
Oscar Pierre

Founder and CEO of Glovo, a food delivery company acquired by Delivery Hero for $2.2 billion. His entrepreneurial journey involved overcoming significant funding challenges and navigating international expansion.

Best podcasts with Oscar Pierre

Ranked by the Snipd community
134 snips
Feb 26, 2025 • 1h 7min

20VC: The Insane Story of Glovo: Selling 30% of the Company for €100K | The McDonalds Deal That Saved Them | Running out of Money Three Times | Burning $1M Per Day | Being Acquired for $2.2BN with Oscar Pierre, Founder @ Glovo

Oscar Pierre, Founder and CEO of Glovo, shares his incredible journey from launching a food delivery startup with minimal funding to its eventual €2.2 billion acquisition by Delivery Hero. He discusses selling a third of the company for just €100K and reveals how a critical partnership with McDonald's saved the operation. Pierre also dives into the challenges of running out of money three times, burning $1 million daily, and the tough lessons learned during international expansion, particularly in Brazil. His story is a testament to resilience in the startup world.
7 snips
Jan 26, 2025 • 1h 35min

El Fundador de Glovo Rompe su Silencio

Oscar Pierre, fundador de Glovo y pionero en el reparto a domicilio, rompe su silencio sobre su reciente enfrentamiento judicial por presuntas irregularidades laborales. Habla sobre la evolución de la empresa y su nueva estrategia de contratación. También discute la percepción pública y la controversia en torno a la flexibilidad de los riders. Además, Pierre reflexiona sobre los desafíos económicos y legales que enfrenta Glovo, y cómo la atención mediática impacta decisiones empresariales cruciales en la era actual.