
Matt Botvinick

Director of Neuroscience Research at DeepMind, navigating effortlessly between cognitive psychology, computational neuroscience, and artificial intelligence

Best podcasts with Matt Botvinick

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39 snips
Aug 20, 2019 • 34min

AI and Neuroscience: The virtuous circle

What can the human brain teach us about AI? And what can AI teach us about our own intelligence? These questions underpin a lot of AI research. In this first episode, Hannah meets the DeepMind Neuroscience team to explore these connections and discovers how our brains are like birds’ wings, what training a dog and an AI agent have in common, and why the simplest things for people to do are, paradoxically, often the hardest for machines.If you have a question or feedback on the series, message us on Twitter (@DeepMind using the hashtag #DMpodcast) or email us at podcast@deepmind.com.Further readingBBC: An AI playlistWait But Why: The AI RevolutionCoursera: AI for everyoneMedium: Machine Learning for HumansGoogle Arts & Culture: 25 moments that have defined AIRoyal Society: What is Machine Learning?The Algorithm: A weeklyemail newsletter from MIT Tech ReviewDeepMind blog: neuroscience and AI: a virtuous circleNature: Far-sighted birds plan breakfast the evening beforeInterviewees in this episode: Deepmind CEO and co-founder, Demis Hassabis; Matt Botvinick, Director of Neuroscience Research; research scientists Jess Hamrick and Greg Wayne; and Director of Research, Koray Kavukcuoglu.Credits:Presenter: Hannah FryEditor: David PrestSenior Producer: Louisa FieldProducers: Amy Racs, Dan HardoonBinaural Sound: Lucinda Mason-BrownMusic composition: Eleni Shaw (with help from Sander Dieleman and WaveNet)Commissioned by DeepMind Please like and subscribe on your preferred podcast platform. Want to share feedback? Or have a suggestion for a guest that we should have on next? Leave us a comment on YouTube and stay tuned for future episodes.  
22 snips
Jul 3, 2020 • 2h 1min

#106 – Matt Botvinick: Neuroscience, Psychology, and AI at DeepMind

Matt Botvinick is the Director of Neuroscience Research at DeepMind. He is a brilliant cross-disciplinary mind navigating effortlessly between cognitive psychology, computational neuroscience, and artificial intelligence. Support this podcast by supporting these sponsors: – The Jordan Harbinger Show: https://www.jordanharbinger.com/lex – Magic Spoon: https://magicspoon.com/lex and use code LEX at checkout If you would like to get more information about this podcast go to https://lexfridman.com/ai or connect with @lexfridman on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Medium, or YouTube where you can watch the video versions of these conversations. If you enjoy the podcast, please rate it 5 stars on Apple Podcasts, follow on Spotify, or support it on Patreon. Here’s the outline of the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. OUTLINE: 00:00 – Introduction 03:29 – How much of the brain do we understand? 14:26 – Psychology 22:53 – The paradox of the human brain 32:23 – Cognition is a function of the environment 39:34 – Prefrontal cortex 53:27 – Information processing in the brain 1:00:11 – Meta-reinforcement learning 1:15:18 – Dopamine 1:19:01 – Neuroscience and AI research 1:23:37 – Human side of AI 1:39:56 – Dopamine and reinforcement learning 1:53:07 – Can we create an AI that a human can love?