
John Mavrick

Co-host of the Digital Self-Actualization podcast, a former video game addict turned content creator and lifelong learner. He explores the concepts of meaning, purpose, and self-actualization in the digital age.

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Mar 15, 2023 • 1h 17min

E15 John Mavrick How To Build A Student Knowledgebase That Scales Across Semesters With Obsidian

John Mavrick is a content creator on YouTube and his newsletter. He’s a front-end developer for SAP and is interested in Stoicism, Psychology, Personal Knowledge Management, and Self Actualization. On his YT channel, he creates content showcasing his use cases for Obsidian as well as analyses of anime.In this podcast, you will learn:Why John dropped out of college to pursue content creation Why most students are bored with school learningHow John created a systemized process for notetaking and studying in ObsidianHow to begin self-learning in schoolWhere to reach John:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/johnmavrickwastakenTwitter: https://twitter.com/johnmavrick_yt?lang=enLinks mentioned in show:🎓Obsidian University: Your Secret Weapon at School: https://shop.johnmavrick.com/obsidian-universityCrash Course Navigating Digital Information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLlv2o6UfTU&vl=enFREE ONLINE COURSES:🚀3 Days to Lecture Notetaking Mastery in Obsidian: https://course.aidanhelfant.com/3daystolecturenotetakingmastery 🗺️3 Days To Supercharging Your School Learning With MOCs In Obsidian: https://course.aidanhelfant.com/3daystosuperchargingyourschoollearningwithmocsinobsidian✍️From Idea To Paper In Minutes: How To Write Anything In Record Time With Obsidian Notes: https://course.aidanhelfant.com/fromideatopaperinminuteshowtowriteanythinginrecordtimewithobsidiannotesMY ONLINE COURSES: 🎓Obsidian University: Your Secret Weapon at School: https://shop.johnmavrick.com/obsidian-universityMY FAVORITE THINGS: 📚How I choose the next book to read (Shortform): Shortform.com/aidanhelfant 🗞️How I take notes highlights on everything: (Reader): https://readwise.io/read 💡How I remember what I read (Readwise): https://readwise.io/aidanhelfant/ 🎧How I listen to books (Audible Plus): https://amzn.to/3CQ0Wi9 🚀How I organize my content creation in Notion: https://gumroad.com/a/70722675/XfxcEwJOIN THE JOURNEY: 🌎Check out my Blogging Website: https://www.aidanhelfant.com/ ✉️Subscribe to my Email Newsletter: https://www.aidanhelfant.com/newsletter/ 🌻Check out my published Obsidian vault: https://publish.obsidian.md/aidanhelfant 🎙️Check out my Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3ZeS9QuqYGGS91YNl7cNf0 🐦Check out my Twitter: https://twitter.com/AidanHelfantPS: Some of the links shown above are Affiliate Links and I do receive a commission for purchases 🤪My Amazing Editors for Videos: Dan Kinneth Torres: https://www.upwork.com/nx/wm/workroom/29029638/overview