
Nassim Harramein

Researcher with over 35 years of experience in physics, mathematics, and cosmology. His theories aim to unify our understanding of the universe.

Top 3 podcasts with Nassim Harramein

Ranked by the Snipd community
29 snips
Sep 25, 2024 • 2h 44min

The Astounding Mysteries Of The Self & Universe | Physicist Nassim Haramein#470

Nassim Haramein, a seasoned physicist with over 35 years of research, dives deep into the universe's enigmas. He discusses the interplay between quantum mechanics and ancient philosophies, proposing a holistic view of existence. Topics include energy dynamics, the relationship between mass and consciousness, and the profound interconnectedness of all life. Haramein also addresses cutting-edge ideas around anti-mass, alternate realities, and how understanding these concepts could revolutionize technology. His insights challenge traditional physics and offer a path towards personal and collective transformation.
18 snips
May 3, 2023 • 1h 24min

How To MANIFEST What You Want In Life w/ Nassim Haramein EP 1432

Nassim Haramein, a researcher focused on unified physics, discusses how the universe's structure influences our ability to manifest desires. He tackles the common misconceptions about manifestation and emphasizes the need to align personal aspirations with the greater flow of existence. The conversation explores the interconnectedness of consciousness and reality, the importance of facing fears, and how personal growth can unlock potential. Haramein also highlights community learning initiatives, stressing the significance of collaboration in the journey of manifestation.
10 snips
Sep 18, 2024 • 1h 33min

#17 - Echange Nassim & Pierre "Origine de la Masse et Nature de la Gravité"

Dans cet échange fascinant, Nassim Harramein, expert en physique unifiée, et Pierre Etchart, passionné de physique quantique, explorent l'origine de la masse et la nature de la gravité. Ils remettent en question les dogmes scientifiques et discutent de concepts avancés, comme la relation entre énergie et masse, tout en évoquant l'importance d'une compréhension holistique. Les intervenants soulignent également les interconnexions quantiques des protons et leur impact sur notre perception de l'univers, offrant une perspective novatrice sur la physique contemporaine.