities And Why ESG Credentials Matter

Scott Williamson, MD of Blackstone Minerals, talks about nickel opportunities and their attractive ESG credentials. Cobalt was the critical metal in lithium-ion batteries, but early exploration was limited. Nickel deposits are scarce, appearing mainly in Russia, Australia, Canada, China, and Africa. Conventional miners sell nickel concentrate to smelters, but the battery industry requires refineries. Sulphite nickel is easily consumed into chemicals and benefits from its own energy source and acid.