
Redeemed Zoomer

A regular person in the PCUSA, aiming to bring younger generations back to the church. He argues for the compatibility of theistic evolution with scripture.

Top 3 podcasts with Redeemed Zoomer

Ranked by the Snipd community
6 snips
Nov 8, 2023 • 1h 5min

Gen Z’s Fight Against Theological Liberalism with YouTuber Redeemed Zoomer

"Redeemed Zoomer," a Gen Z YouTuber and leader of a group seeking to reclaim mainline denominations from liberal theology, discusses their grassroots movement and goals. They wrote "95 Theses" to expose flaws of theological liberalism and sent them to churches. They talk about the Holy Spirit's work in Gen Z, resistance they've faced, and the importance of online content for reaching their generation. The episode also explores Minecraft as a tool for building the church and the potential for revival within Gen Z.
4 snips
Mar 4, 2024 • 1h 42min

#862 - Calvinism and Catholicism (w/ Redeemed Zoomer)

A Protestant Youtuber and a Catholic host discuss Calvinism, Catholicism, and the search for the one true church. They explore theological differences on salvation, predestination, apostasy, and regeneration. The conversation delves into moral issues, marriage rules, devotion to Mary and the saints, dating of early Christian images, and the importance of balance in honoring religious figures.
Mar 3, 2025 • 2h 1min

65. Theistic Evolution DEBATE: Redeemed Zoomer VS Toby Sumpter

In this compelling discussion, Redeemed Zoomer, a passionate advocate for reconnecting youth with the church, argues for the compatibility of theistic evolution with scripture. In contrast, Pastor Toby Sumpter, a vocal critic, defends a young Earth perspective. They dive into the implications of integrating evolutionary theory with biblical teachings, examine the tension between faith and science, and tackle questions surrounding morality, creation, and the human experience. Their debate sparks vital conversations about theological interpretations and challenges facing the church today.