
Julian Walker

Journalist and co-host of the Conspirituality podcast, investigating the intersections of conspiracy theories and spiritual influence.

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13 snips
Aug 1, 2023 • 1h 33min

871: Julian Walker | How Conspiracy Theories Make Society Sick

Conspirituality co-author Julian Walker joins us to discuss how influencers have curdled New Age spirituality and wellness with the politics of paranoia. What We Discuss with Julian Walker: Why have so many wellness influencers gone off the conspiracy deep end since COVID began? What do these conspiracies have in common, and who benefits from their proliferation? How do otherwise reasonable people get sucked down conspiracy rabbit holes? How "The female-dominated New Age (with its positive focus on self) and the male-dominated realm of conspiracy theory (with its negative focus on global politics)" has synthesized into a hybrid system of belief dubbed "Conspirituality" by sociologists Charlotte Ward and David Voas. Why a privately owned platform's refusal to host and perpetuate the views of disinformation peddlers isn't censorship or a violation of free speech. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/871 This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course! Like this show? Please leave us a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Mar 26, 2022 • 1h 58min

Interview with Julian Walker on Conspirituality, Conspiracies and (Global) Culture Wars

Another interview episode - we've had a flurry recently but don't worry, we'll be returning to a good ol' fashioned decoding episode very soon. This week we just couldn't resist the opportunity to have a chinwag with our podcasting compadre Julian Walker, an eloquent writer on evidence-based & conspiracy matters and co-host of the Conspirituality podcast. Julian's a yoga instructor and (maybe even) a spiritual kinda guy, but has long opposed the conspiratorial, anti-science, and exploitative guru side of the yoga & 'health & wellness' communities. In short, he's a science-minded guy moving in spiritual and yoga circles, who is now directly involved in countering the endless proliferation of pseudoscientific & conspiratorial nonsense. So, Matt and Chris take this opportunity to pick Julian's brain about what's been going on over on the crunchy side of the aisle, how it relates (and even overlaps) with the secular gurus, and the cultural moment we're in more generally. Due to the backlog caused by lazy elves in the DTG editing bay, some of the references to the trucker convoy and whatnot are a bit outdated, nor will you hear any mention of Ukraine. But don't mind that! Julian's got a lot of insight to offer and we hope you enjoy listening to him as much as we did!LinksConspirituality 90: The Convoy is an Occupation (w/ Elizabeth Simons). More detailed analysis of the Trucker ConvoyConspirituality 95: Aleksandr Dugin: Kali Yuga Chess. A recent episode by Julian doing a deep dive on Putin's alleged guru.