
Judge Glock

Senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, expert on water regulation and municipal systems.

Top 3 podcasts with Judge Glock

Ranked by the Snipd community
6 snips
Dec 26, 2022 • 1h 1min

Judge Glock on Zoning and Local Government

Economic historian Judge Glock talks to EconTalk host Russ Roberts about zoning and the housing market. Glock argues the impact on zoning on housing affordability is small and that we should learn to love property taxes as long as they're administered properly. The conversation includes a discussion of the environmental impact of urban sprawl--Glock argues sprawl has certain environmental benefits.
Feb 25, 2024 • 37min

415: Tax and Return: Judge Glock

Discussing the dangers of big government and taxation, proposing solutions to make it more efficient. Exploring the inefficiencies and complexities of the American welfare state, suggesting ways to streamline welfare systems. Analyzing the historical origins of government involvement in mortgage policies and the risks of rising interest rates. Delving into self-storage investments and health adjustments for economic success.
Feb 6, 2025 • 17min

EPA and the Coming Water Fluoridation Fight

Judge Glock, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and expert on water regulation, dives into the complexities of EPA oversight on local water systems. He argues for ending federal control as the costs of compliance burden municipalities. Glock highlights the impending debate over water fluoridation, discussing its economic implications and the tension between clean water mandates and local accountability. He critiques the one-size-fits-all federal approach, noting it often ignores the unique circumstances of local communities.