
Koen van Seijen

Host of the podcast "Investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Food", focusing on how to invest in regenerative food and agriculture while generating a fair return.

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22 snips
Sep 29, 2023 • 1h 22min

250 Growing Regenerative Opportunities - Koen van Seijen interviewed by John Kempf

A very special episode: Koen van Seijen, author and host of the Investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Food podcast, is interviewed by John Kempf, the founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture (AEA) and top expert in biological and regenerative farming. In this conversation, John and Koen discuss:Current investment activity in agricultureThe role of capital in regenerative adoptionRegenerative practices and topics attractive to investorsRegenerating the water cycle at a local ecosystem levelThe benefits of nutrient absorption through foliageThe need for education in the finance worldAreas of opportunities for growers todayIncreasing consumer interest through nutrient densityAdditional Resources“Back from the Brink: How Australia’s Landscape Can Be Saved” by Peter Andrews“The Hidden Life of Trees” by Peter Wohlleben “The Weather Makers: How Man Is Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth” by Tim FlanneryWalter Jehne YouTube Playlist About John KempfJohn Kempf is the founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture (AEA). A top expert in biological and regenerative farming, John founded AEA in 2006 to help fellow farmers by providing the education, tools, and strategies that will have a global effect on the food supply and those who grow it. Through intense study and the knowledge gleaned from many industry leaders, John is building a comprehensive systems-based approach to plant nutrition – a system solidly based on the sciences of plant physiology, mineral nutrition, and soil microbiology.About Koen van SeijenHe has interviewed over 250 investors, investment fund managers, opinion leaders, farmers, and scientists to find out how money can best be used to regenerate soil, people, local communities, and ecosystems. He is currently a member engagement manager of Toniic, the global community of dynamic and active impact investors. Previously Koen supported Aqua-Spark, an impact investing fund focused on sustainable aquaculture companies.----Thoughts? Ideas? Questions? Send us a message!Find out more about our Generation-Re investment syndicate:https://gen-re.land/ https://regenerativo.org/en/laris/Support the showFeedback, ideas, suggestions? - Twitter @KoenvanSeijen - Get in touch www.investinginregenerativeagriculture.comJoin our newsletter on www.eepurl.com/cxU33P! Support the showThanks for listening and sharing!
20 snips
Sep 28, 2023 • 1h 20min

Episode 92: Growing Regenerative Opportunities with Koen van Seijen

Koen van Seijen, host of Investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Food podcast, discusses current investment activity, regenerative practices, and opportunities for growers. They explore regenerating the water cycle, nutrient absorption, and increasing consumer interest in nutrient density. The need for education in finance and learning from pioneers in regenerative agriculture are also highlighted.