
John Mark Comer

Host of the Rule of Life podcast, guiding listeners in arranging their lives around Jesus. He collaborates with Practicing the Way.

Top 10 podcasts with John Mark Comer

Ranked by the Snipd community
381 snips
Jan 23, 2024 • 1h 41min

CNLP 626 | John Mark Comer On The Crisis in Discipleship, Why Weekend Sermons and Services Aren't Resonating Like They Used To, Determining Your Real Motives, and Why He's No Longer Travelling and Speaking

John Mark Comer, a spiritual growth expert and former speaker, discusses the crisis in discipleship, the decline in resonance of weekend sermons and services, and how to determine real motives. They explore the underwhelming nature of Sundays, the changing culture of weddings, and the need for honesty and spiritual realism in discipleship. They also touch on the obsession with cleanliness and perfection, the concept of practicing the way, and John Mark's personal choice to stop traveling and speaking.
115 snips
Jan 15, 2024 • 1h 25min

S2 Ep1144: Practicing the Way of Jesus in Radical Community: John Mark Comer

John Mark Comer, former pastor at Bridgetown Church in Portland, shares his vision for Practicing the Way. Topics include simplifying lives and digital cleanses, challenges and transformation of practicing the way of Jesus, the importance of meal-based small groups, gathering around a table as a spiritual discipline, and the preference for organic spiritual community.
107 snips
Apr 24, 2023 • 1h 38min

Fasting 01: To Offer Ourselves to God

Fasting is arguably one of the most neglected spiritual practices in the Western world. Disciples of Jesus and non-Christians alike have so many questions: What is fasting? How can I practice in a healthy way? What about body shame and eating disorders? Is it mandated in the Scriptures? Where do I start?Join us for episode 1 of the Fasting series, where we hear a roundtable discussion with John Mark Comer, Yinka Dawson, and Jarin Oda all about the practice of fasting, from its historical roots to its transforming power and even its practicalities. The episode also includes an interview with Reward Sibanda about how fasting involves the full self, his own 21-day fast, and the spiritual breakthrough that can be found while fasting. This podcast accompanies the Fasting Practice, developed by Practicing the Way. Thanks to the generosity of The Circle, all Practices are free. To learn more about The Circle or to run a Practice with your church, community, or small group, visit www.practicingtheway.org.
92 snips
Sep 13, 2023 • 51min

Solitude 01: An Introduction to the Solitude Practice

John Mark Comer, a speaker on the practice of solitude and its importance for every disciple of Jesus, discusses the disappearing practice of solitude in today's noisy world. He explores the significance of solitude in the modern world, referencing the practices of Jesus and other spiritual figures throughout history. Comer emphasizes the need to set aside time to be with God and listen to Him, comparing it to the intimacy in a marriage. He also discusses the relationship between theology and experience in Christian spirituality, and the importance of solitude and stillness in spiritual disciplines.
75 snips
Dec 18, 2023 • 1h 28min

434 - Practicing the Way - with John Mark Comer

John Mark Comer, author and founder of 'Practicing the Way', discusses his new book and non-profit on the Voxology podcast. They explore the importance of community in spiritual formation and the role of suffering. Comer delves into the mission of 'Practicing the Way' and expresses admiration for Tim Mackie and Tim Stafford.
73 snips
Jun 28, 2024 • 44min

Hitting the Wall: A Conversation With John Mark Comer, Matt Chandler, and Beau Hughes

Listen to John Mark Comer, Matt Chandler, and Beau Hughes discuss hitting walls in discipleship, struggles with spiritual growth, Enlightenment influence on evangelicalism, transformation through relationship with Jesus, communal practices in modern churches, and emphasizing Sabbath in family and community practices.
61 snips
Feb 28, 2023 • 1h 31min

CNLP 555 | John Mark Comer on The Sabbatical as a Hospital, How Stepping Down from Church Leadership Impacts Identity, The Secret Life of Trees, and Why Attending a Church After You've Led One Can Be So Hard

John Mark Comer returns to the podcast to debrief his year-long Sabbatical after leaving Bridgetown Church as Lead Pastor, how stepping down from day to to day church leadership impacted his identity, why ministry is harder than it needs to be, the secret life of trees, and why attending a church after you've led one can be so hard. Show Notes On The Rise Newsletter
58 snips
Jan 17, 2024 • 1h 27min

600: Not Debating Trump & Being Like Jesus with John Mark Comer

John Mark Comer, author of 'Practicing the Way', discusses the Trump debate being over for average evangelicals. They also delve into the high cost of non-discipleship in churches and the impact of ministry on young pastors' souls. In addition, scientists discover most people can talk chicken.
46 snips
Jan 15, 2024 • 58min

Episode 249: Living With Jesus (feat. John Mark Comer)

John Mark Comer, author of the book 'Practicing the Way', discusses living with Jesus and living in his ways. Topics covered include confusion about discipleship, battling distractions, and the power of community for spiritual formation.
33 snips
Jan 16, 2024 • 1h 8min

40 | John Mark Comer on Discipleship & Spiritual Formation

John Mark Comer, founding pastor of Bridgetown Church, discusses the limitations of a Sunday-centric model of discipleship, the power of a rule of life, and the importance of contemplative prayer, confession, and intentional experiences of suffering in spiritual formation.