
Kevin Fong

Renowned space storyteller and host of "16 Sunsets." Witnessed the Space Shuttle era firsthand.

Top 5 podcasts with Kevin Fong

Ranked by the Snipd community
May 26, 2019 • 43min

Ep.03 Long Island Eagle

Exploring the unique design and history of the Apollo Lunar Module, the challenges faced during the design process, the engineering decisions that defined its appearance, and the dedication of the Long Island engineers who built it under pressure. Delving into the weight reduction challenges, training of astronauts for piloting the module, and the protective insulation installed to safeguard the spacecraft and crew.
Feb 29, 2024 • 25min

Bonus: The Global Story

Exploring the global race to the Moon involving countries like the U.S., China, India, and others. Moon's significance as a potential resource for sustaining life and future missions. Collaboration between countries and private companies in space exploration. Navigating tensions and cooperation in space exploration efforts.
Feb 29, 2024 • 25min

Why everyone wants to get back to the Moon

Exploring the global space race with countries like India, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia aiming for lunar landings. Discussing commercial space travel, emotional connections to the moon, water resources, and the moon’s role in future space exploration. Highlighting the involvement of commercial partners in advancing space travel and the evolving collaboration between private companies and governments. Addressing concerns about space militarization and the development of space weapons by certain countries.
Jan 1, 2021 • 51min

Breakthrough: The race for the Covid vaccine

Dr Kevin Fong interviews scientists behind the Covid vaccine, discussing challenges, tensions, and faith in science. They explore rapid vaccine development, testing different dosages, mRNA technology, and Pfizer's breakthrough efficacy. The podcast reflects on the remarkable collaboration and dedication of researchers amidst the global pandemic.
Jul 7, 2019 • 39min

Ep.09 Tranquility Base

Experience the nail-biting final moments of Apollo 11's mission as Neil Armstrong faces communication issues and dwindling fuel. Armstrong takes manual control to ensure a safe landing, showcasing the crucial partnership between human decision-making and computer assistance. Reflect on Armstrong's iconic moonwalk and stay tuned for future episodes delving deeper into this historic moment.