
John Bergsma

Full Professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, specializing in the Old Testament and Dead Sea Scrolls. He is the author of several books, including "Bible Basics for Catholics."

Top 3 podcasts with John Bergsma

Ranked by the Snipd community
159 snips
Aug 1, 2024 • 3h 41min

How Science Proves God! w/ John Bergsma

John Bergsma, a former Protestant pastor and current Professor of Theology at Franciscan University, dives deep into the compelling relationship between science and belief in God. He discusses how advancements in cosmology, particularly the Big Bang theory, support theism, and toys with the intriguing notion of cosmic fine-tuning as evidence of a creator. The conversation further explores philosophical challenges of life's origins, the implications of the Cambrian explosion on evolutionary theory, and how quantum mechanics may hint at the divine.
81 snips
Feb 13, 2025 • 2h 12min

The Right Way to Read Holy Scripture (Dr. John Bergsma)

Dr. John Bergsma, a Full Professor of Theology at Franciscan University and expert on the Old Testament, discusses the inviting nature of the Bible as a familial connection with God. He emphasizes the role of scripture in fostering a deeper communion through the Eucharist. The conversation also explores the evolution of liturgical readings and the value of structured Bible reading plans to navigate the narrative more meaningfully. Bergsma reflects on the complexities of biblical covenants, connecting them to personal spiritual growth and the transformative power of grace.
32 snips
Aug 16, 2023 • 2h 31min

Your Bible Questions Answered w/ Dr. John Bergsma

Dr. John Bergsma, Bible expert and scholar, discusses the significance of early manuscript evidence for dating the New Testament documents. They also address potential inaccuracies in the Bible, indirect evidence for the authenticity of the Exodus, and the differences between Protestant and Catholic Bibles. Additional topics include the historical validity of Old Testament figures, leisure activities like watching Hallmark movies, and observations on women in leadership positions.