
Philip Spinella

Professor in the Departments of Surgery and Critical Care Medicine, and Director of the Trauma and Transfusion Medicine Research Center at the University of Pittsburgh. Co-founder of the THOR network for trauma and hemostasis research and has been involved with multiple nationally-funded research programs.

Best podcasts with Philip Spinella

Ranked by the Snipd community
Feb 24, 2025 • 43min

From the Battlefield to the Bedside: The Past, Present, and Future of Blood Product Resuscitation with Dr. Phil Spinella -- Part 2

Dr. Philip C. Spinella, a leading professor and trauma expert at the University of Pittsburgh, discusses groundbreaking advancements in blood product resuscitation. He highlights the shift to whole blood use over crystalloids for better survival rates in hemorrhagic shock. The episode delves into the complexities of citrate management in transfusions and the evolution of platelet storage practices. Spinella also explores the importance of localized approaches in pediatric care, concluding with an unexpected culinary diversion featuring a delicious meatball recipe.
Feb 17, 2025 • 40min

From the Battlefield to the Bedside: The Past, Present, and Future of Blood Product Resuscitation with Dr. Phil Spinella -- Part 1

Dr. Philip Spinella, a professor and director at the University of Pittsburgh's Trauma and Transfusion Medicine Research Center, shares insights from his unique journey from pediatrician to battalion surgeon. He discusses transformative blood transfusion practices, including the importance of whole blood in pediatric care and the establishment of 'walking blood banks.' Spinella highlights the necessity of bending rules in high-pressure medical environments to foster innovation and save lives, while also exploring advancements in managing severe hemorrhage.