
Mihir Desai

Harvard Business School professor, co-host of After Hours podcast, known for expertise in business and economics.

Top 5 podcasts with Mihir Desai

Ranked by the Snipd community
9 snips
Jan 31, 2025 • 1h 17min

Bloomberg Businessweek Weekend - January 31st, 2025

This week features the brilliant Mihir Desai, a Harvard finance professor, who delves into the influence of AI on the economy. Jason Liberty, CEO of Royal Caribbean, discusses the cruise industry's focus on multi-generational travel and tech advancements in booking. Carolee Lee, founder of WHAM, advocates for increased funding in women's health research, while Kristen Olszewski of Nomadica Wines innovates wine delivery with cans and boxes. Eric Skye from Carbone Fine Foods shares insights on premium pasta sauces and the evolving food market.
6 snips
Mar 11, 2024 • 26min

Season 1 Finale: Top 8 Q&As with Harvard Business School Faculty

The season finale features top Q&As from Harvard Business School faculty on finance, conflict management, branding, ethics, sustainability, and leadership. Insights include judgment in finance, storytelling for brand value, ethical considerations, and bridging skills for future leaders.
4 snips
Oct 20, 2022 • 44min

4 Business Ideas That Changed the World: Shareholder Value

The idea that maximizing shareholder value takes legal and practical precedence above all else first came to prominence in the 1970s. The person who arguably did the most to advance the idea was the business school professor Michael Jensen, who wrote in Harvard Business Review and elsewhere that CEOs pursue their own interests at the expense of shareholders’ interests. Among other things, he argued for stock-based incentives that would neatly align CEO and shareholder interests. Shareholder primacy rapidly became business orthodoxy. It dramatically changed how and how much executives are compensated. And it arguably distorted capitalism for a generation or more. Critics have long charged that maximizing shareholder value ultimately just encourages CEOs and shareholders to feather their own nests at the expense of everything else: jobs, wages and benefits, communities, and the environment. The past few years have seen a backlash against shareholder capitalism and the rise of so-called stakeholder capitalism. After reigning supreme for half a century, is shareholder value maximization on its way out? 4 Business Ideas That Changed the World is a special series from HBR IdeaCast. Each week, an HBR editor talks to world-class scholars and experts on the most influential ideas of HBR’s first 100 years, such as disruptive innovation, scientific management, and emotional intelligence. Discussing shareholder value with HBR editor in chief Adi Ignatius are: Lynn Paine, professor at Harvard Business School Mihir Desai, professor at Harvard Business School Carola Frydman, professor at Kellogg School of Management Further reading: HBR: CEO Incentives—It’s Not How Much You Pay, But How, by Michael C. Jensen and Kevin J. Murphy New York Times: A Friedman doctrine‐- The Social Responsibility Of Business Is to Increase Its Profits, by Milton Friedman HBR: The Error at the Heart of Corporate Leadership, by Joseph L. Bower and Lynn S. Paine U.S. Business Roundtable: Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation, 2019
Jan 30, 2025 • 45min

UPS Plans to Slash Amazon Business By Half

Lee Klaskow, a Senior Analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, reveals UPS's bold plan to cut its Amazon business by 50%, raising questions about the future of logistics. Jacqueline Hawthorne-Robinson, CEO of Golden Krust, shares insights on the challenges facing casual dining amid inflation and a tech-driven landscape. Meanwhile, Harvard's Mihir Desai discusses the intricate web of big tech investments, suggesting that industry giants may be fueling their own competition. It's a lively exploration of the shifting sands in business dynamics!
Jun 5, 2019 • 36min

Mailbag Episode: Questions from Listeners

Harvard Business School professors discuss U.S.-China trade, Disney, CVS Health, short-termism, and persuasive opinions. They recommend NBER, 'Bel Canto', 'Chernobyl', 'Fleabag', and the 'Best Green Salad in the World'.