
Owen Strachan

An evangelical commentator known for his controversial statements on race issues.

Top 3 podcasts with Owen Strachan

Ranked by the Snipd community
5 snips
Feb 9, 2024 • 1h 20min

Owen Strachan: Postmillennialism, Christian Nationalism, Theonomy, Psalm 2, The Nation of Israel

Dr. Owen Strachan, a Christian theologian and author, discusses various topics in this engaging interview, including Postmillennialism, Christian Nationalism, Theonomy, The Great Commission, Psalm 2, and the Nations. The speakers explore the relationship between Christianity, politics, and the Great Commission, emphasizing disciple-making through evangelistic preaching. They also delve into the concept of building Christian nations, argue against Christian nationalism, and highlight the importance of understanding the significance of the New Testament and the Great Commission.
Jan 26, 2024 • 56min

Senator Dusty Deever's Political Agenda

Pastor turned politician Dusty Deever explains his reasons for entering politics, discussing the Christian Nationalist Agenda. Topics include tax policy, banning pornography, border security, and his commitment to grassroots activism.
Oct 2, 2023 • 1h 38min

Garland's Tears on 60 Minutes, Trump Back in Court, and the War on Men, with Dave Rubin and Owen Strachan | Ep. 639

Megyn Kelly is joined by Dave Rubin to discuss Trump's court case, Garland's 60 Minutes interview, media bias, DeSantis on Bill Maher, Trump's lead in the polls. Then Owen Strachan joins to discuss the war on men, men leaving the workforce, the impact of Me Too movement, boys' exposure to porn, teaching boys to be men.