
Sarah Drasner

Author of Engineering Management for the Rest of Us and experienced engineering leader at Zillow, Microsoft, Netlify, and Google.

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May 17, 2023 • 1h 21min

Engineering management (for the rest of us) (Interview)

This week Sarah Drasner joins us to talk about her book Engineering Management for the Rest of Us and her experience leading engineering at Zillow, Microsoft, Netlify, and now Google. Join the discussionChangelog++ members save 10 minutes on this episode because they made the ads disappear. Join today!Sponsors:DevCycle – Build better software with DevCycle. Feature flags, without the tech debt. DevCycle is a Feature Flag Management platform designed to help you build maintainable code at scale. Sentry – See the untested code causing errors - or whether it’s partially or fully covered - directly in your stack trace, so you can avoid similar errors from happening in the future. Use the code CHANGELOG and get the team plan free for three months. Rocky Linux – Enterprise Linux, the open source community way. Fastly – Our bandwidth partner. Fastly powers fast, secure, and scalable digital experiences. Move beyond your content delivery network to their powerful edge cloud platform. Learn more at fastly.com Featuring:Sarah Drasner – Website, GitHub, XAdam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XJerod Santo – GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XShow Notes: sarahdrasnerdesign.com Sarah Drasner on CSS Tricks Book: Engineering Management for the Rest of Us The Peter principle Accelerate: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations Dr. Nicole Forsgren The Engineer/Manager Pendulum Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!