
Saida Desilets

Phenomenal teacher of Sacred Sexuality, leading authority in the Tao Tantric Arts for women, author of the book 'Desire' which explores resolving desires while following a spiritual path.

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Apr 8, 2019 • 2h 19min

Can we be Spiritual when we have Desire? ~ Dr. Saida Desilets

So many religions have told us that we have to overcome desire in order to become spiritual. Desire is basically a hindrance to spiritual awakening, they say... Yet, we are all born with desire. We desire breath, then breast milk and warm loving arms. Desire helps us choose life. How can something so fundamental to humanity be against our awakening? I ask these questions to my friend, Dr. Saida Desilets. Dr. Saida Desilets is a phenomenal teacher of Sacred Sexuality. She was brought into the field through her own personal tragedy, and yet defied all of the odds to heal and recover herself, and not only survive, but THRIVE. After many years studying Tantra and Taoist Sexual Arts, Saida went on to complete a PhD in female sexuality in Transpersonal Psychology, making her one of the world's leading authorities in the Tao Tantric Arts for women. Her latest book, Desire, explores the juicy topic of desire...including how we can resolve our desires whilst following a spiritual path. She brilliantly breaks down desire into different categories to help us understand it better. She also looks at sexual desire evolving, so that we can understand shifts in our desire over our lifetime. Watch Saida interview me (!), and find out more about the rest of her work: http://SaidaDesilets.com/shashi  also check out: www.dareyourdesire.com www.desirethebook.club (Linked to the book, "Desire"... on this website you will find a playbook, 4.5 hours of videos and an audio meditation)